iOS: Move the, go back to "More" tabs, button into my own Navigation Bar - ios

I have more than 5 tabs, so the "more" button appears and works fine. However, when I open up one of the tabs from the more menu, there is an extra navigation bar at the top, which shrinks the available space in my app.
I want to move or re-implement the "more" button (at the top of the
page) into my existing navigation bar for each tab. How do I do
Here is an image of what i have now, and what I want is to move that "More" button into the space where it says "Here instead", so that I can hide the upper black bar. If it matters, I am using the storyboards.

You will need to hide the navigation bar, and then create your own button on your tool bar that will pop to the root navigation controller.
To hide the nav bar:
[myTabBarController.moreNavigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:NO];
It looks like in order to recreate the left arrow from the navigation bar in your tool bar, you will actually have to use an image and set that as the view of your toolbar item. There is an image you can use here.


Right bar button is clickable outside of Navigation bar

I am adding a right bar button in navigation bar but when i click out side of navigation bar as shown in picture below it get pressed i don't know why it is behaving like this. I have added this button from storyboard.

navigation bar not coming common to both screens

This is my slide menu in cyan color on the left and dark on the right is my actual window having the slide menu. i need a common navigation bar for both of them but i am not getting it.
I have attached my slide menu with a navigation bar "embed in" and which furthure is connected to swrevelviewcontroller. what should i do to get a single top navigation bar in a situation where the slide menu is visible and the screen also.
First go to storyboard select view controller then check properties from right side.
Then after you need to set UIBarButton(menu/back) manually in all view controller as per requirement. Might be your problem will solved.

Hide UITabBarController and make view fit

I'm trying to hide tab bar controller when click a button in view, and then show it again when clicking another button. I've checked the code in this link: How to hide tab bar programatically and then expand view to fit but unable to do it.
I need to hide the tab bar controller and expand a UITableView so that there is no empty space where the tab bar is.
Anyone has a solution for this? I'm using Xcode 8 with auto-layout enabled.

Tab bar's navbar stuck under custom navbar?

I am implementing a custom nav bar for much of my application, but transition to a tab bar based navigation paradigm for other portions of the app.
When I switch to the tab bar portion of the app and navigate to the "More" section of the tab bar controller, the navbar that has the "edit" button of the more section is obscured by my custom navbar.
I have tried removing my navbar from the view, bringing the tab bar's navbar to the top of the view, etc.
The goal here is to gain access to the edit button's functionality in order to rearrange icons on the tab bar.
I'd like to either invoke the edit functionality of the tab bar programmatically or bring the tab bar's navbar to the front of the view.
Thanks in advance!

Objective C - Move UITabBar

I have view with tab bar and with button to open side bar.
When the side bar is open, the tab bar stay without moving with the side bar.
The side bar is simply 2 views, one on the other in the same viewController.
Is it possible to move the tab bar with the upper view(side bar)?
With your solution you probably will need then to move all objects on the green field as you do with the tabbar. better way is to have 2 VC (scenes): one with the green field and tab bar, another one is a side menu. and animate the frame positions of the VCs (kind of left/right facebook menu animation), so all related objects will be moved including tabbar.
