Remove in app purchase item from new app version - ios

I have a second 1.0.1 version of app in app store with some in app purchase items.
In new version I do not want to use one item and I want to delete it from IAP items.
Did anybody had some case like that?
I think just to not use IAP API to purchase or restore buying that item in new version and leave the item in itunes connect for the old version.
What do you think?

go on itunes connect and delete it from the in-app purchases module in your app

don't delete or remove from sale your purchase item in itunes connect. if you do; current users can't open/use that feature.
if you want to remove in app purchase in your app, just design your app without using purchase item (make it free), then submit.
so, current users can purchase that item without any problem until your app's new version release.
I suggest don't rush to delete your in app purchase item in iTunesconnect after new version released. Because some users may not update their app soon.


App store connect, add first in app purchase

I'm sorry for asking this question once more.
I've found different replies but no one helped for me.
I'm trying to submit a brand new app to the app store but my app was rejected with the message:
We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review.
I created my in-app purchase and the status of this purchase os "ready to upload".
As I understood, I should create a new app version to submit this purchase but I don't have a "plus" icon which creates a new version.
I uploaded with XCode a new version (1.0.2).
Consequently, the app version changed in the app store connect, but the dialogue which allows me to add my in-app purchase hasn't shown.
How can I create a new version?
Help me, please.
I'm stuck.
I finally solved my issue.
The problem was with my in-app purchase.
I solved it by turning the content hosting off in the in-app purchase settings.

App Store Connect. Disable in-app purchases for new version of app

I have already released an application to the App Store. This current version contains an in-app purchase item to unlock premium features.
Now we made a new design for the app and want to release a new version of the app and this new build will not include any purchase options.
So now as you see I have two versions. First one provides in-app purchases and the second one doesn't.
How to disable in-app purchases for the second version of the app?
Just remove in-app-purchase related code from the new version so It will not affect existing in-app-purchase in the AppStore Connect. And do not delete your in-app-purchases from the AppStore Connect so it'll work for the older version.
In-app purchases are independent from app versions. You cannot enable/disable them in App Store Connect for specific versions. You will simply need to "hide" the purchase option directly in the app, if you want it to be available for older app versions.
If that is not the requirement, simply remove the in-app purchase from sale in App Store Connect.

In app Purchase removal for new update ios

I have current version of the app in App store with IAP. For new update of current app i want to remove IAP. I have removed IAP related code from the app.
My questions are:
Shall I remove IAP products from iTunes also for new update?
Will that effect current version of the app?
If I don't remove IAP products from iTunes, will reviewer reject app on basis of app dont have IAP related code but its still there in iTunes.
Any input will be appreciated.
if you remove code it doesn't matter but must to keep In-APP PRODUCTS as it is. for previous version.

don't want to give access to in app purchase for this version

I have currently an app in Waiting for review state. I want to implement in app purchases for the next version of the app, not his one. Can I create new products and test the new version of my app with in app purchases without creating an issue for the review team?
These new products should not reflect in this version of the app.
yes of course you can.. just dont add them to the App's Metadata's In-App-Purchase section...

How to remove App from App Store and Developer account?

currently, I have an app ready for sale in the app store. I want to remove it and re-submit a new but identical app using a different account.
I understand that I need to remove the app from the store and I found the steps here
How to remove an iOS app from the App Store
However, can I check if it is necessary to delete the app from the old developer's account before resubmitting it via the new account?
To remove an app from the App Store, deselect all territories in your app's Rights and Pricing section on the App Summary page accessible from the Manage Your Applications module. Your app status will change to Developer Removed from Sale and will be removed from the App Store until you make it available again using the Rights and Pricing section.
Hope This Helps.
You'll likely need to assign a new Bundle Identifier to your app ... you cannot have an identical bundle identifier on the app store under different accounts. I believe you'll find that this is the case even if you've removed the app from the initial account, since users may have already installed your app.
See Removing an App from Sale in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide which says:
To remove your app from sale on the store
Open the App Details page for the app, as described in Creating an iTunes Connect Record for an App.
Click Pricing.
Open the list of store territories.
If the app is only available in some territories, the list of territories is displayed.
If the app is available in all territories, open the list of territories by clicking the “specific territories” link.
Click Deselect All.
Click Save.
The status changes to Developer Removed From Sale. Within 24 hours, your app won’t be seen on the store.
To sell an app you previously removed from sale, you must put it back on sale in the territories you want it to be sold in.
Note: If you remove a version from sale and then add a new version, the new version will remain Removed from Sale as well, even after it is approved by App Review. To release the new version, you need to clear the app for sale again.
I think that if you want the app to have the same name then you will have to remove the other one first.
