Wrong Version Number submitted to apple - ios

I've been trying to submit an app update with version 1.7.1 to the appstore.
When I do so I get this error on validation
This bundle is invalid. The key CFBundleShortVersionString in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version.
While deleting my failed attempts in the organizer I noticed that the 1.7 update was submitted as version 17!
So the question is this.
Is there a way to fix this? Or am I stuck using versions greater than 17 now?

Now you should use version greater than 17. You shouldn't contact Apple for that issue.


Change Version in iTunes Connect - App Store

I want to change version of app.
Right now 1.0 version is live and I uploaded build to TestFlight with new version 2.0
but not submitted to App Store .
But I want to submit 1.2 version in place of 2.0 so it is possible to upload 1.2 version to store?
When I am trying to upload new build with version 1.2, getting error like
App Store Connect Operation Error
ERROR ITMS-90062: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.2] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [2.0]. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring"
I know new build version should be higher than old version but any possibility then le me know.
Please help me out if it is possible
If you want to change the version that gets displayed to the end user, you can always change that directly in App Store Connect. The "display version" is independent from version code attached to each build.
Once you have a higher version used for your builds there is no way to "decrease it" again.

Bundle is invalid with a very strange high number. How to get rid of it?

When trying to upload the latest greatest app version of our app to App Store Connect we are getting the following error: This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [2.1.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [1565960106]. I understand that you cannot upload version 1.0 after 2.0, but in our case we're not planning to make our version higher than 1565960106. How can we get rid of this strange high number?
Side note: the store version is 2.0, there is indeed a faulty version where the build number was used as version number and that one was approved for external testers, but never released to the store.

IOS new update versioning code error meaning?

i keep on receiving this email after sometime i upload my IOS new version IPA to ITunes. But i don't know what does it mean anymore. My build version current is been increase to "0.0.27" due to upload keep on failing me. My CFBundleShortVersionString also increase to 97 due to some mistake in previous upload numbering. But i still can't seem to upload my IOS update to Itunes. Im doing phonegap cross-platform mobile application. First version is successful on 14 February 2018, and upload by appsuploader. Any clue for what i miss will be appreciated.
Invalid Version - The build with the version “0.0.15” can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new build submissions. Choose a different version number.
Invalid or Non-Increasing CFBundleShortVersionString - The value specified in the bundle's Info.plist file for the key CFBundleShortVersionString must be a string consisting of at most three dot-separated components, where each component is composed only of the digits 0 through 9. For example, any of the following are syntactically valid values for CFBundleShortVersionString: "1.0", "4.2.1", "3.46", "1.112.0"; whereas the following are all syntactically invalid: "", "GX5", "3.4.2b6", "2.6GM", "1.0 (Gold)", "-3.6". Additionally, each updated version of the same application must have a CFBundleShortVersionString that increases relative to that of the previous version that was actually made available for sale on the iTunes Store. For example, if a previously-available version had a CFBundleShortVersionString of "1.4", then any of the following would be acceptable as the next update: "1.4.1", "1.4.332", "1.5"; but all of the following (though syntactically valid) would be unacceptable: "1.4", "1.3", "1.3.9", "0.9". For more information about the CFBundleShortVersionString key and the Info.plist file, see Apple's Runtime Configuration Guidelines at http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPRuntimeConfig/index.html
Mark this as Resolve. It just an compilation conflict when selecting android and ios together. I compile the cross platform individually then can see the adobe phonegap build version is changing to latest. After that upload to ITunes and everything go smooth.

Uploading an iOS app to the Apple AppStore

What I'm trying to do is upload an app as version 2.0.1 for the end users. I however get this error message:
ERROR ITMS-90478: "Invalid Version. The build with the version “2.7”
can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new
build submissions. Choose a different version number."
ERROR ITMS-90062: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key
CFBundleShortVersionString [2.0.1] in the Info.plist file must contain
a higher version than that of the previously approved version [2.7]."
The is in the appstore now under version 1.4.3 and I'm trying to upload 2.0.1:
The iOS builds for 1.4.3 went up to 2.7 already though, is this going to be a problem if I want to be named 2.0.1 in the store?
This is what I've filled in for version and buildnumber right now:
I had the same experience. I made a build version higher than the previous loaded version.
You don't need to worry about the build number. Make your version as 2.7.1. It will eliminate both the errors. It worked for me.
Try the following.
Rest the build version to 1.0 and than try to upload.

Getting ITMS-4238 "Redundant Binary Upload" error no mater what I change the build version or app version to

I rejected a binary i had which was 1.0 (1.0).
The status went into Rejected by developer.
I went to upload a new binary and ran into this issue, i then saw that i needed to increment my build.
I increased both the app version and build to 1.1, this was a mistake.
I got some error about the app version not matching, understood.
Then i tried app version 1.0 and many different build numbers.
1.1, 1.0.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.0.3..nothing works.
I keep getting this error. There is only one build listed on itunes connect (1.0)
I tried submitting with no binary and it says i need one.
I even tried changing the app version to 1.1 in itunes connected and then uploading
1.1 (1.0) and that fails as well with the same duplicate issue.
Anyone ever have this issue?
The workaround of changing the build number is working for me, with the following context:
the app version status is "Prepare for submission"
the new version number is well saved in iTunesConnect (pressing the save button on version page in iTunesConnect)
the CFBundleShortVersionString is matching the version number in iTunesConnect (e.g. "1.2")
the CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist is incremented (e.g. 1.2.1)
In this way, several build are associated to the iTunesConnect version.
Here is how it looks like in iTunesConnect (1.2 is the short version number, 1.2 and 1.2.1 are the bundle versions):
I was trying for hours with no luck, after waiting a few more hours i got a reply from apple support asking for more info.
When i went to replicate the issue again for screenshots i decided to use a build number of 2.0, i was hoping maybe it wanted the major version to be higher.
This worked!
Everywhere online that i read said that 1.0 to 1.1 would work fine...or 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
I, for some reason, had to go from 1.0 to 2.0.
Or there is always the possibility that waiting a few more hours did something.
Solved this issue by incrementing build version by 1 instead of sub-version. i.e. 1.0 to 2.0 instead of 1.0 to 1.1
I experienced this also, just increase the build number fixed it for me. I changed the build version to 1.0.1 and it worked. This can be found in the 'General' Tab in Xcode. Make sure you archive and validate again before submitting to App Store.
You need not to change the version number ,just change the Build number. But you should know that the Build number must be higher than last version you had uploaded. For example, your version number is 2.6.8 and Build number is 2.6.8 then you can change the Build number to 2.6.9. If you change the Build number to it will occur a error say that the Build number( must be higher than the exist one(2.6.8) . So the key point is Build number.
#Jayprakash Dubey
Tried many different build numbers myself. The only option that worked for me was to give a 4 figures build number : (1.1 being my app version number on iTunes Connect).
Hope it helps!
I guess, since Apple has integrated test flight into itunesconnect, there is a difference between version and Build (which is the wording they use in project-settings->target->generalScreen) and in info.plist its equivalent is "Bundle Version String short" and "Bundle Version". Here the wording has never made real sense to me.
I have gotten the error with version 2.2 and build 2.2. I changed it to version 2.2 and build 1 (because it was my first upload) and it worked.
For certain reason, Apple provided the build field on the General Tab in Xcode.
I have also encountered this issue and as much as you do, I am getting the same error over and over again even if I was changing the version numbers.
What is suppose to be done here is to update the build number only even using the same version number.
In my case, I have an App version 0.0.1, every time I upload a binary I need to change the build number eg:
Upload build 0.0.0 - Reject Binary and
Upload build 0.0.1 - Reject Binary and
Upload build 0.0.2
I tried ApplicationLoader 2.9.1, it's working for me.
ApplicationLoader 2.9.1 can download from itunes connect.
I've had this problem before and have solved it like you have, by upping my build number every time. It has always worked.
Now however, I am completely stuck. I have just added the Today Extension to my app, and now when I try to upload it always comes back with a 4238, no matter what version / build combination I put in. It's crazy, been at it for 2 hours now.
I'm wondering if there is any way certain build settings could make the uploader think there are 2 binaries?
I have a separate distribution profile for the main app and the extension, I also have 'Build Active Architectures Only' set to NO. That is all I can think of that would mess this up.
Any thoughts?
My issue was that the build number that I was updating in the General tab of Xcode wasn't changing the bundle version in the app's plist - so the uploader thought I was uploading the same build every time no matter what build number I was using. Once I changed the bundle version in the plist, everything worked fine.
I solved same problem...I uploaded a version 1.01 and build 1.1 then I decided to reject this compilation. I Changed on i-tunes version to 1.1 and tried to upload new version 1.1 build 1.1 and I got error. Then I change on xcode to build 1.2 and upload ok.
In my case I had to make build numer higher that last build number I uploaded. I had on iTunes Connect app with build number 3, then rewrote app from scratch and tried to upload new app with build number 1 I got same error, after changing to build number 4 it worked fine.
Check if you have used the run script:
if the answer is yes, then you have to submit your changes to your git server, then the script will increase your build version number automatically!
Solved this problem by Modifying the Build Number under General -> Identity in the Target build of the Xcode project. Afterwards go to the Product menu, select Clean and Build your app.
From Build : 1
To Build : 1.2
Finally, repeat the app submission process by running Product -> Archive and follow the screen prompts.
I have uploaded the app, but for missing screenshots for 3.5", I got the same error.
And could not upload again from xcode.
(So I make an ipa file, in xcode organizer and export as ipa).
But when I press the upload build in the itunesconnect then it take the old uploaded file (give me an option to choose).
And then after saving this, I got the option for submit for review.
(If you go to the pre release tab in itunesconnect, you can see the previously uploaded app.)
