ASP and Django on same hosting -

Can I have both a page using ASP.NET MVC 4 and another using Django under the same hosting?

Yes , you can config your web server to serve django project at the same host with ASP.Net or with some php application
otherwise you can install apache with iis and config apache to load django project and iis to load ASP.Net application
you can manage it by manage their ports
for example port 80 for IIS and port 8080 for apache
if you want to do it you should install wsgi_mod in apache
you can see here :

Yes, just configure your web server to serve Django separately from ASP.NET application.

If you want to serve ASP.NET you need a Windows-based server. Serving Django from Windows is not a big problem, but you will probably not be able to do it from a shared hosting account. Shared windows hosting is usually locked down / limited so much that hosting Django is impossible.

I agree with Daniel Eriksson ... It will be difficult to control hosting environment for Django on shared server. Moreover, I do not see Django listed on Microsoft's Web Platform Installer ( application list. That means, it might be difficult to setup & take true benefits of dJango application on Windows platform.
If you still decide to host + django on a windows platform, go for a VPS hosting.


How can I push my ASP.NET MVC web-application to webserver

i created a web-app in vscode using MySQL and ASP.NET MVC.
Now i want to publish my project in a webserver or IIS.
What is the best opportunity and how can i push it to the server/IIS ??
Need todo this, so other users in the network have access to the webapp
IIS web server didn´t work for me in combination with mysql database on a running Linux system.
U can try to push it on linux with apache: this is explained here But i was facing problems with proxy server.
Currently I am trying it in connection with a FTP-server.
The easiest way should be a cloud system, like azure oder aws.
Good Luck :) Please comment other solutions below.

Install Apache with a mvc application?

Is it possible to add an Apache web server to an MVC project so that at the end you get an installation that installs the web server and moves the web page to the right folder?Or exactly the other way around, is there an Apache installation that you give your website to so it goes straight to the right folder?Does something like this exist in an easy way? Or maybe not with Apache but with a other application?
if I understand your question you want to automate the installation of "PHP/Apache" websites using " MVC app"
I've done this before, I used Plesk CLI to create user accounts, databases, copy files ... etc.
You may want to use Cpanel UAPI for doing this tasks on remote Linux server.

Containerized web app on iIS

Is there a way to deploy a containerized say .net core web app to IIS on a web server and use things like docker swarm and a virtual load balancer.
Am I looking at this all wrong? Would IIS even factor here?
If you want to go down this path, IIS does run in a (Windows) container, however most web apps I’ve seen uses Kestrel as the application web server (I.e. the default netcore images) and some kind of reverse proxy in front (Nginx, HAproxy) to handle things like load balancing, SSL termination and serving of static content.
I think the use case for IIS (though I haven’t used it so I may be wrong here) is to serve legacy applications in a containerized environment.

Develop and deploy ASP.NET Core app on Tomcat Apache

I have 2 questions on ASP.NET Core:
1) What code should be written in ASP.NET Core Startup file and configuration to run on Apache Tomcat Server.
2) How do I deploy my ASP.NET Core app on Apache Tomcat server.
Appreciate your time on this and thanks in advance!!
It looks like Core doesn't have support for Tomcat at the moment or if there is its changing to rapidly to get a stable setup. Using Mono might be a possible solution. Not sure as I can't seem to get it to work.
Net core running asp-net app through apache tomcat
Running ASP.Net on a Linux based server

configuring Rails on IIS?

We are planning to take a virtual dedicated server where we can host our .NET , PHP and rails application together . Since we need to host .NET webapps , linux is out of question . I have configured PHP on IIS , but was wondering if it is possible to configure rails with IIS .
We want to avoid another webserver running just for rails .
I've set it up on IIS7 using the tools available at
I've written a blog post for IIS 6 with Rails 3 here in case anyone else is looking for that kind of configuration and finds this post.
If you have Microsoft ISA server, it can act as a reverse proxy to Mongrel cluster. There is also a plugin called IIRF that works to achieve the same goals in standard IIS.
