I am learning grails by doing some sample programs.
I want to know how to validate a user-defined form using grails.
My code is:
Domain class
class User
String property
static constraints =
Controller class
def addUser() {
def userPrint() {
def values = request.getParameterValues("property")
for(val in values){
println "values received :"+val
<g:form name="useraddform" url="[controller:'user',action:'userPrint']">
<td>Username :</td>
<td><g:textField name="property" value=""/></td>
<td>Password : </td>
<td><g:textField name="property" value=""/></td>
<input type="submit" value="ADD"/>
I need to validate the username and password entered.
How to achieve this???
Please help....!
Please read the constraints manual section and whole web layer chapter.
Also, run grails generate-all on some other sample project and look at scaffolding GSPs contents, especially hasErrors tag/function.
I want to display the result of sql each row from the service code to my gsp view.
My Service code is:
def health()
def schemaList = [:]
groovy.sql.Sql sql = new groovy.sql.Sql(dataSource);
sql.eachRow("SELECT SOURCE, count(1) as COUNT from fact group by SOURCE");
ArrayList returnResults = []
My Controller Code is:
def stats = {
def health = AccessLogService.heath()
render (template:'healthview', model:[health:health])
My gsp view is as follows:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="layout" content="admin" />
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
<br />
<br />
<font style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;'>Health Condition</font>
<div id='overall'>
<g:if test="${health.size() > 0}">
<table border="1">
<g:each in="${health}" status="i" var="thisRecord">
I am not able to see the results of my query in gsp view? Where I am going wrong.
you are trying to get the wrong key of your model.
you service returns a hash [returnMap:returnResults] so your controller renders the model: [health:health] -> [health:[returnMap:returnResults]].
thus in your gsp you should refer to health.returnMap to see the list:
<g:if test="${health.returnMap}">
<g:each in="${health.returnMap}" status="i" var="thisRecord">
the code looks strange... this is how it should be:
ArrayList returnResults = []
sql.eachRow("SELECT SOURCE, count(1) as COUNT from fact group by SOURCE"){
returnResults << it.toRowResults()
Where is the sqlStatement variable declared in your service? I think that is the error.
And an advice you need to debug your program. for example, Test if the service returns result by:
running your app debug mode
using log.debug
using println
or if you are doing these and have seen any erorrs on your console post that here.
In my Grails application I have multiple pages that list a group of data objects inside of a table. In these pages I provide a search function which when performed will adjust the table to only display the data objects that match the query. However If a user decides to delete one of these data objects the application will take them back to the default table which displays everything. I would like for query results to remain intact after performing a delete.
I will use my "Skill Evaluations" page as my example in this post.
Here is the relevant code in the domain class
class SkillEval {
static hasMany = [lines: SkillEvalL, courses: CourseOffering, choiceLabels: ChoiceLabel]
String name
String formVersion
static def search(params) {
def criteria = SkillEval.createCriteria()
def results = criteria.list(params) {
or {
ilike("name", params.search+'%')
return results
Relevant section of the gsp view file
<div class="search">
<label for="searchField">Search:</label> <input type="text"
id="searchField" name="search" value="${params.search}" /> <input
type="submit" value="Search" />
<table id="mainTable">
<g:each var="eval" in="${skillEvalList}">
<g:actionSubmit value="Delete" controller="skillEval" action="delete" onclick="setId(${eval.id});return confirm('Are you sure?');" class="delete" />
<g:if test="${(skillEvalCount/maxCount) > 1}">
<div class="pagination">
<g:paginate action="list" total="${skillEvalCount}" />
<input id="evalId" type="hidden" name="id" value="" />
function setId(id)
Relevant code in the Controller class
def delete(Long id) {
def skillEval = SkillEval.get(id)
if (skillEval) {
def allInstances = SkillEvalI.findAllByForm(skillEval)
allInstances.each { evalInstance ->
if(!evalInstance.delete()) {
println "Failed to delete skill eval instance"
else {
println "Instance successfully deleted."
try {
skillEval.delete(flush: true)
catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
redirect(action: "list")
How can I make the view retain the queried results after deleting one of the queried items?
When you redirect to the list action you can provide parameters -- just capture the parameters (if any) in the delete action and pass them in the redirect call to list at the end of the controller action.
(Update: Forgot that actionSubmit does not accept params as an attribute, so cobbled together this solution from this SO answer and the Grails docs)
// View (list.gsp)
<g:actionSubmit action="deleteWithParams" value="Delete" ... />
// Controller
def list() {
def deleteWithParams = { forward(action:'delete', params:[search: params?.search]) }
def delete(Long id) {
// Deleting the skillEval ...
redirect(action: "list", params: [search: params?.search])
My problem is this: I want to create a grails domain instance, defining the 'Many' instances of another domain that it has. I have the actual source in a Google Code Project but the following should illustrate the problem.
class Person {
String name
static hasMany[skills:Skill]
static constraints = {
id (visible:false)
skills (nullable:false, blank:false)
class Skill {
String name
String description
static constraints = {
id (visible:false)
name (nullable:false, blank:false)
description (nullable:false, blank:false)
If you use this model and def scaffold for the two Controllers then you end up with a form like this that doesn't work;
My own attempt to get this to work enumerates the Skills as checkboxes and looks like this;
But when I save the Volunteer the skills are null!
This is the code for my save method;
def save = {
log.info "Saving: " + params.toString()
def skills = params.skills
log.info "Skills: " + skills
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params)
log.info volunteerInstance
if (volunteerInstance.save(flush: true)) {
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'volunteer.label', default: 'Volunteer'), volunteerInstance.id])}"
redirect(action: "show", id: volunteerInstance.id)
log.info volunteerInstance
else {
render(view: "create", model: [volunteerInstance: volunteerInstance])
This is my log output (I have custom toString() methods);
2010-05-10 21:06:41,494 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Saving: ["skills":["1", "2"], "name":"Ian", "_skills":["", ""], "create":"Create", "action":"save", "controller":"volunteer"]
2010-05-10 21:06:41,495 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Skills: [1, 2]
2010-05-10 21:06:41,508 [http-8080-3] INFO bumbumtrain.VolunteerController - Volunteer[ id: null | Name: Ian | Skills [Skill[ id: 1 | Name: Carpenter ] , Skill[ id: 2 | Name: Sound Engineer ] ]]
Note that in the final log line the right Skills have been picked up and are part of the object instance. When the volunteer is saved the 'Skills' are ignored and not commited to the database despite the in memory version created clearly does have the items. Is it not possible to pass the Skills at construction time? There must be a way round this? I need a single form to allow a person to register but I want to normalise the data so that I can add more skills at a later time.
If you think this should 'just work' then a link to a working example would be great.
If I use the HTML Select then it works fine! Such as the following to make the Create page;
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="skills"><g:message code="volunteer.skills.label" default="Skills" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: volunteerInstance, field: 'skills', 'errors')}">
<g:select name="skills" from="${uk.co.bumbumtrain.Skill.list()}" multiple="yes" optionKey="id" size="5" value="${volunteerInstance?.skills}" />
But I need it to work with checkboxes like this;
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="skills"><g:message code="volunteer.skills.label" default="Skills" /></label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: volunteerInstance, field: 'skills', 'errors')}">
<g:each in="${skillInstanceList}" status="i" var="skillInstance">
<label for="${skillInstance?.name}"><g:message code="${skillInstance?.name}.label" default="${skillInstance?.name}" /></label>
<g:checkBox name="skills" value="${skillInstance?.id.toString()}"/>
The log output is exactly the same! With both style of form the Volunteer instance is created with the Skills correctly referenced in the 'Skills' variable. When saving, the latter fails with a null reference exception as shown at the top of this question.
Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance!
Replace your create.gsp <g:checkbox...> code by:
<g:checkBox name="skill_${skillInstance.id}"/>
Then inside the save action of your controller, replace def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params) by :
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(name: params.name)
params.each {
if (it.key.startsWith("skill_"))
volunteerInstance.skills << Skill.get((it.key - "skill_") as Integer)
Should work. (code not tested)
I would reader send id list of your has many elements because this can be easily assigned by default in Grails.
Your .gsp should look like:
<g:each in="${skills}" var="skill">
<input type="checkbox"
and in your controller you can simply stores the value like this:
person.properties = params
It's pretty easy, isn't it? :-)
Grails does not provide data-binding support when you use a checkbox and you want to bind ToMany associations. At least, up to version 2.2.0
Workaround ?
1º option - Write gsp code which behaves like a select component
<g:each var="skillInstance" in="${skillInstanceList}">
<div class="fieldcontain">
<g:set var="checked" value=""/>
<g:if test="${volunteerInstance?.skills?.contains(skillInstance)}">
<input type="hidden" name="_skills" value="${skillInstance?.id}"/>
<g:set var="checked" value="checked"/>
<label for="${skillInstance?.name}">
<g:message code="${skillInstance?.name}.label"
default="${skillInstance?.name}" />
<input type="checkbox" name="skills" value="${skillInstance?.id}"
${checked} />
2º Create your own TagLib
* Custom TagLib must end up with the TagLib suffix
* It should be placed in the grails-app/taglib directory
class BindingAwareCheckboxTagLib {
def bindingAwareCheckbox = { attrs, body ->
out << render(
template: "/<TEMPLATE_DIR>/bindingAwareCheckboxTemplate.gsp",
model: [referenceColletion: attrs.referenceColletion,
Where <TEMPLATE_DIR> should be relative to the /grails-app/views directory. Furthermore, templates should be prefixed with _.
Now you can use your custom TagLib as follows
Once done, binding process will occur automatically. No additional code needed.
<g:checkBox name="skills" value="${skillInstance.id}" checked="${skillInstance in volunteerInstance?.skills}"/>
def volunteerInstance = new Volunteer(params).save()
def skills = Skill.getAll(params.list('skills'))
skills.each{ volunteerInstance.addToSkills(it).save() }
I create a GSP page with controls depending on the rows in a database.
This depends on the value returned by the <g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle">
So, if there are 3 vehicles, 3 rows with text boxes will be generated. (The maximum can be 200)
<g:form action="update" >
<label for="SearchTerm">${term}</label>
<g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle">
<td> <label for="Name">${vehicle.name}</label> </td>
<td><g:textField name="${vehicle.id}.ModelNo" /> </td>
<td><g:textField name="${vehicle.id}.Year" /> </td>
<td> <g:submitButton name="update" value="Update"/></td>
How can I basically pass this value to my controller so that I can then save/update the data to the database. or Is there any easy way to achieve this scenario?
You need some code like this in the GSP
<g:form action="update" >
<label for="SearchTerm">${term}</label>
<g:each in="${Vehicles}" var="vehicle" status="i">
<td> <label for="Name">${vehicle.name}</label> </td>
<td><g:hiddenField name="vehicle[${i}].id" value="${vehicle.id}"/>
<g:textField name="vehicle[${i}].ModelNo" value="${vehicle.ModelNo}"/> </td>
<td><g:textField name="vehicle[${i}].Year" value="${vehicle.Year}"/> </td>
<td> <g:submitButton name="update" value="Update"/></td>
The Controller needs to either have a Domain with a List Property or a Command Object with a List Property ie
SearchCommand {
List<Vehicle> vehicle = new Arraylist<Vehicle>(3);
Then in the controller (if using the command object)
def save = {SearchCommand searchCmd->
searchCmd.vehicle.each {vehicle ->
/* Process Vehicle */
Hope that Helps
You need to use the request object from your controller. If you can generate the names of the controls you need to access do something like the following
idList.each {
If you want a list of all your generated form fields use something like
java.util.Enumeration theFields=request.getParameterNames()
theFields.each {
//look at your field name and take appropriate action
For more info on the request object see this
I call a service that creates a parent and a child record. If an error happens, the service throws a RuntimeException. The RuntimeExceptionis is caught by the controller and then there there is a redirect back to the gsp. But the error is not being rendered.
In this case, I guess the controller and thus the gsp doesn't really no anything about the objects, since everything is done in the service. So how do I render the errors?
Simple Data Entry GSP
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Sample title</title>
<h1>Add A Record</h1>
<g:hasErrors bean="${parent}">
<div class="errors">
<g:renderErrors bean="${parent}" as="list" />
<g:hasErrors bean="${child}">
<div class="errors">
<g:renderErrors bean="${child}" as="list" />
<g:form action="add" name="doAdd">
Parent Name
Child Name
<g:textField name="parentName" />
<g:textField name="childName" />
<tr><td><g:submitButton name="update" value="Update" /></td></tr>
class AddrecordController {
def addRecordsService
def index = {
redirect action:"show", params:params
def add = {
println "do add"
try {
} catch (java.lang.RuntimeException re){
println re.message
flash.message = re.message
redirect action:"show", params:params
def show = {}
class AddRecordsService {
static transactional = true
def addAll(params) {
def Parent theParent = addParent(params.parentName)
def Child theChild = addChild(params.childName,theParent)
def addParent(pName) {
def theParent = new Parent(name:pName)
throw new RuntimeException('unable to save parent')
return theParent
def addChild(cName,Parent theParent) {
def theChild = new Child(name:cName,parent:theParent)
throw new RuntimeException('unable to save child')
return theChild
You need to get a reference to the invalid object somehow and pass it to the view via the model so I would extend RuntimeException and add fields to contain the objects with validation errors e.g.
}catch(MyCustomException m){
render view:'show', model:[parent:m.getParent(), child:m.getChild()]
This whole exercise might be easier using Parent.withTransaction instead of the automatic rollback via RuntimeExceptions. Then you could manually rollback the transaction if there's validation errors and just return the objects instead of having to contain them in the exception.