Rails/Devise Errno::ENOENT on lockfile after server crash - ruby-on-rails

I've got a Rails 3.2.5 app using Devise, with OpenID for authentication (Google), running on nginx/unicorn.
Today, my server crashed. I restarted. Now sign-in is not working. Here's what happens:
Signed-out user accesses app
Signed-out user redirected to /users/sign_in
User clicks 'Sign-in with GMail' button
500 error. In the log file, I see:
Started GET "/users/auth/google" for ...
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - /tmp/temp/tmp20120801-4155-1scxc9o.lock):
How can I resolve this error? I'm not even sure where to begin.

It was an access issue. Not sure of the root cause, but no doubt it has something to do with some mistake I made when configuring the app.
To resolve:
$ cd /tmp
$ chmod 777 temp
$ chmod 777 associations
$ chmod 777 nonces

Make sure your OpenID filestore is setup correctly, ie..
(Notice the . in front of the /tmp)


Rails Cache Permission Error

I have a Rails app (a Spree Commerce store) running on Digital Ocean and deployed through Cloud 66.
I would like to SSH into my server, run a rails console, and adjust some Spree config settings. When I try to do this I get a permissions error:
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied # dir_s_mkdir -
According to the Spree Developer Guide's page on preferences, this is because preferences are cached into memory to improve performance. The problem (I think) is that my user doesn't have write access to the tmp/cache directory, and it is my user that is running the rails console.
If I ls -l on the $STACK_PATH/tmp/cache directory I get the following:
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 nginx nginx 43 Feb 20 22:05
> tmp/cache ->
> /var/deploy/my-app/web_head/shared/cache
I figure I need to give my user write access to the directory, like the nginx user has. I tried adding myself to the nginx user group, but that didn't seem to have any effect. What can I do to prevent this permissions error?
Ok, I figured it out based on this question and answer on Cloud 66's support forum.
I changed the group owner of the cache folder to app_writers, a group that my user is a part of. The Cloud 66 way to do this is with a deploy hook. Here's the yml file that worked for me:
command: chown nginx:app_writers /var/deploy/my-app/web_head/current/tmp/cache && chmod -R 775 /var/deploy/my-app/web_head/current/tmp/cache
target: rails
run_on: all_servers
sudo: true

Rails: "Permission denied - /tmp/cache/assets/development/sprockets/..."?

When I run a rails app and navigate with browser to them I get an error from rails:
Permission denied - /path/to/my_rails_app/tmp/cache/assets/development/sprockets/37b5a12047376b10a57191a10d3af30a rails error
And I have no such file/folders behind the ./tmp/. What is the problem?
I experienced this same issue.
Permission denied # apply2files
The problem is that tmp directory in your application directory is not writable to the current user, that is, the current user does not have permission to write to the tmp directory in your application directory.
Here's how I solved it:
Simply delete the tmp directory in your application directory with superuser rights:
sudo rm -rf tmp
Do not recreate the tmp directory again, it's a waste of effort
Simply start your application and the tmp directory will be created automatically again:
rails s
That's all.
I hope this helps
The user who created or 'owns" the my_rails_app directory isn't writable by the server.
chown -R webserveruser:webserveruser /path/to/my_rails_app
Change the webserveruser to http, or apache or whatever username is running your server. The entitiy to the right of the : is the group, use a group name that is writable by your user if you need write access without changing users.
The reason this error was happening for me was because I was running
ruby bin/rails server
instead of
ruby bin/rails server -e development
try this:
rm -rf public/assets
rake assets:clean RAILS_ENV=development
chown -R nginx:nginx /www/rblpt/

Rails / Carrierwave / GIT / nginx / Capistrano - can't create a directory in git releases folder

I'm using carrierwave in a rails app to upload files. It works fine on my development environment, but on my production VM (Ubuntu), I'm getting this error:
An Errno::EACCES occurred in users#update:
Permission denied - /home/yards/apps/yardsapp/releases/20130616143623/public/uploads/tmp/20130616-1438-14186-3184
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/fileutils.rb:244:in `mkdir'
I'm pretty sure I understand what is going on, but I can't seem to figure out a fix. My capistrano deploy.rb is set up with the user as root. So when it creates the new release folder on a deploy, the access rights are for root (I think).
Then when I try to upload a file, I get that error because nginx is trying to execute a mkdir as www-data.
I could chown the folder after the deploy and it works...but then another deploy creates another new directory with owner set to root as default.
At least I think this is what is going on. Does anyone have any ideas on how I should be doing this?
Run your deployment as www-data. You might need to adjust the authorized_keys file for the www-data user as well to be able to connect.
To fastest way would be to copy over your authorized_keys file for whatever user you are using at the moment (assuming you are root):
mkdir $WWW_DATA_HOME/.ssh
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $WWW_DATA_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown www-data:www-data $WWW_DATA_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
You might also need to change the shell for the www-data user to log in to it:
chsh -s /bin/bash www-data
Now you should be able to do
ssh www-data#your-host.tld
and log in.
What this came down to was an improper Capistrano configuration. I followed the capistrano docs correctly (and made a 'deployer' user, same thing as the www-data as suggested above) and I have capistrano working like a charm. Also upgraded to Capistrano 3.

Rails/Passenger/Nginx user permission errors

My Rails app is having trouble writing into it's public/ directory. I've setup nginx with user root;, the capistrano recipe I'm using also is using root when connecting via ssh.
To fix this I made capistrano run chmod o+w -R #{current_path}/ but I don't think this is a good solution. What am I missing?
According to Phusion Passenger's documentation:
Under no circumstances will applications be run as root. If
environment.rb/config.ru is owned as root or by an unknown user, then
the Rails/Rack application will run as the user specified by
passenger_default_user and passenger_default_group.

Can't access log files in production

I was trying to run my application and check for some output on the production.log. However Ruby on Rails throws this error.
Apache log
Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that /var/www/somefolder/someapp/log/production.log exists and is chmod 0666. The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.
I have performed the necessary chmod 666 production.log to make it work but I realized that the file is under root access.
So my file permissions are
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 20845 2010-03-18 01:18 production.log
I'm not sure how to allow Ruby on Rails to access this file. I'm fairly new to managing a Linux production environment so I request you to excuse my ignorance.
I think you need to change the user and group of production.log to whatever user and group Rails (i.e. Passenger or Mongrel or whatever you are using) runs under.
Okay I just figured it out.
First need to update Apache.conf passenger configurations:
PassengerDefaultUser username
The assign ownership using chown:
chown -R username:username <folder>
I don't know if this is the right way but it worked for me.
