Siebel compile integration with Jenkins CI - jenkins

I have a task to configure Siebel compile with Jenkins CI tool. I dont know much about siebel. So, please suggest if anyone have ever configure these two before or anyone have some knowledge about integration or tools.
Thanks in advance.

Integrating Siebel build with Jenkins is pretty simple. Steps are as follow,
Add new jnlp slave(window machine) where you have install you toold.
Use repository tool to download object on you window machine. For SVN you can use silk svn or if you are using git them that can be directly integrated with your job as Jenkins provide plugin for same.
Define your folder structure with main folder. like for applet,bc,bo etc.
Call you siebdev.exe to import all object. You can do it by the option /batchimport. It will import all sif file present in directory
siebdev.exe " /c "D:\sea81\Tools_2\BIN\ENU\tools.cfg" /d "Local" /u "USER" /p "PASSWORD!" /batchimport "Siebel Repository" overwrite "d:\workspace_future\objects/Applet"
Once import is complete,start compiling.
tools.cfg" /d "Local" /u "USER" /p "PASSWORD!" /bc "Siebel Repository" "d:\workspace_future\built\siebel.srf"
Now you can also create Browser script, zip it and upload on any ftp system, which can be used to download files during integration.
There is many things which you can play with. For example I create a unique build file which contains repository with latest change, srf file, browser script,and other reference data like lov,system preference etc.

This might help you:
It shows how to automate a siebel compilation. Use the first part (command line stuff) and put that in the "Execute Windows Batch Command" section of Jenkins.
I'm not sure how much experience you have with Jenkins, so if you need more details, please post a comment.


Jenkins - how to copy test logs back to artifacts directory for build

New to Jenkins so apologise in advance as I'm sure this answer is out there somewhere. Just not sure exactly how to search for what I'm after. I'm struggling a bit with the copyback process in Jenkins.
When I build, I'm running some unit tests that create some log files which I want to be stored as part of the Jenkins build. I'm running on Windows 10 and everything is running on my laptop (I'm purely trying to learn Jenkins so this is fine for me).
So my test results will always appear in C:\TestLogs\*.log. I want the results copied to my build directory which is URL: http://localhost:8080/job/loadrunner_test/1/ absolute: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\loadrunner_test\builds\1
I'm a bit confused with which plugin I should use in my post build step? Copy Artifact plugin looks as if it's meant to pass data between builds. For each build, I just want to copy C:\TestLogs*.* to the current build directory so I can see them when I click on the link for #1 in the Build History.
Many thanks!
Jenkins Build
You can copy it with additional step.
Select Execute Windows batch command for that step and add this line:
xcopy C:\TestLogs C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\jenkins_test\builds\%BUILD_NUMBER% /s /e
You can also check configuration for your test if you can set path location.

How can I automatically svn tag build artefacts with Jenkins?

I'm automating the following manual process with Jenkins:
Check out the trunk from svn
Build the code
Run tests
If the tests pass then tag the code and built artefacts
Steps 1-3 are working, but I need some help with tagging in step 4. There are some possible solutions that I've excluded:
The svn-tag plugin which has security issues and not developed
since 2015
The "tag this build" button which is a manual step and doesn't allow
me to select which files are tagged
Using svn command line tools on the slave, because I don't want to rely on them being install (and the same version as Jenkins), also I don't want to expose credentials to the build
Tools seem to be available for Git. Is there another way to do it for svn that I haven't thought of?
What about svn commandline?
Your could try to create a tag using shell :
svn copy http://svn/mywebsite/trunk http://svn/mywebsite/tags/2.2.1 -m "Release 2.2.1 - added new feature"
If it works, your step 4 could be a build step called : Execute Shell :
Just put your shell script in the text-area called command. You could use variables for your url, tag number, etc
Finally, you could create a jenkins plugin called svn command line tool to make life easier. Is not complex as many believe.

How to config and run java project on Jenkins?

I'm very new with Jenkins. I have tried to run projects on Jenkins but all are fail. I don't know whether the configuration is wrong or something. I have read the instruction on the but I didn't understand anything. Anyone can give me a demo with Java project? By the way, show me the Jenkins configuration. Thanks all!
First question, do you want to build a Maven project?
If the answer is yes, you can create a new job with this template "Build a maven project".
You just have to configure your SCM tool (Git, SVN, ...) and when you want to pool your code (cron tab).
Next, in the build section, you have to declare your Maven goals (clean install for example) and the pom.xml file location (if the pom.xml file is not in the root folder).
That's all.

How to debug the Jenkins plugin

I have built a new "Hello World" plugin for Jenkins and I was able to upload it onto Jenkins and it works successfully. I am now trying to make change to the plugin and debug it on Jenkins.
My Jenkins is deployed in my local tomcat, i build the hpi file and copy it to jenkins plugins folder, it works.
Now i want to ask how can i debug my plugin code? Suggestions with any IDE is welcome.
I also have questions about:
do i need to create a project for jenkins source in my IDE and develop my plugin base on it?
Currently i only create a project for the plugin, build a hpi file and put it to Jenkins.
I am not sure if this step is correct.
Thanks in advance!
I imagine you ran
mvn package
to create your package
To debug you can do
mvnDebug hpi:run
and this will copy all the dependencies down (rather than in your jenkins install) and run it in place
If you are using an IDE then this can be done from within it.
More help can be found in the plugin tutorial
Follow the tutorial to set MAVEN_OPTS, and using IntelliJ to add a Jetty Server to point the port to it.
execute from cmd:
mvn clean
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n
mvn hpi:run
add a debug local Jetty Server from intelliJ and point it to port 8000 (port number is specified in above cmd)
In case of IntelliJ IDEA the easiest way is to use maven's Run/Debug configuration.
Just add hpi:run in "Command line" filed and start Debug as usual.
When the console says that your "Jenkins is fully up and running", open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/jenkins/ and your code will stopped at break point (if any).

Creation of InstallAnywhere installer inside of Hudson CI

My company is trying to automate the creation of a nightly installer with Hudson. Our license to install anywhere is running on a separate server. We have an ANT build script set up to call the InstallAnywhere jar file which creates the installer automatically, and that works great when ran from the command prompt.
However when we try to run it inside of Hudson, Hudson is not able to connect to that license server. InstallAnywhere spits out The evaluation period has expired. Does anyone know what we can do to solve this issue?
I'm assuming it's a Hudson issue since our ANT script works fine when used outside of Hudson.
My best guess is that you need to set up some environment variables required by the InstallAnywhere process; I'm not very familiar with that product, but maybe it needs a home directory for the product, the location of the license file, the license key value, etc.
One easy way to debug this would be to check if Hudson is running under the same user that you are using to run the Ant script from the command line, then check the environment settings for the command line user if they are different.
Since I'm running Hudson as a service I had to use the "Default User" user. The solution was to copy the InstallAnywhere folder tree from "C:\Documents and Settings\MyUser" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User"
I just had the same issue, so I thought I would share my solution. You can also register the CI build user so you can continue using the automated user rather than switching it to your own user account:
Set up a bat file to execute:
<PATH_TO_IA>\build.exe -registerNodeLocked <PATH_TO_IA>\License.lic
Note, the License will be your mac address.lic, and you only have to do this once.
My bat was:
C:\Progra~2\Instal~2\build.exe -registerNodeLocked C:\Progra~2\Instal~2\[MAC].lic
Then I added a bat task to jenkins, and ran the job:
You should see something like:
Trying to checkout IAEE version=12.0
InstallAnywhere is successfully registered.
