i'm running a Red Hat EL 5.7 workstation with some NFS users mounted on a server. I have to set NVidia parameters to dual screen with xinerama and save the X configuration file, that's ok, but when i login the first time in every user included root, the second monitor doesn't turn on and when i login the second time it works, any ideas?
Read Xorg's log to discover. It's usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
I'm working with the following:
Docker for Windows v20.10.11
Docker running in Windows container mode
mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1903 base image
Proprietary application installed on top of this base image
Each year we create a Docker image with the latest version of our company's software. However this year's version behaves differently. Host machine installation runs fine. Containerized installation fails to run in certain situations. I can start the application as a simple EXE, for example using the Docker run command. The app will start and show up in "tasklist". However I can't start the app via the COM API, which is a critical requirement. The problem appears to be COM related. Normally we can create COM objects for our software just like for any other application. For example, IE returns a COM object just fine:
Creating these objects for our application works outside containers. However inside the container, our latest installation gives this error:
Access permissions appear to be ok. I tried a couple tests to prove this. First I can install other software like MS Word into a container and create COM objects for that:
Second I tried retrieving + modifying the application's DACL in PowerShell.
Changing access masks or trustees can cause an Access Denied error:
This also appears to confirm the access permissions were Ok by default.
Next I made sure COM is aware of the application. This appears to be fine. I get the same result on host machine and container when running this PS script:
gci HKLM:\Software\Classes -ea 0| ? {$.PSChildName -match '^\w+.\w+$' -and
(gp "$($.PSPath)\CLSID" -ea 0)} | ft PSChildName
The application shows up just like any other. The details show up fine when querying by AppID. LocalServer32 points to the correct EXE:
Some other things I tried:
Querying registry keys. There are 7 keys created when installing our software. These appear identical on host machine install and container install.
Even though permissions appear fine, I still tried logging into the container as alternate users. For example "nt authority\system" is another virtual admin user. I also changed the password of the "builtin\administrator" user to enable logging in with that one. Lastly tried creating new users entirely and adding them to the Administrators user group. All these attempts had the same errors as "builtin\containeradministrator" (default user).
A minor check was ensuring CMD.exe / Powershell is running as x64:
Re-registering the DLLs associated with the installation using regsvr32.
Starting from different base images. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/manage-containers/container-base-images. The full Win Server base image behaves exactly the same way regarding errors. The smaller Win Server Core base image is even more problematic, as I can't even start the app's EXE manually using that base. Lastly I tried other tags of the full Windows base image such as 20H2 and 2004. Same result from those. Multiarch or x64 makes no difference.
Included the "Ogawa hack" which was historically needed to make MS Office apps function correctly with COM: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1680214/7991646. It could be necessary for other COM apps too, but didn't help with my specific installation.
Is there anything else I can do to diagnose or solve this COM issue?
There are several things to consider:
The Considerations for server-side Automation of Office article states the following:
Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
If you are building a solution that runs in a server-side context, you should try to use components that have been made safe for unattended execution. Or, you should try to find alternatives that allow at least part of the code to run client-side. If you use an Office application from a server-side solution, the application will lack many of the necessary capabilities to run successfully. Additionally, you will be taking risks with the stability of your overall solution.
The When CoCreateInstance returns 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE) page describes possible reasons.
If many COM+ applications run under different user accounts that are specified in the This User property, the computer cannot allocate memory to create a new desktop heap for the new user. Therefore, the process cannot start. See Error when you start many COM+ applications: Error code 80080005 -- server execution failed for more information.
Finally, you may find a similar thread here helpful, see Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE)).
I have an image with a GUI application, with base image of microsoft/windowsservercore. Application is installed correctly in the image, however I'm unable to display it on host machine. Have read several articles on this on Google and they suggest to install XServer for Windows and then we can display the application on host machine. I have been trying to run following command (as suggested in most of the articles), however it does nothing and I don't get the display. Please assist.
docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY= eft
The DISPLAY would be useful for Linux container.
As mentioned here:
WindwosServerCore image does not come with binaries for UI applications so I doubt this will ever work in servercore image but Microsoft insiders can use new bigger WindwosServer image which I beleive have those libraries intact.
This thread adds:
I understand that you can run GUI apps but the rendered elements are not shown on any desktop. Lars Iwer [MSFT] writes in the discussion below the article:
In the container image as it is right now, GUI elements will be rendered in session 0. UI automation should work with that (e.g. programmatically searching for a window etc.).
Session 0 is the session in which all system services are run and is by definition non-interactive. Sessions, Stations and Desktops are means of isolation in Windows (NT) and whether an application can show a UI and receive user interaction depends on whether it has an access to a Station with a Desktop.
Processes in Session 0 do not have that by default.
However it used to be possible to “Allow services to interact with Desktop” and it is also possible to run interactive services in other sessions than Session 0 (pay attention to “as it is right now”). Therefore, it would be interesting to hear some expert insights from Microsoft/Docker team on that…
I am trying to change the static IP address of USB0 port of BeagleBone Black.
I know this thread was open previously (Changing the static IP of Beagle Bone Black USB0). But no answer was found. So I am reopening now, to see if people have got any solution now.
I also found there is solution by Eric Wong. (http://ewong.me/changing-usb0-ip-address-on-the-beaglebone-black/)
----- But this solution is good for may be old debian images. The latest ones have different file contents of what's mentioned in the solution. And therefore above solution does not work.
Steps I did:
step 1: I tried to change /etc/network/interfaces such that default address is instead of as this:
iface usb0 inet static
step2: Then I changed contents of file /etc/udhcpd.conf
-- change "" to "" in two places.
step3: reboot
Bingo, I lost my connectivity and now I have to rewrite the Debian image onto Beaglebone black again, as I no longer can access it. So basically neither I am unable to access through or
So If anyone knows how to do it, It would be really helpful if you can share your thoughts ?
Coming into this late; my network uses 192.168.6/24 and 192.168.7/24 internally, so the latest BB images didn't work for me at all.
First: there's no real substitute for a real serial connection via the J1 connector; a 3.3v USB serial doodad is cheap, and being able to watch the whole boot (and image flashing!) process from the very start is super helpful. Adafruit sells one that works great with BeagleBone: https://www.adafruit.com/product/954
Anyway, on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Apr 2020 image), /etc/default/bb-boot contains:
#It's assumed usb0 is always enabled, usb1 can be disabled...
Adjust this to taste and reboot. In my case, I changed USB0 to 192.168.70, and #commented out all the USB1 lines altogether.
Because I have to re-flash a bunch of boards periodically, I burned this into the SD card image itself, which saved me a lot of time later.
Anybody having problems with IBM Containers on US South in Bluemix?
Containers report Data currently available on the dashboard and if I try to list or start a container I get this error:
Catalog Error
BXNUI0513E: The attempt to retrieve containers failed because a problem occurred
contacting IBM Containers. Try again later. If the problem continues, go to
Support. For other help options, see the Bluemix Docs.
If I switch to the UK site, I can create and use containers.
I've just recently tried out a Docker container with a sshd and it was running fine for 5-6 hours. However, then it seemed like part of the Container service in Bluemix broke and I've not been able to access it for the past 24 hours.
For trial accounts you can create containers only in one space and this error sometimes occurs when the user tries to create a container in another region. Unfortunately since you're using 'pay as you go' in this in case you have to open a support request using one of the following methods in order to engage IBM Containers team to investigate your issue:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch , select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to http://ibm.biz/bluemixsupport and fill in the support request form.
EDIT: I saw that you opened a Support ticket and the issue was fixed. It was an issue related to your specific organization.
Just a small note. Hopefully Containers in Dallas are now working well again. In addition, I wanted to note that we strongly discourage the use of sshd in containers for security reasons. The good news is shell access is at your fingertips via the cf ic exec <contianer id> /bin/bash command. (your container may need just bash or /bin/sh YMMV)
Some background:
I'm trying to set up Azure Pack in a test environment, and are currently woriking on setting up the servers who's going to host it all.
To do this i have two virtual Windows Server 2016 TP4 servers hostet on a ESXI host, and so i need to set up Storage Spaces Direct.
(iSCSI target and Storage Spaces (WS 2012), have been ruled out since the first is a nightmare to set up and the internet told me the second one comes with a low R/W speed).
I've been following this guide: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt126109.aspx
When i run this cmdlet: Enable-ClusterStorageSpacesDirect
, I get this warning: No elegible DAS disk found.
Both servers have 3 disk each. They are initialized and 100% unallocated, and I have tried with them beeing both offline and online.
If I try running this cmdlet: (Get-Cluster).DasModeEnabled=1
I get the following error: The property 'DasModeEnabled' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
Any and all help is greatly appriciated!
Storage Spaces Direct doesn't support FC & RAID-controlled LUNs.
The key is to force S2D to accept RAID BusType:
Here's a good article about it https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/resolving-enable-clusters2d-bus-type-support-issue-on-some-storage-controllers.
Another option is to reflash the controller's firmware to IT mode.
There's also other solutions, like that Starwind, which I suggest you to test.