This is my first Stackoverflow post, so please let me know if I can specify my problem any better than I am: I've searched the site and haven't found anything that fixed my problem.
I have an app running locally with an Event model.
The model has a start_date column and I later added an end_date with a migration.
Everything works locally.
When I deploy it to Heroku I get an 500-error when trying to create an Event entry.
It first gave me an ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors, saying that it couldn't assign anything to end_date=.
I looked through everything and made sure that it was a permitted parameter.
Then I looked through my migrations and found to my surprise that my AddEndDateToEvents migration didn't exist, but the end_date column is in my schema model.
So I ran a rails g migration AddEndDateToEvents where I wrote:
class AddEndDateToEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
remove_column :events, :end_date
add_column :events, :end_date, :date
I ran rails db:migrate and everything works locally.
Now when I push it to Heroke and I run db:migrate there as well, it of course terminates and tells me that it cannot remove the column end_date because it doesn't exist in the model.
I'm stuck. What shall I do? :(
References of my source code
Thank you in advance!
I solved it with your help, Mark! :-)
I did the following:
1) Roll back migrations
I ran rails db:migrate:status and saw that I should roll back two migrations to get completely clean of my attempts to add/remove the end_date column.
When I tried to rollback, it gave me an error that my remove column migrations weren't reversible. I had to enter the type of column. So I added that as a third parameter. Example: remove_column :events, :end_date, :date
After that a rollback was possible. The easiest way was to run rails db:rollback STEP=2.
2) Delete down migrations and check schema
After rolling back my migrations, I deleted the unneeded migration-files from the folder. Also, I checked my schema file and manually removed the end_date row from the model.
3) Create conditional remove row migration
Using Mark's answer, I added a new migration with the following code:
class AddEndDateToEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
remove_column(:events, :end_date) if column_exists?(:events, :end_date)
add_column :events, :end_date, :date
4) Reset database and run db:migrate
I then did my git push && git push heroku and then I ran heroku restart && heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm APP-NAME && heroku run rake db:migrate, where APP-NAME was the name of my app.
And now it works! :-)
Thank you very much. I'm quite blown away by the quick and helpful response, and the fact that some person out there on the interwebs took the time to edit my post and format it nicely.
Generous community. Nice!
Looks like your migrations are out of sync as you say. The best way to cover both bases is to add a conditional into the migration. Rails comes with a method called column_exists?
Which we can use in our migration:
class AddEndDateToEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
remove_column(:events, :end_date) if column_exists?(:events, :end_date)
add_column :events, :end_date, :date
That should now work whether or not the initial migration has been run
EDIT: It probably is best to keep both your databases in sync, so if your Heroku DB has no important data in it, you can always simply drop it, recreate it and run all migrations from the start. I think that's preferable if you can afford to lose whatever data is in your Heroku DB
I have created 2 tables (categories and products) and I did has_many association like Category has_many :products and Product belongs_to :category.
When I do a migration like:
rails generate migration add_product_id_to_categories product_id:integer
then migration is running but not seeing product_id in Category.
I've tried multiple ways like
add_product_id_to_category product_id:integer
but still facing the same problem.
You only generated a migration file (rails generate migration add_product_id_to_categories product_id:integer). You have to run the migration with rake db:migrate.
Generating a migration is a different thing than actually running it. You just generated it, and in order to execute what you have written, you need to run it, and you can do so by invoking the following command:
rake db:migrate
Not sure that either you have run the migration or not, run the following command, and it will tell you the statues of all the migrations. If the status is up, the migration has been run, and for down, a migration couldn't be run.
rake db:migrate:status
When you run a migration, and you would like to get notified in terminal that it has been successfully run, you can add a puts statement in there like following:
class AddColumnToCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :categories, :product_id, :integer, index: true
puts "product_id column has been added into categories."
Have you tried rails generate migration AddProductIdToCategories product_id:integer?
When you have created the migration if you look inside the migration file you can see if any code has been generated in the change method before you run the migration. If it has not generated any content you can manually add it:
def change
add_column :categories, :product_id, :integer
I have a rails 4 app.
I have two tables, one for 'scope' and one for 'data'. Data belongs to scope. I forgot to add a foreign key when I set up data and I'm trying to write a migration to add one now.
I have created a change table, but the migration I've written isn't working.
I can't follow the rails guides example because it isn't consistent with the experience I'm having in my setup (not sure why).
The migration I have is:
class AddFKeyToData < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_foreign_key :data, :scopes
Please can you help me identify the problem.
Thank you
Rollback this migration by:
rake db:rollback
Then go into your migration and edit add_foreign....
add_column :data, :scope_id, :integer
Should work!
I have migration (created way back) that i need to change, it's the below:
I need to change
t.string to --> t.text
how can i achieve this ?
I read along that i can create a new migration renaming the column, but i did not quite understand it.
If 20130923000732_create_questions.rb migration is your last migration you can rollback with:
rake db:rollback
Otherwise you can simply down your specific migration with VERSION:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20130923000732
After rollback your migration, change your migration file and migrate again.
Your app is in development yet, just open that migration in edtor, change it to text and run all your migrations again.
Or write a migration that will update that field type.
First in you terminal:
rails g migration change_column_type_in_questions
Then in your migration file:
class ChangeColumnTypeInQuestions < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column :questions, :body, :text
Migration will look for table questions and will update column body type without loosing data.
Run rails generate migration change_string_to_text_in_questions then a new migration file will be created, with
def change
method, now insert, change_column :table_name, :column_name, :type now your migration file should look like this,
def change
change_column :table_name, :column_name,:type
After this, Save the Changes and run db:migrate
What's the syntax for dropping a database table column through a Rails migration?
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
For instance:
remove_column :users, :hobby
would remove the hobby Column from the users table.
For older versions of Rails
ruby script/generate migration RemoveFieldNameFromTableName field_name:datatype
For Rails 3 and up
rails generate migration RemoveFieldNameFromTableName field_name:datatype
Rails 4 has been updated, so the change method can be used in the migration to drop a column and the migration will successfully rollback. Please read the following warning for Rails 3 applications:
Rails 3 Warning
Please note that when you use this command:
rails generate migration RemoveFieldNameFromTableName field_name:datatype
The generated migration will look something like this:
def up
remove_column :table_name, :field_name
def down
add_column :table_name, :field_name, :datatype
Make sure to not use the change method when removing columns from a database table (example of what you don't want in the migration file in Rails 3 apps):
def change
remove_column :table_name, :field_name
The change method in Rails 3 is not smart when it comes to remove_column, so you will not be able to rollback this migration.
In a rails4 app it is possible to use the change method also for removing columns. The third param is the data_type and in the optional forth you can give options. It is a bit hidden in the section 'Available transformations' on the documentation .
class RemoveFieldFromTableName < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
remove_column :table_name, :field_name, :data_type, {}
There are two good ways to do this:
You can simply use remove_column, like so:
remove_column :users, :first_name
This is fine if you only need to make a single change to your schema.
change_table block
You can also do this using a change_table block, like so:
change_table :users do |t|
t.remove :first_name
I prefer this as I find it more legible, and you can make several changes at once.
Here's the full list of supported change_table methods:
Clear & Simple Instructions for Rails 5 & 6
WARNING: You will lose data.
Warning: the below instructions are for trivial migrations. For complex migrations with e.g. millions of rows, read/write dbs, clusters, this advice is not for you:
1. Create a migration
Run the following command in your terminal:
rails generate migration remove_fieldname_from_tablename fieldname:fieldtype (Table name in plural, as per convention. See the documentation here. )
Example: rails g migration RemoveAcceptedFromQuotes accepted:boolean
2. Check the migration
# db/migrate/20190122035000_remove_accepted_from_quotes.rb
class RemoveAcceptedFromQuotes < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
# with rails 5.2 you don't need to add a separate "up" and "down" method.
def change
remove_column :quotes, :accepted, :boolean
3. Run the migration
rake db:migrate or rails db:migrate (they're both the same)
....And then you're off to the races!
Generate a migration to remove a column such that if it is migrated (rake db:migrate), it should drop the column. And it should add column back if this migration is rollbacked (rake db:rollback).
The syntax:
remove_column :table_name, :column_name, :type
Removes column, also adds column back if migration is rollbacked.
remove_column :users, :last_name, :string
Note: If you skip the data_type, the migration will remove the column successfully but if you rollback the migration it will throw an error.
in rails 5 you can use this command in the terminal:
rails generate migration remove_COLUMNNAME_from_TABLENAME COLUMNNAME:DATATYPE
for example to remove the column access_level(string) from table users:
rails generate migration remove_access_level_from_users access_level:string
and then run:
rake db:migrate
Remove Columns For RAILS 5 App
rails g migration Remove<Anything>From<TableName> [columnName:type]
Command above generate a migration file inside db/migrate directory. Snippet blow is one of remove column from table example generated by Rails generator,
class RemoveAgeFromUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
remove_column :users, :age
def down
add_column :users, :age, :integer
I also made a quick reference guide for Rails which can be found at here.
You can try the following:
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
(Official documentation)
rails g migration RemoveXColumnFromY column_name:data_type
X = column name
Y = table name
Changed RemoveXColumnToY to RemoveXColumnFromY as per comments - provides more clarity for what the migration is actually doing.
To remove the column from table you have to run following migration:
rails g migration remove_column_name_from_table_name column_name:data_type
Then run command:
rake db:migrate
remove_column in change method will help you to delete the column from the table.
class RemoveColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
remove_column :table_name, :column_name, :data_type
Go on this link for complete reference :
For removing column from table in just easy 3 steps as follows:
write this command
rails g migration remove_column_from_table_name
after running this command in terminal one file created by this name and time stamp (remove_column from_table_name).
Then go to this file.
inside file you have to write
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
Finally go to the console and then do
rake db:migrate
Give below command it will add in migration file on its own
rails g migration RemoveColumnFromModel
After running above command you can check migration file remove_column code must be added there on its own
Then migrate the db
rake db:migrate
Heres one more from rails console
ActiveRecord::Migration.remove_column(:table_name, :column_name)
Step 1: Create a migration
rails g migration remove_column_name_from_table
Step 2: Change code in file migration just created
rails version < 3
def change
remove_column :table_name, :column_name, :datatype
rails version >= 3
def change
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
Step 3: Migrate
rake db:migrate
Simply, You can remove column
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
For Example,
remove_column :posts, :comment
first try to create a migration file running the command:
rails g migration RemoveAgeFromUsers age:string
and then on the root directory of the project run the migration running the command:
rails db:migrate
remove_column :table_name, :column_name
in a migration file
You can remove a column directly in a rails console by typing:
ActiveRecord::Base.remove_column :table_name, :column_name
Do like this;
rails g migration RemoveColumnNameFromTables column_name:type
I.e. rails g migration RemoveTitleFromPosts title:string
Anyway, Would be better to consider about downtime as well since the ActiveRecord caches database columns at runtime so if you drop a column, it might cause exceptions until your app reboots.
Ref: Strong migration
Mark the column as ignored in the model
class MyModel < ApplicationRecord
self.ignored_columns = ["my_field"]
Generate a migration
$ bin/rails g migration DropMyFieldFromMyModel
Edit the migration
class DropMyFieldFromMyModel < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
safety_assured { remove_column :my_table, :my_field }
Run the migration
$ bin/rails db:migrate
you can use rails migration command
rails generate migration RemoveColumnNameFromTableName column_name:column_type
than you can migrate the database:
rails db:migrate
Just run this in the rails console
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.remove_column("table_name", :column_name, :its_data_type)
TableName.find_by_sql(“ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column_name”)