How should I handle user validation through Rhodes (without RhoConnect/Sync)? - ruby-on-rails

I have a site build on rails that provides XML version of all relevant pages. Additionally, it has HTTP authentication.
My plan to handle login for the mobile app is to post the username/password to the login page and, assuming I get a good response, I'll set global variables variables for user and password and make all requests to protected data with the validated user/pass in the header. Logout will just wipe wipe the user/password global variables.
Is the best way to handle this or am I making things more difficult than they need to be?

yes, although my advice is to use a gem like Devise or authLogic as rolling your own authentication is fraught with potential problems.
There are different ways you can include external libraries for Rhodes, including RubyGems and custom extensions. Please refer to the link below for information.


Security in angular.js with Ruby on Rails

What is the best way to make authentication?
on frontend I use Angular.js
on backend: Ruby on Rails
Rails app using as API for my frontend.
This is will be single page application.
Frontend wiil be developed in Angular.js, backend in Ruby on Rails.
In ideal I want to build backend as collection of resources returned in json.
I search best method of security implementation.
When user open the app I need to check if user authenticated.
If not - go to login page,
If authenticated - open that he wants and return needed resource from backend.
I think that I need to store auth token on the client side.
What is the best method to generate it, or maybe Rails already generate it for me?
I don't know Angular.JS at all but I will try to provide you general information on rails that you can use with any Javascript Framework.
For authentication, you just needs:
A model for users
a controller which handle login, this method check user login/password, create a session object with all information needed (session is stored on server side and a cookie is used on client-side to associate each request to a session)
A controller for handling logout which basically only destroy the user's session
You have a good implementation in the rails tutorial here, or you can find several plugins (authlogic seems to be the recommendation of stackoverflow usershere).
Then, there is few differences between handling authentication with static html pages or with AJAX:
A HTML request will send login and password to the controller, which will automatically redirect it to another internal page once the session create
In AJAX, the javascript on client side should send an ajax request, look for the answer by the server (success / failure) and launch adapted actions (message if failure, redirection if success)
In both cases, the important thing is to check that the user is authenticated at at each controller otherwise anybody would be allowed to launch action or access internal information.
I'm trying to do something similar and I found this example app which has been very useful to get me going in the right direction:
Also checkout further discussion about it here:
And here's another repo which takes a slightly different approach:
I ended up borrowing ideas from all of the above. Here's a working demo if anyone's interested:

Password protecting pages simply with rails - what should I do?

I'm now on level 7 of Hartl's rails tutorial book and I'm starting to think about my application in deployment. It's an app that allows about 12 social workers to communicate collaboratively and privately. Thus, I need to password protect it.
However, it also needs to be easy to use, very easy to use. A few of these people haven't used a computer before, and having logging on and sign-up processes would put them off completely.
Thus I want to create a landing page, where they have to type a password in (the same password for everybody), then it redirects to the 'discussion pages.' My first idea was to use some obfuscated javascript such that upon typing in the password, it redirects them to the discussion pages, but this doesn't sound very secure.
Can anyone recommend me a better way to do this in rails? Ideally they would only have to type it in once, and then it would authenticate them for all the pages automatically (by setting a cookie?) and anyone trying to access a page directly would be redirected to the authentication page.
Cheers in advance
A very simple authentication option is available to you in this situation. I would suggest you watch the Ruby on Railscast episode 270. I think it just maybe what you are looking for.
If you want really simple, you can use authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic
It's not a replacement for a real authentication system, e.g. Devise or AuthLogic however.
I started to use the lockup gem for this purpose:
It is super easy to setup and almost every user accessing the site should be able to use it.

Building an api as a service

I am building an api for others to use. This is a simple enough Json request the user passes as some data and we pass some back.
What I would love is to secure our api and have some sort of user system where we can turn users on and off and we can log how many requests each user makes.
What would be the best way to do this in Rails? I don't want it to slow down the request. I can see ways of doing it using devise maybe but would be great to hear other people's opinions.
Another way is to use 3scale ( - it's free up to a traffic cap but handles all the key management, users, documentation etc. and there's a ruby library which you can drop into your code if you're using rails. (other libs are here:
I've done this before using the Token Authentication capabilities of devise (see ).
I found the following setup works:
Create a user account for each api user.
Configure devise for token authentication
Set the Token Authentication configuration to require the token to be submitted with each request.
This will allow you to enable and disable individual users as well as to track every request back to the api user that made the call.
If you're really interested in tracking usage you may want to consider also creating a database table where you track all api requests. This can be setup to belong_to the users table so that you easily find all requests from different users (e.g., #user.api_requests).
The count of all requests made by a user would be:
# or use a where clause to find how many of each type
#user.api_requests.where("api_request_type = ?", 'SomeAPICallType').count
One final note -- I recently used the Grape library for building out an API. I thought it was pretty well done and it worked great for our needs. I especially like the ability it provided to version APIs. Details are here:

Rails authorization necessary for post actions?

I have an app I'm writing in rails 3 w/ cancan and devise. I'm curious if authorizing post actions on your controllers is necessary or helpful from a security standpoint? Assuming all my controller actions require authentication w/ devise (ie user must be logged in).
I can see why I need authorization through cancan on my controller actions that use GET's since a user can simply input the url they wish to visit freely and this must be locked down. However, with posts the user must post the data from a form, which is protected against an xss attack with a token.
In this case would it be safe to assume that if i limit the visibility of, say, a button in my view with cancan that the user wouldn't be able to submit a form maliciously?
Thanks alot
Thanks for the quick answer guys. As it has been pointed out below a malicious user can forge a form post using tools such as firebug and thus authorization is necessary.
What would be the best way to simulate this type of interaction (a user posting to an url with a form they've hacked) using capybara / cucumber?
Thanks again.
A user can submit a POST request regardless of whether they are on your website or not. You're correct in thinking that the security token will help prevent XSS, but I would add authentication in for other methods of attacks.
A good (free) ebook to read if you're concerned about security is the Ruby on Rails Security Guide. It outlines all common forms of malicious attacks and even explores some of the lesser used (but just as effective) methods. It also gives great solutions on how to make your application more secure.
You should validate a users authorization in the controller.
With simple tools like FireBug, you can edit the content of a form manually and even add more text fields or similar. The XSS protection won't help you with that.
The user would still be able to generate the button (any method from using Firebug to changing browser code would do) on client side and send the form. If I remember correctly tokens are sent in HTML header co it wouldn't be a problem to forge the form.

Kerberos Authentication in Rails

Is it possible to use kerberos to authenticate a user under rails? Are there any existing plugins (preferably which extend authlogic's functionality) to do this?
I'm hoping someone else will come around and show us a pure Rails way of doing this. But until then, the easiest way to get things going is by letting your web server handle it.
On that note, I'm going to assume Apache. If this is not the case, please tell us a bit more about your set-up.
Proper Kerberos authentication in browsers is done in the HTTP protocol itself, much like Basic or Digest authentication. In Apache, this can be done with mod_kerb_auth.
Then the next step is to find out how to retrieve the username. It depends a bit on the interface you're using between the web-server and your Rails app. This could be Passenger, FastCGI, mod_proxy, etc.
Many will follow the original CGI standard to some degree, passing along a bunch of environment variables with the request. Try the following in your controller:
username = request.env['REMOTE_USER']
That's as far as I can take you. I've never used authlogic. Though, by the looks of it, it supports plugins. Perhaps you can create a new one that blindly trusts REMOTE_USER if it is set?
If you wanto to switch from authlogic to Omniauth for your authentication there's a module for it:
