Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US' - ant

I'm building my Flex 4.6 project using ant. The Ant script also compiles a css file to swf, but when I run the application, it gives an error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
Here is the piece of my ant script that builds the style file:
<source-path path-element="${app.dir}/src/main/flex" />
I've tried many possible solutions that I found, such as including the resource bundles:
<include-resource-bundles bundle="components" />
and referncing the Flex resource bundles:
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/framework/locale/en_US" />
but it all doesn't seem to work.
The application and the stylesheet uses both HALO and Spark elements, so I've tried with both themes, but then the build fails:
<compiler.theme file="${theme}" />
Does anyone have any more suggestions??


How to create EAR file using ant build.xml for multi module application?

I need to build my multi module application using ant build tool, I am unable find suitable documents. I have few doubts.
Actually our application consists of 7 modules out of which 1 is EAR module(Currently we are building through eclipse without using any build tool).
So my doubt is
can i write a single build.xml i.e in EAR module(EAR project) for building project or do i need to write build.xml for every modules?
and also our project has cyclic dependencies, so is it possible to build using Ant without solving those cyclic dependencies....?
Thanks in advance
you should have separate build.xmls for all of your modules. build.xml of your ear module should call all other module's build files and finally export the ear with ear task which may look like;
<property name="build.dir" value="/path/to/your/build-directory/" />
<property name="src.dir" value="/path/to/ear-module/" />
<target name="generate-module-jars">
<!-- this should build module and export module jar to ${build.dir} -->
<ant antfile="module1/build.xml" target="jar" />
<!-- this should build module and export module jar to ${build.dir} -->
<ant antfile="module2/build.xml" target="jar" />
<!-- this should build module and export module jar to ${build.dir} -->
<ant antfile="module3/build.xml" target="jar" />
<target name="export-ear" depends="generate-module-jars">
<ear destfile="${build.dir}/myapp.ear" appxml="${src.dir}/metadata/application.xml">
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="*.jar,*.war"/>
You should reorganize your modules removing cyclic dependencies. But still you can use ivy. Or you can self implement an ant task directly calling eclipse's compiler that can handle cyclic dependencies. (if you are using eclipse)

Ant and using maven dependencies and settings file

We have a legacy project that uses ANT for building. It uses the maven ant task plugin for handling dependencies against our Nexus server.
We now want to use a common settings.xml file for this ANT project and our other maven projects to minimize the hassle.
The ant project has a dependency file containing "dependency sets"
<artifact:dependencies filesetId="foo" settingsFile="ant-settings.xml">
<dependency ....>
<artifact:dependencies filesetId="fum" settingsFile="ant-settings.xml">
<dependency ....>
In the settings file used by the ANT project we have a profile set to "active by default".
We can't put this profile in the common settings file as it will mess it up for the maven projects and the ANT project will not build without the profile.
Is there a way to do this and keep all projects happy?
In our dependencies file I added
<artifact:remoteRepository id="foo" url="nexus path" />
To all artifact:dependencies I add
<remoteRepository refId="foo" />
at the end.
<artifact:dependencies filesetId="foo" settingsFile="ant-settings.xml">
<dependency ....>
<remoteRepository refId="foo" />

BlackBerry - Ant script to include JAR in project without external dependancies

This is a follow-up to: BlackBerry - use own JAR file in own project & BlackBerry - Ant build script for more complex apps. This problem has now been solved below.
I want to:
use Ant (bb-ant-tools) to build my library into a JAR file
include that JAR file in a project
use Ant to build that project into a COD that will run on the device (without external COD files).
The important part is to use Ant to do the final stage of the build.
All posts I have found for this problem use Eclipse for that final build stage (details at BlackBerry - use own JAR file in own project).
I can build the library project into a JAR using Ant.
In Eclipse, I can add that JAR file to a project, and build it as desired (single COD, no external dependencies). It will run on the device.
In Ant, I can also make a build that relies on an extra COD library to contain the runtime code - this is close to what I need.
I can build the final project with Ant. But the resulting COD file does not include any runtime code from my library.
Many posts I have read show how this can be done using extra COD files for the library. I would like to avoid this.
How can I include a JAR into my project without external dependencies, using Ant? I believe this is possible because I can do it using Eclipse.
My current workaround is to include my SDK / library project as source code (as per esaj's answer below), rather than as a JAR file. This has some disadvantages over the JAR approach, but I have a build that runs on the device successfully.
(I hope its OK to cross-reference this question with the following long list of links?)
StackOverflow links:
Continuous Integration server for blackberry development? (and certificate signing) (I haven't had time to go through this one, but I think it looks promising)
Blackberry: Verificattion error when using Library project as External Jar
Blackberry 5.0 - Add reference to a Java Library Project
How to add external jar or zip file in the Blackberry project
Blackberry Apps - Importing a code-signed jar into an application project
How to add library project with the current development project in blackberry
This one gives other links - quite useful:
Handling dependencies in blackberry development
These not so useful:
In Blackberry, can we create common library that can be used by different applications?
BlackBerry Facebook SDK jar file
Adding and Testing Compatibility of External Jar to Blackberry Project
How to attach Jar in Blackberry
BlackBerry RIMAPPSA2 signing key required -- why?
Is there a list of classes, methods and API which will trigger RIMAPPSA2 permission when signing Blackberry application?
javac -target parameter used by the rapc.exe tool
Add a .jar file dependency
Other jar added in BB project - using BB ant tools
Tutorial: How To Use 3rd Party Libraries in your Applications
Have you tried pointing to the library in the src section under rapc?
<rapc ...>
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}">
<include name="src/**/*.rrh" />
<include name="src/**/*.rrc" />
<include name="src/**/*.java" />
<include name="res/**/*.*" />
<!-- Libraries -->
<include name="lib/**/*.*" />
I had a similar problem last year, I had created a "framework" that was used as a base for multiple BB-applications, but run into problems with multiple CODs (I don't remember exactly what, something like the device refused to install multiple applications that had same external cods, if the external CODs weren't installed separately first, and then the applications). As the applications could be installed separately (one person might install only app A, another might install only app B, and yet another might install both A and B), the whole framework needed to be included in all the apps using it. I cooked up this Ant-script using bb-ant-tools (hopefully I didn't break anything removing some stuff specific to our apps and obfuscating package names etc):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="${description}" default="build" basedir=".">
<taskdef resource="bb-ant-defs.xml" classpath="lib/bb-ant-tools.jar" />
<!-- rapc and sigtool require the jde.home property to be set -->
<!-- NOTE: You may need to copy the signature files from Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde\vmTools to the components\bin -dir
if the keys were installed using the Eclipse-plugin -->
<property name="jdehome" value="C:\BB\Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack5.0.0_5.0.0.25\components" />
<!-- Framework source locations, these must be set correctly -->
<property name="frameworkRes.dir" value="C:\BB\workspace\BB_Framework\res" />
<property name="frameworkSrc.dir" value="C:\BB\workspace\BB_Framework\src\com\whatever\frame" />
<!-- Locations for simulator, binaries, jde home, don't touch these -->
<property name="simulator" value="${jdehome}\simulator" />
<property name="bin" value="${jdehome}\bin" />
<property name="jde.home" location="${jdehome}" />
<!-- directory of simulator to copy files to -->
<property name="simulator.home" location="${simulator}" />
<property name="src.dir" location="src" />
<property name="build.dir" location="build" />
<property name="temp.dir" location="C:\tempsrc" />
<!-- Project specific -->
<!-- Application title -->
<property name="app.title" value="Application Name" />
<property name="app.version" value="1.0.0" />
<!-- Value to prepend before frame-class packages -->
<property name="frame.prefix" value="appname" />
<!-- Name of the COD to produce -->
<property name="" value="Appname" />
<target name="build">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<delete dir="${temp.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${temp.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${temp.dir}\${frame.prefix}" />
<copy toDir="${temp.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<copy toDir="${temp.dir}\${frame.prefix}">
<fileset dir="${frameworkSrc.dir}">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<copy toDir="${temp.dir}\res">
<fileset dir="${frameworkRes.dir}">
<include name="**/*" />
<copy toDir="${temp.dir}\res">
<fileset dir="res">
<include name="**/*" />
<!-- This replaces the package names for classes copied from under framework-directory to ${frame.prefix} -directory -->
<replace dir="${temp.dir}" value="${frame.prefix}">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<rapc output="${}" srcdir="${temp.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}">
<jdp title="${app.title}"
vendor="Your Company"
<target name="sign">
<sigtool codfile="${build.dir}/${}.cod" />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
<target name="load-simulator" depends="build">
<copy todir="${simulator.home}">
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="*.cod,*.cso,*.debug,*.jad,*.jar" />
What this does, is copy all the java-files and resources from your current project and then from the framework-project to a temporary directory, replacing package names on the way for the frame-work files (as they're put into a separately named directory), this has to do with the fact that the devices also refused to install multiple applications that had same classes under same packages (namely, the framework classes, for your case this might not be necessary). After the copying and replacing is done, the application is built to target build-directory using rapc. There are separate tasks for signing, cleaning and loading the app to a simulator. Hope this helps.

How do I convert textile to Eclipse help using ant?

I've been using the Mylyn WikiText User Guide to learn how to convert textile files to Eclipse help but I also want to be able to do this using ant because, ultimately, I want to have many textile files contribute to a single textile file then convert to Eclipse help to enable multiple developers to create help pages with minimal conflicts.
The following ant script should take all *.textile files in the 'doc' folder and convert them to Eclipse help:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="helpwikitext" default="generate-help">
<property name="wikitext.standalone" value="doc" />
<path id="wikitext.classpath">
<fileset dir="${wikitext.standalone}">
<include name="org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.*core*.jar" />
<taskdef classpathref="wikitext.classpath" resource="org/eclipse/mylyn/wikitext/core/util/anttask/" />
<target name="generate-help" description="Generate Eclipse help from textile source">
<wikitext-to-eclipse-help markupLanguage="Textile" multipleOutputFiles="true" navigationImages="true" helpPrefix="help">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="doc/*.textile" />
<stylesheet url="styles/help.css" />
<stylesheet url="styles/main.css" />
I get the following error:
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource org/eclipse/mylyn/wikitext/core/util/anttask/ It could not be found.
build.xml:11: Problem: failed to create task or type wikitext-to-eclipse-help
I'm fairly sure that I have all the Mylyn features installed so it looks like the ant script doesn't know where to find them. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Do you have the wikitext standalone package installed in your doc directory?
That is what is expected as you define the path used by the taskdef like this:
<property name="wikitext.standalone" value="doc" />
I'll take a guess that your wikitext package is in a different dir.
You then use the same dir as the root for your textfiles. I would suggest to keep the wikitext standalone package separate from your textfiles.

How to get Flex Builder 3 to generate two builds: one "-use-network=true", another "-use-network=false"?

I'm building a Flex application that will need run under two different deployment scenarios:
First, the application will be hosted on the web. The SWF loads some external resources (images, text) so it requires network access, which is the Flex Builder 3 default build flag "-use-network=true". I don't need to do anything special; it just works.
Second, the application will be written to CD with autorun enabled to launch the index.html hosting the SWF. The SWF still needs to be able to load those same external resources, which reside on the CD in a subfolder. Since those files are on the CD, they are considered local, so Flash security requires the SWF to be built using a flag of "-use-network=false". I add that to the "Additional compiler arguments" text box found under "Flex Compiler" in the Flex project's Properties dialog.
That all works as expected, but it's tedious to have to manually modify the Flex Builder project settings to add or remove that flag as the case may be.
Ideally, I would like to just build the project once and have multiple output folders: one for the network deployment scenario, and another for the local deployment scenario.
What's the best way to do that? Is moving to an Ant build the way to go, or is there a simpler way? If an Ant build configuration is the correct way, do you have an example to share of such multiple build configurations?
Thanks for your help!
Once you get your head around the Ant build, it will make your life a lot easier. Building a multiple build file is no different from a single build file, you will just add an additional task inside of your build with the appropriate settings (you could also use a loop in ant, but that adds complexity)
So, expanding on the Flex Ant Tasks example from the docs, something like this should work (not-tested):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- myMXMLCBuild.xml -->
<project name="My App Builder" basedir="." default="main">
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${basedir}/flexTasks/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/flex/sdk"/>
<property name="APP_ROOT" value="apps"/>
<property name="DEPLOY_DIR" value="c:/jrun4/servers/default/default-war"/>
<target name="main" depends="clean, compile1, compile2">
<target name="compile1">
<!-- Get default compiler options. -->
<load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>
<!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript
class hierarchies. -->
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
<!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files. -->
<compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
<include name="libs" />
<include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
<!-- Set size of output SWF file. -->
<default-size width="500" height="600" />
<target name="compile2">
<!-- Get default compiler options. -->
<load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>
<!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript
class hierarchies. -->
<source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
<!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files. -->
<compiler.library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" append="true">
<include name="libs" />
<include name="../bundles/{locale}" />
<!-- Set size of output SWF file. -->
<default-size width="500" height="600" />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${APP_ROOT}/generated"/>
<fileset dir="${DEPLOY_DIR}" includes="Main.swf"/>
As a side note, if you are going to be running the Ant build in eclipse/Flash Builder you might as well increase the memory now.
