Duplicate Symbol Error: SBJsonParser.o? - ios

I currently have ShareKit in my project that is compiled as a static library. It is properly implemented. I also have implemented Amazon's AWS SDK by just adding their framework into my project.
It seems that the duplicate symbol is coming from Amazon's AWS SDK file, "AWSIOSSDK". This is what it looks like:
And that file is colliding with ShareKit's file, libShareKit.a. This is what that file looks like:
Anyway both of these files are ones that I haven't seen before. And it seems that some JSON files are colliding within them.
I have looked at other SO questions and they say to do some things with the compiled sources but none of these files are in the compiled sources from either library.
Here is the exact error Xcode gives:
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_SBJsonParser
Anyway, does anyone have any ideas what I should do? My app does not compile unless I fix this issue.

You could go ahead and split a library archive into its object files and merge them again by leaving out the duplicates.
See the following walkthrough for getting an idea to manage that task:
Avoiding duplicate symbol errors during linking by removing classes from static libraries

Both of these have built SBJsonParser into their static libraries. This is not the correct way to build a static library. Each should build without SBJson and then you should link all of them together with SBJson. There are a couple of solutions:
Rebuild these libraries (or have their maintainers do so) to not include third-party libraries directly into a static library. This is the ideal solution.
Remove the incorrect SBJson files from the .a files using ar. You should be able to do this using ar -t to list the objects in the .a and then ar -d to delete the ones that shouldn't be in there. You could of course also ar -x to extract all the .o files and link them directly.

I had the same issue with FaceBookConnect Framework (let's call it project B) and my project (project A). Both were linking again JSON framework.
The solution is :
Go to Project B > Target > Build Phase > Remove JSON from the "Link Binary with libraries"
Make sure the JSON framework is still in the project (don't remove it) so project B can build
Build your project B you shouldn't get any error. The project should build but not embed the JSON frameworks symbols
Add both project B product (a framework) AND JSON framework in project A
Go to Project A > Target > Build Phase and check that both project B and JSON have been added to the "Link binary with libraries" section
Build your project A


How to create a close source SDK for iOS with other framework dependencies

I have multiple projects that build into XCFramework. For example:
When I build MySDK, it produces a .xcframework with a "frameworks" folder in it. FeatureA, B and C are inside that folder. This means that the frameworks were embeded.
But, when I add MySDK into another project and try to build I get: no such module "FeatureA" OR Could not build "FeatureA" to Objc.
The only way that my test project builds is by adding each .xcframework dependency. I tried using the search paths, but no luck.
I also tried change the modulemap file, but the error describe above continues.
I want to build a SDK, MySDK.xcframework that contains all depencency frameworks. In this way I hope that someone who wants to use my library will only have to import MySDK.xcframework.
What I want is even possible for iOS?

iOS : Could not build module <framework-name>

I've got Library from another team. I'm trying to use library in our project and while do so getting an error Could not build module 'Common Library' (name of framework)
Below are solutions that I worked on but didn't helped :
1. Delete Derived data content. Clean and Build.
2. Framework is added in 'Link binary with libraries' of Build phases.
3. While adding framework checkmarked : Target and Copy content to folder.
Even I tried this stackoverflow-link but didn't got any break-through!
The only thing that worked was deleting Objective-C bridging header path in Swift compiler - code generation section of build settings in Project.
However, thereafter I'm not able to get Common interface to create instance (i.e. Common dosen't appears in drop-down list)
Below is framework structure.
Any other fix?
you can try delete DerivedData dir.
where is DerivedData?(xcode 8)
go to File > workspace Settings, you'll see DerivedData path.
DerivedData path in xcode 8
Check whether the framework you are integrating is supporting your project architecture.
To see the framework supported architecture, use Terminal and navigate to Framework folder.
use, "lipo -info myFramework.framework/MyFramework"
And, if you want to use the framework files in your project, check whether the files are available in Framework/Headers Folder.
Getting this error :
Try, "file myFramework.framework/MyFramework" in Terminal
I think you does not need to compile CommonLibrary.framework again. So you can try to remove it from Embedded Binaries list. And make sure the path of CommonLibrary.framework is in your Framework Search Paths.
I also had this problem:
1. My 'GoodLuck' framework had two headers: GoodLuck.h and GLAdder.h
2. Project which import this framework couldn't compile
Import GLAdder.h in GoodLuck.h, rebuild the framework. It works.
I also had this problem, due to a typo in my GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS, which therefore invalidated all of my code.
First helpful warning was multiple "Macro Name must be an identifier" followed by multiple "Could not build module" messages.
As this question do not have answer yet, so adding my answer here it may help in future for some another developer.
I know due to privacy you can not disclose the details.
I have used same library and faced same issue so just did did this two things it is working fine.
In General -> Frameworks,Libraries -> CommonLibrary.framework just select that and choose -> Embed Without Signing.
Build Settings -> Search for "workspace" -> Validate workspace -> set it NO
That's it you are done.

Duplicate symbol in .framework and .a

I am developing a library .a file in Which i am using AFNetworking classes ... This library does also include one .framework which also using the AFNetworking classes (Adding this framework is optional)
Due to this I am getting following errors
duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_$_AFHTTPRequestOperation._responseSerializer in:
Options i have already considered is removing AF***.o from one of the file lipo -thin and ar -d -sv commands
Using this Link
But this library is configurable from server and adding that particular .framework is optional.
My question is ... Is there any otherway by which i can resolve this issue ? ALso i can would rather not prefer to remove .m files of AFNetworking from my library source as the entire process of generating library is fully automatic and configurable in many ways
I have also tried to resolve this by removing -all_load from other linker flags but this resulted in crash as categories of some classes are not loaded due to this.
You will get the duplicate symbol linker error whenever you have included a binary version of a class. The way to get rid of it is to remove the superfluous object.
For building your library you only need the .h files of AFNetworking because those tell the compiler which classes and methods are available. You do not need to compile the AFNetworking source code because a .a file is essentially a collection of .o files which each contain the compiled versions of .m files.
Libraries are not linked
Only apps get linked and therefore need to have the symbols/objects present. i.e. if you provide your library without AFNetworking compiled in, then the developer using it needs to add AFNetworking via library, framework or cocoapod.

How do I add this C library to my iOS Xcode 4 project?

I'm trying to add the openjpeg library to my XCode 4 project so that I can compress images taken by the iPhone's camera to jpeg2000.
I built the static library (libopenjpeg.a) using Cmake on OS/X. (I'm guessing this may have been the first error, that it needs to be built by XCode so it's built for iPhone architecture and not OS X).
I have the library added in the Link Binary with Libraries of my target.
The project builds successfully but I can't seem to import any of the headers from the library into any of my Objective-C classes. I've tried manually adding the folder that contains the libopenjpeg header files to the User Header Search Path but that did not seem to do anything.
Any suggestions?
for the simplest solution
Import the head files to you project's source.
You can still build it on the command-line with CMake, you'd just have to modify the CMakeLists.txt file so the right flags are passed when compiling.
However as Gavin indicates, it may be simpler just to drag the header and source files from the library into your Xcode project, and forego the building of a static library.

Build a static library for iOS - specifically spatialite

First, please forgive and point out if I am to use some other protocol for referencing another thread/post.
There was a previous thread how to compile spatialite for iOS where the top answer partly described building spatialite as a static library for iOS. The answer included the text:
"Once you've drag n drop the .a (both are required to work in the simulator AND on the real hardware), you can initialize spatialite by just invoking spatialite_init(1)."
I am guessing this is translated to some version of the following?
Xcode 4
File->New->New Target->iOS->Framework & Library->Cocoa Touch Static Library
Name the library - libSpatialite_TedS
Drag the header files to libSpatialite_TedS -> Copy Headers (question here ... there is a spatialite.h file in the 'headers' directory of the 'spatialite2.3.1.zip' download. Then in the subdirectory 'spatialite' there is another spatialite.h that is not an identical file and is obviously needed. Do we just drag the header files from 'headers' directory, then drag the directory 'spatialite' as a directory into 'Copy Headers' area of our Xcode static library 'myNewLibrary'?)
Drag the '.a files' libSPATIALITE2.3.1_arm.a & libSPATIALITE2.3.1_x86.a
Shouldn't we have some '.m' files to go with these headers in the 'Compile Sources' field?
Now, without referencing the libSpatialite_TedS in my project, when I 'Command-B' to build, the project build succeeds. However, when I look for the compiled product in
I see build's products, but they do not include libSpatialite_TedS.
Is this because the compiler is 'smart' and recognizes that none of the header/.a files are referenced in the project so it does not bother compiling them?
And, is this the correct way to go about achieving the objective of the original poster how to compile spatialite for iOS?
Many thanks,
Ted S
I was running into linker errors with the original poster too, but solved it by including libsqlite3.dylib, libstc++.dylib, and libiconv.dylib in the target.
Hope this helps!
Ted, I believe that the .a (static library) files and headers are meant to be used in a project right away, rather than in another static library as you've described. They are the result of a project's output. I think you can find the project that built them, here:
And a little more on static library files:
What is a .a (as libcrypto.a) file?
Here's another link that you might find helpful. It s a summary of the Static Library build process in iOS:
