User redirecting in struts2 with data not working - struts2

I am new to struts2. I am working on the struts2 with spring application.
I developed user registration functionality. In this registration process have the 3 steps(3forms). First page is step1 contains some fields, second page is step2 contain some other fields and step3 contains some other fields.I used session map in the action class to put the all field values of all forms.After submission form in step3 it goes to call rest service and give the response.If the response is OK then i am redirecting to success page step4. In some cases if user is already exits then it gives response existed user then am redirecting to step5 page. In this page i used one message " Sorry the user is already exists" and with one link "Home Page".
I used this link <s:a id="next" href="/sample/register/user.action"> Homepage </s:a> in step5 page. After clicking on this link it goes to homepage(means step1 page) fine,but it doesn't contain user entered values. I have to maintain all field values in the step1,step2,step3 process. How to achieve this problem.
Please any one can give suggestion.

IF you are using session map to persist values being entered by the user, i believe they should be available in the session until you have not removed them from the session or session expired.more over when you do redirect a new request -response cycle started by the framework and a new value stack will be created that means all old values will be lost.
From your description i believe you are creating a wizard like functionality and if this is the case i believe struts2 provide a more elegant and flexible solution
This is designed to solve a few simple issues related to wizard-like functionality in Struts
Still you need to show how you trying to show the values in the form being filled by the user if something fails or when user is already exists in the system as described in your case.In this case you need to fetch object/data from the session.


Is JSF 2.0 View Scope back-button safe?

Is the JSF 2.0 View Scope "back button" safe? e.g. if I store a model in View Scope and go from page 1, page 2, page 3, to page 4, modifying the model object along the way (via input fields), and then hit the back button twice to go back to page 2 and make changes (taking me again to page 3), will the model in view scope have only changes that were made when page 2 was originally rendered or will it have later pages' changes?
Oracle ADF had/has something called "process scope" that handles this by tokenizing what is placed into session, so each page has its own copy of the model.
To start, the view scope is bound to a particular page/view. Multiple views won't share the same view scoped bean. The view scope starts with an initial GET request and stops when a POST action navigates with a non-null return value.
There are in general the following scenarios, depending on whether the browser is instructed to cache the page or not and the JSF state saving configuration. I'll assume that the navigation between those pages took place by a POST request (as it sounds much like the "Wizard" scenario).
When the back button is pressed:
If browser is instructed to save the page in cache, then browser will load the page from the cache. All previously entered input values will reappear from the browser cache (thus not from the view scoped bean in the server side!). The behavior when you perform a POST request on this page depends further on the javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD configuration setting:
If set to server (default), then a ViewExpiredException will occur, because the view state is trashed at the server side right after POST navigation from one to other page.
If set to client, then it will just work, because the entire view state is contained in a hidden input field of the form.
Or, if browser is instructed to not save the page in cache, then browser will display a browser-default "Page expired" error page. Only when the POST-redirect-GET pattern was applied for navigation, then the browser will send a brand new GET request on the same URL as the redirect URL. All previously entered input values will by default get cleared out (because the view scoped bean is recreated), but if the browser has "autocomplete" turned on (configureable at browser level), then it will possibly autofill the inputs. This is disableable by adding autocomplete="off" attribute to the input components. When you perform a POST request on this page, it will just work regardless of the JSF state saving method.
It's easier to perform the "Wizard" scenario on a single view which contains conditionally rendered steps and offer a back button on the wizard section itself.
See also:
javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored
What scope to use in JSF 2.0 for Wizard pattern?

JSF login forward address bar / url -- redirect does not solve problem

Okay we have a single - sign - on and the user will likely enter to reach our site. We then define a welcome site, use a phaselistener to check:
is user trying to access the welcome site? yes -> try to login - works? yes -> get user roles -> forward to the appropriate site for this specific user.
E.g. user niceBelly goes to page /somewhere/in/many/folders/beer.jsf and user barbie goes to /breasts/pink.jsf
a redirect is in this application not possible for some reasons.
the result is that when reaching e.g. page pink.jsf the address bar still shows
clicking the first link will result in the browser using the form address as new URL e.g. on welcome.jsf i navigate to coolstuff.jsf. On the page coolstuff i now have the url of the last form, e.g. welcome.jsf. Then on cool stuff i click a link, and get coolstuff on the next page as url, and so on.
Is there a way to solve this / work around it?
Given the symptoms, you are actually not redirecting the requests, but you are actually forwarding the requests. A real redirect will take place when you call
in JSF context, or when you add
<redirect />
to the navigation case. All other ways are effectively forwards. As per the symptoms, you're using commandlinks instead of outputlinks to navigate to other page. Commandlinks will submit a POST request to current URL and JSF will under the covers use RequestDispatcher to set the destination of the request/response when the navigation case doesn't contain <redirect />. A forward does not instruct the browser to fire a new GET request on the destination URL and hence the URL in browser address bar does not change. A real redirect will do exactly that.
See also:
When should I use outputlink instead of commandlink?
Bookmarkable URLs in JSF 1.x

how to reset page text boxes data after page post back?

my question seems simple and stupid
but first read this,
suppose you have a login form which take username and password and post back to controller
if login successful then return Homepage(return View("HomePage")) View (not Redirect) then suppose i am Logged off
and return Login (return View("Login")) View (again not Redirect) and now if i press Back button and Refresh the page then it will automatically get logged IN by using those username and password which i entered before.
So can i make those password Null from Browser's Memory or where ever it is i don't know.
"i know that not redirecting (RedirectToAction("ViewName")) is causing the problem" But Why or May be i don't know any important concept
Some browsers, especially Firefox try to be helpful and 'remember' values you have input into text fields and checkboxes. in order to switch this off in a particular input add the following attribute
Alternatively, using jQuery you can switch it off for a whole form:
$("form").attr("autocomplete", "off");

ASP.NET MVC - How can I pass FormCollection data in a post to another Action?

I have a page "Results" with a form and when "submit" is clicked, the form is submmited to another Action. So far, so good...
But, this works fine just if user is logged in. If not, he will be redirected to "Login" page and my FormCollection loses its data.
Is there a way to persist this data without using TempData??
I don't think that's possible. The only thing the system remembers during the redirect to the login page is the 'return url'. No post data is saved (this could be megabytes of data...)
You can use the Session object as alternative, or make sure that the user is logged in before you post.
Or, if it's just a search result, try to live without the POST, and use a GET (which also has other advantages)
I would prefer to disallow unauthorized user to visit "Results" page or at least to show him message "Please login first" instead of the form.

How do I repopulate everything in a wizard style page for ASP.NET MVC?

I've got a page that creates a ticket in our help desk system. It acts as a wizard with the following steps:
Step 1
User selects the customer from a dropdown list. There is a jquery onchange event that fires and generates the list for step 2 and hides the step1 div and shows the step2 div.
Step 2
User selects the location from a dropdown list. This is generated based on the customer selected in step 1. There is a jquery onchange event that fires and generates the list for step 3 and hides the step2 div and shows the step3 div.
Step 3
User selects the type from a dropdown list and enters text into 3 different text boxes. If the user fails to enter text or enters invalid text my controller changes the model state to invalid and returns the view.
How can I get all the dropdowns to repopulate again with the correct selection the user chose and get the page to redisplay on Step 3?
My first thought was to use ajax and when the user clicks the Create button, I could create the ticket from there and if successful send them to the ticket detail. If unsuccessful, well just display an error message and i'm still on the page so no big deal. Now that I write it out I think this is best. Are there any major issues using ajax? It seems most sites use some type of javascript or ajax these days.
Second thought is to not use ajax at all and submit all the pages to the server.
What do you suggest?
The 3 steps display completely different markup.
There is possibly not much you can gain by an AJAX-version, except the avoided page flicker when you change the steps.
If you go the non-AJAX way you gain:
nice bookmarkable links ( -> -> -> )
browser history works
easier testing
To redisplay the lists after step 3 you would load all of them and set the selected item according to the parameter in the URL.
I agree with you. Use AJAX to submit the ticket.
