Jenkins: Single job with multiple subversion modules - ant

I am using Jenkins for a project and would like to know if the following is possible. I have four separate SVN modules which are checked out as part of the job. Each SVN module is added to a separate directory. Depending on which module is updated during the SCM polling, I would like to only build certain directories.
With Cruise Control, I was able to set a variable for each module that was updated and passed those variables to the ant build script to control the build.
Has anyone done anything similar or have any ideas?

This Question is pretty complex. You are touching too much different parts of CI builserver and some tasks out of it.
Basically ... providing job / project in Jenkins with information that controls behavior of build itself is not best way, but if you have no other option, well, then you have no other option.
Build itself should be enough agnostic and it should contain all the parameters enabling build to be successful both in CI, and in Workstation ( from cmd.exe, for example ).
Depending on which module is updated during the SCM polling, I would
like to only build certain directories.
So basically you want Maven build system, which provides model/module based conditional build, not building one single Project, like Ant does.
With Cruise Control, I was able to set a variable for each module that
was updated and passed those variables to the ant build script to
control the build.
Here you want to have some kind of similar Build Triggering capability. Here comes place where without more detailed explanation of requirements only thing I can suggest is to check out Pramatreized Build Trigger plugin, which would allow to trigger build by parameters you set.
Has anyone done anything similar or have any ideas?
Finally, here you can also check out this plugin:
In the conclusion, some features are provided by Jenkins out-of-the-box, so if you use Ant, you can easily use Environment variables and start building your needed behavior. Usually after investing some time by thinking how to do something without help from tons of Jenkins plugins it somehow makes you really understand, what is the key of thing you want to achieve.
Hope I helped somewhat. Cheers, mate.


What is the standard way of preconfiguring Jenkins?

I have a significant amount of pre-configuration that I want to automate for Jenkins. E.g. Pre configuring gerrit for the gerrit trigger plugins, pre configuring saml, libraries etc
I'm aware of two methods typically used to do similar tasks:
Configuration as code plugin + yaml configuration
Groovy scripts to execute from the init.groovy.d directory of jenkins home on Jenkins startup
My users want to be able to update Jenkins configuration from the UI without needing to update yaml, suggesting the config as code plugin isn't fit for our purpose as I believe it reapplies the config when the Jenkins container is restarted.
My hunch is to use groovy scripts that remove themselves after the first execution so that they don't reapply themselves on restart.
Is there a more standard way of pre configuring Jenkins? or is groovy my best bet?
TL;DR: Use the file system
Why? There is no "standard" way to achieve what you intend; the two approaches that you suggest are viable options for sure.
From operational point of view, however, it will be good to select a solution which is
generic (so it can cover all aspects of Jenkins configuration) and
"simple" to use
"Configuration as code" makes you depend on the corresponding plugin -- it may or may not support a specific configuration option
With groovy, it is sometimes quite difficult to find out how to set a Jenkins configuration option (and how to store the setting permanently).
Since all Jenkins configuration data is stored on-disk, another option for bootstrapping Jenkins with a well-defined configuration is to pre-fill those configuration files with proper content right away:
You can be sure that this works in all cases, including all border cases (like, secret/encrypyted data)
Users can change the data later on as needed
Usually, it's quite easy to find the proper configuration file
On the downside, there is a risk that the configuration file format might change with newer versions of the core or of some plugin. However, a similar risk exists for the two other solutions that you suggested.
Tip: for rolling out such pre-configured Jenkins setups, it is helpful to disable the Jenkins setup wizard by setting jenkins.install.runSetupWizard to false.
When you combine words like : pre-configuring Jenkins, init.groovy.d, jenkins home, jenkins startup, etc, it sounds confusing o_O
When Jenkins is ready to use, usual folks just need to create jobs or pipelines. If you need to create a job or pipeline, you just need to install and configure some plugins. Very few of them need groovy, because the goal is "Easy to use".
Advanced user are able to create its own plugins, with java. But almost all is available as plugins.
You can use groovy in a pipeline scripts or declarative pipelines.
So if your question is more like "What is the best way to create and configure jobs or pipelines", I can advise you:
Try much as possible to use pipeline scripts or declarative pipelines.
Use just verified and supported plugins.
Stop call shell scripts in hard drive.
Stop using complicated configurations. Almost all of requirements are already implemented and documented.
If you have a requirement and no one plugin seems to help you, ask here in stackoverflow or develop your own plugin focused in configurability, so you can release it, for the benefit of Jenkins Community.

How can I share source code across many nodes in a Jenkins pipeline job?

I have a build that's currently using the old build flow plugin that I'm trying to convert to pipeline.
This build can be massively parallelized (many units of work can run on many different nodes) but we only want to extract the source code once at the beginning, preferably with the Pipeline script from SCM option. I'm at a loss to understand how I can share the source extract (which apparently is on the master) with all of the "downstream" nodes that will be used by the pipeline script.
For build flow we extracted to a well-known location on a shared file system and all of the downstream jobs invoked by the flow were passed (or could derive) that location. That always felt icky & I was hoping that pipeline would have solved this problem but I can't find anything to suggest that it has. What am I missing?
I believe the official recommendation for this is to make bundles of the source and then use "stash" and "unstash" to make them available to deeper steps of your pipeline script.
Keep in mind that this doesn't do anything to help with line-endings. If you have builds that span OSs with different line endings you either need to make OS-specific stashes, or just checkout to a safe label in each downstream step.
After further research it seems like the External Workspace Manager Plugin does what I'm looking for.

Is it possible to run a script when a build is tagged in Teamcity?

We are using TeamCity 9.x as are main CI server. I'm looking for ways to run a script (PowerShell, Python, ...) when a build is tagged. Is this possible?
The only thing I can think of is to write a simple service which polls the REST API for the last x builds and reads the <tag/> information.
We are using TFS for source control, so labeling the sources is not an option (because a label is unique in TFS).
Are there any other (simpler) ways to do this? Or is there any other way to define build quality and execute something?
Yes you can
In the build trigger definition, you can mention specific subset of tags(using regex patterns) on which teamcity targets are trigeered. In your case, you have to set the triggers to run on tags only
I know this doesn't answer your question but figured I'd mention it anyways since you have TFS in your environment already.
If you were using TFS Build it has a drop down on each build to indicate quality. And there's a free tool called TFS Deployer that allows you to run scripts when the quality is changed.

continuous integration for many languages

I want to setup a continous integration system that upon a commit or similar trigger should:
run tests on a fortran/C/C++ code, if needed.
compile that code using cmake.
run tests on a rails app.
compile the rails ap.
restart the server.
I'm looking at Jenkins. Is it the best choice for this kind of work? Also, what's the difference between using a bash script that makes all that (if possible) and using jenkins? I'm asking not because I'm thinking about using a script, but to better understand jenkins.
It sounds like Jenkins would certainly be a reasonable choice for this. Apart from the ability to run arbitrary scripts as build steps, there's also a large number of plugins, which provide better integration with cmake for example.
Even if you're using a single bash script to do all of this, using Jenkins on top of it would still have a number of advantages. You get a web interface, email notifications and build history for free, with all that this entails. By integrating your tests "properly" with Jenkins, you can also get things like graphs that show how many tests succeeded/failed over time.
I am using Jenkins for java projects and have to say it is easy to configure. I used to add lots of plugins for better configuration of build steps, but tend to go back to using scripting languages for build and deploy steps because of two main reasons. If I have a build script, it's easier to configure the same job on a different Jenkins server or run the script manually if need be and the build configuration is not so cluttered (I still have one maven job with more than 50 post build steps). The second reason is, that it is easier to version the scripts in SVN, compared to having the build config in SVN.
So to answer your questions. I don't know if it is the 'best' tool, but it is good enough for me. Regarding scripting: use each tool for what it is build for. Jenkins a glorified cron deamon with great options when it comes to displaying analysis. The learning curve for people to use it is minimal (i.e. starting a job, seeing whether it failed.) Configuring Jenkins needs a little bit more learning, but it's very easy to set up simple jobs and go then to the more complicated tasks.
For the first four activities Jenkins will do the job and is rather the best choice nowadays, but for things like restarting the server (which is actually "remote execution"), better have a look at:
Libraries like Fabric(Python) or Capistrano(Ruby) might be useful too.

Jenkins Dependent build for common branch

I have a requirement to do a dependent build using Jenkins Following is the requirement:
Project 1 has a branch which is used among two release lines. For example project1 development branch ikt/master is share in two release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB.
When ever a change is submitted in ikt/master of project1 it should trigger build of both the release line rel1.2_4GB and rel_1.2_2JB simultaneously.
Build results should wait for other build to pass means both builds should be green.
Please suggest me steps using both plugin as well as without plugin (if possible).
Kind Regards,
I think your best option is to use the Parameterized Trigger Plugin to do this.
It's very simple and easy to use and you can trigger several child jobs and wait for their results. Based on their results, you can choose to fail or pass the build.
I suggest you read some more about it and do some experimenting. It works very well for me.
I hope this helps.
NOTE - I suggest not wasting time looking for a non plugin solution. If you have a good tool, use it. Don't loose time trying to be smarter...
