Where to put reusable HTML code in rails? - ruby-on-rails

I'm writing a rails app that allows users to delete records of various sorts. After pressing a delete button, I'd like to show a confirm dialog using bootstrap. I'd like to use this same dialog in several of my views, so I'll need to include the same HTML snippet in most of my pages.
I'm new to rails and I'm still learning the conventions. Can anyone suggest the best (or standard) place to put the dialog code? Should it be a partial in views/layouts/_confirm_delete_dialog.html.erb, should it go inside application.html.erb, or should I put it somewhere else?
Thanks in advance for your advice,

Within your Views folder, you can create a general folder (called whatever you want). If you have a variable that you need to pass through to the general layout, you can definitely do so, but you will want to make sure that the information that you're passing through doesn't cause conflicts with the fields pulled from the model. For example, if you have two models and one has a public field but the other doesn't then you will not want to have a generic message that is using the public field. However, something like the created_at or updated_at would be okay.
You would use a code similar to,
<%= render 'general/simple_message', :f => f %>
In your views folder, you would have a directory called general and a file called _simple_message.html.erb.


Where should I put XML Builder code?

I am creating a method to generate an XML document via Ruby Builder.
Where should I put the method that created the XML markup? Should it be a method on the model?
I plan to have the XML document pull from multiple models via associations, so I think I need to have it in the controller or a helper, but I would like some in put on the best place.
If it's practical for you, I'd put it in your views folder. This lets you follow the traditional pattern of "load stuff in the controller; render stuff in the view," and has the extra perk of keeping what's probably a messy and very specific method in its own file and out of the way.
Now, I'm not sure if there's a Ruby Builder template format, but you could always just wrap your code in <%= ... %> and treat it like a regular ERB file - should work about the same.
Hope that helps!

I'm looking for a good Rails source for this

I'd like a good source on how to set up controller actions and forms for creating a resource inside the view of another resource that it belongs_to...
Set up your controllers as you would normally. You'll need to use the nested attributes feature of Rails. This enables you to create children objects at the same time as creating their parent using one form.
This is my go-to link for nested attributes. The only change you will need to make if you are running Ruby 1.9.2 is in the setup_person helper. returning has been deprecated so you can change it to:
def setup_person(person)
person.tap do |p|
p.children.build if p.children.empty?
In typical Rails style, this will just work using standard controllers for each of your resources.
Other links
I don't have a web source that documents what I usually do, but I created a gist that documents what I do most often here: https://gist.github.com/900241
The premise of the gist is that you have a project model with many project roles, and you want to edit many project roles in the project form. This is pretty much the classic accepts_nested_attributes_for scenario, and just about any page that talks about it will give you a decent writeup. The problem is, the solutions I've seen have always involved some seriously messy obtrusive JavaScript that escaped your entire form view and threw it in the onClick method of a link. I recently came up with a cleaner unobtrusive approach using jQuery templates.
You don't have to do a thing to your ProjectsController when you move to a nested model. Everything Just Works at the controller level, and you don't even need a ProjectRolesController. (This is why I didn't bother including them in the gist.) At the model level, it's just standard accepts_nested_attributes_for. Where it gets interesting is in the view.
The project form has two form_for blocks: one rendering a jQuery template, and another rendering the project roles form. The jQuery template in turn just renders the project roles form (mmm DRY!), but from within a <script> tag, and with a blank project role. Because the form is within a script tag, it won't get submitted along with the project form, and because the script type is "text/x-jquery-tmpl", this is completely valid markup.
When the user clicks on "Add a Project Role", it fires some jQuery that takes the form within the template, replaces the index with the current date (this is all so this project role can be uniquely identified), and appends it to the end of the project roles section of the form.
When the user clicks on "Delete" next to a project role, it checks to see if this project role is a new record, and if not, it appends a "_delete" hidden field to the end of the form. In either case, it removes the project role div from the DOM.

Rails validation

I am suffering a issue with rails server side validation. Can some one help me out from this?
situation is :
I am creating dynamic for and its elements also dynamic.My application will generate the some HTMl code. Which can we use in any form or blog..
I applying the server side validation. But due to dynamic elements .I am not able to store the last entered value in to the elements. AS we normally does in PHP if user input something wrong we don't put the field empty. So I need to find a mechanism which fills the older values into the elements,If something went wrong.
This is the code into controller which is I'm using to show the form :
render :layout => false,:template=>'buildders/rander_form'
and view of rander_form.html.erb has
<%= render :file=>RAILS_ROOT+'/public/forms/form_'+#form_name+'.html.erb' %>
where #form_name is a dynamic form name(which have HTML code).
Can some one help me?
don't put erb files in public, people can download them by entering the file path in the url
also why not move that code out of the erb template into the controller?

Still having a hard time with RoR MVC approach

I suppose it should do justice to state what I think I know so far as well as what I've done:
1) I created the app and did my first db migration; I now have my dev, test and production databases. The dev db has a table called 'wines'.
2) I made a scaffold which created the necessary files.
3) The basic index/update/destroy methods are set up and I can browse the pages.
4) From what I gather, the ActiveRecord class "Wine" automatically inherits properties from the database? Each column is a property and each row in the table 'wines' is a potentially instantiated object which is called from the wine_controller script.
The problem I'm having now is that I want to create a common layout that all controllers use. The only things that will change will be the page title, potentially some <link> tags in the header, the <body> attributes (javascript onload events most likely) and whatever lies inside the <body> tag.
I find myself looking up functions that will do what I want (like "favicon_link_tag", "stylesheet_link_tag" and "auto_discovery_link_tag"...) but I can't find the right place to PUT them! I know this has something to do with my lack of understanding of how things are executed/inherited. For example if I were to declare #pageTitle in application_controller.rb and use #pageTitle in ApplicationHelper it won't work. Or even using "stylesheet_link_tag" in application_controller.rb throws an error. I'm just not getting something.
How does each thing relate to another in terms of chronological execution, scope, etc.?
In your "app/views" directory there is a folder called "layouts." By default there should be an "application.html.erb" file in there, but if there isn't you can create it.
Your "application" layout file is the default layout file used by any view. However, if you want a particular controller to use a different view, you can override this. See this railscast, and this one is helpful too.
The main thing to understand is the content from any particular view will show up wherever the yield method appears in your application layout. The main 'yield' block gets the view file specified by your controller action, but you can mark anything inside any view to be passed to another yield block instead. For instance, the "title" example you gave could be passed to the head of your application layout. See this railscast for a detailed example of that.
For more, you should read the Rails Guide, and you might want to consider picking up a Rails starter book.
I got my feet wet with "Beginning Rails 3," which was a phenomenal introduction to the framework. A couple days with that book and it was all making sense to me, and I was developing faster than I ever had before. Rails rocks once you get to know it, but it's definitely worth going through a book.
Please continue to ask questions, I'll help if I can :)
-EDIT- To answer your question about control flow, it basically works like this:
Your browser sends a GET request for a particular URL.
The router takes that request, matches it to a controller action, triggers that controller action, and provides the controller any parameters associated with the request. For instance: if you requested example.com/posts/123?color=red this would trigger the SHOW action of your posts_controller, and would pass {:color => 'red'} to the params hash. You would access that using params[:color]
The controller action does its thing, and when it's done it renders output. By default it renders whatever view is located in app/<controller_name>/<action_name>, and will whichever file matches the extension appropriate to the request (ie an AJAX request would trigger <action_name>.js.erb and a GET request would trigger <action_name>.html.erb.
You can override this using the render method, for example by passing render 'foo/bar' to render using the view for FooController, Bar action instead of your current action.
Note that no matter what you render, the data available to the view is whatever is in the specific controller action the router triggered, not the controller action that would 'normally' render that view.
The view file is parsed using the data from the controller that called it. If you have any content_for methods then the view code that is inside the content_for block will go where you tell it, otherwise everything else will go to the main YIELD block in your application layout (or whatever layout your controller specified instead).
The application layout is parsed, and the content from the view is inserted into the appropriate areas.
The page is served to the user.
That's a simplification in some ways, but I think it answers your question. Again, feel free to keep asking :)

How do you change the displayed order of ActiveScaffold "actions"?

I am using ActiveScaffold in a Ruby on Rails app, and have replaced the default "actions" text in the table (ie. "edit", "delete", "show") with icons using CSS. I have also added a couple of custom actions with action_link.add ("move" and "copy").
For clarity, I would like to have the icons displayed in a different order than they are. Specifically, I would like "edit" to be the first icon displayed.
I seem to be able to change the order of the action_links by the changing the order of definition in the controller. I have also been able to change the order of the default actions by first config.actions.excluding everything, and then adding them with config.actions.add in a specific order.
However, my custom actions always seem to appear before the default actions in the list.
Ideally I would like them to display "edit" "copy" "move" "delete" (ie - built-in, custom, custom, built-in). Can anyone suggest how I might do this?
One idea I had was to re-define "edit" as a custom action (with the default functionality), but I don't know how to go about this either.
Caveat: I don't know ActiveScaffold. This answer is based on me reading its source code.
It looks like the action_links variable is a custom data structure, called ActionLinks. It's defined in ActiveScaffold::DataStructures.
Internally, it has a #set variable, which is not a Set at all, but an Array. ActionLinks has an add, delete, and each methods that serve as gatekeepers of this #set variable.
When displaying the links, ActiveScaffold does this (in _list_actions.rhtml):
<% active_scaffold_config.action_links.each :record do |link| -%>
# Displays the link (code removed for brevity)
<% end -%>
So, short of extending ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionLinks to add a method to sort the values in #set differently, there doesn't seem to be a way to do it, at least not generally.
If I were you, I'd add something called order_by!, where you pass it an array of symbols, with the proper order, and it resorts #set. That way, you can call it after you're done adding your custom actions.
