ios animation like emailing photo - ios

I'm really curious as to how apple does this transition: If you go to a photo within the photos app, then try to send it in an email, you'll see this pretty cool transition where Apple grabs the image, slides up a modal email vc, then places the image into the message. Pretty cool.
Anyway, im wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how to do something like that. One way I'm thinking about doing it is to actually reproduce it, stick it on the UIWindow, then animate it that way. I'm actually kind of stumped as to how this could work. Any thoughts??

I actually got pretty close tonight with this (sample project up on Github). It's a bit "Fake it to make it", but then again, so is the Photos app if you really watch the animation closely. The values for the animation are hard coded in, but it's mostly for scale and move, which means this should work with pretty much any image (don't quote me on that). The code is iOS 5+ for now because Xcode keeps yelling at me about deprecated modal presentation methods...


Instagram pop up feature alike in swift

I was wondering if anyone have any idea how to work out something similar to Instagrams's feature that when you keep pressed a picture in a profile, it pops up until you release the screen. I have been looking around and haven't really found an answer. I was trying to work with popovers but they're not allowed in iphone and most of the alternatives use storyboards. Basically the difference from what im looking for and a popoverpresentation is that I want the new screen to cover most of the screen, not from it to come from the button itself, if that makes sense, while I have the screen pressed. So basically does anybody know how to do this in swift using no storyboards? Thank you!

Update status bar text colour in real time as view changes

This might be a beginner question, but I noticed something interesting in the new Apple Music app. When switching from one view to another, the status bar text colour seems to change in real time rather than all at once when the next view loads.
Check out this screen recording to see what I mean:
How would I achieve this same effect? For instance, when transitioning to another view controller modally, how would I get the status bar style to change dynamically like this rather than when the next view loads? Is it even possible? Is Apple using some private API, or is it just a really simple trick I'm missing? Sorry if this is a beginner question, but I don't think I've ever seen another app do this.
Nothing you’re missing—there’s definitely no API to do that. I’ve seen a couple of third-party apps do something similar, probably by finding the status bar window, snapshotting it, and doing clever things with the resulting image, but that’s pretty fragile. As always, if you’d like an API for something, you should file an enhancement request.

Animation on top of uiviewcontroller like facebook app

The new facebook app has a new feature. There is a little circle in the bottom of a message that means where is the user in the conversation. (hist last seen message).
It is pretty awesome, but i couldn´t figure out how it was developed. I´m pretty sure they created a new cell type, to show where is each user in the conversation. And then, if the user reads it, it just update the table and the user will be in another message that he just read. This would be ok.
But my question is, during this transition, the little circle is animated from the current message to the new position, and the others little circle are animated to make space for the new coming little circle. How is that possible? To animate something on top of a listview?
Thanks in regards,
Can you give me a screenshot of what you're talking about so I can look at it, or give steps to get to the screen you're talking about?
Facebook does some pretty remarkable stuff with iOS. If you want to see some of the crazier things, check out the app Paper that was developed using the Pop Framework. In there you might find some of the UI actions you're looking for.

Build a "grouping" animation like Apple's iPad mail app

How can I do this "grouping" animation like Apple mail or the Gmail iPad app?
Does this need to be hard coded, and completely done with the animation framework, or does Apple expose an API for this to be done. I checked the developer docs, and I don't see anything like this. But Gmail was able to exactly replicate Apple's animation, and that's why I am curious to know if it can be done in an easier way.
I am 95% sure Apple does not have a UIStackOfPaperViewController or anything like that. You would have to code this up yourself.
Conceptually, it isn't too complicated: a background view with a texture, and each subview tilted at a random angle and a drop shadow beneath. You could do the drop shadow by drawing a gradient in a view around the "real" view. Core Animation's default behaviors would probably do the right thing, e.g. if you create the page view off screen and then set the final location, it will fly onto the stack pretty much how you would like it.
If you don't need support for releases earlier than iOS 6, there's probably good stuff in the Collection View Controller to make this easier.
Hopefully that's enough information to get you started, but your question is really broad. It's difficult to answer "How do I do X?" if you don't specify your starting point, or answer "How can I do this in an easier way?" if you don't specify what you think the hard way is first.

iPad Music app like interface

I'm making internet radio app for iPad and I was wondering if there are standard or custom implementations of iPad Music app-like interface. I mean thumbnails of albums and when you tap on a thumbnail - cover animation and presenting another controller. Is there something for that? Thanks a lot
Nope. There are bits and pieces of code that don't really work (those are all separate links), but they're a good start for getting something like coverflow working.
Also, you might want to try showing examples of what you have already found in your searching, or any code/UI you've already implemented. Most people on SO are happy to help, but don't take well to 'I haven't put any effort into this yet, please show me all the code I need for my project'. Even if you have put effort in, if you post a 2 sentence question with no demonstrable work, people will assume the worst. Best of luck.
