Partially mocking an ASP.Net MVC action method in Rhino Mock? -

I'm new to Rhino, and wondered how to mock a local variable/object inside a method of a class I'd also be mocking. In this case I'd be doing it with an ASP.Net MVC controller & action method.
Here's what the controller looks like, simplified:
public class HomeController : Controller {
public myObjectType myMockedObject; //I want to mock this
public myNonMockedObject; //don't want to mock this
public ViewResult Index() {
//call various methods on the mocked and nonmocked members
return View();
In other words, I'd like to create a mock home controller and mock some local variables within it and their methods-- but not all of them. Is this possible using Rhino?

You can inject these through constructor parameters. Just write constructor that takes myObjectType as parameter. Within this constructor just initialize your fields.
Note1: in case to run MVC, you will need also parameterless ctro, or modify ConstructorFactory (e.g. here Or just think about using some IoC container (e.g. that can inject whatever you want inside the controller (mock or normal class).
Note2: you should extract an interface from myObjectType class and mock that interface instead of concrete class (Rhino handles that better).
Note3: I am usually trying to put all the logic (and test that separately) outside of controller since it is quite tough to test the controller (you need to initialize a lot of stuff there what involves another mocking).


Initizlizing a DbContext in a BaseController for MVC6 and EF7?

Following the ASP.Net 5 Getting Started document I see that because of dependency injection at the top of any controller that will access the database I need to put something like
private DbContext _Context;
public HomeController(DbContext Context)
_Context = Context;
to inject the DbContext into the controller for use. In my ASP.Net 5 MVC 6 Web App every single page will be interacting with the database so I thought I would create a BaseController that the reset of my controllers would inherit from and put the injection code there. I have done this but every controller that inherits from the BaseController give me the error
There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'Context' of 'BaseController.BaseController(DbContext)
I am new to DI and not sure if I am doing things right or even if it can be done the way I want to. Is it possible to do it this way or do I have to put that code on every controller I make, and if I do have to do that how can I write an action in the BaseController that interacts with the DB?
If your base controller has a constructor that takes DbContext then any controller that inherits it must also use the same constructor like this so it can pass the dependency to the base class:
public HomeController(DbContext Context):base(Context)

unity.mvc4: how to get a reference

I've setup Unity in Bootstrapper.cs of my MVC application, all is working well for constructor injection on my controllers...
My question is when I'm in an ActionResult within a controller I need to get a reference to the container I previously created in Bootstrapper.cs so I can use it to resolve classes for me.
public ActionResult Index()
//-- container needs a reference to unity container
var testService = container.Resolve<ITestService>();
return View(testService);
I need to get a reference to the container
No you don't. You should never need to reference the container (or the DependencyResolver) from within your application.
Use constructor injection instead:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ITestService testService;
// constructor
public HomeController(ITestService testService)
this.testService = testService;
public ActionResult Index()
return View(this.testService);
Since you are using the MVC3 integration package for unity, you probably registered a Unity specific DependencyResolver in the startup path of your application. That looks much like this:
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
When you've done this, your custom DependencyResolver will delegate the creation of controllers to the Unity container and the Unity container is able to inject depdencies of the constructor's of the controllers.
The next thing you should never do is letting views do any work and making them dependent on your services. Views should be dumb and do nothing more than map the data they get from the controller and transform them to HTML (or JSON or whatever).
In other words, do not pass on the testService to the view. Calling the testService from within the view hides that logic, makes the view more complicated, and makes the system hard to test. Since you're using an ITestService abstraction, I assume you want to be able to test your code, but testing the view is not easy (or at least, not as easy as you can test the controller).
What you should do is let the controller call the testService and gather the data that is needed for the view to use. Than pass on that data (perhaps combined in a single class, a view model) to the view.

Dependency Injection into an MVC action method

I'm wondering if this is possible. I have a typical MVC action method with a signature that looks like this:
public ActionResult View(MyModel model)
IAnObject myObject = new AnObject();
//several lines of code follow.....
return View(model);
I'd like to get rid of that new keyword and inject an instance of IAnObject into the action method. But I'm not sure if MVC allows for this, injecting a class along side a model in an action method? Has anyone run across this, and are there ways of tackling it? (Our IoC container is Windsor, in case that makes a difference.)
If you are expecting to inject this reference into the action method as a parameter, you can look to the ControllerActionInvoker, which has an InvokeActionMethod method, which I believe is called from InvokeAction. This method has a list of parameters passed into it, and a description of the action (ActionDescriptor class). This action descriptor has a GetParameters method that will give you more detailed information about the parameter, such as type information that you would need for the dependency injector. I've not done this, so I don't know quite how it works out, but it seems possible.
I also don't know how that might affect how MVC selects an action method to post to, so factor that in.
You may want to do your injection in OnActionExecuting which is called before any action on the controller is executed. This will give you context such as the Request but will allow you to set member variables - thus 'simulating' constructor injection. And of course you only have to do it once for the whole controller.
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
_myService = .........; // get from IoC container
Well, I agree with the guys on the comments, but if you want to take an instance in the method scope, try to get it from your container of IoC, something like this:
public ActionResult View(MyModel model)
// take from the container of IoC
IAnObject myObject = _continerIoC.Resolve<IAnObject >();
//several lines of code follow.....
return View(model);
Avoid using the new to create your instance and your concrete type in the container and decouple your controller from dependecies/references.
I really consider using constructor/property Injection. There is a method injection too. mvc - how to enforce controller layer supertype

I'd like to use a class extending Controller as the default base type for controllers in my project, as opposed to using Controller itself. So, I would be doing this:
public class FooController : MyBaseController
Is there a way I can enforce this, so that people cannot create controllers which extend Controller directly?
You can always create a unit test that (via reflection) retrieves all classes that derive from Controller and asserts that each class is also a subclass of MyBaseController. It would be along the lines of
public class All_Controllers_Derive_From_MyBaseController()
// Act
var controllerTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Controller))
// Verify
foreach (var type in controllerTypes)
// Make sure the type isn't the actual controller type
if (type is Controller)
string.Format("{0} is not a subclass of the MyBaseController class", type.FullName));
Now if someone creates a controller that doesn't use your base controller your unit tests will fail and tell you which ones are not correct.
Note that this code was written free-hand, so it might need some adjustment but that's the basic idea.
However I prefer the unit testing approach above here is another one by using a custom controller factory.
public class MyControllerFactory<T> : DefaultControllerFactory where T : Controller
#region Overrides of DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
if (!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType))
throw new NotSupportedException();
return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);
You can set it up in the application start method of your Global.asax like this:
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MyControllerFactory<MyBaseController>());
This of course causes a runtime exception when not deriving from MyBaseController which may not be suitable in your current scenario.
You have two choices and both involve writing some code.
choice #1 You can create a filter and try and catch the error at runtime. You better have good a good user acceptance test process in place to touch all of the pages.
Choice #2 involves writing a task for MSBuild that checks that each controller class is derived from your specified class. Just load the application assembly (or assemblies) and go to town!
I prefer choice #2. It doesn't affect application runtime performance and gives you better coverage. You can run it at the end of a build.
I want to question your reasons, but here's an answer: One (slightly underhanded) method you could use is to name the base class "Controller" and put it in the same namespace as your individual controllers. As long as people don't specifically extend System.Web.Mvc.Controller, they'll get your Controller class. None the wiser, possibly.
You could modify the default code generation template, so that it always creates a new controller that inherits from the correct class. The downside is this involves distributing the updated templates to the dev team. See Scott Hanselman's blog for more detailed instructions.

How do I Access the RequestContext Outside the Controller?

I am trying to move business logic out from the controllers into their own services.
public class AccountController : Controller
private readonly IAccountService _accountService;
public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
_accountService = accountService;
I'm using Unity to inject dependencies. I'd like to use the Url.GenerateUrl() helper method within the implementation of IAccountService but Url is a property against the controller.
I looked at the MVC source to see how this is done but it requires me to access the RequestContext from outside of the controller, and I don't know how to do that.
How do I access the RequestContext from outside the controller? If that won't solve my problem, how do I solve the problem given my setup?
This might not be quite right because I'm unable to test it at the moment, but I think that you can do something like this in .NET 4+:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
// ...
var helper = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
string url = helper.GenerateUrl(/* ... */);
It might make more sense to pass the context from the controller to your IAccountService implementation rather than grabbing it directly from HttpContext.Current.
However i'd like to use the Url.GenerateUrl helper methods within my implementation of IAccountService
Simply pass this information as parameter. Example:
public ActionResult Index()
var someUrl = Url.Action("about");
Now you no longer need UrlHelper inside your service classes. Everything that needs interacting with MVC infrastructure shouldn't be placed in your service classes. They shouldn't depend on any Request, Response, Session, ... It's the controller's responsibility to work with those objects and glue them together with your service classes.
