How to fetch a value from outerHTML using jquery? - jquery-ui

i have an requierement where i need to fetch value from outerHTML using jquery. below is my js function
where event.outerHTML will contain
<INPUT id=307 onclick=addremoveartifact(this,4); CHECKED type=checkbox flag="false" stkrvwrqrd="" arttype="Other" docId="" ppArtId="1516" appBy="" status="Approved">
How to fetch the value of "status". some one please help

I had a similar problem with a project I was working on.
This is what I suggest:
var status = $($(event)[0]).attr('status');


How to preselect items in a kendo-multiselect

I am trying to set default or pre select values in a kendo multiselect which data source is an array.
This is my multiselect:
I was trying to set up default values using javascript as shown below:
var multiSelectWidget = $("#ddlstatusField").data("kendoMultiSelect");
But seems like it is not possible to access to the value function.
Thanks in advance
Ok, will answer my own question. It worked after I added the script below just after kendo multiselect
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#ddlstatusField").getKendoMultiSelect().value(["Scheduled", "InProcess"]);

set select2 option using text not value

I know if i have a select2 and i want to set one of the options, i can do run this code.
Lets say i want to get the text of the option
<option value=4>California</option>
but if i want to set it based on the text not the value, how do i do it?
I tried doing
$("#select").select2(data.text(), "California");
but it didnt work.
How can i do this programatically in jquery or javascript.
Any help is appreciated
For example: If you need to find Australia among other countries
let long_name = 'Australia';
let $element = $('.country-js')
let val = $element.find("option:contains('"+long_name+"')").val()
Other answers did not work for me, probably because I use newer version of select2
In addition for multi selects use this, for not losing already selected values
var selected=$("#foo option:selected").map(function(){ return this.value }).get();
selected.push( $("#foo option:contains('text')").val() );
Further to Shakeel Ahmed's answer, you should call .trigger('change'), so in total something like this:
$("#select").select2("val", $("#select option:contains('Text')").val()).trigger('change');
You can use following codes
$("#select").select2("val", $("#select option:contains('Text')").val() );
If will select option using your Text

dojo FilteringSelect from URL default value

Hi I have a working FilteringSelect which reads from a URL. Entering names will query the database and return the appropriate JSON to populate the filtering select, I can select a value and it stores the ID.
<div data-dojo-type="ComboBoxReadStore" data-dojo-id="assignedUserIdstore"
<input id='assignedUserId' name='value(assignedUserId)'
data-dojo-props="store:assignedUserIdstore, pageSize:5, labelAttr:
'label',queryExpr: '*${0}*', autoComplete: false" />
The issue comes with setting the default value. I have this
<script type='text/javascript'>dojo.ready(function(
This appears to work after a fashion - it does call the server and the server returns this
{ "id":"25", "name":"John Smith" "label":"John Smith"}
However it does nothing to actually populate the filtering select with neither a display nor an actual value for the input. I tried to set the value to the name but that had no effect either. Having it return a collection instead of a single item does not help either.
The comboreadstore is defined as
<script type="text/javascript">
function(declare, QueryReadStore){
declare("ComboBoxReadStore", QueryReadStore, {
fetch:function(request) {
// This results in a xhr request to the following URL (in case of GET):
// /url.php?q=<searchString>
request.serverQuery = {};
return this.inherited("fetch", arguments);
Using dojo.ready doesn't guarantee that the data you're fetching is ready/loaded. It does fire when dojo is ready and all your required assets have been loaded. So i think you're trying to set the FilteringSelect to a value which doesn't exist in the store yet. You could solve this by waiting with setting the value untill the store is ready. How to do that depends on the store you are using which i can't really make up out of your code. I'm not familiar with ComboBoxReadStore. After some googling i found out it might be an extension of, which is outdated and unfinished. If so i'de suggest you switch to using if possible.
Furthermore: The setValue method on dijits is deprecated, you should be using set('key', val).

JQuery change event for select not working

I have tried all the options i found on the forum, but could not get it to work.
I even tried click event but that is also not getting called.
I wonder what is wrong with my code.
<script type="text/javascript">`enter code here`
<form:select id="test.role.list" path="name">
<form:option value="none" label="none"/>
<form:option value="my none" label="none"/>
I have a list of permissions which are keys from the messageresource properties file, so the same thing i am using as id as well. The reason it is not working is correct as mentioned by the Lee. It considers the dots as different properties of the element with id "test" which is first string before dot and the next string as probably class. So i used the onchange event as
var Ele = document.geteElementByID("test.role.list");
ele.onchange = function(){
it is working fine now.
Yes the problesms are with dots in id.
You can use it as below,

Grails: checkbox not being set back to false

I am developing a Grails (1.0.4) app where I want to edit a collection of collections on a single page in a grid view. I got it to work quite well depending only on the indexed parameter handling of Spring MVC, except for one thing:
boolean (or, for that matter, Boolean) values in the grid can be set via checkbox, but not unset, i.e. when I check the checkbox and update, the value is set to true, but afterwards when I edit again, uncheck the checkbox and update, it remains true.
This is the GSP code of the checkbox:
<g:checkBox name="tage[${indexTag}].zuweisungen[${indexMitarb}].fixiert" value="${z.fixiert}" />
And this is the HTML that is generated:
<input type="hidden" name="tage[0].zuweisungen[0]._fixiert" />
<input type="checkbox" name="tage[0].zuweisungen[0].fixiert" checked="checked" id="tage[0].zuweisungen[0].fixiert" />
I've found a Grails bug that describes exactly this effect, but it's marked as fixed in 1.0.2, and the problem mechanism described there (underscore in hidden field name is put in the wrong place) is not present in my case.
Any ideas what could be the reason?
This is the solution a guy named Julius Huang proposed on the grails-user mailing list. It's reusable but relies on JavaScript to populate a hidden field with the "false" response for an unchecked checkbox that HTML unfortunately does not send.
I hack GSP to send "false" when
uncheck the box (true -> false) with
custom TagLib.
By default checkBox send nothing when
uncheck, so I use the checkBox as
event handler but send hidden field
"params" in Controller can handle
"false" -> "true" without any
modification. eg. Everything remain
same in Controller.
The Custom Tag Usage in GSP (sample usedfunc_F is "true"),
<jh:checkBox name="surveyList[${i}].usedfunc_F" value="${survey.usedfunc_F}"></jh:checkBox>
Here is what the Tag generate,
<input type="hidden" name="surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F" id="surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F" value="false" />
<input type="checkbox" onclick="jhtoggle('surveyList[#{i}].usedfunc_F')" checked="checked" />
The Javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
function jhtoggle(obj) {
var jht = document.getElementById(obj);
jht.value = (jht.value !='true' ? 'true' : 'false');
This is my own solution, basically a workaround that manually does what the grails data binding should be doing (but doesn't):
Map<String,String> checkboxes = params.findAll{def i = it.key.endsWith("._fixiert")} // all checkboxes
String key = it.key.substring(0, it.key.indexOf("._fixiert"))
int tagIdx = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(key.indexOf('[')+1, key.indexOf(']')))
int zuwIdx = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('[')+1, key.lastIndexOf(']')))
dienstplanInstance.tage[tagIdx].zuweisungen[zuwIdx].fixiert = true
dienstplanInstance.tage[tagIdx].zuweisungen[zuwIdx].fixiert = false
Works, requires no change in grails itself, but isn't reusable (probably could be made so with some extra work).
I think that the simplest workaround would be to attach a debugger and see why Grails is failing to populate the value. Considering Grails is open source you'll be able to access the source code and once you figure out the solution for it you can patch your version.
I have also found this other bug GRAILS-2861 which mentions the issue related to binding to booleans (see Marc's comment in the thread). I guess that is exactly the problem you are describing.
I would create a small sample app that demonstrates the problem and attach it to the Grails bug (or create a new one). Someone here may be able to debug your sample app or you'll have shown the bug isn't really fixed.
Try this out, set the logs to DEBUG, frist try the first 3 if they don't show the problem up, flip them all to DEBUG:
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet="error" // controllers
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages="error" // GSP
codehaus.groovy.grails.web.sitemesh="error" // layouts
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping.filter"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails."web.mapping"="error" // URL mapping
codehaus.groovy.grails.commons="info" // core / classloading
codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins="error" // plugins
codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate="error" // hibernate integration
This should allow you to see exactly when and how the parameters setting is failing and probably figure out a work around.
