How to Understand ZfcUser\*OptionsInterfaces? They are not implemented from anywhere before get used by ZfcUser\Form\Base - zend-framework2

This is the 1st time to touch Zend Framework, I'm user zf2 now, want to practise to use 3rd-party modules, ZfcUser is commonly thought to be a proper one.
Now this module is properly setup, but when I go to the source, I didn't find any implementations of ZfcUser\Options\RegistrationOptionsInterface, but in the class ZfcUser\Form\Base, it called:
65. $this->getRegistrationOptions()->getUseRegistrationFormCaptcha();
class Base is extended from ProvideEventsForm, which is extended form Zend\Form\Form, none of these classes is related to RegistrationOptionsInterface, why can the code above be called like that way, using $this?
It may work like something like the relation between controller plugin and controller, while it seems not, so how does this work?

The options instance is instantiated and passed into the form in ZfcUser -> Module.php Look at line 72 and then line 89. The classes for Options are in src/ZfcUser/Options
Im still learning ZF2 as well


Inheritance services Ruby on Rails

So I'm learning RoR and I have to 3 services that calls an API with the same structure and i want to know if i can do it with a parent class and then work with the parent class to save code.
Yes. This may work if you can define a method with fewer arguments, which builds that structure for the API call.
Approaches are:
Put that common method in a base class which the other classes inherit from.
Put that common method in a module as a mix in.
Write a class to handle the call to the API, which builds the structure.
I don't think you have an "isa" relationship from the sound of it. So unless you do, 2 is preferred to 1. You can only inherit from one class, so mixins are more flexible.
Approach 3 is a good idea. You can have internal methods for the hostname and other constants for your API call.
This can be combined with the other approaches as you can use the Aggregation pattern to aggregate the API object in the other classes. That might or might not make sense. It might be just as well as the other classes have methods which instantiate the class in approach 3 and call it.

ZF2 override framework classes via autoloader classmap

Is it possible to override the class file location of a framework class via classmap and autoloader? If yes, then how?
Example: I want to override Zend\Form\Fieldset, so that everywhere in the framework where Zend\Form\Fieldset is referenced, I want it to use my own class file instead of the original.
Motivation: When updating the framework, I want to keep my modifications safe from getting overwritten.
Known alternative: Modify the code in the framework.
Disadvantage: Modification gets lost when updating the framework.
writing the same class (FQCN) at another location is generally a bad idea. This causes two classes which are equally named to live in two separate locations. It's a much better idea to create your own Fielset in your own namespace. Say, Application\Form\Fieldset.
You can extend the ZF2 fieldset by your own. Then reference this new fieldset class and its all much more maintainable.
The downside of this method is you don't automatically use the new fieldset class. You have to reference the Application\Form namespace in every form you use. On the other hand, this makes it much more clear to other users of you code what exactly happens: there are no unexpected consequences using ZF2 code.
The only remark I have to make here is, for what do you need another fieldset? If you think you need that for view helpers, that's not true. You can modify the view helper to render fieldsets without modifying the Fieldset form class itself.

rails coding conventions to improve performance

In my current project, i notice few thing,
Maximum part of the business logic are moved to helper.
Included all helper files in a module under lib directory and included that module in application controller.
In many methods, no argument passed, instead they used the instance variable(create instance variable in calling method and use that instance variable in the called method).
Each action will call a helper method to execute business logic and that method will call some other helper methods.
All method are written as public, No protected and private method.
Models are used only for validation.
are those points follows good coding conventions? if not, can you suggest me the best coding standard to improve performance?
First, convention has nothing to do per se with performance.
Maximum part of the business logic are moved to helper.
I would say this is very bad. One of the popular idioms is "fat models, skinny controllers", which works most of the time. Put all the business logic you can in your models, where they belong. If you have really complicated views you want to simplify, use decorators (e.g the draper gem), and then separate business logic (model) and view logic (decorators) into their according locations.
Included all helper files in a module under lib directory and included that module in application controller.
Okay I think. As long as you have one place to maintain that chain, it feels okay. If it leads to misunderstandings/misusings/hacking around, then: not okay.
In many methods, no argument passed, instead they used the instance variable
If you're talking about methods in your model: this is good, since the method is targeted at the scope of your instance, and not of your class.
Each action will call a helper method to execute business logic and that method will call some other helper methods.
Sounds strange. The controller is responsible for preparing your data used in the view. If you are preparing specific data in your helpers to assign them to your view for usage, consider putting these into a decorator (as mentioned above). But calling a helper in almost every action sounds like something is done the wrong way.
All method are written as public, No protected and private method.
Non-public methods should not be public. Take a look at helper_method and hide_action from ActionController.
Models are used only for validation.
Wrong. Models contain the business logic, as mentioned above. What about modifying things in the console? Would you want to update all logical related data by hand, then? Do you do this "by hand" in your controller right now (which it seems like) ? What about when you introduce an API, do you copy-paste the code in there to not miss some logic? And what when the logic changes, are you really sure all required endpoints manually and independently handling that logic are also updated?
There's a reason models have relations, callbacks and instance methods. Use them!
Performance is not related to your arguments; they are about project organization.
Maximum part of the business logic are moved to helper
This shouldn't happen, you should move the business (aka models) logic inside the models. Rails doesn't force you doing it, so keeping the logic organization is up to developers.
Models are used only for validation
This is a consequence of putting the business (aka models) logic outside the models. You should move it from the controllers/helpers to the models. Again, Rails doesn't force you to do that, so it's up to developers to do it.
Included all helper files in a module under lib directory and included that module in application controller.
In many methods, no argument passed, instead they used the instance variable(create instance variable in calling method and use that instance variable in the called method).
Each action will call a helper method to execute business logic and that method will call some other helper methods.
All method are written as public, No protected and private method.
I think that these points are (some more, some less) related to the Rails Helper design. One flaw of Rails is the Helper design: they go against the OO pattern and usually end up by being a bunch of unorganized functions, à la PHP.
For this reason some people use Decorators. Decorators "add an OO layer of presentation logic" (from Draper), allowing to organize better the view related methods.
If you want to examine the argument, I suggest you the following links:
Google search about decorators
The Ruby Toolbox, presenters category

Ninject binding/unbind issue

I have a bit of a dilemma, which to be honest is a fringe case but still poses an issue.
Currently I am using Ninject MVC and bind all my controllers like so:
Which works a treat for 99% of things that I have needed to do, however at the moment I am doing some wacky stuff around dynamic routing and dynamic controllers which require me to manually write a method to get the type of a controller from ninject. Now initially I thought it would be easy, but its not... I was expecting that I could get the controller based on its name, but that didnt work.
That got me thinking that its probably because it only knows about a binding to SomeController, not IController. So I thought, I can just write all my bindings like so:
This way it should be easy to get the type of the controller from the name doing the previous code, however if I were to bind this way, I would have a problem when I come to unbind the controllers (as plugins can be loaded and unloaded at runtime). So the normal:
Which was great, will no longer work, and I would have to do:
However then I realised that I need to give it some constraint to tell it which binding for this type I want to unbind, and there seems to be no overloads or DSL available to do this...
So I am trapped between a rock and a hard place, as I need to satisfy the ControllerLookup method, but also need to keep it so I can add and remove bindings easily at runtime.
protected override Type GetControllerType(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) {
//... find and return type from ninject
Anyone have any ideas?
(Just incase anyone questions why I am doing this, its because of the way I am loading plugins, Ninject knows about the types and the namespaces, but within the context of creating a controller it doesn't know the namespace just the controller name, so I do this to satisfy the isolation of the plugin, and the location of the dynamic controller, it is a roundabout way of doing it, but it is what people have done with AutoFac before Example of similar thing with AutoFac)
In my opinion the bindings should be created once at application startup and not change anymore after the first resolve. Everything else can lead to strange issues. Unless you have proper isolation using an AppDomain for each plugin you can not really unload them anyway. Instead of unloading bindings you can make them conditional and disable them using some configuration.
If you really want to unload bindings then I suggest not to do it for single bindings but take advantage of modules. Load all bindings belonging to one plugin together in one or several modules and unload those modules instead of the single bindings.

What are good candidates for base controller class in ASP.NET MVC?

I've seen a lot of people talk about using base controllers in their ASP.NET MVC projects. The typical examples I've seen do this for logging or maybe CRUD scaffolding. What are some other good uses of a base controller class?
There are no good uses of a base controller class.
Now hear me out.
Asp.Net MVC, especially MVC 3 has tons of extensibility hooks that provide a more decoupled way to add functionality to all controllers. Since your controllers classes are very important and central to an application its really important to keep them light, agile and loosely coupled to everything else.
Logging infrastructure belongs in a
constructor and should be injected
via a DI framework.
CRUD scaffolding should be handled by
code generation or a custom
ModelMetadata provider.
Global exception handling should be
handled by an custom ActionInvoker.
Global view data and authorization
should be handled by action filters.
Even easier with Global action filters
in MVC3.
Constants can go in another class/file called ApplicationConstants or something.
Base Controllers are usually used by inexperienced MVC devs who don't know all the different extensibility pieces of MVC. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging and work with people who use them for all the wrong reasons. Its just experience that provides you with more tools to solve common problems.
I'm almost positive there isn't a single problem you can't solve with another extensibility hook than a base controller class. Don't take on the the tightest form of coupling ( inheritance ) unless there is a significant productivity reason and you don't violate Liskov. I'd much rather take the < 1 second to type out a property 20 times across my controllers like public ILogger Logger { get; set; } than introduce a tight coupling which affects the application in much more significant ways.
Even something like a userId or a multitenant key can go in a ControllerFactory instead of a base controller. The coupling cost of a base controller class is just not worth it.
I like to use base controller for the authorization.
Instead of decorating each action with "Authorize" attribute, I do authorization in the base controller. Authorized actions list is fetched from database for the logged in user.
please read below link for more information about authorization.
Good practice to do common authorization in a custom controller factory?
I use it for accessing the session, application data etc.
I also have an application object which holds things like the app name etc and i access that from the base class
Essentially i use it for things i repeat a lot
Oh, i should mention i don't use it for buisiness logic or database access. Constants are a pretty good bet for a base class too i guess.
I have used base controller in many of my projects and worked fantastic. I mostly used for
Exception logging
Notification (success, error, adding..)
Invoking HTTP404 error handling
From my experience most of the logic you'd want to put in a base controller would ideally go into an action filter. Action Filter's can only be initialized with constants, so in some cases you just can't do that. In some cases you need the action to apply to every action method in the system, in which case it may just make more sense to put your logic in a base as opposed to annotating every action method with a new actionFilter attribute.
I've also found it helpful to put properties referencing services (which are otherwise decoupled from the controller) into the base, making them easy to access and initialized consistently.
What i did was to use a generic controller base class to handle:
I created BaseCRUDController<Key,Model> which required a ICRUDService<TModel> object as constructor parameter so the base class will handle Create / Edit / Delete. and sure in virtual mode to handle in custom situations
The ICRUDService<TModel> has methods like Save / Update / Delete / Find / ResetChache /... and i implement it for each repository I create so i can add more functionality to it.
using this structure i could add some general functionality like PagedList / AutoComplete / ResetCache / IncOrder&DecOrder (if the model is IOrderable)
Error / Notification messages handling: a part in Layout with #TempData["MHError"] code and a Property in base Controller like
public Notification Error
set { TempData["MHError"] = value; }
get { return (Notification) TempData.Peek("MHError"); }
With this Abstract classes i could easily handle methods i had to write each time or create with Code Generator.
But this approach has it's weakness too.
We use the BaseController for two things:
Attributes that should be applied to all Controllers.
An override of Redirect, which protects against open redirection attacks by checking that the redirect URL is a local URL. That way all Controllers that call Redirect are protected.
I'm using a base controller now for internationalization using the i18N library. It provides a method I can use to localize any strings within the controller.
Filter is not thread safe, the condition of database accessing and dependency injection, database connections might be closed by other thread when using it.
We used base controller:
to override the .User property because we use our own User object that should have our own custom properties.
to add global OnActionExecuted logic and add some global action-filters
