Parse != in scala - parsing

I need to parse statements of the form
and so on. I have the following construct:
lazy val Line : Parser[Any] = (Expr ~ "!=" ~ Expr)^^ {e => SMT( "(not (= " + e._1._1 + " " + e._2 + "))")} | (Expr ~ "==" ~ Expr)^^ {e => SMT( "(" + (e._1._2) + " " + e._1._1 + " " + e._2 + ")")}
The second part for the "==" works just fine, returning me (== var1 var2), but the first part just does not parse. Whatever I try to parse instead of the "!=", neither "!= " nor " !=" or " != " are recognized.
Of course I can replace the "!=" before I hand it to the parser, but is there a more elegant way?

Have a look at this minimal example (Scala 2.9.2):
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
sealed trait ASTNode
case class Eq(v1: String, v2: String) extends ASTNode
case class Not(n: ASTNode) extends ASTNode
object MyParser extends StandardTokenParsers {
lexical.delimiters += ("==", "!=")
lazy val line = (
(ident ~ ("==" ~> ident)) ^^ { case e1 ~ e2 => Eq(e1, e2) }
| (ident ~ ("!=" ~> ident)) ^^ { case e1 ~ e2 => Not(Eq(e1, e2)) }
def main(code: String) = {
val tokens = new lexical.Scanner(code)
line(tokens) match {
case Success(tree, _) => println(tree)
case e: NoSuccess => Console.err.println(e)
MyParser.main("x == y")
MyParser.main("x != y")


scala parser. output of log parser utility

I am using the log parser utility to trace the parsing.
Scala code:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
object Arith extends JavaTokenParsers with App {
def expr: Parser[Any] = log(term~rep("+"~term | "-"~term))("expr")
def term: Parser[Any] = factor~rep("*"~factor | "/"~factor)
def factor: Parser[Any] = floatingPointNumber | "("~expr~")"
println(parseAll(expr, "2 * (3 + 7)"))
trying expr at scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader#13a317a
trying expr at scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader#14c1103
expr --> [1.11] parsed: ((3~List())~List((+~(7~List()))))
expr --> [1.12] parsed: ((2~List((*~(((~((3~List())~List((+~(7~List())))))~)))))~List())
[1.12] parsed: ((2~List((*~(((~((3~List())~List((+~(7~List())))))~)))))~List())
The input is printed as scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader#13a317a. Is there a way to print string representation of the input like "2 * (3 + 7)"?
Overriding log solved my problem.
Scala Snippet:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
object Arith extends JavaTokenParsers with App {
override def log[T](p: => Parser[T])(name: String): Parser[T] = Parser { in =>
def prt(x: Input) = x.source.toString.drop(x.offset)
println("trying " + name + " at " + prt(in))
val r = p(in)
println(name + " --> " + r + " next: " + prt(
def expr: Parser[Any] = log(term ~ rep("+" ~ term | "-" ~ term))("expr")
def term: Parser[Any] = factor ~ rep("*" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor)
def factor: Parser[Any] = floatingPointNumber | "(" ~ expr ~ ")"
println(parseAll(expr, "(3+7)*2"))
trying expr at (3+7)*2
trying expr at 3+7)*2
expr --> [1.5] parsed: ((3~List())~List((+~(7~List())))) next: )*2
expr --> [1.8] parsed: (((((~((3~List())~List((+~(7~List())))))~))~List((*~2)))~List()) next:
[1.8] parsed: (((((~((3~List())~List((+~(7~List())))))~))~List((*~2)))~List())

Parser Combinators - Simple grammar

I am trying to use parser combinators in Scala on a simple grammar that I have copied from a book. When I run the following code it stops immediately after the first token has been parsed with the error
[1.3] failure: string matching regex '\z' expected but '+' found
I can see why things go wrong. The first token is an expression and therefor it is the only thing that needs to be parsed according to the grammar. However I do not know what is a good way to fix it.
object SimpleParser extends RegexParsers
def Name = """[a-zA-Z]+""".r
def Int = """[0-9]+""".r
def Main:Parser[Any] = Expr
def Expr:Parser[Any] =
| Term <~ "+" ~> Expr
| Term <~ "-" ~> Expr
def Term:Parser[Any] =
| Factor <~ "*" ~> Term
def Factor:Parser[Any] =
| Int
| "-" ~> Int
| "(" ~> Expr <~ ")"
| "let" ~> Name <~ "=" ~> Expr <~ "in" ~> Expr <~ "end"
def main(args: Array[String])
var input = "2 + 2"
println(parseAll(Main, input))
Factor <~ "*" ~> Term means Factor.<~("*" ~> Term), so the whole right part is dropped.
Use Factor ~ "*" ~ Term ^^ { case f ~ _ ~ t => ??? } or rep1sep:
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
object SimpleParser extends RegexParsers
def Name = """[a-zA-Z]+""".r
def Int = """[0-9]+""".r
def Main:Parser[Any] = Expr
def Expr:Parser[Any] = rep1sep(Term, "+" | "-")
def Term:Parser[Any] = rep1sep(Factor, "*")
def Factor:Parser[Any] =
"let" ~> Name ~ "=" ~ Expr ~ "in" ~ Expr <~ "end" ^^ { case n ~ _ ~ e1 ~ _ ~ e2 => (n, e1, e2)
| Int
| "-" ~> Int
| "(" ~> Expr <~ ")"
| Name }
SimpleParser.parseAll(SimpleParser.Main, "2 + 2")
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
defined module SimpleParser
res1: SimpleParser.ParseResult[Any] = [1.6] parsed: List(List(2), List(2))
The second part of parser def Term:Parser[Any] = Factor | Factor <~ "*" ~> Term is useless. The first part, Factor, can parse (with non-empty next) any Input that the second part, Factor <~ "*" ~> Term, is able to parse.

Pretty print expression with as few parentheses as possible?

My Question: What is the cleanest way to pretty print an expression without redundant parentheses?
I have the following representation of lambda expressions:
Term ::= Fun(String x, Term t)
| App(Term t1, Term t2)
| Var(String x)
By convention App is left associative, that is a b c is interpreted as (a b) c and function bodies stretch as far to the right as possible, that is, λ x. x y is interpreted as λ x. (x y).
I have a parser that does a good job, but now I want a pretty printer. Here's what I currently have (pseudo scala):
term match {
case Fun(v, t) => "(λ %s.%s)".format(v, prettyPrint(t))
case App(s, t) => "(%s %s)".format(prettyPrint(s), prettyPrint(t))
case Var(v) => v
The above printer always puts ( ) around expressions (except for atomic variables). Thus for Fun(x, App(Fun(y, x), y)) it produces
(λ x.((λ y.x) y))
I would like to have
λ x.(λ y.x) y
Here I'll use a simple grammar for infix expressions with the associativity and precedence defined by the following grammar whose operators are listed in ascending order of precedence
E -> E + T | E - T | T left associative
T -> T * F | T / F | F left associative
F -> G ^ F | G right associative
G -> - G | ( E ) | NUM
Given an abstract syntax tree (AST) we convert the AST to a string with only the necessary parenthesis as described in the pseudocode below. We examine relative precedence and associativity as we recursively descend the tree to determine when parenthesis are necessary. Note that all decisions to wrap parentheses around an expression must be made in the parent node.
toParenString(AST) {
if (AST.type == NUM) // simple atomic type (no operator)
return toString(AST)
else if (AST.TYPE == UNARY_MINUS) // prefix unary operator
if (AST.arg.type != NUM AND
precedence(AST.op) > precedence(AST.arg.op))
return "-(" + toParenString(AST.arg) + ")"
return "-" + toParenString(AST.arg)
else { // binary operation
var useLeftParen =
AST.leftarg.type != NUM AND
(precedence(AST.op) > precedence(AST.leftarg.op) OR
(precedence(AST.op) == precedence(AST.leftarg.op) AND
var useRightParen =
AST.rightarg.type != NUM AND
(precedence(AST.op) > precedence(AST.rightarg.op) OR
(precedence(AST.op) == precedence(AST.rightarg.op) AND
var leftString;
if (useLeftParen) {
leftString = "(" + toParenString(AST.leftarg) + ")"
leftString = toParenString(AST.leftarg)
var rightString;
if (useRightParen) {
rightString = "(" + toParenString(AST.rightarg) + ")"
rightString = toParenString(AST.rightarg)
return leftString + AST.op + rightString;
Isn't it that you just have to check the types of the arguments of App?
I'm not sure how to write this in scala..
term match {
case Fun(v: String, t: Term) => "λ %s.%s".format(v, prettyPrint(t))
case App(s: Fun, t: App) => "(%s) (%s)".format(prettyPrint(s), prettyPrint(t))
case App(s: Term, t: App) => "%s (%s)".format(prettyPrint(s), prettyPrint(t))
case App(s: Fun, t: Term) => "(%s) %s".format(prettyPrint(s), prettyPrint(t))
case App(s: Term, t: Term) => "%s %s".format(prettyPrint(s), prettyPrint(t))
case Var(v: String) => v

Parsing Scheme using Scala parser combinators

I'm writing a small scheme interpreter in Scala and I'm running into problems parsing lists in Scheme. My code parses lists that contain multiple numbers, identifiers, and booleans, but it chokes if I try to parse a list containing multiple strings or lists. What am I missing?
Here's my parser:
class SchemeParsers extends RegexParsers {
// Scheme boolean #t and #f translate to Scala's true and false
def bool : Parser[Boolean] =
("#t" | "#f") ^^ {case "#t" => true; case "#f" => false}
// A Scheme identifier allows alphanumeric chars, some symbols, and
// can't start with a digit
def id : Parser[String] =
"""[a-zA-Z=*+/<>!\?][a-zA-Z0-9=*+/<>!\?]*""".r ^^ {case s => s}
// This interpreter only accepts numbers as integers
def num : Parser[Int] = """-?\d+""".r ^^ {case s => s toInt}
// A string can have any character except ", and is wrapped in "
def str : Parser[String] = '"' ~> """[^""]*""".r <~ '"' ^^ {case s => s}
// A Scheme list is a series of expressions wrapped in ()
def list : Parser[List[Any]] =
'(' ~> rep(expr) <~ ')' ^^ {s: List[Any] => s}
// A Scheme expression contains any of the other constructions
def expr : Parser[Any] = id | str | num | bool | list ^^ {case s => s}
As it was correctly pointed out by #Gabe, you left some white-spaces unhandled:
scala> object SchemeParsers extends RegexParsers {
| private def space = regex("[ \\n]*".r)
| // Scheme boolean #t and #f translate to Scala's true and false
| private def bool : Parser[Boolean] =
| ("#t" | "#f") ^^ {case "#t" => true; case "#f" => false}
| // A Scheme identifier allows alphanumeric chars, some symbols, and
| // can't start with a digit
| private def id : Parser[String] =
| """[a-zA-Z=*+/<>!\?][a-zA-Z0-9=*+/<>!\?]*""".r
| // This interpreter only accepts numbers as integers
| private def num : Parser[Int] = """-?\d+""".r ^^ {case s => s toInt}
| // A string can have any character except ", and is wrapped in "
| private def str : Parser[String] = '"' ~> """[^""]*""".r <~ '"' <~ space ^^ {case s => s}
| // A Scheme list is a series of expressions wrapped in ()
| private def list : Parser[List[Any]] =
| '(' ~> space ~> rep(expr) <~ ')' <~ space ^^ {s: List[Any] => s}
| // A Scheme expression contains any of the other constructions
| private def expr : Parser[Any] = id | str | num | bool | list ^^ {case s => s}
| def parseExpr(str: String) = parse(expr, str)
| }
defined module SchemeParsers
scala> SchemeParsers.parseExpr("""(("a" "b") ("a" "b"))""")
res12: SchemeParsers.ParseResult[Any] = [1.22] parsed: List(List(a, b), List(a, b))
scala> SchemeParsers.parseExpr("""("a" "b" "c")""")
res13: SchemeParsers.ParseResult[Any] = [1.14] parsed: List(a, b, c)
scala> SchemeParsers.parseExpr("""((1) (1 2) (1 2 3))""")
res14: SchemeParsers.ParseResult[Any] = [1.20] parsed: List(List(1), List(1, 2), List(1, 2, 3))
The only problem with the code is your usage of characters instead of strings. Below, I removed the redundant ^^ { case s => s } and replaced all characters with strings. I'll further discuss this issue below.
class SchemeParsers extends RegexParsers {
// Scheme boolean #t and #f translate to Scala's true and false
def bool : Parser[Boolean] =
("#t" | "#f") ^^ {case "#t" => true; case "#f" => false}
// A Scheme identifier allows alphanumeric chars, some symbols, and
// can't start with a digit
def id : Parser[String] =
"""[a-zA-Z=*+/<>!\?][a-zA-Z0-9=*+/<>!\?]*""".r ^^ {case s => s}
// This interpreter only accepts numbers as integers
def num : Parser[Int] = """-?\d+""".r ^^ {case s => s toInt}
// A string can have any character except ", and is wrapped in "
def str : Parser[String] = "\"" ~> """[^""]*""".r <~ "\""
// A Scheme list is a series of expressions wrapped in ()
def list : Parser[List[Any]] =
"(" ~> rep(expr) <~ ")" ^^ {s: List[Any] => s}
// A Scheme expression contains any of the other constructions
def expr : Parser[Any] = id | str | num | bool | list
All Parsers have an implicit accept for their Elem types. So, if the basic element is a Char, such as in RegexParsers, then there's an implicit accept action for them, which is what happens here for the symbols (, ) and ", which are characters in your code.
What RegexParsers do automatically is to skip white spaces (defined as protected val whiteSpace = """\s+""".r, so you could override that) automatically at the beginning of any String or Regex. It also takes care of moving the positioning cursor past the white space in case of error messages.
One consequence of this that you seem not to have realized is that " a string beginning with a space" will have its prefix space removed from the parsed output, which is very unlikely to be something you want. :-)
Also, since \s includes new lines, a new line will be acceptable before any identifier, which may or may not be what you want.
You may disable space skipping in your regex as a whole by overrideing skipWhiteSpace. On the other hand, the default skipWhiteSpace tests for whiteSpace's length, so you could potentially turn it on and off just by manipulating the value of whiteSpace throughout the parsing process.

EBNF to Scala parser combinator

I have the following EBNF that I want to parse:
PostfixExp -> PrimaryExp ( "[" Exp "]"
| . id "(" ExpList ")"
| . length )*
And this is what I got:
def postfixExp: Parser[Expression] = (
primaryExp ~ rep(
"[" ~ expression ~ "]"
| "." ~ ident ~"(" ~ repsep(expression, "," ) ~ ")"
| "." ~ "length") ^^ {
case primary ~ list => list.foldLeft(primary)((prim,post) =>
post match {
case "[" ~ length ~ "]" => ElementExpression(prim, length.asInstanceOf[Expression])
case "." ~ function ~"(" ~ arguments ~ ")" => CallMethodExpression(prim, function.asInstanceOf[String], arguments.asInstanceOf[List[Expression]])
case _ => LengthExpression(prim)
But I would like to know if there is a better way, preferably without having to resort to casting (asInstanceOf).
I would do it like this:
type E = Expression
def postfixExp = primaryExp ~ rep(
"[" ~> expr <~ "]" ^^ { e => ElementExpression(_:E, e) }
| "." ~ "length" ^^^ LengthExpression
| "." ~> ident ~ ("(" ~> repsep(expr, ",") <~ ")") ^^ flatten2 { (f, args) =>
CallMethodExpression(_:E, f, args)
) ^^ flatten2 { (e, ls) => collapse(ls)(e) }
def expr: Parser[E] = ...
def collapse(ls: List[E=>E])(e: E) = {
ls.foldLeft(e) { (e, f) => f(e) }
Shortened expressions to expr for brevity as well as added the type alias E for the same reason.
The trick that I'm using here to avoid the ugly case analysis is to return a function value from within the inner production. This function takes an Expression (which will be the primary) and then returns a new Expression based on the first. This unifies the two cases of dot-dispatch and bracketed expressions. Finally, the collapse method is used to merge the linear List of function values into a proper AST, starting with the specified primary expression.
Note that LengthExpression is just returned as a value (using ^^^) from its respective production. This works because the companion objects for case classes (assuming that LengthExpression is indeed a case class) extend the corresponding function value delegating to their constructor. Thus, the function represented by LengthExpression takes a single Expression and returns a new instance of LengthExpression, precisely satisfying our needs for the higher-order tree construction.
