I have a fusion-table holding a database of my clients. One column is the date of the installation. I'd like to be able to view that information in a google calendar. Does anyone have an easy way to make it happen?
I don't think this functionality already exists, but it's not hard to do this yourself.
You could use one of the client libraries for Fusion Tables (e.g. Google APIs Client Library for PHP) and then just connect to your Fusion Table, get your data and generate an iCal file. Then, you can either import the generated file to Google Calendar or just make your script available on a webserver and subscribe to your generated calendar in Google Calendar.
I quickly put together such a script in PHP (URL: http://gft.rdmr.ch/examples/php/GFTCalendar.php), maybe you can use it as a start or just use your favorite programming language to do it yourself.
As it looked as a cool challenge, I've completed it here:
It provides a configuration file making it easier for everybody to put their settings:
// ::auth config::
// Google Public API Access Key. Don't forget to activate Google API for fusion tables
// Get one and configure access and perms at https://console.developers.google.com
$API_KEY="add yours";
// ::fusion tables config::
// The Fusion Tables ID (find it at fusion tables URL: the docid param)
$TABLE_ID="add yours";
// Name of columns to retrieve from the fusion table, separated by ','.
// Below ones are mandatory for building the calendar, and its position sensitive.
// Date format in the fusion table. Examples: d/M/Y, Y-M-d H:i:s, YMdTHisZ ...
$DATE_FORMAT="add yours";
// ::calendar config::
// Name of your calendar
$CAL_NAME="add yours";
// Description of your calendar
$CAL_DESC="add yours";
// Timezone of your calendar. Examples: US/Pacific, Europe/Madrid
$CAL_TZ="add yours";
I am trying to extract a large amount of details out of our Eloqua system using it's API and got this API to work perfectly for single IDs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/marketing/eloqua-rest-api/op-api-rest-1.0-data-contact-id-get.html
The problem is that I need to run this for a large number of IDs and it will require alot in order to run it for the entire population. Is there any bulk APIs that can extract all of the following details out of Eloqua/Contact for the entire population? I don't see any on that pages documentation that meet this need under the Bulk section.
contactid, company, employees, company_revenue, business_phone, email_address, web_domain, date_created, date_modified, address_1, address_2, city, state_or_province, zip_or_postal_code, mobile_phone, first_name, last_name, title
It's a multi-step process with the Bulk API, typically in the following fashion:
Get a list of the current internal field names - useful for creating your export definition
Create an export definition and post it here. There is a useful example on the page, you do not need a filter criteria. Store the export ID somewhere
Using your export definition id, create a sync. It will gather the data in the background and prepare it for you. Take note of the sync ID provided in the initial response.
Check on the sync status with your sync ID here. It should only take a couple of minutes - and there is a callback url option as well in the previous step, if you don't want to keep polling.
Once your data is ready, use that sync id and request the data. Depending on how many rows were retrieved, you might need to paginate through the results using the offset query param. By default it will give you JSON, but I usually choose CSV (specify in the header).
If you need updated data, feel free to create a new sync using the same export definition id. You do not need to create a new export definition each time.
I have created an Azure Stream Analytics (ASA) job to filter data based on a custom header property i send from a client app.
How would i read/filter message header properties in Azure stream analytics?
The portal return no results when i try to test out my query. Below is my query in azure portal.
So far this is my query as simple as this:
WHERE Properties.type = "type1"
I also tried to call out the key without its parent (such as: where type = "") with no results as well.
I am sure that i am sending messages with this custom property in the header since i can view it using device explorer tool.
any idea how to get this working?
I haven't tried this yet myself, but supposedly you can access custom properties via GetMetadataPropertyValue(). Give this a try:
You can use the query described here as an example to query complex schemas.
If you share your schema, we can look at the query for you.
Let me know if it works for you.
I'm trying to find a link which allows me to download a CSV formatted version of my Google Spreadsheet. Currently I'm using:
This works great except that it only download the first Sheet. My document has multiple sheets. Does anyone know how to format this link so that it downloads either all the sheets or a specific sheet? Something like:
Every document in Google Sheets supports the "Chart Tools datasource protocol", which is explained (in a rather haphazard way) in these articles:
"Creating a Chart from a Separate Spreadsheet"
"Query Language Reference"
"Implementing the Chart Tools Datasource Protocol"
To download a specific sheet as a CSV file, replace {key} with the document's ID and {sheet_name} with the name of the sheet to export:
The datasource protocol is quite flexible. Various other options include:
Response Format: Options include tqx=out:csv (CSV format), tqx=out:html (HTML table), and tqx=out:json (JSON data).
Export part of a sheet: Supply the range={range} option, where the range can be any valid range specifier, e.g. A1:C99 or B2:F.
Execute a SQL query: Supply the tq={query} option, such as tq=SELECT a, b, (d+e)*2 WHERE c < 100 AND x = 'yes'.
Export textual data: Supply the headers=0 option in case your fields contain textual data, otherwise they might be cut out during export.
Open your Google sheet
Click the "Share" button and configure "Anyone with the link can view"
Press F12 to launch debugging tools in your web browser and select the "Net" tab.
Select "File -> Download As -> Comma-separated values .csv current sheet" (or whatever format you want, e.g. xlsx, ods, pdf, html, csv, or tsv)
Copy the URL of the GET request from the "Net" tab
It will look something like this:
Note, the "gid" parameter is the sheet ID, which you can find at the end of the URL of the open Google sheet.
Reference: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts#sheet_id
This is a sample csv data can be downloaded. Download link for this data was made like this
Open google sheet-> Blank ->File->Open
Open file from "My Drive" or "Upload"
File -> Publish to the web -> "Sheet name" option and "csv" option
As of November 2020, the most elegant and simplest solution seems to be buried in #jrc's reply:
Here's a live example; given the Google Sheet that has a KEY of 1CTgM1g_aYoWFFpHU6A_qyqWGH0ulCFhs67uAcRVf1Rw
i.e: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CTgM1g_aYoWFFpHU6A_qyqWGH0ulCFhs67uAcRVf1Rw
To get the permalink to a CSV export of its first sheet (i.e. gid=0), append: /export?format=csv&gid=0:
Note: if you're just exporting the first sheet, i.e. gid=0, then the URL is the same as the URL format posited in the original question, i.e.
(by default, the endpoint will assume gid=0 if it's left unspecified)
2021 update...
Question has been well answered in another post.
I'll add some things to look out for ...
On the "publish to web" there are:
Drop downs with options to choose the format and,
A choice on which sheets you want included,
Lastly a checkbox to ensure changes are republished
Publish to Web Google Sheets
I've developed an handy python command line application called google-sheets-to-csv few month ago: https://pypi.org/project/google-sheets-to-csv/ which allow to download multiple sheets at once.
Basic usage on linux (probably works on windows as well, I haven't test):
pip install google-sheets-to-csv
gs-to-csv <spreadsheet ID> <sheet selector (regex)> <output directory>
<Spreadshhet ID>: is the weird data in the url https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d//
<sheet selector (regex)>: is a regular expression https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
<output directory> is an existing directory on your file system
To download all the sheets at once you can do:
mkdir output/
gs-to-csv DOCID ".*" output/
You'll find one file per sheet.
Do not miss details in the project README ( regarding authentification the current published token is not yet validated by google you'll get an authentification warning like in this video used for the validation process: https://youtu.be/7zacMyv_ooU?t=73) If are afraid you can read the code here https://gitlab.com/micro-entreprise/google-sheets-to-csv (it's Open source software!) or use a google service account.
The following URL format (as a template string) is the only one that worked from me:
This assumes the entire document has been published to the web.
Does Google Spreadsheets have a cell function that lets me do HTTP requests like
POST the contents of this cell to http://www.mysite.com/input or
GET the XML at http://www.mysite.com/feed.xml
Or can I write a custom function that does so? Or is there a more conventional way of doing what I want to do? (using Spreadsheets to talk to REST APIs)
For getting contents of a cell to your website use the Google Spreadsheet API.
Here you can find a simple example of retrieving JSON feeds from Spreadsheets Data API:
Since this link may be moved due goole updates here's a copy of the script element:
... where feed is the type of feed, key is the key of the spreadsheet you want to retrieve, the worksheet is the positional or unique identifier of the worksheet, and myFunc is the name of your callback function that is passed the JSON object.
For getting XML from a web ressource use the function:
My application generates a table of data and creates a new spreadsheet document in a user's Google Drive. How can I add formatting (color, font-weight, width, etc.) to individual cells? I can't seem to find any documentation, much less how I could implement this through the google-api-ruby-client.
Most of my findings date back to Google API mailing lists that state it isn't supported.
However, I found that another application accomplishes my desired result. An example of "Smartsheet" exporting a document to Google Drive:
From Smartsheet.com:
And the resulting sheet in my Google Drive:
(Feb 2017) As of Google I/O 2016, developers no longer need to export to Excel nor create a new Sheet w/the desired formatting, so the other answers are now dated. You can now format cells using the Google Sheets API. Here's a short Python example that bolds the 1st row (assuming the file ID is SHEET_ID and SHEETS is the API service endpoint):
DATA = {'requests': [
{'repeatCell': {
'range': {'endRowIndex': 1},
'cell': {'userEnteredFormat': {'textFormat': {'bold': True}}},
'fields': 'userEnteredFormat.textFormat.bold',
spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, body=DATA).execute()
I also made a developer video on this subject if that helps (see below). BTW, you can do the same in Ruby (see its API quickstart sample) or any other language supported by the Google APIs Client Libraries.
The Sheets API provides features not available in older releases, namely giving developers programmatic access to a Sheet as if you were using the user interface (frozen rows, cell formatting[!], resizing rows/columns, adding pivot tables, creating charts, etc.). If you're new to the API, I've created a few videos with somewhat more "real-world" examples:
Migrating SQL data to a Sheet plus code deep dive post
Formatting text using the Sheets API plus code deep dive post
Generating slides from spreadsheet data plus code deep dive post
To see what else you can do with Google Sheets via its REST API or Google Apps Script, check out my other videos. As you can tell, the Sheets API is primarily for document-oriented functionality as described above, but to perform file-level access such as import/export, copy, move, rename, etc., use the Google Drive API instead.
Smartsheet utilizes the ability of the Google API to import an Excel file. The code is roughly along these lines:
DocsService client = new DocsService(<YOUR APP NAME>);
client.setOAuthCredentials(<OAUTH PARAMETERS>);
DocumentListEntry newEntry = new SpreadsheetEntry();
newEntry.setMediaSource(new MediaByteArraySource(<EXCEL FILE BYTE ARRAY OUTPUT STREAM>, DocumentListEntry.MediaType.XLS.getMimeType()));
newEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(<FILE NAME>));
DocumentListEntry insertedEntry = client.insert(new URL("https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/"), newEntry);
// This is your URL to the new doc
String docUrl = insertedEntry.getDocumentLink().getHref();
We already had the ability to export a Smartsheet to an Excel file with formatting via Apache POI. Adding export to a Google Spreadsheet was quite simple for us to implement and it provided some additional functionality beyond what you could do via the API.
Sorry for the delayed response - just happened across this question.
The APIs only provide access to the data and do not expose any methods to add formatting.
Another option (and the one that ended up using) is to manually create a Google Sheet file, with all of the formatting pre-configured, as a template. Then, instead of creating a new spreadsheet document in the user's Google Drive, copy the template, like so:
var config = require('./config');
var google = require('googleapis');
function createSheetFromTemplate(user, templateFileId, done) {
var oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(config.google.clientId, config.google.clientSecret);
access_token: user.google.token,
refresh_token: user.google.refreshToken,
var drive = google.drive({
version: 'v2',
auth: oauth2Client
fileId: templateFileId,
resource: {
title: 'New Google Sheet',
parents: [{
id: 'root'
}, function(err, response) {
if (err) done(err)
initializeSpreadsheet(response.id, user, done);
In that code, templateFileId is the file id of your shared template. You can get this fileId from your shared template file in any number of ways, but the quick-and-dirty way is just to copy-and-paste it out of the URL when you share it.
For instance, if the sharing URL is:
Then the file id is 1234567890abcdefghijklmnop
In my case there is nothing private in the template itself, so I just shared it with 'anyone with the link' configured for 'can view', as described here:
If you need to keep the contents of the template file private, then you'll need to find some way to ensure that the account specified by config.google.clientId has access to it.
Hope that helps!
If, like me, uploading a pre-formatted Excel sheet isn't sufficient, then Google Apps Script looks like it might be the way to go. The Range class specifically lets you manipulate at least some of the formatting you were asking about.
setFontColor() and setFontWeight() are there, but I don't know of anything for cell width yet.
Importantly, I have also not yet figured out how to bind a Google Apps Script to the sheet that I'm creating using the Google Drive API SDK (Node/Javascript in my case, Ruby in yours).
It's been a while since your question, so I'm betting you've already solved it some other way. I'm also not necessarily suggesting porting everything in your app over to Google Apps Script (although I'm seriously considering it myself...), but if you or some other reader figures out how to bind a Google App Script to a spreadsheet with the google-api-ruby-client, you might be good-to-go.