Test if save method is hit in unit test - asp.net-mvc

I'm starting with unit testing in the asp.net mvc 4 framework.
I got a repository with basic crud methods and a save method. When I create a unit test I create a test repository and test if e.g. a item to the collection is added. That all goes smoothly but I cannot test if the save method is hit.
I tried to add a boolean property to the test repository which will be set to true if .save() is hit. But then I need to change the interface, and also the database repository. Which is in my opinion neither practical nor best practice.
What is the best method to test this? Thank you in advance for your answer.
My code:
the fake repository:
public class TestUserRepository : IUserManagementRepository
/// <summary>
/// entries used used for testing
/// </summary>
private List<User> _entities;
/// <summary>
/// constructor
/// </summary>
public TestUserRepository()
_entities = new List<User>();
_entities.Add(new User
Id = 1,
InsertDate = DateTime.Now,
LastUpdate = DateTime.Now,
Username = "TestUserName",
Password = "TestPassword"
public void Create(User task)
public void Save()
//do nothing
the controller to test:
public ActionResult Create(User user)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(user);
and the test
public void CreateTest()
IUserManagementRepository repository = new TestUserRepository();
UserController controller = new UserController(repository);
User user = new User { Username = "UnitTestUserName", InsertDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, Password = "Password" };
ActionResult actionResult = controller.Create(user);
User returnedUser = repository.FindBy(u => u.Username == "UnitTestUserName").First<User>();
Assert.AreEqual(user, returnedUser);

You must be careful not to write a bunch of unit tests that just test your test repository.
Consider the following scenario:
You have a service method, that is supposed to add an item to your repository.
Your unit test calls this method, and you should verify that the appropriate "AddX" method was called on the repository.
This is a valid unit test scenario, to test it you can use your test repository. Since it is your test object, you have full control over it. You can expose properties such as "AddXMethodCallCount" or something similar.
Over time you will find yourself writing a lot of test code that is pretty much boilerplate. The alternative, which I strongly recommend, is to use a mocking framework:
It takes some getting used to, but once you get it, it will speed up your unit testing significantly.
If you don't want to use mocking yet, but want to still achieve your goal of verifying whether or not Save() is called, I would suggest just adding a publicly exposed SaveMethodCallCount property:
public class TestUserRepository : IUserManagementRepository
public SaveMethodCallCount {get; set;}
public void Save()
This works, because in your unit test you can actually say:
TestUserRepository repository = new TestUserRepository();
The UserController does not care, as long as the passed in parameter implements the IUserManagementRepository interface. The controller interacts with the repository object through the interface, but the unit test does not have to, and the TestUserRepository, being a test class, is allowed to have much more functionality, that does not have to be exposed through the interface.
So your test could look something like:
public void CreateTest()
TestUserRepository repository = new TestUserRepository();
UserController controller = new UserController(repository);
User user = new User { Username = "UnitTestUserName", InsertDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, Password = "Password" };
ActionResult actionResult = controller.Create(user);
User returnedUser = repository.FindBy(u => u.Username == "UnitTestUserName").First<User>();
Assert.AreEqual(user, returnedUser);
Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.SaveMethodCallCount);
To make my example complete, let me show you what this would look like if you used a mocking framework, like Moq. You can see some more examples here. The example test method uses Moq and Arrange/Act/Assert, and tests only one thing - that Save() is called when Create() is called.
public void Test_SaveCalledWhenCreateCalled()
// Arrange
// First, instead of creating an instance of your test class, you create a mock repository.
// In fact, you don't need to write any code, the mocking framework handles it.
var mockRepository = new Mock<IUserManagementRepository>();
// and pass the mock repository (which implements the IUserManagementRepository) to your controller
UserController controller = new UserController(mockRepository);
// Act
ActionResult actionResult = controller.Create(user);
// Assert
// see how easy it is to do with a mocking framework:
mockRepository.Verify(rep => rep.Save(), Times.AtLeastOnce());


Unit Testing a Controller - How Do I Handle the Connection String?

I can make it work, but I want to know what the best practice is and why. I have a Controller, a Model, and a Repository and now I want to Unit Test the Controller. I am just writing a simple test to ensure that the correct view is being returned.
This is my method in the controller:
public ActionResult Selections(SelectionsViewModel model)
for (int i = 0; i < model.Sends.Count; i++)
Send send = new Send(new SendService(new Database().GetConnectionString()))
SendID = model.Sends[i].SendID,
Title = model.Sends[i].Title,
Subject = model.Sends[i].Subject,
SentDate = model.Sends[i].SentDate,
TimesViewed = model.Sends[i].TimesViewed,
Include = model.Sends[i].Include,
Exclude = model.Sends[i].Exclude
return View(model);
Here is my GetConnectionString() method in the Database class that is being sent via my SendService constructor.
public string GetConnectionString()
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DEVConnectionString"].ToString();
And lastly, my unit test:
public void TestAssignmentSelections()
var obj = new AssignmentController();
var actResult = obj.Selections() as ViewResult;
NUnit.Framework.Assert.That(actResult.ViewName, Is.EqualTo("Selections"));
Now, my unit test fails, and I get why. My unit test project has no access to the web.config of the project I am testing where my connection string resides.
I've done some research, and apparently just adding a web.config to my unit test project and putting the connection string in there as well will make it work.. but that seems like a hack.
What's the best way to go about this? Is there another way to write my code to accommodate for this?
You want to make your controller unit testable ? Don't do this.
new SendService(
With this code,you are hardcoding your concrete service implementation & your data access code implementation. In your unit test, you should not be really accessing the data from your database. Instead you should be providing a mock data access implementation.
Here comes interfaces, you need to create an interface for your SendService.
public interface ISendService
void SomeMethod();
now your SendService will be a concrete implementation of this interface
public class SendService : ISendService
public void SomeMethod()
// Do something
Now update your controller to have a constructor where we will inject an implementation of ISendService.
public class YourController : Controller
private ISendService sendService;
public YourController(ISendService sendService)
this.sendService = sendService;
public ActionResult YourActionMethod()
// use this.sendService.SomeMethod();
And you may use some dependency injection frameworks to tell the MVC framework which implementation of the interface to use when the code runs. If you are using MVC6,It has an inbuilt dependency injection provider you can use. So go to your Startup class and in your ConfigureServices method, you can map an interface to a concrete implementation.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<ISendService, SendService>();
If you are in a previous version of MVC, You may consider DI frameworks like Unity,Ninject etc. You can do the same approach for your Data access later / Service layers. ie: Create an interface for data access and inject that to your SendService.
public Interface IDataAccess
string GetName(int id);
and an implementation which uses your specific data access code/ORM
public class EFDataAccess : IDataAccess
public string GetName(int id)
// return a string from db using EF
So now your Service class will be
public class SendService : ISendService
private IDataAccess dataAccess;
public SendService(IDataAccess dataAccess)
// to do : Implement methods of your ISendService interface.
// you may use this.dataAccess in those methods as needed.
In your unit tests, you can create a mock implementation of your interfaces which returns static data instead of accessing the database.
For example, If you are using Moq mocking framework, you can do this.
var m = new Mock<IDataAccess>();
var m.Setup(s=>s.GetName(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns("Test");
var s = new SendService(m);
var result= s.SomeMethod();

Unit Testing With Dependency Injection and MOQ

I'm just learning how dependency injection and mocking work, but I'd like some feedback on how I'm setting up a couple of tests. I can get them to pass, but I'm not sure this is all I need.
This is an MVC application that makes Web API calls to return data. For this example I'm running queries in the Web APIs that populate dropdowns.
Please give me any and all suggestions about what I'm doing right or wrong here or anything I should be doing differently.
Setup file for Dependency Injection - Unity.WebAPI (NuGet Package)
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
// register all your components with the container here
// it is NOT necessary to register your controllers
// e.g. container.RegisterType<ITestService, TestService>();
container.RegisterType<IDropDownDataRepository, DropDownDataRepository>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
public class DropDownDataController : ApiController
private IDropDownDataRepository _dropDownDataRepository;
//Dependency Injection (I'm using Unity.WebAPI)
public DropDownDataController(IDropDownDataRepository dropDownDataRepository)
_dropDownDataRepository = dropDownDataRepository;
public HttpResponseMessage DateList()
return _dropDownDataRepository.DateList();
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
public class DropDownDataRepository : IDropDownDataRepository
//Is this fine in here, or should it be injected somehow too?
private MyDatabaseEntities db = new MyDatabaseEntities();
public HttpResponseMessage DateList()
var sourceQuery = (from p in db.MyProcedure()
select p).ToList();
string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sourceQuery);
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new StringContent(result, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, "application/json");
return response;
public interface IDropDownDataRepository
HttpResponseMessage DateList();
/// <summary>
/// Tests the DateList method is run
/// I pieced this kind of test together from examples online
/// I'm assuming this is good for a simple test
/// </summary>
public void DateListTest1()
var mockRepository = new Mock<IDropDownDataRepository>();
mockRepository.Setup(x => x.DateList());
var controller = new DropDownDataController(mockRepository.Object);
/// <summary>
/// Tests the DateList method returns correct status code.
/// This will run with success, but I'm not sure if that's just
/// because I'm telling it to return what I'm expecting.
/// I welcome suggestions for improvement.
/// </summary>
public void DateListTest2()
var mockRepository = new Mock<IDropDownDataRepository>();
.Setup(x => x.DateList())
//This will only succeed if I have the Returns property here,
//but isn't that just bypassing the actual "test" of whether or
//not this works?
.Returns(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
DropDownDataController controller = new DropDownDataController(mockRepository.Object);
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
controller.Configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
var response = controller.DateList();
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
One of my main questions here is what the .Returns property actually does. In my second unit test, I'm telling it to return OK, then check if it returns OK. I can't see how that's actually testing anything.
One of my main questions here is what the .Returns property actually
does. In my second unit test, I'm telling it to return OK, then check
if it returns OK. I can't see how that's actually testing anything.
The code:
.Setup(x => x.DateList())
//This will only succeed if I have the Returns property here,
//but isn't that just bypassing the actual "test" of whether or
//not this works?
.Returns(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Says that when the mockRepository recieves a call to DateList() then it should return a new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK).
So inside
public HttpResponseMessage DateList()
when the unit test reaches the line
return _dropDownDataRepository.DateList();
The mocked object fires and returns new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
A better name for this test would be instead of DateListTest2 something like DateList_Returns_Status_Code_From_Repository as that is what you're arranging in the test.
To be honest controller.DateList() doesn't have much logic so that's about the only golden path test you could have.

Unit testing a MVC controller

I'm trying to figure out the best way to build my unit tests for an MVC app. I created a simple model and interface, which is used by the controller constructors so that the testing framework (Nsubstitute) can pass a mocked version of the repository. This test passes, as expected.
My problem is now I want to take this a step further and test the file I/O operations in the "real" instantiation of IHomeRepository. This implementation should read a value from a file in the App_Data directory.
I've tried building a test without passing a mocked version of IHomeRepsotory in, however HttpContext.Current is null when I run my test.
Do I need to mock HttpContext? Am I even going about this in the right way?
//The model
public class VersionModel
public String BuildNumber { get; set; }
//Interface defining the repository
public interface IHomeRepository
VersionModel Version { get; }
//define the controller so the unit testing framework can pass in a mocked reposiotry. The default constructor creates a real repository
public class HomeController : Controller
public IHomeRepository HomeRepository;
public HomeController()
HomeRepository = new HomeRepoRepository();
public HomeController(IHomeRepository homeRepository)
HomeRepository = homeRepository;
class HomeRepoRepository : IHomeRepository
private VersionModel _version;
VersionModel IHomeRepository.Version
if (_version == null)
var absoluteFileLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/repo.txt");
if (absoluteFileLocation != null)
_version = new VersionModel() //read the values from file (not shown here)
BuildNumber = "value from file",
throw new Exception("path is null");
return _version;
public void Version()
// Arrange
var repo = Substitute.For<IHomeRepository>(); //using Nsubstitute, but could be any mock framework
repo.Version.Returns(new VersionModel
BuildNumber = "",
HomeController controller = new HomeController(repo); //pass in the mocked repository
// Act
ViewResult result = controller.Version() as ViewResult;
var m = (VersionModel)result.Model;
// Assert
I believe you want test the real instantiation of IHomeRepository, which connects to a real database. In that case you need an App.config file, which specify the connection string. This is not a Unit test and it would an Integration Test. With HttpContext being null, you still can fake the HttpContext, retrieve real data from the database. See also here.

How to pass Interface as parameter for Controller class in Substitute

I am new to nSubstitute. And I am writing test method for my controller class. I have a TestMethod called GetDefaultStateTest() which having Substitute class as shown below
public void GetDefaultStateTest()
var _GetDefaultState = Substitute.For<CustomerController>(ICustomer cus);
Because my controller class having parameterized constructor as below.
public class CustomerController : Controller
private readonly ICustomer _customer;
public CustomerController(ICustomer customer)
_customer = customer;
public string GetDefaultState()
// Get default state from settings table
List<tblSettings> settings = new List<tblSettings>();
// Calling service method GetSettings
settings = _customer.GetSettings();
var defaultState = from setting in settings
where setting.Desc == "DefaultState"
select setting.Settings;
string strState = "";
foreach (var oState in defaultState)
strState = oState;
return strState;
While run the test method, it raise null reference issue. Because of parameter ICustomer is null
var _GetDefaultState = Substitute.For<CustomerController>(ICustomer cus);
How to resolve this problem.
If you are testing your controller class then you do not want to substitute for it, you want to use a real one (otherwise you'd just be testing a fake object "works" :)). Where you may want to substitute is for that class's dependencies, in this case, ICustomer.
public void GetDefaultStateTest()
var customer = Substitute.For<ICustomer>();
var controller = new CustomerController(customer);
You may then want to fake out the ICustomer.GetSettings() method so you can test what your controller does with that data:
public void GetDefaultStateTestFromSettings()
var customer = Substitute.For<ICustomer>();
var controller = new CustomerController(customer);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDefaultState, controller.GetDefaultState());
As an aside, sometimes it makes more sense to use real objects (say, a real implementation of ICustomer) rather than substitutes. This will depend on how well-defined the interactions with the dependencies are, where you want to define the boundaries of your system under test, and how much confidence the test gives you that the system under test is working correctly. Or put more simply, whatever makes it easy and reliable to test. :)
Hope this helps.

Unit test an Action with Recaptcha

How I can test the following Action of the controller:
public ActionResult Edit(User usr)
if (!Microsoft.Web.Helpers.ReCaptcha.Validate(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reCaptchaPrivate"].ToString()))
ModelState.AddModelError("reCaptcha", PPRR.App_LocalResources.Global.ErrorFillReCaptcha);
return PartialView("Wrong", usr);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
{code..... }}
I would start by abstracting the Captcha validation code:
public interface ICaptchaValidator
bool Validate();
and then have my controller look like this:
public class FooController: Controller
private readonly ICaptchaValidator _validator;
public FooController(ICaptchaValidator validator)
_validator = validator;
public ActionResult Edit(User usr)
if (!_validator.Validate())
ModelState.AddModelError("reCaptcha", PPRR.App_LocalResources.Global.ErrorFillReCaptcha);
return PartialView("Wrong", usr);
Now you have weaken the coupling between your controller and the way those captchas are validated. That's a good thing as it makes your controller action far easier to unit test. We have successfully made our controller independent of the actual way validation is implemented.
Now just pick a mocking framework such as Rhino Mocks, Moq, NSubstitute and in your unit test inject a stubbed validator into this controller so that you can define behaviors on it.
Personally I would recommend you MvcContrib.TestHelper (which is based on Rhino Mocks) to test your ASP.NET MVC applications. It has many built-in goodies for mocking the HttpContext and make unit testing easy.
Here's an example of how the validation failure case could be tested:
public void FooController_Edit_Action_Should_Return_The_Wrong_Partial_If_Captcha_Validation_Fails()
// arrange
var validatorStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ICaptchaValidator>();
var sut = new HomeController(validatorStub);
var user = new User();
validatorStub.Stub(x => x.Validate()).Return(false);
// act
var actual = sut.Edit(user);
// assert
As an alternative to Darin's answer, I've previously used a custom ActionFilter that processes the captcha and adds the error to the ModelState. It worked really well and meant that the captcha code wasn't part of the action method itself.
