Active pattern broken in F# 3.0 - f#

This active pattern compiles with F# 2.0:
let (|Value|_|) value = // 'a -> 'T option
match box value with
| :? 'T as x -> Some x
| _ -> None
but, in F# 3.0, emits the error:
Active pattern '|Value|_|' has a result type containing type variables that are not determined by the input. The common cause is a [sic] when a result case is not mentioned, e.g. 'let (|A|B|) (x:int) = A x'. This can be fixed with a type constraint, e.g. 'let (|A|B|) (x:int) : Choice = A x'
I tried:
let (|Value|_|) value : 'T option = ...
let (|Value|_|) (value: 'U) = ...
How can it be fixed?
Environments: Visual Studio 2012 (RTM) and FSI v11.0.50727.1
EDIT: Here's a simpler repro:
let (|X|) x = unbox x

There was a bug in the F# 2.0 compiler where the compiler did incorrect analysis and bad code generation for certain Active Patterns with free type variables in the result; a simple repro is
let (|Check|) (a : int) = a, None
//let (|Check|) (a : int) = a, (None : int option)
let check a =
match a with
| Check (10, None) -> System.Console.WriteLine "10"
| Check (20, None) -> System.Console.WriteLine "20"
check 10
check 20
which generates a weird warning at compile-time and compiles into seemingly incorrect code. I am guessing that our attempt to fix this bug (and restrict some crazy cases) in F# 3.0 also broke some legal code as collateral damage of the fix.
I'll file another bug, but for F# 3.0, it sounds like you'll need to use one of the workarounds mentioned in other answers.

I did not install the new version yet, but I agree this looks a bit fishy. I guess there may be a good reason for this restriction, but your example in the other question seems quite compeling.
As a workaround, I think that adding a witness parameter (that is not used, but hints what the type of the result is going to be) could work:
let (|Value|_|) (witness:unit -> 'T) value : 'T option =
match box value with
| :? 'T as x -> Some x
| _ -> None
Of course, this makes the use a bit uglier, because you need to come up with some argument. In the above, I used witness of type unit -> 'T, hoping that the following might compile:
let witness () : 'T = failwith "!"
match box 1 with
| Value witness 1 -> printfn "one"
If that does not work, then you can probably try using witness parameter of type 'T (but then you have to provide an actual function, rather than just a generic function).

for the sake of completeness, one more workaround:
type Box<'R> = Box of obj
let (|Value|_|) ((Box x) : Box<'R> ) : 'R option =
match x with
| :? 'R as x -> Some x
| _ -> None
let check t =
match Box t with
| Value 1 -> printfn "one"
| Value 2 -> printfn "two"
check 1 // one
check 2 // two
however it still will suffer from the problem mentioned by #kvb in another thread. Personally I'll prefer #kvb's version with parameterized active pattern.

See my answer to your other question for some thoughts on how to work around the issue and one reason that such active patterns might be undesirable. I'm not sure whether the breaking change was intended.


'Anonymous type variables are not permitted in this declaration' error when adding parameters to discriminated union cases in F#

So I have some (I'm assuming rather unusual) code which is for building Function Trees. Here's it is right now:
type FunctionTree<'Function> =
| BranchNode of seq<FunctionTree<'Function>>
| Leaf of (a:'Function -> unit) with
member __.Execute() = do a
The expression a:'Function -> unit is what makes the compiler throw a fit, giving me the error 'Anonymous type variables are not permitted in this declaration' and I have no idea why. I've tried adding a variable to the BranchNode, adding (yucky) double parentheses around the expression but nothing seems to have worked.
Answer to the compiler error question
This does not compile...
Leaf of (a:'Function -> unit)
...because discriminated field names can be added to the types of the DU cases, not to the types of the function types in a DU case. In contrast, this compiles...
Leaf of a: ('Function -> unit)
...because the field name a is being used to name the type (Function -> unit).
Additional discussion about the code
However, there is another issue. The member Execute that you are adding is not being added to the Leaf node, as your code implies. It is being added to the entire function tree. Consequently, you will not have access to the label a inside your implementation of Execute. Think of it like this...
type FunctionTree<'Function> =
| BranchNode of seq<FunctionTree<'Function>>
| Leaf of a: ('Function -> unit)
with member __.Execute() = do a
... with the member shifted to the left to clarify that it applies to the entire union, not just the leaf case. That explains why the above code now has a different compiler error... a is not defined. The field name a is used to clarify the instantiation of a Leaf case. The field name a is not available elsewhere.
let leaf = Leaf(a: myFunc)
Consequently, the label a is not available to your Execute member. You would need to do something like this...
with member x.Execute(input) =
match x with
| BranchNode(b) -> b |> Seq.iter(fun n -> n.Execute(input))
| Leaf(f) -> f(input) |> ignore
Notice in the above code that the x value is a FunctionTree.
Alternative implementation
We could continue going. However, I think the following may implement what you are aiming for:
type FunctionTree<'T> =
| BranchNode of seq<FunctionTree<'T>>
| LeafNode of ('T -> unit)
let rec evaluate input tree =
match tree with
| LeafNode(leaf) -> leaf(input)
| BranchNode(branch) -> branch |> Seq.iter (evaluate input)
LeafNode(printfn "%d")
LeafNode(printfn "%A")
|> evaluate 42

Is there a name for this pattern "type 'a foldedSequence = Empty | Value of 'a * (unit->'a foldedSequence )"

I have been working with some f# parsers and some streaming software and I find myself using this pattern more and more. I find it to be a natural alternative to sequences and it has some natural advantages.
here are some example functions using the type.
type foldedSequence<'a> =
| Empty
| Value of ' a * (unit -> 'a foldedSequence)
let rec createFoldedSequence fn state =
match fn state with
| None -> Empty
| Some(value, nextState) ->
Value(value, (fun () -> unfold fn nextState))
let rec filter predicate =
| Empty -> Empty
| Value(value, nextValue) ->
let next() = filter predicate(nextValue())
if predicate value then Value(value, next)
else next()
let toSeq<'t> =
Seq.unfold<'t foldedSequence, 't>(function
| Empty -> None
| Value(value, nextValue) -> Some(value, nextValue()))
It has been very helpful I would like to know if it has a name so I can research some tips and tricks for it
To add to the existing answers, I think Haskellers might call a generalised version of this this a list monad transformer. The idea is that your type definition looks almost like ordinary F# list except that there is some additional aspect to it. You can imagine writing this as:
type ListTransformer<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * M<ListTransformer<'T>>
By supplying specific M, you can define a number of things:
M<'T> = 'T gives you the ordinary F# list type
M<'T> = unit -> 'T gives you your sequence that can be evaluated lazily
M<'T> = Lazy<'T> gives you LazyList (which caches already evaluated elements)
M<'T> = Async<'T> gives you asynchronous sequences
It is also worth noting that in this definition LazyTransformer<'T> is not itself a delayed/lazy/async value. This can cause problems in some cases - e.g. when you need to perform some async operation to decide whether the stream is empty - and so a better definition is:
type ListTransformer<'T> = M<ListTransformerInner<'T>>
and ListTransformerInner<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * ListTransformer<'T>
This sounds like LazyList which used to be in the "powerpack" and I think now lives here:
Your type is close to how an iteratee would be defined, and since you already mention streaming, this might be the concept you're looking for.
Iteratee IO is an approach to lazy IO outlined by Oleg Kiselyov. Apart from Haskell, implementations exist for major functional languages, including F# (as part of FSharpx.Extras).
This is how FSharpx defines an Iteratee:
type Iteratee<'Chunk,'T> =
| Done of 'T * Stream<'Chunk>
| Error of exn
| Continue of (Stream<'Chunk> -> Iteratee<'Chunk,'T>)
See also this blog post: Iteratee in F# - part 1. Note that there doesn't seem to be a part 2.

F# Seq.choose() Error FS0001

I have tried MSDN's example for the Seq.choose function (written below) in both a .fsx file and the interactive window for Visual Studio, but it repeatedly returns an error FS0001, stating that the "None" option is a PageExt type rather than the abstract option type 'a option.
I have searched in vain for an explanation of the PageExt type or why this could be returning an error when the None keyword should just represent the "no value" option in the match expression.
let numbers = seq {1..20}
let evens = Seq.choose(fun x ->
match x with
| x when x%2=0 -> Some(x)
| _ -> None ) numbers
printfn "numbers = %A\n" numbers
printfn "evens = %A" evens
| _ -> None ) numbers
C:Path\stdin(38,40): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
'a option
but here has type
Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
The PageExt type is likely something that you've pulled into your current FSI session previously which bound something to None, essentially blocking FSI from recognizing the normal option types.
In F#, you can reuse names, which "shadows" the original value. For example, in FSI, if you type:
let a = 1;;
let a = 2.3;;
You'll notice that it shows:
val a : int = 1
val a : float = 2.3
val it : float = 2.3
This isn't changing the definition of a, but rather defining a new a name that shadows (or "hides") the original bound value.
In your case, you have a None name that's bound to something with a PageExt type that's shadowing Option.None, preventing it from being usable.
The easiest way to fix this is to reset your FSI session. Right click in the F# Interactive window, and choose "Reset iteractive session". If you do that, then run the code you pasted, it will work fine.

Delegate/Func conversion and misleading compiler error message

I thought that conversions between F# functions and System.Func had to be done manually, but there appears to be a case where the compiler (sometimes) does it for you. And when it goes wrong the error message isn't accurate:
module Foo =
let dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Func<obj,obj>>()
let f (x:obj) = x
// Question 1: why does this compile without explicit type conversion?
dict.["foo"] <- fun (x:obj) -> x
// Question 2: given that the above line compiles, why does this fail?
dict.["bar"] <- f
The last line fails to compile, and the error is:
This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
'a -> obj
Clearly the function f doesn't have a signature of 'a > obj. If the F# 3.1 compiler is happy with the first dictionary assignment, then why not the second?
The part of the spec that should explain this is 8.13.7 Type Directed Conversions at Member Invocations. In short, when invoking a member, an automatic conversion from an F# function to a delegate will be applied. Unfortunately, the spec is a bit unclear; from the wording it seems that this conversion might apply to any function expression, but in practice it only appears to apply to anonymous function expressions.
The spec is also a bit out of date; in F# 3.0 type directed conversions also enable a conversion to a System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<SomeDelegateType>.
In looking at some past correspondence with the F# team, I think I've tracked down how a conversion could get applied to a non-syntactic function expression. I'll include it here for completeness, but it's a bit of a strange corner case, so for most purposes you should probably consider the rule to be that only syntactic functions will have the type directed conversion applied.
The exception is that overload resolution can result in converting an arbitrary expression of function type; this is partly explained by section 14.4 Method Application Resolution, although it's pretty dense and still not entirely clear. Basically, the argument expressions are only elaborated when there are multiple overloads; when there's just a single candidate method, the argument types are asserted against the unelaborated arguments (note: it's not obvious that this should actually matter in terms of whether the conversion is applicable, but it does matter empirically). Here's an example demonstrating this exception:
type T =
static member M(i:int) = "first overload"
static member M(f:System.Func<int,int>) = "second overload"
let f i = i + 1
T.M f |> printfn "%s"
EDIT: This answer explains only the mysterious promotion to 'a -> obj. #kvb points out that replacing obj with int in OPs example still doesn't work, so that promotion is in itself insufficient explanation for the observed behaviour.
To increase flexibility, the F# type elaborator may under certain conditions promote a named function from f : SomeType -> OtherType to f<'a where 'a :> SomeType> : 'a -> OtherType. This is to reduce the need for upcasts. (See spec. 14.4.2.)
Question 2 first:
dict["bar"] <- f (* Why does this fail? *)
Because f is a "named function", its type is promoted from f : obj -> obj following sec. 14.4.2 to the seemingly less restrictive f<'a where 'a :> obj> : 'a -> obj. But this type is incompatible with System.Func<obj, obj>.
Question 1:
dict["foo"] <- fun (x:obj) -> x (* Why doesn't this, then? *)
This is fine because the anonymous function is not named, and so sec. 14.4.2 does not apply. The type is never promoted from obj -> obj and so fits.
We can observe the interpreter exhibit behaviour following 14.4.2:
> let f = id : obj -> obj
val f : (obj -> obj) (* Ok, f has type obj -> obj *)
> f
val it : ('a -> obj) = <fun:it#135-31> (* f promoted when used. *)
(The interpreter doesn't output constraints to obj.)

F# - Reconstruct Expression Tree

Alright... this question is more or less related to one I've asked earlier today (F# - "Not a valid property expression"), which #Tomas Petricek answer perfectly - however it seems my lack of knowledge and the DLR, requires me to ask once again (been trying for quite a while to mix something up without luck at all).
I'm having this function (stolen from the example Tomas gave in the previous thread):
let hasSeq (e:Expr<'a -> seq<'b>>) =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(v, Patterns.PropertyGet(Some instance, propInfo, [])) ->
printfn "Get property %s of %A" propInfo.Name instance
// TODO: Use 'Expr.Lambda' & 'Expr.PropGet' to construct
// an expression tree in the expected format
| _ -> failwith "Not a lambda!"
How would I reconstruct the expression tree with Expr.Lambda and Expr.PropGet? - I need to make the seq<'b> to ICollection<'b> instead, so that the expression in the end is like: 'a -> ICollection<'b>
Well, if you've already decomposed quotation, then maybe you can create required expression tree by yourself without ToLinqExpression from PowerPack?
type A =
member this.Values : int[] = failwith ""
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
type F<'T, 'R> = System.Func<'T, 'R>
type E = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression
type IC<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<'T>
let toLinqPropGet (e : Expr<'T -> #seq<'R>>) =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(_, Patterns.PropertyGet(Some _, pi, []))
when typeof<IC<'R>>.IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType) ->
let p = E.Parameter(typeof<'T>)
let propGet = E.Property(p :> E, pi)
E.Lambda<F<'T, IC<'R>>>(propGet, p) :> E
| _ -> failwith "PropGet expected"
let r = toLinqPropGet <# fun (x : A) -> x.Values #>
printfn "%A" r
This isn't going to work.
You want to build a quotation of type Entity -> ICollection<Something> and you have a quotation of type Entity -> seq<Something>. However, entity framework only supports simple lambda functions that get some property (e.g. x => x.SomeProperty).
If your Entity has only a property Foo of type seq<Something>, then there is no way you could build a quotation with the required structure (lambda that just gets a property) and of the required type (Entity -> ICollection<Something>), because the type of the property doesn't match!
What I suggested earlier is to change the entity to also have a property FooInternal of the right type (ICollection<Something>). Then you could build a quotation x => x.FooInternal, which would work fine with entity framework.
Perhaps you could give more details about what you're actually trying to achieve? We can try to help with technical details, but it seems that you may need to adjust your design a bit (to actually work with the ICollection type as required by EF).
