I am using Swift 1.2 and my goal is to animate an image mask over a static UIImage. What I have implemented is a swift version of masking an image that I originally found in Objective-C.
func maskImage(image: UIImage, mask: UIImage) -> UIImage! {
let maskRef = mask.CGImage;
let mask = CGImageMaskCreate(
CGImageGetDataProvider(maskRef), nil, false);
let masked = CGImageCreateWithMask(image.CGImage, mask);
let retImage = UIImage(CGImage: masked);
return retImage;
It works great! However, putting it in motion is my challenge.
Is there a way to either iteratively apply the mask with a different horizontal offset or a better way to approach this problem entirely - perhaps with a CALayer implementation?
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: Based on what was posted as an answer, I added this:
let image = UIImage(named: "clouds");
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image);
let layer = CALayer();
layer.contents = UIImage(named: "alpha-mask")?.CGImage;
layer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height);
// For other folks learning, this did not work
//let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "bounds.origin.x");
// This does work
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "position.x");
animation.duration = 2;
animation.delegate = self;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
animation.repeatCount = 0;
animation.fromValue = 0.0;
animation.toValue = image.size.width;
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear);
animation.removedOnCompletion = false;
layer.addAnimation(animation, forKey: "transform");
imageView.layer.mask = layer;
I am able to see the alpha mask properly, but the animation does not work. Any ideas?
EDIT: I modified the code above and it works! I needed to make the keyPath position.x. See above
You do indeed want to use a CALayer - or rather, a CAShapeLayer.
You can create a CAShapeLayer and install it as as the mask on another layer.
You can create a CAAnimation that animates changes to the shape layer's path, or you can animate changes to the layer's strokeStart and/or strokeEnd properties.
If you animate the path, the one rule you want to follow is to make sure that the starting and ending path have the same number and type of control points. Otherwise the animation is "undefined", and the results can be very strange.
I have a development blog post that outlines how it's done:
It's primarily about using CAAnimationGroups, but it also includes a working example of animating changes to a CAShapeLayer that's used as the mask of an image view's layer.
Below is a GIF of the mask animation that it creates - a "clock wipe" that shows and hides an image view:
Unfortunately it's written in Objective-C, but the Core Animation calls are nearly identical in Swift. Let me know if you have any problems figuring out how to adapt it.
The meat of the animation code is this method:
- (IBAction)doMaskAnimation:(id)sender;
waretoLogoLarge.hidden = FALSE;//Show the image view
//Create a shape layer that we will use as a mask for the waretoLogoLarge image view
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
CGFloat maskHeight = waretoLogoLarge.layer.bounds.size.height;
CGFloat maskWidth = waretoLogoLarge.layer.bounds.size.width;
CGPoint centerPoint;
centerPoint = CGPointMake( maskWidth/2, maskHeight/2);
//Make the radius of our arc large enough to reach into the corners of the image view.
CGFloat radius = sqrtf(maskWidth * maskWidth + maskHeight * maskHeight)/2;
//Don't fill the path, but stroke it in black.
maskLayer.fillColor = [[UIColor clearColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.strokeColor = [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.lineWidth = radius; //Make the line thick enough to completely fill the circle we're drawing
CGMutablePathRef arcPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
//Move to the starting point of the arc so there is no initial line connecting to the arc
CGPathMoveToPoint(arcPath, nil, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y-radius/2);
//Create an arc at 1/2 our circle radius, with a line thickess of the full circle radius
maskLayer.path = arcPath;
//Start with an empty mask path (draw 0% of the arc)
maskLayer.strokeEnd = 0.0;
//Install the mask layer into out image view's layer.
waretoLogoLarge.layer.mask = maskLayer;
//Set our mask layer's frame to the parent layer's bounds.
waretoLogoLarge.layer.mask.frame = waretoLogoLarge.layer.bounds;
//Create an animation that increases the stroke length to 1, then reverses it back to zero.
CABasicAnimation *swipe = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"strokeEnd"];
swipe.duration = 2;
swipe.delegate = self;
[swipe setValue: theBlock forKey: kAnimationCompletionBlock];
swipe.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction
swipe.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
swipe.removedOnCompletion = NO;
swipe.autoreverses = YES;
swipe.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 1.0];
[maskLayer addAnimation: swipe forKey: #"strokeEnd"];
I have another blog entry that IS in Swift that shows how to create and animate a pie chart using a CAShapeLayer. That project animates shape, not a mask, but the only real difference is whether you install the shape layer as a regular content layer or as a mask on another layer like the backing layer of an image view.
You can check out that project at this link:
I am trying to create a circle which is filled depending upon a certain percentage. Here is pic of the effect I am going for:
I have a UIView and to this I add a CAShapeLayer which draws the circle. I am then creating another UIShapeLayer as a square to match the UIView containing the circle. Then setting the height of this depending on the figure. So if the square is 100px high and the value is 10% then I set the square to 10px so that it fills 10% of circle.
The image below shows 50% of the circle being filled. As you can see it covers the UIView as well as the circle. However when I try to set the CAShapeLayer to mask to bounds ( circle.maskToBounds) the circle complete disappears along with the square that I am adding as it's subview.
Here is my code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 200, 200)];
[self drawCircleInView:view];
[self.view addSubview:view];
- (void)drawCircleInView:(UIView *)v
// Set up the shape of the circle
int radius = v.frame.size.height / 2;
CAShapeLayer *circle = [CAShapeLayer layer];
// Make a circular shape
circle.path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius)
// Center the shape in self.view
circle.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(v.bounds)-radius,
// Configure the apperence of the circle
circle.fillColor = [UIColor blueColor].CGColor;
circle.strokeColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
circle.lineWidth = 5;
CAShapeLayer *sublayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
sublayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor].CGColor;
sublayer.opacity = .5f;
sublayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 100, 200, 100);
[circle addSublayer:sublayer];
// Add to parent layer
[v.layer addSublayer:circle];
I am wondering why setting circle.masksToBounds = YES is making the circle and the sublayer disappear completely. My understanding is that by setting this it should only show the sublayer over the circle.
Many thanks in advance.
Try this:
- (void)drawCircleInView:(UIView *)v {
// Set up the shape of the circle
CGSize size = v.bounds.size;
CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer];
layer.frame = v.bounds;
layer.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor].CGColor;
CALayer *sublayer = [CALayer layer];
sublayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, size.height/2, size.width, size.height/2);
sublayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor].CGColor;
sublayer.opacity = .5f;
CAShapeLayer *mask = [CAShapeLayer layer];
mask.frame = v.bounds;
mask.path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:v.bounds].CGPath;
mask.fillColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
mask.strokeColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
[layer addSublayer:sublayer];
[layer setMask:mask];
// Add to parent layer
[v.layer addSublayer:layer];
maskToBounds is "to bounds" you are not setting bounds nor frame.
It's not necessary, but you'd better to set frame of CAShapeLayer, to prevent unnecessary confusion.
bounds is rectangle, not CAShapeLayer's shape. Use mask layer to mask by shape instead.
circle and sublayer is not need to be CAShapeLayer because it will be masked by shaped mask layer.
To achieve this use a square image with its center circle as transparent. like this image
How to use this image for this effect -
Add a square layer (with lighter color/ or non fill color) first. above that add a layer with the fill color with sane rect. and above all place this image. and change the frame of middle layer that has the fill color to achieve desired effect
I've been trying for some time now, using CAGradientLayer to produce this .
Initially I tried having a gradient background using the .colors property, however this is only a background fill. Trying this approach, I tried to add another CALayer inside that had a black background, however i could never get the radius correct, and it would create a line of various thickness at the rounded corners.
Is there a better way to create this rounded rect border with a gradient to it? Will CALayer not achieve this and should I move over to UIBezierPath or CGContextRef?
Code for failed attempt:
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(12*twelthWidth - squareCentre.x - squareSize.width, squareCentre.y, squareSize.width, squareSize.height)];
// Create the rounded layer, and mask it using the rounded mask layer
CAGradientLayer *roundedLayer = [CAGradientLayer layer];
[roundedLayer setFrame:view.bounds];
roundedLayer.cornerRadius = view.bounds.size.width/5;
roundedLayer.masksToBounds = YES;
roundedLayer.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[[UIColor redColor] CGColor], (id)[[UIColor blueColor] CGColor], nil];
roundedLayer.borderWidth = 4;
roundedLayer.borderColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
// Add these two layers as sublayers to the view
int BorderWidth = 5;
CALayer *solidColour = [CALayer layer];
solidColour.cornerRadius = view.bounds.size.width/5;
solidColour.masksToBounds = YES;
solidColour.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
[solidColour setFrame:CGRectMake(BorderWidth, BorderWidth, roundedLayer.bounds.size.width - 2*BorderWidth, roundedLayer.bounds.size.height - 2*BorderWidth)];
[view.layer insertSublayer:roundedLayer atIndex:0];
[view.layer insertSublayer:solidColour above:roundedLayer];
[self.view addSubview:view];
Which produces:
Whereby the corners aren't right. Could it be that I need to calculate a different radius for the second layer?
After setting the radius of the solid colour to solidColour.bounds.size.width/5, it still isn't right - It goes too thin at the corners.
The problem you are seeing is because the inner and outer corner radius are the same. That is what causes the line thickness to vary. This illustration from CSS-Tricks highlights the issue (even thought you aren't using CSS, the problem is still the same):
The solution is to calculate the inner radius as:
innerRadis = outerRadius - lineThickness
As shown in this illustration by Joshua Hibbert:
Instead of using the view bounds to set the cornerRadius of the solid layer, use the layer's frame value after you've set it to the correct inset value:
solidColour.masksToBounds = YES;
solidColour.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
[solidColour setFrame:CGRectMake(BorderWidth, BorderWidth, roundedLayer.bounds.size.width - 2*BorderWidth, roundedLayer.bounds.size.height - 2*BorderWidth)];
solidColour.cornerRadius = solidColour.frame.size.width/5;
[view.layer insertSublayer:roundedLayer atIndex:0];
[view.layer insertSublayer:solidColour above:roundedLayer];
With this I get the following image
Just for your convenience if you use swift
let v = yourUIVIEW
let outerRadius:CGFloat = 60
let borderWidth:CGFloat = 8;
let roundedLayer = CAGradientLayer()
roundedLayer.frame = v.bounds
roundedLayer.cornerRadius = outerRadius
roundedLayer.masksToBounds = true
roundedLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1 , y: 0.5)
roundedLayer.colors = [ UIColor.redColor().CGColor, UIColor.blueColor()!.CGColor]
let innerRadius = outerRadius - borderWidth
//Solid layer
let solidLayer = CALayer()
solidLayer.masksToBounds = true
solidLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
solidLayer.cornerRadius = innerRadius
solidLayer.frame = CGRect(x: borderWidth, y: borderWidth, width: roundedLayer.bounds.width - 2*borderWidth, height:roundedLayer.bounds.height - 2*borderWidth )
v.layer.insertSublayer(roundedLayer, atIndex: 0)
v.layer.insertSublayer(solidLayer, above: roundedLayer)
A little while ago I posted a question about rounding just two corners of a view, and got a great response, but am having problems implementing it. Here is my drawRect: method:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
//[super drawRect:rect]; <------Should I uncomment this?
int radius = 5;
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + radius, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius, radius, M_PI, M_PI / 2, 1);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - radius, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius, radius, M_PI / 2, 0.0f, 1);
The method is being called, but doesn't seem to affect the outcome of the view. Any ideas why?
CACornerMask introduced in iOS 11, which help to define topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottom right in view layer. Below is example to use.
Here I try to rounded only two top corner:
myView.clipsToBounds = true
myView.layer.cornerRadius = 10
myView.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner,.layerMaxXMinYCorner]
FYI Ref:
as far as I know, if you also need to mask the subviews, you could use CALayer masking. There are 2 ways to do this. The first one is a bit more elegant, the second one is a workaround :-) but it's also fast. Both are based on CALayer masking. I've used both methods in a couple of projects last year then I hope you can find something useful.
Solution 1
First of all, I created this function to generate an image mask on the fly (UIImage) with the rounded corner I need. This function essentially needs 5 parameters: the bounds of the image and 4 corner radius (top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right).
static inline UIImage* MTDContextCreateRoundedMask( CGRect rect, CGFloat radius_tl, CGFloat radius_tr, CGFloat radius_bl, CGFloat radius_br ) {
CGContextRef context;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// create a bitmap graphics context the size of the image
context = CGBitmapContextCreate( NULL, rect.size.width, rect.size.height, 8, 0, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast );
// free the rgb colorspace
if ( context == NULL ) {
return NULL;
// cerate mask
CGFloat minx = CGRectGetMinX( rect ), midx = CGRectGetMidX( rect ), maxx = CGRectGetMaxX( rect );
CGFloat miny = CGRectGetMinY( rect ), midy = CGRectGetMidY( rect ), maxy = CGRectGetMaxY( rect );
CGContextBeginPath( context );
CGContextSetGrayFillColor( context, 1.0, 0.0 );
CGContextAddRect( context, rect );
CGContextClosePath( context );
CGContextDrawPath( context, kCGPathFill );
CGContextSetGrayFillColor( context, 1.0, 1.0 );
CGContextBeginPath( context );
CGContextMoveToPoint( context, minx, midy );
CGContextAddArcToPoint( context, minx, miny, midx, miny, radius_bl );
CGContextAddArcToPoint( context, maxx, miny, maxx, midy, radius_br );
CGContextAddArcToPoint( context, maxx, maxy, midx, maxy, radius_tr );
CGContextAddArcToPoint( context, minx, maxy, minx, midy, radius_tl );
CGContextClosePath( context );
CGContextDrawPath( context, kCGPathFill );
// Create CGImageRef of the main view bitmap content, and then
// release that bitmap context
CGImageRef bitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreateImage( context );
CGContextRelease( context );
// convert the finished resized image to a UIImage
UIImage *theImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:bitmapContext];
// image is retained by the property setting above, so we can
// release the original
// return the image
return theImage;
Now you just need few lines of code. I put stuff in my viewController viewDidLoad method because it's faster but you can use it also in your custom UIView with the layoutSubviews method in example.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// Create the mask image you need calling the previous function
UIImage *mask = MTDContextCreateRoundedMask( self.view.bounds, 50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
// Create a new layer that will work as a mask
CALayer *layerMask = [CALayer layer];
layerMask.frame = self.view.bounds;
// Put the mask image as content of the layer
layerMask.contents = (id)mask.CGImage;
// set the mask layer as mask of the view layer
self.view.layer.mask = layerMask;
// Add a backaground color just to check if it works
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
// Add a test view to verify the correct mask clipping
UIView *testView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0 )];
testView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[self.view addSubview:testView];
[testView release];
[super viewDidLoad];
Solution 2
This solution is a bit more "dirty". Essentially you could create a mask layer with the rounded corner you need (all corners). Then you should increase the height of the mask layer by the value of the corner radius. In this way the bottom rounded corners are hidden and you can only see the upper rounded corner. I put the code just in the viewDidLoad method because it's faster but you can use it also in your custom UIView with the layoutSubviews method in example.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// set the radius
CGFloat radius = 50.0;
// set the mask frame, and increase the height by the
// corner radius to hide bottom corners
CGRect maskFrame = self.view.bounds;
maskFrame.size.height += radius;
// create the mask layer
CALayer *maskLayer = [CALayer layer];
maskLayer.cornerRadius = radius;
maskLayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
maskLayer.frame = maskFrame;
// set the mask
self.view.layer.mask = maskLayer;
// Add a backaground color just to check if it works
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
// Add a test view to verify the correct mask clipping
UIView *testView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0 )];
testView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[self.view addSubview:testView];
[testView release];
[super viewDidLoad];
Hope this helps. Ciao!
Combing through the few answers & comments, I found out that using UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect and CAShapeLayer the simplest and most straight forward way. It might not be appropriate for very complex cases, but for occasional rounding of corners, it works fast and smoothly for me.
I had created a simplified helper that sets the appropriate corner in the mask:
-(void) setMaskTo:(UIView*)view byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners
UIBezierPath* rounded = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:view.bounds byRoundingCorners:corners cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(10.0, 10.0)];
CAShapeLayer* shape = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
[shape setPath:rounded.CGPath];
view.layer.mask = shape;
To use it, simply call with the appropriate UIRectCorner enum, e.g.:
[self setMaskTo:self.photoView byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerTopLeft|UIRectCornerBottomLeft];
Please note that for me, I use it to round corners of photos in a grouped UITableViewCell, the 10.0 radius works fine for me, if need to just change the value as appropriate.
EDIT: just notice a previously answered very similarly as this one (link). You can still use this answer as a added convenience function if needed.
EDIT: Same code as UIView extension in Swift 3
extension UIView {
func maskByRoundingCorners(_ masks:UIRectCorner, withRadii radii:CGSize = CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)) {
let rounded = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: masks, cornerRadii: radii)
let shape = CAShapeLayer()
shape.path = rounded.cgPath
self.layer.mask = shape
To use it, simple call maskByRoundingCorner on any UIView:
view.maskByRoundingCorners([.topLeft, .bottomLeft])
I couldn't fit this all in a comment to #lomanf's answer. So I'm adding it as an answer.
Like #lomanf said, you need to add a layer mask to prevent sublayers from drawing outside of your path's bounds. It's a lot easier to do now, though. As long as you're targeting iOS 3.2 or higher, you don't need to create an image with quartz and set it as the mask. You can simply create a CAShapeLayer with a UIBezierPath and use that as the mask.
Also, when using layer masks, make sure that the layer you're masking is not part of any layer hierarchy when you add the mask. Otherwise the behavior is undefined. If your view is already in the hierarchy, you need to remove it from its superview, mask it, then put it back where it was.
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
UIBezierPath *roundedPath =
[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:maskLayer.bounds
byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerTopLeft |
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(16.f, 16.f)];
maskLayer.fillColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.backgroundColor = [[UIColor clearColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.path = [roundedPath CGPath];
//Don't add masks to layers already in the hierarchy!
UIView *superview = [self.view superview];
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
self.view.layer.mask = maskLayer;
[superview addSubview:self.view];
Due to the way Core Animation rendering works, masking is a relatively slow operation. Each mask requires an extra rendering pass. So use masks sparingly.
One of the best parts of this approach is that you no longer need to create a custom UIView and override drawRect:. This should make your code simpler, and maybe even faster.
I've taken Nathan's example and created a category on UIView to allow one to adhere to DRY principles. Without further ado:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface UIView (Roundify)
-(void)addRoundedCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners withRadii:(CGSize)radii;
-(CALayer*)maskForRoundedCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners withRadii:(CGSize)radii;
#import "UIView+Roundify.h"
#implementation UIView (Roundify)
-(void)addRoundedCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners withRadii:(CGSize)radii {
CALayer *tMaskLayer = [self maskForRoundedCorners:corners withRadii:radii];
self.layer.mask = tMaskLayer;
-(CALayer*)maskForRoundedCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners withRadii:(CGSize)radii {
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.frame = self.bounds;
UIBezierPath *roundedPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:
maskLayer.bounds byRoundingCorners:corners cornerRadii:radii];
maskLayer.fillColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.backgroundColor = [[UIColor clearColor] CGColor];
maskLayer.path = [roundedPath CGPath];
return maskLayer;
To call:
[myView addRoundedCorners:UIRectCornerBottomLeft | UIRectCornerBottomRight
withRadii:CGSizeMake(20.0f, 20.0f)];
To expand a little on P.L's answer I rewrote the method like so as it wasn't rounding certain objects such as UIButton correctly
- (void)setMaskTo:(id)sender byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCorner)corners withCornerRadii:(CGSize)radii
// UIButton requires this
[sender layer].cornerRadius = 0.0;
UIBezierPath *shapePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:[sender bounds]
CAShapeLayer *newCornerLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
newCornerLayer.frame = [sender bounds];
newCornerLayer.path = shapePath.CGPath;
[sender layer].mask = newCornerLayer;
And call it by
[self setMaskTo:self.continueButton byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerBottomLeft|UIRectCornerBottomRight withCornerRadii:CGSizeMake(3.0, 3.0)];
If you want to do it in Swift you could use an extension of a UIView. By doing so, all subclasses will be able to use the following method:
import QuartzCore
extension UIView {
func roundCorner(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) {
let maskPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius))
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.frame = bounds
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath
layer.mask = maskLayer
Example usage:
self.anImageView.roundCorner(.topRight, radius: 10)
Extending the accepted answer, let us add backward compatibility to it. Prior to iOS 11, view.layer.maskedCorners is not available. So we can do like this
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
myView.layer.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner,.layerMaxXMinYCorner]
} else {
myView.maskByRoundingCorners([.topLeft, .topRight])
extension UIView{
func maskByRoundingCorners(_ masks:UIRectCorner, withRadii radii:CGSize = CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)) {
let rounded = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: masks, cornerRadii: radii)
let shape = CAShapeLayer()
shape.path = rounded.cgPath
self.layer.mask = shape
We have written maskByRoundingCorners as an UIView extension so that it improves code reuse.
Credits to #SachinVsSachin and #P.L :) I have combined their codes to make it better.
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:CGRectMake(5, 5, self.bounds.size.width-10, self.bounds.size.height-10)
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(12.0, 12.0)];
change "AllCorners" according to your need.
All the solutions provided achieves the goal. But, UIConstraints can blow this up sometimes.
For example, the bottom corners needs to be rounded. If height or
bottom spacing constraint are set to the UIView that needs to be rounded, the
code snippets that rounds the corners needs to be moved to
viewDidLayoutSubviews method.
UIBezierPath *maskPath = [UIBezierPath
bezierPathWithRoundedRect:roundedView.bounds byRoundingCorners:
(UIRectCornerTopRight | UIRectCornerBottomRight) cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(16.0, 16.0)];
The code snippet above will only round the top right corner if this code set in viewDidLoad. Because roundedView.bounds is going to change after the constraints updates the UIView.
Create a mask and set it on the view's layer
Starting with your code, you might go with something like the snippet below.
I'm not sure if this is the sort of result you're after. Worth noting, too, that if/when the system calls drawRect: again, asking for only part of the rect to be redrawn, this is going to behave very strangely. Nevan's approach, noted above, might be a better way to go.
// make sure the view's background is set to [UIColor clearColor]
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGFloat radius = 10.0;
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, rect.size.width/2, rect.size.height/2);
CGContextRotateCTM(context, M_PI); // rotate so image appears right way up
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -rect.size.width/2, -rect.size.height/2);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + radius, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius, radius, M_PI, M_PI / 2, 1);
CGContextAddArc(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - radius, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - radius, radius, M_PI / 2, 0.0f, 1);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, rect.origin.y);
// now do your drawing, e.g. draw an image
CGImageRef anImage = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"image.jpg"] CGImage];
CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, anImage);
A slightly hacky, but relatively simple (no subclassing, masking, etc) way to this is to have two UIViews. Both with clipToBounds = YES. Set rounded corners on the child view, then position it within the parent view so the corners you want straight are cropped.
UIView* parent = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10,10,100,100)];
parent.clipsToBounds = YES;
UIView* child = [[UIView alloc] new];
child.clipsToBounds = YES;
child.layer.cornerRadius = 3.0f;
child.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
child.frame = CGRectOffset(parent.bounds, +4, -4);
[parent addSubView:child];
Doesn't support the case where you want two diagonally opposite corners rounded.
Bezier path is the anwer, if you need additional code this one worked for me: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13163693/936957
UIBezierPath *maskPath;
maskPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:_backgroundImageView.bounds
byRoundingCorners:(UIRectCornerBottomLeft | UIRectCornerBottomRight)
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(3.0, 3.0)];
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
maskLayer.frame = self.bounds;
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath;
_backgroundImageView.layer.mask = maskLayer;
[maskLayer release];
UIBezierPath solution.
- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
[super drawRect:rect];
//Create shape which we will draw.
CGRect rectangle = CGRectMake(2,
rect.size.width - 4,
rect.size.height - 4);
//Create BezierPath with round corners
UIBezierPath *maskPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:rectangle
byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerTopLeft | UIRectCornerTopRight
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(10.0, 10.0)];
//Set path width
[maskPath setLineWidth:2];
//Set color
[[UIColor redColor] setStroke];
//Draw BezierPath to see it
[maskPath stroke];
This can only work if some things are set correctly:
clipsToBounds must be set to YES
opaque has to be NO
backgroundColor should be "clearColor" (i am not fully sure on this)
contentMode has to be "UIContentModeRedraw" as drawRect is not called often if it's not
[super drawRect:rect] has to be called after the CGContextClip
Your view may not contain arbitrary subviews (not sure on this)
Be sure to set "needsDisplay:" at least once to trigger your drawrect
I realize that you're trying to round the top two corners of a UITableView, but for some reason I've found that the best solution is to use:
self.tableView.layer.cornerRadius = 10;
Programmatically it should round all four corners, but for some reason it only rounds the top two. **Please see the screenshot below to see the effect of the code I've written above.
I hope this helps!
You probably have to clip to bounds. Add the line
self.clipsToBounds = YES
somewhere in the code to set that property.