UIImagePickerController modular replacement - ios

I am looking for a replace to UIImagePickerController that allows custom extensibility for local pictures, public API's like Facebook/Flickr/Tumblr/Picasa/SmugMug, and custom proprietary picture collections (local or abroad).
Solutions I have found so far, and problems with them:
This is almost perfect, except I am forced to use the 3rd party service from getchute.com - what happens if this site goes dark, permanently? And all permissions dialogs list "Chute" as the application name. My app uses the Facebook SDK elsewhere, so I would like to use my existing APP id/key. When I add it via the chute app control panel, I get the Facebook API error "Invalid redirect_uri:Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration". Which I can fix with the Facebook API, however if A. I knew what the URL was (I don't), and B. I really was OK with having a middle man with the API requests (I'm not).
It is also very ARC hostile which is a PITA to get running.
Very nice replacement for UIImagePickerController, that includes multi select. No built modularity to support Facebook or other API's.
Simple replacement for just UIImagePickerController - doesn't seem to have navigable views. No apparent modularity.
Looks complicated. For obvious reasons won't play well with non-Facebook services.

https://github.com/mrdavenz/CaptureSessionManager has example code of to create your own photo picker with AVCamera. You could use this as a starting point. See the blog at http://www.musicalgeometry.com/?p=1297


Open other applications with their Deeplinks in Swift

I am learning to have deep links in my application.
I would like to have my users link their social media, blog, or other site in my application.
But, it should attempt to open a link by detecting the site and attempt to open that site's application (at least for mainstream social media etc).
I was attempting to use https://github.com/BranchMetrics/Roots-iOS but their own demo does not even work it seems and I could not get my application to work(I am also using swift so I am not used to reading Obj-C too much).
Does anyone know how to do this?
Although it is not quite what i needed, the library https://github.com/SwiftKitz/Appz is pretty close.
It launches to an external application, with a web fall back. It is also pretty easy to add code to pass a url and detect the base application and parse it out into that applications deeplinking scheme (which was info I didn't have before.)
Sorry for the trouble on this.

How would I create an app for a website that does not have an API and uses ASP.NET?

Basically what I'm looking to do is to create an native interface for a website that does not have any sort of API. This would be a 3rd party app that would provide all the same functionality of the website, just optimized for iOS. The real problem I run into is in sending and getting user-entered data to the website as it is using ASP.NET which I am not at all familiar with and the user would need to log-in to the website.
This is kind of a convoluted question, but I am sitting at square one and not even really sure where to go from here.
It sounds like you are asking if you can create an iOS app that can interact with another website that doesn't have an API? If my understanding is correct, then there's really only one option I can think of.
You would have to make your iOS app make HTTP(S) calls to the ASP.NET based website and simulate GET/POST requests as if it were a "real" user. You would do this by using one of the native iOS HTTP clients (NSURLSession, for example) and would have to strip and parse the HTML you received back from the website in order to get the raw "data" required for your iOS app.
The situation you are describing is pretty complex and very brittle (you have to make a change to your iOS app every time any change is made to the ASP.NET website) and I would avoid this method of integration at all cost.

Using Google Maps to store custom set of locations (iOS Google Maps SDK)

Create mobile application, which gives the user ability to look for certain places (payment terminals) nearby and to add new ones. Of course user will have ability to edit places, change some of their meta-info fields, add photos, etc.
I can understand, how to implement such things at the mobile device side(i mean interface and model), but can't imagine, what i have to do at the "google-side" to store locations and get them to device.
I'm looking through developers.google.com for appropriate service, but google have so much different "Maps" services and their variety makes me disappointed, which one can give me necessary instruments.
I'm sorry, if my question is too stupid but i can't realize how to implement such functionality.
If anybody ever made such applications, please help me to find, at least, the service, which can help me to implement such functionality. Sample code at github will be the great!
You're looking to build a "back-end" or a database to store the locations that you are interested in. This means that you will save them on a server, that you will access through requests over the internet from your iPhone.
For a really simple back-end to set up, check out Parse that is very simple to implement.

Is it possible to load interactive elements into an iOS app?

Does anyone have any ideas how I could package an external interactive slide that could be dynamically loaded by an iOS app? Is it at all possible?
e.g. Imagine having a presentation app on an iPad. There is a set of interactive slides held on the web somewhere, let's say they contain draggable elements.
Can I load one of these slide objects into the app and interact with it? If so, what format would the slide object be?
Technically it's possible to dynamically load bundles (NSBundle) components in an app. These bundles could even contain executable code, though AppStore guidelines prohibit use of dynamically loaded NSBundles in this way for security reasons.
Additionally you could just use a UIWebView to display some 'slides' on a webpage, though it will be very hard to make the app behave as if it's the same as the native slides - perhaps even impossible (due to how rendering of webpages work compared to native controls, for example).
Ok so lets say you have these "external interactive slides" on a web server somehow. Since you are not saying they are of a certain type (like powerpoint or such) I will just assume that these slides are of some rare format that is probably not supported by any existing apps or the Safari browser.
Then the answer to your question would be: Write your own iOS-app that can read, present and edit these slides. What format are they? Well it doesn't matter. Write an app that can download the slide data from the data and parse it, and present it on the phone.
Then let the user interact with it, and perhaps make the app upload the changes to the server.
You can do anything you like in your app, there are no limits. You just have to write the code for it. If there was some kind of standardised format, lets say you wanted your app to show powerpoint presentations, then you would have 3 choices. Use someone elseĀ“s app, or write your own app with a parser for the powerpoint files or make your own app that use some code that someone else wrote to do it (a third part library that you include in your app)
In your specific case, I can not tell if there are any third part librarys to interact with your slides, but my guess is that you will need to do most of it on your own. You could start with looking at how the web services that interact with the slides online works, and if you can interact with them from an iOS-app that you make yourself.
There is nothing stopping you from creating an app, read the slide data into the app, present it in any way you like, let the user change it, save it in your app, or upload the changes to a server. It's all up to you =)
Good luck!

Which one is better for social networking integration in iOS development?

I have searched on net for social networking integration in iOS projects (For example: Facebook, Twitter, etc)
I found there are also SDKs available for particulars and some OpenSource projects/frameworks are also available for the same which combines all into one like (ShareKit).
What is the difference in those two? Which one is better to use? Is there any problem to upload an app on AppStore which is using ShareKit framework/code?
Thanks in advance.
If you are using ARC in your project ShareKit is a big waste of time.
Twitter can be added very easily using the Twitter framework and TWTweetComposeViewController. Not sure about any others.
#mrunal check Socialize out: http://www.GetSocialize.com and see what you think. Full feautre list at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features
If you are only looking to use Twitter and Facebook, then it is simple enough to just use their API and implement it in your code.
If you are new to development or want to use more (Delicious, Tumblr, Read It Later, Bit.ly, Mail), then I would highly recommend using ShareKit. It allows for sharing of text, URLs and even images. It takes less than an hour to setup even when using ARC and comes with a sample app to play around with. It is also easy to update when more features are added or the API of one the sites changes.
