iOS app - Fix Apple not allowing you link website for payment? - ios

I have an app which require user (loggin required) to pay before they can use (not Apple InApp Purchase), kind of like DropBox.
Of course there will be user don't sign up for my plan first and downloaded the app, what step should I do in my app in order to tell them to pay from my website?
Seems I cannot link to my website, so how can I tell them to pay?

as you said you cannot make direct link from within the app to the payment other than IAP, maybe you should make website for signup/payment. and the only thing you can do in the app is to tell user that the user need to have the account of the website. direct link seens to not allowed


Apple developers rejected- subscriptions to be used in the app - Business - 3.1.1

Apple developers rejected my app with this reason.
"Business - 3.1.1
Your app includes an account registration feature, which is considered an access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app.
This feature does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Next Steps
Please remove the account registration links and any other fully qualified links to your site that could indirectly provide access to these mechanisms, such as links to web pages for support, FAQ, product or program details, etc."
The users can use the app in demo mode (without registration) with some restrictions, but if they register they can use without registrations.
The registration is not in webview. The client sends the user's datas to server.
Can someone help me?
You basically have two ways to solve the problem.
1) Sell the subscription etc. only through the App Store in the app (similar to Dropbox/Office etc.), i.e. there should be no links to your website, where your users have/can insert payment information. Look at the mentioned examples, how they solve this.
2) Only sell the subscription/services via the web, but never ever link to these pages via your app (similar to Kindle app, partially Spotify).
Your app must still be somehow (open for interpretation) functional for users without a subscription / registration.
The main issue Apple has, is that it's possible to circumvent the store and Apple's 30% cut. Just make sure that users are not able to purchase any digital products & services
Apps may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than IAP.
Yes, You can submit app again but you have to implement one small feature like as guest user login.
In this You will implement one UIButton it's should say "Go without login". Implement this small functionality in your app. Create one user as guest.
When user hit "Go without login" you will pass your static user id and login in the app.
I have same problem. I am create a this solution and it's work

IOS verify failed about External buy questiones

11.13: Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, such as a “buy" button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected
We found that your app provides access to account registration. As this also provides the user access to mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, this is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Since the app includes access to services already purchased or subscribed by your existing users through means other than IAP, this is considered as a form of external mechanism.
Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.
To be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, it would be appropriate to remove access to account registration.
The hotscreen is regist and login.
We had delete all links from App in 'about' ViewController.
And it just has a regist/login page in my App that is not have function of 'buy'.
But there is can pass with regist/login page in My other apps.
My App is free app that is to show some video in iPhone.
The Video is also free in App that is not need to buy.
The user can regist a user to comment or favorite some video.
I also have a web side for this. and user can buy some Charges Video in it.
I hope someone can help me!!!
It seems that a registered user of yours can access stuff they bought on your website.
That is what apple is complaining about.
If you remove the login/register it will go through or use it just for commenting - maybe you can trick apple by renaming it to login-for-commenting/register-for-commenting (and for the time until it passed, disabling the "view-my-bought-stuff" from your website, so you can enable it without re-submitting the app)
I assume purchases are done at some external web-site of yours.
You cannot refer to Buy in your app, if purchases are not done via App store.
You have to look for alternatives, like use DB at your web-site for user purchases validation.
User can login and their purchased items shall be available for download.
You can have an information button or something which tells user to have a look at your web-site for more information/ "you might also like".
Please note selling your stuff via App store shall be made on Apple inc terms only.
This do not restrict you to sell your stuff outside App store, but you cannot have selling links in your app.
You should not have user registration in your app, until you are using IAP.
This is stated in 11.12.
However I still feel you can have login in your app, and do registration /selling outside the app. This gives you liberty as your app is not selling content/neither doing any user registration.
I am having a couple of apps with my developer license and doing this i passed all validations of app submission both legally and review process as well.

iOS Apps that require a membership to use

I'm developing an iOS app for companies that will help them track their sales rep's progress throughout the day. Tracks a lot of different info and helps with time management, etc.
The service requires that a company sign up for the service through the website. Then they will have their sales reps download the app and sign in using their company account/login information.
So if a general user downloads the app, without first signing up for the service, the app won't work.
Is this a problem? I can't find anything in the iOS documentation and Apple Developer Support is no help.
Does Apple require the the user be able to create an account within/through the app itself? Do I need to provide some kind of content to someone who downloads the app but does NOT have a membership? Like in the login screen?
Any input you might have would be helpful.
Because you are having a sales rep login with company info, I would imagine that when the app first launches, there will be a login screen. And most login screeens have hyperlinks like "Create an Account" and "Forgot Password?" That redirect users to a website in safari
Nothing you described seems to violate Apple's terms of service. You should be fine and your app should be approved. But then again, Apple always has the final word.

Confirming someone downloaded an iOS app

I want someone to complete a registration process on a website, then download an app from the Apple App Store, however I am unsure how we could track that someone did download an app and tie that download back to the registration.
What is the best I can hope to achieve with this and how would I go about implementing it?
Have them enter some kind of registration code or a username/password combo created on the website. As far as I know, the is no other way since you do not have access to that kind of information from the App Store.
It sounds like you want analytics tracking per registration. For that you may consider a B2B app, meaning it's not visible in the app store when you search for it yet, you can point users to a custom itunes url to download the app. After that you can download iTunes Connect a view active installs.
You could take a look at -
In their own words: is a universal URL shortener that sends web visitors to your app or your website. It also answers the question:
How many of those visitors download and run your app?
Just like, it tracks the number of clicks - but unlike ordinary shorteners it shows the number of app users you get from that link and its overall conversion rate. So use it instead of a naked iTunes link for tweets, email signatures, ads and anywhere else you share your app. You can even use LinkShare with to recapture affiliate commission. is free for indie devs, with no cap on how many links you create or how many clicks you generate.

Require In-App Purchase

I want to create an app that will be displayed as FREE on the App Store, but upon opening it, users are required to do and in-app purchase to be able to access any of the content. I am reading the App Store Review Guidelines, but I am not sure if Apple allows this since the users will not be able to see anything on the app unless they subscribe to it.
The reason I need this is because my client wants the app to be sold at $0.99/year and I don't think this can be done by setting only via Price Tier.
Create a membership only app.
You must sign in to use the app (you can give apple a test account)
then you can manage the membership on your own servers. Or allow them to sign up with the in app purchase.
(enable both the user login and the in app purchase to get a user login, then you can give apple a "test" account that requires no purchase)
They will test your in app purchases anyhow so make sure you follow all the rules on Re-Activating in app purchases, this way if the user comes back and reloads their purchase and they have 2 months left you are sure the app will still allow them.
As long as you dont try to accept credit cards from the app, and use their in app purchase system you should be fine.
If you want to enable users to purchase their account from your server, you cannot allow the purchase from the app. The login however can enable the app without the purchase (and the test account should) but in app purchase should allow them to attach their purchase to the account they use.
I think im rambling now so I hope thats enough clarification.
What you can do is present a demo of the app as a feature before the user buying in-app purchase.just a screen extra. So that Apple does not reject it.
The other option is:
If you have a login/password app, you can tell apple that your app requires login before any feature can be given, only if your in-app thing is login related.
