Orchard Contrib.DateTimeField missing style and script - jquery-ui

`I've installed the DateTime Field module to Orchard and assigned two fields to my custom part, but when navigating to the Admin Edit page for the custom type implimenting the custom part, I recieve an error like this:
A 'stylesheet' named 'jQueryUtils_TimePicker' could not be found.
When looking in the Contrib.DateTime.cshtml View, I find that the following two resources are required, but I can't find them in the jQuery module's resource manifest.
Style: jQueryUtils_TimePicker
Script: jQueryUtils_TimePicker
Where are these meant to be defined and stored?
Thanks in advance.
If I change both to jQueryUI_TimePicker (for which there is a script and style defined in the jquery module resource manifest), then it doesn't throws an error, but the time picker doesn't work.

Contrib.DateTimeField is obsolete since 1.4 so you shouldn't use it.
The DateTimeField has been integrated in Orchard.Fields has a core feature.


#Html.DeleteConfirmation in a Plugin View (Admin) in asp.net core 2.0

Looking at core code examples of say... Edit Action for SpecificationAttribute. I am looking to replicate this delete function in the same manner in my plugin, however, getting an error.
Getting this error
'IHtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'DeleteConfirmation' and no extension method 'DeleteConfirmation' accepting a first argument of type 'IHtmlHelper' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have used in 3.90 but it getting error in 4.0 asp.net core Has anyone used #Html.DeleteConfirmation in a plugin (on administration side) that could give me a clues
I have a span element in the html like the following;
<span id="myattribute-delete" class="k-button">#T("Admin.Common.Delete")</span>
And trying to use #Html.DeleteConfirmation("myattribute-delete")
I know I probably need to double check my route, by the error is leading me to think the issue is not a routing issue.
As #Stephen stated it's not part of MVC, and it's custom helper by nopCommerce.
#Html.DeleteConfirmation is helper till/in nopCommerce 3.90, but in 4.0 it has been changed to
<nop-delete-confirmation asp-model-id="#Model.Id" asp-button-id="myattribute-delete" />
And that helper located at Nop.Web.Framework.TagHelpers.Adminso you have to add reference of it to your view file.

Not apply .po files for module in Orchard CMS

I install Orchard CMS 1.10 and take russian translate from https://crowdin.com/project/orchard-cms and unpack to Orchard.Web. When i added and enabled ru-Ru localization all work good for razor views. But for module isn't. For example i try change validate message for required fields in Orchard.DynamicForms, but nothing happened when displayed validation message, they still english. Also translate not applied for module list in admin panel.
Search for the english message in source code, add breakpoint and step into the T() call, then check the value of the scope parameter. This is the value that should be used in the msgctext line.

How to add custom fields in ZFC-user module for zend 2 without doctrine?

I have tried using creating a different module and attaching the ZfcUser\Form\Register over init method. But it wasn't working.
I want to add few custom fields, with changing any thing in the vendor dir, as is it not a good practice. I also tried using user_entity_class ,creating a custom 'User' class, but it was creating some route issue in other modules, with zfc-user , I'm also using zfc-admin and zfc-adminuser, the error was coming in zfc-adminuser, Couldn't found the class was the error.
Thanks in advance.
Well there are some issue regarding the overriding of the module ZFC-User, But still you can overwrite it manually.
One way I have used is a bit old fashioned but working. What I have done is I have copied complete module the to module folder. Then pointing the form towards to my module where the changes are required, rest all are pointed to default.With this you can update your module. Make sure you point the user_entity_class to your module something like this:
'user_entity_class' => 'MyZfcUser\Entity\User',
you can find this in config\autoload\zfcuser.global.php

Grails g:javascript tag with query string generates error

When I create a tag <g:javascript src="highcharts/highcharts.js?v=255" /> i get the error:
I can't work out the type of /tools/js/highcharts/highcharts.js?v=205 with type [text/javascript]. Please check the URL, resource definition or specify [type] attribute
The docs say that g:javascript doesn't have a type attribute and after looking through the grails source I found that it's using FileNameUtils.getExtension() to determine the type of resource. Since that just does a lastIndexOf('.') and returns the right side of that, it obviously won't be found. In this case we don't really need to add the v=255 so I can remove it for now however I'd still like to be able to do so in the future. What are my options here?
Grails version is 2.1.2
What about using the HTML tag?
<script src="highcharts/highcharts.js?v=255 type="text/javascript"/>
If all you want is deal with versioning javascript includes so you can set the cache high and change the number as needed you should look at the grails cached resources plugin.
Personally I think you would want to make highcharts.js part of a module for the resources plugin to deal with for you. It will take care of versioning and minification etc as you let it. The quick start should give you enough to get going.

Content Processor Parameters in XNA 4 - what is missing?

I have a content processor in my XNA project and I would like to add a couple of parameters so I can control its behaviour for certain files in Visual Studio.
I follow the second section of this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb975253.aspx, which is the same info as on many other sites, however when I try to specify a property as a parameter I get "type or namespace cannot be found" for the three attributes.
Its probably something like a missing 'using' statement but without a working example project I can't find out what/where the namespace is.
You can find these classes in the System.ComponentModel assembly/namespace. For example, here's the MSDN documentation for the DisplayNameAttribute
