Storing UnityManager in Session -

Please let me preface this by saying I am not very familiar with Unity. I understand it is an dependency injection container and I understand to a limited degree what that means. I inherited an application that uses Unity throughout although it does not seem to me to be implemented correctly. In session_start of the global.asa the previous developer uses the following code to instantiate the unity object then persists it through the entire session:
var unity = new UnityManager(new UnityContainer());
Session["UnityManager"] = unity;
As I understand it wouldn't this inherently cause concurrency issues? Can anyone provide an example of how to correctly implement unity or if this is correct explain to me why this is so?

If you're using mvc you could just remove the session and install unity.mvc3 from nuget package manager. It's compatible with mvc4 and sets it all up for you in a correct way. You can put the existing mappings in bootstrapper.cs (automatically installed)
Basically you want to have 1 static variable in the global.asax to access unity. So you can replace all those
var unitycontainer = Session["UnityManager"];
MVCApplication.Container.Resolve<> ..


How to inject 3rd party IOC container into ASP.NET Core Startup class

I'm creating a web API using ASP.NET Core, and I'm using SimpleInjector as my DI framework. I understand the basics of how to use SI with ASP.NET Core; my problem is more an architectural one.
I have a project with integration tests for the API project, in order to test the raw API endpoints and responses. Naturally, the test server (set up using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost) should use the API project's real Startup class.
The problem lies in where to register mocks for the controllers' dependencies, because I don't want to have all the production implementations being registered when testing: Firstly, most of them are, of course, dependencies used by the production implementations of the controller dependencies I'll be mocking in the first place; and secondly, in case I update my controllers and forget to register mocks of the new dependencies, I want my code to fail (container verification) instead of silently using production dependencies that are present in the container.
Thus, the dependencies can't be registered in the Startup class. That's fine by me – I think I'd rather keep the composition root in a separate assembly referencing all other assemblies, anyway. AFAICS the ASP.NET Core project would need to reference this project, which exposes a single method that returns a pre-registered container that can be used in the Startup class, where it's needed to register e.g. the controller activator (and will undergo final validation).
But this begs the question: How to get the container – being already registered with all my application components (whether production implementations from the composition root project, or mocks from the integration test project) – into my Startup class?
My initial solution is to simply have a static property on the Startup class called e.g. Container, and assign that before using WebHostBuilder. This seems "pragmatically robust": The application will fail fast (NullReferenceException) if it's not set before the Startup class is run, and the property is only used during setup, so I don't really need to guard against it being set multiple times or being set to null or any such thing – if it's assigned before startup, it works, if not, it won't start.
Does this seem like a solid solution, or am I oblivious to any obvious ways this will will come back to bite me later on? Are there any better solutions?

What is the purpose of IApplicationBuilder.New()

In the new ASP.NET 5.0 (vNext), the startup code relies on the IApplicationBuilder interface. The Use method is used to add a handler to the builder, while Build is used to construct the final delegate. But I can't figure out what is the purpose of New. I've been digging in GitHub, but can't find any place where that's used.
Anyone understand what is the purpose of that method?
New() creates a second ApplicationBuilder, sharing all the ApplicationServices and ServerFeatures of the first one, but none of the middleware. It is used internally by the branching extensions (Map, MapWhen, UseWhen) to create the new 'branch'.
You can find the implementation here: ApplicationBuilder.cs.
In some cases, it is also useful in higher-level frameworks.
For exemple, the [MiddlewareFilter] attribute in MVC Core uses New() internally to execute a piece of ASP.NET Core middleware inside the MVC framework (i.e. as a filter). MVC Core creates a small pipeline around the middleware, builds it into a RequestDelegate, then runs the HttpContext through it. Just like ASP.NET Core does with your 'main' pipeline built in Startup.cs.
Thanks to this feature, we can reuse a piece of general-purpose ASP.NET Core middleware, from inside MVC.
For more information, see MiddlewareFilterBuilder.cs in ASP.NET MVC Core.
It appears to be there to branch [clone] the original instance (as can be demonstrated in src/Microsoft.AspNet.Http/Extensions/MapExtensions.cs). There was also a previous MapWhenExtensions.cs, but it appears to have been removed from the dev branch.)
I suspect it's an artifact of a previous design that would provide the ability to bind middleware based on circumstances without affecting the root's configuration. The fact that it's been there since before IBuilder was refactored to IApplicationBuilder and that most dependencies were in files that have since been removed from the dev branch, I would venture a guess that it's old news.
Of course it's hard to tell given neither the interface nor the base implementation are commented.

Unity PerRequestLifetimeManager re-using object in different requests

I've set up Unity for dependency injection for our project. The project itself is an ASP.NET application that uses both MVC and Web API.
For the database context, I'm using the PerRequestLifetimeManager. This is done so that the different bits of business logic are using the same context (and thus the same transaction).
In order to be able to use the PerRequestLifetimeManager, I've added references to the nuget packages Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC and Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET Web API.
For use of this lifetime manager in Web API, the following line has been added to the startup code:
The Unity container is set up for both MVC and Web API:
var container = BuildUnityContainer();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Microsoft.Practices.Unity.WebApi.UnityDependencyResolver(container);
System.Web.Mvc.DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Mvc.UnityDependencyResolver(container));
In building the Unity container, the database context is set up to be resolved per request in the following way:
container.RegisterType<IDataContext>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionFactory(c =>
// Some code
return new DataContext(/* params */);
However, it seems that this code is not giving me a new DataContext for each request. It is giving me the same context in different places within a single request (which is fine). However, subsequent (web api) requests are being given the same instance of DataContext where I would expect a new one to be created for each new request. I also would expect the DataContext to be properly disposed of after the request is finished (the class implements IDisposable).
What's going on here? Am I missing a bit of configuration to make this work properly? Or isn't this supposed to work the way I expect it to?
The problem turned out to be that the UnityDependencyResolver was caching the resolved items over several requests. I had to change it to the UnityHierarchicalDependencyResolver and then it started resolving my items properly according to the associated LifetimeManager. The problem initially became more confusing when it appeared that even when using a TransientLifetimeManager, it would still return the same instance.
I found the answer in a different (yet somewhat related) question: using a Handler in Web API and having Unity resolve per request
So all I did was change
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Microsoft.Practices.Unity.WebApi.UnityDependencyResolver(container);
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Microsoft.Practices.Unity.WebApi.UnityHierarchicalDependencyResolver(container);
and all my problems were solved.

Need help implementing Command Handlers/Bus using Unity DI

I am trying to re-factor a legacy brownfield application into a CQRS architecture with commands and a command bus for domain modifications.
The application will more than likely be implemented in Asp.Net MVC3. My employer prefers the use of Unity for DI in MVC applications.
Any examples I can find showing a dependency container for command/bus resolution are based on Structuremap or Autofac, however I will need to use Unity in this implementation. Has anyone used Unity in this manner or know of any examples?
Where exactly do you think you need the container at all? Maybe this post contains some usefull information.
It describes a container agnostic way of handling commmands.
You mean you would like to have something like this:
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
var convention = new CommandHandlerConvention().WithTransaction().WithDeadlockRetry();
builder.Scan(x =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
ICommandHandler<BarCommand> barHandler = container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<BarCommand>>("BarHandler");
var command = new BarCommand();
Assert.AreEqual("-->Retry-->Transaction-->BarHandler", command.HandledBy);
That registration uses a custom configuration engine for Unity that provides a lot of the features of StructureMap's config.
The code samples are part of my pet project on codeplex. The above snippets can be found inside the TecX.Unity.Configuration.Test project.

How To Properly Configure Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net in my MVC3 project

I am trying to properly use Ninject to inject log4net logging into my MVC3 application. I am using the Ninject.MVC3 package, so I have the NinjectMVC3 class that automatically extends the App_Start method and contains the RegisterServices method that binds all dependencies. I also have the Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net package, but I don't know how to use it. I already know how to configure log4net in my web.config, but don't know how to use this extension for DI.
I have read all the following articles/posts, but none of them seem to define how to properly setup a project for DI logging.
At, Darren
provides a great article, but doesn't seem to deal with DI (at least I don't see it).
At Using Ninject to fill Log4Net Dependency,
Remo Gloor states here that the extensions should provide all that's needed for implementation, but it doesn't show the code of how to instantiate it.
The documentation for ninject.extensions.logging at is very limited at best. I have re-read it many times, and still don't see how to use bind the injection in the NinjectMVC3 class, or concrete examples of how to call the logger from my controller class for example.
At the most promising article, Moosaka provides some great code at Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4net unexpected behavior, but when I try it, I get a compile error in the LoggerFactory at ILogger logger = new Logger(type); stating "Cannot access protected constructor 'Logger' here". Also, he states to "Tuck this whole mess away into a separate class library". Does that mean as a whole separate project?
I'm just getting lost in all the differing options and dated posts and would like any input on how to use Dependancy Injection with Ninject and Log4Net in my MVC3 project. Also, if it matters, all of my Ninject code is in my domain project, but the logging needs done from both the domain and web project (and mocked in my unit tests). Any help is appreciated.
You shouldn't have to configure anything except the normal log4net config.
All you have to do is to inject a ILogger wherever you want to log.
