Rails Ajax Or Javascript? - ruby-on-rails

I was wondering which way would be the best for my following problem. and maybe sample on how to do it also
I have the following models: customer, music, books.
What I would like to do is when a customer wants to go into the edit page then automatically customer general information such as name, password show up! But on an other tab by pressing music which his another model then music information comes up in the same. Sorta like facebook and twitter edit page do it.
Now each of the form are rendered by the following code line at the moment
<%= render 'general'%>
but how do i include them in the link and should i just use javascript and toggle them or use ajax ??

Well, this has little to do with Ajax, since all information you need aparently would already been loaded by you main customer object.
What i understand you want is something like the tabs javascript plugin of twitter bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#tabs
You put the different content (music/books/etc) in different divs and when the tab is clicked, the content changes and the user gets a better experience.
Take a look at the link, it is super easy to set up this plugin on your project.


Rails - manipulating data in popup

I'm new in Rails, I have a Meal model which has many Products. Meals are assign to User (maybe this is important for a concept). In meals/new.html.erb I want to create new Meal as follow:
Click the button "Display Products"
On the same page (meals/new.html.erb) open modal (pop-up) with all products assigned to current user ( I have help method for current-user). It should be displayad like a list or grid with checboxes for example.
Then user can check few products and click "Confirm".
After that in meals/new.html should be appeared list of chosen products with additional input to fill their quantity.
So I have two problem here.
How should I display modal? Is needed any Ajax (I'm not so familiar with this technology)
How can I pass products between view and modal?
Could you help me a little to achieve these goals?
Regarding your first problem, displaying the modal is fairly straight forward. Essentially you will create a div with the proper bootstrap classes to be hidden when the page is loaded, and then create a button that makes it visible. I would recommend either reading over the W3Schools entry on modals, or from the appropriate part of the bootstrap javascript documentation.
Regarding your second question, this depends on exactly what you mean. The modal is part of the view, so if you're only trying to put information that is currently on the modal back onto the "page" behind it, you can do so fairly simply with javascript (copying content out of one element into another, or updating states of inputs). If, on the other hand, you're trying to use the modal to retrieve information from the server (for instance if you wanted to show a list of possible options, and then display detailed information about the selected items from the database) that would require Ajax.
If you have any snippets of code that aren't functioning as you expect, feel free to add your View to the question. In cases like this, usually the best way for us to provide help is for you to take an early crack at this, post the relevant code, and then seek answers for the things that behave unexpectedly.
I hope that helps.

How to build Preview functionality before form submit in Rails ?

I have a simple scaffold and I want the user to see (preview) the form data before he submits it. It looks to be fairly straight forward problem but surprisingly I am not able to figure out how to do it. I found this but it looks to be somewhat dated (2010 question)
Is there any gem or jquery plugin which can simplify this preview functionality ? any suggestions on how to do it in rails 3.2.x ?
It really depends on what kind of "preview" you want to include - either "preview page" or "rendered fragment":
Preview page is what some services are showing: summary of all inputs shown in form of separate page with button "confirm". It doesn't require javascript or anything fancy - just click "next" on form page, see data typed just a second ago and click "confirm" or "back to edit". If this is what you require then you can do it simply by creating new controller action(preview?) which would initialize model with passed parameters(just like "create" action would, but without saving) and generate template with "preview" shown and hidden form that will be passed to "create" action after clicking "confirm". Alternatively you can simply modify "new" form so it would hide form depending on called action and show preview instead.
Second option is "render fragment" - it will live-update part of your current page via javascript. Depending on how complicated this view will be and what kind of operations you will need to do before showing template it might be good to use some javascript plugin or send request to server and obtain rendered partial. In former case you can select from very easy implementations(like this) up to complete solutions dedicated to it. On the other hand if you choose to render it on server then simple ajax request with all params of form should be enough to provide you with HTML output that can be put directly into DOM element.
I don't know about any gem which can do that.
I think showing a modal with jquery and getting data from data-elements is a simple way to go.

Loading data from database by Ajax - Ruby on Rails app

Sometimes at websites all comments or other data from DB is hidden by default. When user click at link like "Display comments" all comments from database are dynamically selected and placed under the content. It must be great for mysql performance, because content is generated only when user excatly need it. I would like to implement this stuff at my app.
I've got one idea to do this so far. Remote action with #comments = Content.comments and next page.insert_html at RJS template. Is it good idea or maybe I should choose different way?
The decision is purely based on the application that you are developing. For example if in case of stack overflow it does not make sense to show only the question and show answer link. But in case of a blog post it may be fine.
In the above situation, I don't think there will be a good improvement in performance by removing the comments of the content on show page. We can achieve the same functionality by making use of javascript methods. Hide the content on page load and show in on client request.

Ruby on rails: Creating a home page with elements pulled form different models?

Im having difficulty moving forward with my app. The problems I face are:
App: Beat selling website.
I am looking to have a home page with a : Jquery photo slider, Social bar for (twitter,Facebook,youtube), a video box, an opt-in box, and a benefits box outlining 6 benefits of the company.
I want to have all the above elements on one page (home) but have an admin interface where I can Add new photos to the photo-slider by uploading, update the video box via youtube url, manage the form for opt in and have a list of all users that have opt-in and also for the benefits i would like to be able to administer the benefits, add new one and delete old one.
So the problem I face is: I understand I have to create a controller model and view for each module I want placed on the home page. Do I need to create a MVC called HOME too? I also plan to use partials so I can pull it all together then on the main HOME page. How do I display all the modules above on the one page for the user to see, Do I need to set up some sort relationship between each controller?
I should also mention I'm using user authentication so I will have the admin pages protected.
rails version 2.3.5,
ruby version 1.8.7,
Please if you can help out it would be much appreciated,
Thanks, Ian
You seem to be slightly confused with what views do. You don't need to create a view for each model unless you want to view them separately (i.e. only that model).
What you want to do in your case is to have a controller (such as HomeController) with an index action where you gather all the data you'll to show (models, etc). Then, in app/views/home/index you use your partials to show your data with something like
<%= render 'pictures/show_inline', :picture => #picture %>
Of course, you'll need a partial in app/views/pictures/_show_inline.html.erb that will display a picture like you want it (using the picture variable we call the partial with).

How to redirect user to the page they were just at without them noticing?

The website viewer would be at page A, click a link that sends then to page B, but I want them to return to page A without them noticing.
When they click the link it changes the layout the viewer is browsing the site with, so the redirection code shouldn't erase or undo the cookies or whatever are stored with the link click. Thanks!
Here's what I'm doing. I have a page called setskin.php that has php code that takes header and footer codes for different layouts and applies them. I don't know how to show code without it going crazy, so there's a screenshot of it here:
I want to change my website so that in a sidebar there will be the same setskin options (so it will be on every page). I was fiddling and managed to make it so when you click the link for the skin you want it changes the skin, but then you end up at the setskin.php page, which I don't want. I was looking for a way to make it so it sends you to the setskin.php page (since I couldn't see how to change that) and then back to where you came from.
You should use AJAX. That way you can do whatever processing is needed behind the scenes with zero impact on the user.
You can check the referer header and return to that. But if that isn't set go to a default page?
Other options include putting the previous url as a parameter, like a 'next' parameter. Then redirect to that after you're done. Quite common pattern used for login.
