I'm using a TGridPanel to hold some panels. At design time, I've set the grid panel to have 1 row and 5 columns.
I can add a panel to the grid using this code, which works well:
procedure TForm6.AddPanelToGrid(const ACaption: string);
pnl: TPanel;
pnl := TPanel.Create(gpOne);
pnl.Caption := ACaption;
pnl.Parent := gpOne;
pnl.Name := 'pnlName' + ACaption;
pnl.OnClick := gpOne.OnClick;
pnl.ParentBackground := false;
pnl.ParentColor := false;
pnl.Color := clLime;
pnl.Font.Size := 14;
pnl.Height := pnl.Width;
What I want to do is remove a TPanel from the grid when I click on it (which is why I have set the on click handler to that of the grid panel in the above code).
In that click handler I do this, which almost works:
procedure TForm6.gpOneClick(Sender: TObject);
if not (sender is TPanel) then exit;
gpOne.ControlCollection.RemoveControl(Sender as TPanel);
(Sender as TPanel).Free;
gpOne.UpdateControlsColumn( 0 ); <<<-------
Using a parameter for UpdateControlColumn() causes the order of the panels in the grid to change - the first and second swap places.
I can get around this by adding the column idex to the panel's tag property, then pass that to UpdateControlColumn(). This then works, but once a panel has been removed the higher tag numbers are no longer valid - the panels have moved column.
So, how can I get the column that a panel is in from within the OnClick handler?
I'm using Delphi 10.1 Berlin - if that makes any difference.
To test this, I started a new project, added a TGridPanel, set it to have 1 row and 5 equally widthed columns. I added 6 TButton controls and created an OnClick handler for each with the following code:
AddPanelToGrid('One'); // changing the string for each button.
Click a few buttons to add some panels, then click the panels to remove them.
TCustomGridPanel has a pair of useful functions, CellIndexToCell() and CellToCellIndex, but they are not public and thus not directly accessible from a TGridPanel.
To make them available declare TGridPanel anew as below:
TGridPanel = class(Vcl.ExtCtrls.TGridPanel) // add this
end; // -"-
TForm27 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
gpOne: TGridPanel;
Then add rand c variables for row and col, add the call to CellIndexToCell() and use c as argument for UpdateControlsColumn:
procedure TForm27.gpOneClick(Sender: TObject);
r, c: integer;
if not (sender is TPanel) then exit;
gpOne.CellIndexToCell(gpOne.ControlCollection.IndexOf(Sender as TPanel), c, r); // add this
gpOne.ControlCollection.RemoveControl(Sender as TPanel);
(Sender as TPanel).Free;
gpOne.UpdateControlsColumn( c ); // <<<-------
And follow advise of Remy Lebeau, regarding freeing the panel. ( I just noticed his comment).
If you haven't already, you may also want to take a look at TFlowPanel and its FlowStyle property. TflowPanel reordering after deletion is more predictable if you use more than one row, but depends of course on what you need.
On closequery of the form I have :
if MessageDlg('Close program ?',
mtConfirmation, [mbYes,mbCancel],0) <> mrYes then CanClose := False
else if DataModule2.mytable.State in [dsEdit,dsInsert] then
if MessageDlg('Save changes ?', mtConfirmation,
[mbYes,mbNo],0) = mrYes then DataModule2.mytable.Post;
Is there a way I can highlight (or color) a changed cell in cxgrid when I trigger my onclosequery event ?
I don't need to know what was changed but just to know which cell was changed so the user can see it so he can easily decide weather to save the changes or not.
It is simple to get the cxGrid to draw a cell (or row) highlighted in some way using the
cxGrid1DBTableView1CustomDrawCell event. And by having a flag that indicates that the OnCloseQuery event is in progress, you can restrict its action to inside that event.
Update The code I originally posted with this answer could not successfully mark more than one cell in the current grid row as changed. The updated code below can do this however; note the comments in the two
TForm1 = class(TForm)
QueryingClose : Boolean;
procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
QueryingClose := True;
//{cxGrid1.Invalidate{True); Do NOT call Invalidate, because it causes the
// grid's repainting logic to operate in a way which effectively makes it
// impossible to mark more that one cell in the current data row as changed
QueryingClose := False;
procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1CustomDrawCell(Sender:
TcxCustomGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas; AViewInfo:
TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean);
Field : TField;
MarkCell : Boolean;
S2 : String;
EC : TcxGridTableEditingController;
if QueryingClose and
(TcxGridDBTableView(Sender).DataController.DataSet.State in[dsEdit, dsInsert]) then begin
Field := TcxGridDBColumn(AViewInfo.Item).DataBinding.Field;
S1 := VarToStr(Field.OldValue);
// When this event is called, the user may be in the middle of editing a cell's contents
// So, the purpose of the following lines is to close the inplace editor being used to do
// this amd post the chamged value back to the TField associated with the cell
EC := TcxGridDBTableView(Sender).Controller.EditingController;
if EC.IsEditing then
S2 := VarToStr(Field.Value);
MarkCell := S1 <> S2;
if MarkCell then
ACanvas.Brush.Color := clLime;
For this to work, your TDataSet-descendant type must support correctly returning the original contents of the fields on their OldValue property; TClientDataSet, which I've used to write/test this code certainly does this but I've no idea what actual TDataSet type you're using.
Hopefully, it should be apparent that you could use these two procedures to
build a list of TFields that have changed values, including the FieldName OldValue, and Value.
I have a DevExpress grid where I would like to add an unbound checkbox to be able to select some of the items.
After the selection is made I press a button and I must loop the grid to get all the selected items.
It has to be a checkbox. I have tried with a multiselectable grid, but the users can't work with that.
I have tried all the samples that I have been able to find on the supportsites, but no luck.
I need the unbound approach since it is a multiuser setup and users have been selecting and deselecting for each other.
My question: does anyone have a working sample that shows how this can be done?
I've done this and it was (is!) pretty ugly! Create the grid view with bound columns and add an unbound checkbox column with a field type of boolean.
Basically I handle the OnCellClick of the grid view. I check if the item clicked is the checkbox column - by finding the first unbound column in the view with a checkbox type. Then I toggle its state.
I've set AutoEdit on the dataset to true but Deleting/Editing/Inserting to false and ImmediateEditor is false. Not exactly sure which of those are important.
I think the hardest thing was trying to fathom out the complex hierarchy of grid and view level objects and working out which levels contained which of the needed bits. I'm sure there's a better way of doing it but what we've got now works and I'm not going to touch it again!
This is lifted from my code but modified slightly and not tested as it stands - it also needs a bit more error checking:
procedure TMyForm.ViewCellClick(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView;
ACellViewInfo: TcxGridTableDataCellViewInfo; AButton: TMouseButton;
AShift: TShiftState; var AHandled: Boolean);
col: TcxGridColumn;
// Manually handle the clicking of the checkbox cell - otherwise it seems
// virtually impossible to get the checked count correct.
col := GetViewCheckColumn(Sender);
if (Sender.Controller.FocusedItem = col) then
ToggleRowSelection(TcxCustomGridTableView(TcxGridSite(Sender).GridView), col);
procedure TMyForm.ToggleRowSelection(AView: TcxCustomGridTableView; ACol: TcxGridColumn);
rec: TcxCustomGridRecord;
rec := AView.Controller.FocusedRecord;
if (rec = nil) then exit;
if (rec.Values[ACol.Index] = TcxCheckBoxProperties(ACol.Properties).ValueChecked) then
rec.Values[ACol.Index] := TcxCheckBoxProperties(ACol.Properties).ValueUnchecked;
rec.Values[ACol.Index] := TcxCheckBoxProperties(ACol.Properties).ValueChecked;
function TMyForm.GetViewCheckColumn(AView: TcxCustomGridView): TcxGridColumn;
index: integer;
vw: TcxCustomGridTableView;
item: TcxCustomGridTableItem;
// We're looking for an unbound check box column - we'll return the first
// one found.
Assert(AView <> nil);
result := nil;
if (AView is TcxCustomGridTableView) then
vw := TcxCustomGridTableView(AView);
for index := 0 to vw.ItemCount - 1 do
item := vw.Items[index];
if (item.Properties is TcxCustomCheckBoxProperties) then
if (item is TcxGridDBColumn) then
if (TcxGridDBColumn(item).DataBinding.FieldName = '') then
result := TcxGridColumn(item);
I then extended it by checking for a SPACE bar press in the OnKeyUp of the grid and calling ToggleRowSelection and also similar for a double click on a row.
When iterating through the rows you can test if a row is checked using something like the following:
function TMyForm.GetViewIsRowChecked(AView: TcxCustomGridView; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord): boolean;
col: TcxGridColumn;
result := False;
col := GetViewCheckColumn(AView);
if ((col <> nil) and (ARecord <> nil)) then
result := (ARecord.Values[col.Index] = TcxCheckBoxProperties(col.Properties).ValueChecked);
I think that's it. I've dug it out of a large grid/view helper unit we've built up over a while. Oh, and it's currently working with Delphi 2010 with DXVCL v2011 vol 1.10.
Hope it helps.
I would like to return the contents of a cell in a string grid when the user finishes entering the data. The user is finished when pressing the enter key on the keyboard, or single- or double-clicking another cell.
In Lazarus there is a method of FinishedCellEditing, but not in Delphi. How can I detect it in Delphi?
I have quite the same problem, but easier solution since i force user to press Enter key...
The trick: I do not let the user change to another cell while is editing one, so i force user to must press Intro/Enter to end editing, then i allow to change to other cell.
The bad part is that OnKeyPress happens before OnSetEditText, so i tried with OnKeyUp...
And what i found is that just when editing a cell, after pressing Enter/Intro, OnKeyUp is not fired... that is a BUG on VCL... a key has being released and OnKeyUp has not being fired.
So, i make another trick to bypass that... use a Timer to differ what i would do just a little, so i let time to event OnSetEditText be fired before.
Let me explain what i have done to success...
I have locked selecting another cell by putting code on OnSelectCell, quite similar to this:
CanSelect:=Not UserIsEditingOneCell;
And on OnSetEditText i put code like this:
So now, what is needed is to detect when the user press Enter/Intro... and i found a horrible thing as i said... OnKeyUp is not fired for such key... so, i will simulate that by using a Timer and using OnKeyPress, because OnKeyPress is fired, but OnKeyUp not, for Enter key...
So, on OnKeyPress i put something like:
TheTimerThatIndicatesUserHasPressEnter.Interval:=1; // As soon as posible
TheTimerThatIndicatesUserHasPressEnter.Enabled:=True; // But after event OnSetEditText is fired, so not jsut now, let some time pass
An on such timer event:
// Do whatever needed just after the user has finished editing a cell
That works, but i know that is horrible because i need to use a Timer... but i do not know a better way... and since i need to not let user go to another cell while the one that is edinting does not have a valid value... i can use that.
Why on the hell there is not an event like OnEndingEditing?
P.D.: I have also noticed that OnSetEditText is fired multiple times for each key being pressed, and with different value on Value parameter... at least when working with EditMask value '00:00:00' set on OnGetEditMask event.
With the VCL's TStringGrid you need the OnSetEditText event. Please note however that it fires everytime the user changes something in any cell. So, if you only want to do something after the user is finished editing, you will have to watch the row and col values of the event's parameters. And of course, you need to take care of the situation when a user ends editing a cell and does not edit another cell, for example by clicking outside the TStringGrid. Something like:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
FEditingCol, FEditingRow: Longint;
procedure Form1.DoYourAfterEditingStuff(ACol, ARow: Longint);
procedure Form1.StringGrid1OnEnter(...)
EditingCol := -1;
EditingRow := -1;
procedure Form1.StringGrid1OnSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string)
if (ACol <> EditingCol) and (ARow <> EditingRow) then
DoYourAfterEditingStuff(EditingCol, EditingRow);
EditingCol := ACol;
EditingRow := ARow;
procedure Form1.StringGrid1OnExit(...)
if (EditingCol <> -1) and (EditingRow <> -1) then
DoYourAfterEditingStuff(EditingCol, EditingRow);
// Not really necessary because of the OnEnter handler, but keeps the code
// nicely symmetric with the OnSetEditText handler (so you can easily
// refactor it out if the desire strikes you)
EditingCol := -1;
EditingRow := -1;
I do this by responding to WM_KILLFOCUS messages sent to the inplace editor. I have to subclass the inplace editor to make this happen.
I understand from Raymond Chen's blog that this is not appropriate if you then perform validation that changes the focus.
This is the final version... Wow, I improved my own code (the other post I put before was the code I was using for years until today... I saw this post and I put the code I had... then I tried to fix my own code and I got it, wow!, I was trying that for years, now I finally got it).
It is quite tricky since, how on the hell I could imagine a cell could be selected with editor active?
Let's see how to do it:
MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol, MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow: Integer;
//To remember the last cell edited
procedure TmyForm.MyStringGrigSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
var CanSelect: Boolean);
//When selecting a cell
if MyStringGrig.EditorMode then begin //It was a cell being edited
MyStringGrig.EditorMode:= False; //Deactivate the editor
//Do an extra check if the LastEdited_ACol and LastEdited_ARow are not -1 already.
//This is to be able to use also the arrow-keys up and down in the Grid.
if (MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol <> -1) and (MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow <> -1) then
MyStringGrigSetEditText(Sender, MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol, MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow,
MyStringGrig.Cells[MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol, MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow]);
//Just make the call
//Do whatever else wanted
procedure TmyForm.MyStringGrigSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
const Value: string);
//Fired on every change
if Not MyStringGrig.EditorMode //goEditing must be 'True' in Options
then begin //Only after user ends editing the cell
MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol:= -1; //Indicate no cell is edited
MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow:= -1; //Indicate no cell is edited
//Do whatever wanted after user has finish editing a cell
end else begin //The cell is being editted
MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ACol:= ACol; //Remember column of cell being edited
MyStringGrig_LastEdited_ARow:= ARow; //Remember row of cell being edited
This works for me like a charm.
Please note it requires two variables to hold last edited cell coordinates.
Please remember goEditing must be True in Options.
Please sorry for the other post... that other code was the one I was using for years, since I did not get any better solution... until now.
I hope this helps others.
Its probably best to just use virtual string grid as the string grid control in Delphi does not really seem to support this very well.
TMyGrid= class(TStringGrid)
EditorPrevState: Boolean; //init this to false!
EditorPrevRow : LongInt;
EditorPrevCol : LongInt;
procedure WndProc(VAR Message: TMessage); override;
procedure EndEdit (ACol, ARow: Longint); // the user closed the editor
constructor TMyGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
EditorPrevRow := Row;
EditorPrevCol := Col;
EditorPrevState:= false;
procedure TMyGrid.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
if EditorPrevState then { The editor was open }
if NOT EditorMode then { And not is closed }
EditorPrevState:= EditorMode;
EndEdit(EditorPrevCol, EditorPrevRow); <------ editor is closed. process the text here
EditorPrevRow := Row;
EditorPrevCol := Col;
EditorPrevState := EditorMode;
procedure TMyGrid.EndEdit(aCol, aRow: Integer); { AlwaysShowEditror must be true in Options }
Cells[ACol, ARow]:= StringReplace(Cells[ACol, ARow], CRLF, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); { Replace ENTERs with space - This Grid cannot draw a text on multiple rows so enter character will he rendered as 2 squares. }
if Assigned(FEndEdit)
then FEndEdit(Self, EditorPrevCol, EditorPrevRow); // optional
Basically, there are many ways a user can end editing, and not all these are always a good interception point:
it moves the focus to another cell in the grid
it moves the focus to another control on the form
it moves the focus to another form
it moves the focus to another application.
You need to ask yourself under which circumstances you want to update the content.
For instance: do you want to update it, when the user cancels out of a modal form, or ends the application?
Answer from BCB 6:
String tmp = "";
void __fastcall TForm1::SetEditText(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, const AnsiString Value) {
if (tmp != Value)
tmp = Value;
;// end editing
void __fastcall TForm1::GetEditText(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, AnsiString &Value) {
tmp = Value;
How I can find out the position (row and column index) of controls inside TGridPanel? I'd like to use common OnClick event for number of buttons and need to know the X,Y position of the button.
I'm using Delphi 2007.
Unfortunately, because of the magic of TGridPanel, it is a little more complicated than just getting the Top and Left properties...
This should do it for any Control, adapt it to your needs:
procedure GetRowColumn(const AControl: TControl; var ARow, AColumn: Integer);
I: Integer;
if AControl.Parent is TGridPanel then
I := TGridPanel(AControl.Parent).ControlCollection.IndexOf(AControl);
if I > -1 then
ARow := TGridPanel(AControl.Parent).ControlCollection[I].Row;
AColumn := TGridPanel(AControl.Parent).ControlCollection[I].Column;
procedure TForm1.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
Row, Column : Integer;
GetRowColumn(Sender as TControl, Row, Column);
// do something with Row and Column
ShowMessage( Format('row=%d - col=%d',[Row, Column]));
You can use Sender cast as a tButton and then ask it for its top and left for example:
Procedure TForm1.OnClick(Sender:tObject);
X,Y : Integer;
if Sender is TButton then
X := TButton(Sender).Top;
Y := TButton(Sender).Left;
// do something with X & Y
Or if your just wanting to know what button was pressed, you can also use the TAG property to insert a number into each button, and then retrieve the tag value in your onclick event. Just remember to first set the Tag property to something. You can do this in the form designer if your just dropping buttons into the grid panel or in the routine your using to create and insert your buttons.
Procedure TForm1.OnClick(Sender:tObject);
iButton : integer;
if Sender is TComponent then
iButton := TComponent(Sender).Tag;
// do something with iButton
You can also use the tag property to store more than just an integer, since a pointer currently uses the same memory size as the integer you can cast a pointer to an integer and insert that value into the tag property. Just be aware that any pointer you place in this field is still treated as an integer. You are responsible for the memory it points to, it will not be managed by the component.