Plink from Windows service cannot find Pageant - windows-services

I have one windows service which will use plink.exe for SSH connection and I found that Plink cannot find the running Pageant.
Here is the steps I have done so far.
Install Windows service to run as particular user
Before starting Windows service, I log in as that user and start Pageant with PuTTY generated key.
Then I start the Windows service (but I can't manage to make it work since Plink cannot find Pageant and server reply as No supported authentication methods available.)
Note: If I run Windows service as console application with that user, everything is working fine.

PLink will be run in Service session (Session\0) while pageant runs in user session (Session\1). Plink uses some interprocess communication which, as it looks from your problem, doesn't work across sessions. Most likely there's MMF communication inside and objects are created without prefix, i.e. they become session-only (not global). You would need to build custom version of plink to solve the problem.

Pageant explicitly allows feeding keys to an application (PuTTY, PSFTP, PSCP, WinSCP, FileZilla) running in the same Windows session only. This is obviously for security reasons, not to allow a different user on the same machine hijack private keys loaded by another users. And even for convenience (ironically), so that you do not inadvertently use keys of a different user (leading possibly to having your account locked due to invalid login attempts).
Also note that the Pageant is not intended for an automation anyway. For the automation, use the private key explicitly, using the -i command-line parameter.
Such private key have to be unencrypted. Note that this imposes security risk, if someone gains access to the key. You should consider restricting an access to the unprotected private key file to the local account that runs the script only (using Windows file system permissions).

As #Eugene point out, it is Session 0 Isolation.
I managed to solve the issue by not using agent but directly passed the private key and password to plink.exe. By doing that, I'm able to run without using pageant.
To start plink.exe without agent;
plink.exe -noagent -i private_key.ppk -pw mypassword -P 1234


How to login using ssh without any sort of authentication?

I have seen similar questions, but nothing helped.
Like here:
SSH login with no authentication
SSH session without ANY authentication
My problem is as the question states. I want to setup ssh to work without any password prompt or any keys. Means, doing
ssh computer#IP_address
should give me access to the remote machine.
Question ends here^^^^^^^^^^^. Details of what I'm trying to achieve:
I have a docker image of Ubuntu in which I'm trying to install ssh. This has 2 reasons: easy file transfer using scp and the other is, that I sometimes, by mistake I close docker without committing and end up losing all my progress/data. So I want to make it such that I run the docker container in the background and only access it using ssh. Also, I am working in a team and I'll need to some other outside people(who download my docker image) to be able to work with it easily as well, which is why I want it to be ssh-accessible without a login.
You should look at setting PermitEmptyPasswords to yes in your sshd_config file and restard sshd service.
When password authentication is allowed, it specifies whether the server allows login to accounts with empty password strings. The default is ''no''.

Jenkins - SSH from Job's shell to jenkins

What i am trying seems quite simple, but i cant really get my head wrapped around what i need to do:
Inside a job, i have a build-step that executes shell-commands. This shell command tries using the Jenkins CLI.
So basically it says "java -jar theCliFile -s jenkinsURL / command
So inside of a job, i am trying to make a SSH connection to the jenkins-server itself.
This fails, console output says that "[WARN] Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys. Proceeding as anonymous
You must authenticate to access this Jenkins.".
I could provide a username and password as clear text inside of the shell, but i would like to avoid that.
What do i need to setup in order to allow an automatic authentication? I don't understand who needs what kind of keys.
The Jenkins CLI Wiki says to configured a /me/configure user. I just don't see how this makes sense. I guess this was meant to be for use cases where someone tries to build a SSH connection from a remote machine, not from the Jenkins itself, as in my case.
Actually, i solved it myself:
I had both a private and public key on the Jenkins-Server (incase you don't have those, just generate them on the server machine that the Jenkins runs on (there are tons of tutorials on how to do so out there)).
To allow what i was trying in my question, i had to take the public key and enter it in some user existing for the jenkins-application.
As far as i understand, entering the Jenkins Servers public key in any user will make the SSH request authenticate as this user and thus the shell will have the rights of said user.

Jenkins - remote access denied

I'm using the ArtifactDeployer plugin to deploy the build job artifacts to a remote location (Windows share SMB).
However Jenkins never manages to succeed. Throwing errors like:
[ArtifactDeployer] - Starting deployment from the post-action ...
[ArtifactDeployer] - [ERROR] - Failed to deploy. Can't create the directory ... Build step
[ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy artifacts from workspace to remote directories' changed build result to FAILURE
Local deployment works fine.
The Jenkins machine OS is Windows 7 32-bit Prof.
Jenkins is running as a service using a local system account.
I tried using another account, my user account but the service failed to start (Windows error 1069: the service did not start due to a logon failure).
The network service account did run but than Jenkins throws errors it can't access the .NET framework.
When manually trying the remote copy, this works fine. I can create directories and write to it. On the same machine of course.
I tried two different remote reference in Jenkins:
1) \\targetdirectory
2) I:\ - by mapping a drive letter to the remote dir in windows
No success...
Any tips or suggestions? Thanks!
Update 15/02/2012:
Still no solution or workaround for this issue.
It's not only the plugin, I hit also this issue using "Execute Windows batch command".
I found a bug report that I want to share.
I found a solution. You have to grant access persmission to the computer in a domain instead of the user of that machine. Seems very logic if you look back to it.
A 2nd solution is to run the service using a domain user account. Above I made a mistake by using the local user .\user in stead of DOMAIN\user.
If you don't have a domain, the following will work for sure. This should work even if you have a domain.
Background Info:
You need your mapped drive to be mapped for the same account that the service is using AND be available at the right time. Normally mapped drives are mapped only for the logged in user, at the time that they log in. Service user contexts don't get "logged in" per se -- for example, if I map a drive as MyUser and the service runs as MyUser, the drive won't be available until I actually log in by typing in my password. However, we can use a script to map the drive at startup (instead of login) for a particular user. Jenkins normally runs as Local System Account, so if you don't want to change that, you'll need to run the script below as the SYSTEM user. You can instead create a specific user for Jenkins to run as, if you don't want to grant this mapped drive to all services/processes that run as SYSTEM, and run both the service and the script below as that user (this is probably more secure).
Solution Steps:
In ArtifactDeployer you want to deploy to a mapped network drive. In my case this is S:.
There is no special setup for permissions on the remote share. (In my case, a Windows Server 2008 share with a username and password that is used for mapping the drive.)
Write a batch file MapDrives.bat in a place that your chosen user (default: SYSTEM) has access to, with the following in it:
net use S: "\\server_name\share_name" /persistent:yes password_here /USER:username_here
Note that I am mapping to S: in that line.
Via Task Scheduler, create a task that runs as the same user as the service (default: SYSTEM), triggers At Startup, and as it's action, runs the batch file MapDrives.bat.
Reboot and it should work!
After diving through many pages and many tests, ultimately, the best suggestions were found here, and led me to the above solution.
Make sure your 'local system account' has access rights to the remote directory (including write access). Then use the notation
Mapping drive letters to remote directories only applies to the user account you are currently working with. The drive letter mapping will not be available to any other account.

Using MsDeploy to deploy Windows Services with preSync command

Is anyone successfully using MsDeploy for deploying windows services with a preSync runCommand? I've got it working using an Administrator account, but can't for the life of me get it working on a standard user account. Unfortunately I can't use integrated authentication (we're deploying to an external box), and the thought of our Administrator password sitting in plaintext in logs on our build server doesn't exactly make me feel too comfortable. For that matter, neither does any user credentials - but I can't see a way around that.
The command I'm using is this:
"tools/deploy/msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync
with rules set up in IIS for the dummy site to allow the authentication for the service-deploy windows account, with contentPath and runCommand permissions (for the moment set to C:\ as it's not entirely clear whether this needs to be set to the temporary path that MsDeploy streams to, or the deployment path?). The service-deploy account also has full control of the target directory. I get the following back:
Performing '-preSync'...
Info: Using ID '7a7d34a1-b5d8-49f1-960a-31c9cf825868' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Using ID '4d0b910c-aca4-4640-84bd-3597d22d99d1' for connections to the remote server.
Info: Updating runCommand (C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\aec989676b349656\tools\De
Warning: Access is denied.
Warning: The process 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' (command line '/c "C:\Windows
\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\giz2t0kb.0ay.cmd"') exited with
code '0x1'.
This happens even if the contents of PreSyncCommand.cmd is blank. The same command runs fine if I pass in Administrator credentials. I've tried using ProcessMonitor to check if anything's being denied access but can't see any - so I'm guessing it's still a MsDeploy authentication rule. There's nothing in WmSvc.log (debugging is enabled), nor in the event log.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Since you're using Web Deploy via WmSvc, you need to setup appropriate delegation rules on the destination server:
Within IIS Manager, open the "Management Service Delegation" feature. Add a new rule which at least specifies the runCommand provider. In the Run As section, choose Specific User and provide credentials for a local administrator account on that machine. This is the identity under which your runCommand scripts will be executed. Finally, the user which you're specifying for the destination dirPath provider needs to be added to the delegation rule.
That allows you to invoke a deployment using a non-privileged account, and yet have it executed on the target machine under administrative credentials.
More information on IIS feature delegation:

How do I grant a service user sufficient rights to create registry keys in windows 7

I have an application that runs as a service, and dynamically creates and publishes windows performance (perfmon) counters.
When I run the application under my own account (as a service) which has administrative privileges, I get the following error:
714: The specified registry key is referenced by a predefined handle.
When I run the application from the command line, no error is produced.
I believe that this is a result of UAC, but I don't particularly want to disable UAC altogether.
Any ideas?
It is not enough just to be logged in as an administrator. The service needs to have an embedded manifest that sets the requestedExecutionLevel to requireAdministrator.
