What is the purpose of OAuth temporary credentials? - oauth

I'm reading the protocol workflow of OAuth - http://hueniverse.com/oauth/guide/workflow/
I understand the need for access credentials in OAuth since they guarantee that the user has given access to his resource, however what is the purpose of temporary credentials? They are apparently necessary to redirect the user to the server's login page, but why? Would the service be less secure without them?

That temporary credentials (read request Tokens) are required to ensure that the request for access tokens is coming from an authorized client.


Why do you need authorization grant when you can just give the token out directly?

Watching this video, it details in OAuth2 that the client application first has to get the authorization grant from the Authorization server and then use that grant to get a token before being able to access the resource server. What purpose does the grant serve? Why not give the client the token right away after the user signs on with his/her username and password?
Because it is more secure, for some application types.
What you describe is so called authorization-code-flow. It is normally used for "classical" web applications, where only the backend needs to access resource server. The exchange of authorization code to access token happens on the backend and access token never leaves it. Exchange can be done only once and in addition client id and secret (stored on the backend) are necessary.
Single-Page-Applications often use implicit-flow where access token is delivered to the frontend directly in the URL.
See more here:
IdentityServer Flows
EDIT: Q: "I still don't see how it is more secure given that you have to have the grant in order to get the token. Why need 2 things instead of just 1 thing to access the resource? If someone steals the token, they can access the resource anyway – stackjlei"
"Stealing" access token will work independent on how your application acquires it. However, stealing access token on the backend is much more difficult than on the frontend.
Authorization code is delivered to the backend also over the frontend but the risk that someone intercepts and uses it is tiny:
It can be exchanged only once.
You need client-id and client-secret in order to exchange it. Client-secret is only available on the backend.
Normally, authorization code will be exchanged by your backend to access-token immediately. So the lifetime of it is just several seconds. It does not matter if someone gets hold of used authorization code afterwards.
In your scenario there could be two servers, an Authorization and a Resource one.
It could be only one as well, but let's imagine this scenario.
The purpose of the Authorization Server is to issue short lived access tokens to known clients. The clients identify themselves via their CLientID and CLientSecret.
The Authorization Server ( AS ) holds the list of clients and their secrets and first checks to make sure the passed values match its list. If they do, it issues a short lived token.
Then the client can talk to the Resource Server ( RS ), while the token is valid. Once the token expires, a new one can be requested or the expired one can be refreshed if that is allowed by the Authorization Server.
The whole point here is security, Normally, the access tokens are passed in the Authorization header of the request and that request needs to be over https to make sure that the data can't be stolen. If, somehow, someone gets hold of an access token, they can only use it until it expires, hence why the short life of the tokens is actually very important. That's why you don't issue one token which never expires.
You have different type of OAuth. On type doesn't require to use the 'grant' authorization. It depend who are the user/application, the ressource owner and the server API.
This way, you - as a user - don't send the password to the application. The application will only use the grant token to gain access to your ressources.
I think this tuto is a pretty good thing if you want more details

OpenId Connect logout for stateless SSO

I am trying to implement OpenId Connect for SSO in one of my projects. However, I am a bit struggling with the case where I would like to validate OpenId JWT token on Resource Server side to make it stateless. If user tries to logout, authorization Server will know about the user logout (Accordingly OpenId Connect Session Management spec). But how should Authorization Server tell Resource Server that the user's token is not valid anymore? It is a case when user after log out out goes to Resource Server with his OpenId token and gets access. That is weird and I could not find any solution across Internet. Please help me to organize stateless security with central logout.
You can use Token Introspection endpoint to determine whether the access token passed is valid or not. The resource server can make a call to OP's introspection endpoint to validate the token before giving access to the resource. In order to effectively validate the token, the resource server should :
Be a registered client with OP and have Same / similar Scope as SPA app (Implicit flow app) to validate the scopes passed to it and
Have access to Introspection endpoint
The are more details in the above linked Spec for further understanding.
P.S. The answer that I wrote earlier has some other relevant references.
you can use jwt bearer flow, where you can pass ID token/Assertion token to OP in order to generate access token.

oAuth2.0 access token confusion

I am following this tutorial about OAuth2.0 https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication
It looks quite clear how OAuth2.0 works. But I have a bit confusion at the access token part.
After obtaining an access token for a user, your application can use
that token to submit authorized API requests on that user's behalf.
The API supports two ways to specify an access token: Specify the
access token as the value of the access_token query parameter:
if someone acquired this access token during the url transferring they can access this protected resource right?
How the server know if the request is coming from the client initially requested the access token?
after reading this post Are HTTPS headers encrypted? my confusion is cleared. I thought query string is not encrypted during transmission in the network.
Generally I think the consensus is that OAuth 2.0 is a server side technology and all access tokens and communication should be transmitted using SSL as the bearer tokens need to be kept as secure as possible.
Also, you need to know that there are 2 types of flows in OAuth 2.0
i) Implicit grant flow - This is the flow where the user logs in to the service provider and his browser gets the access token. Say you have X.com and Log in via Facebook. Once the user keys in his FB credentials, the access token is sent to his browser.
ii) Authorization Code flow - In this flow (consider the above situation again), facebook will pass an authorization code to the user's browser. If anyone, somehow, intercepts the authorization code there is nothing he can do. An authorization code can be exchanged for an access when passed with valid client credentials. So, when the user logs in, his browser gets an authorization code which is passed to your server at X.com. from there you would hit the code-token exchange endpoint provided by FB and get the access token returned to your server!
Authorization code flow adds another layer of security, where the access token is visible only to the client + server and not to the user agent. And as you figured out yourself, the token is passed via HTTPS.

OAuth2 pass authorization to another client

When implementing the OAuth2 protocol, is it possible to pass authorization to a second client, similar to proxy authentication in CAS?
The user is authenticates with a client web site, which has been granted authorization to access that user's account, that gives access (passing the token or whatever) to another client. Is that possible? Do I need to have the user authorize it separately? Can I pass a refresh token to the applet?
The access token returned from an OAuth dance is sometimes called a "bearer token", which belies the fact that whoever or whatever has it is considered authenticated and authorized to access resources. You can, for example, get an access token using the JavaScript flow and pass it up to a server to make requests. Or vice versa. Access tokens are access. So in that way, access is portable. But access tokens generally expire after some amount of time.
The refresh token on the other hand does not expire, but is generally tied to a callback URL. Exchanging a refresh token for an access token generally requires the callback request to be sent to a whitelisted set of URLs. So you can't generally pass a refresh token around effectively. (Note: That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful with it, it's still essentially a scoped password, and you definitely want to keep it private).

Why must we "change temporary credentials for token credentials" in OAuth?

Can't the server just "upgrade" the temporary credentials to token credentials and retain the same key and secret?
The client can then start doing authenticated calls right away after the recieving the callback from the server stating that the temporary credentials has been "upgraded".
Of cause if the temporary credentials have not be upgrade (i.e. client doesn't wait for callback) the authenticated call fails.
So the question is why make an extra call to the server after the callback to "exchange" temporary credentials for token credentials?
You could implement OAuth in that way, but as I understand it, separating Request Tokens from Access Tokens does provide an extra layer of security.
From the Beginner's Guide:
OAuth includes two kind of Tokens:
Request Token and Access Token. Each
Token has a very specific role in the
OAuth delegation workflow. While
mostly an artifact of how the OAuth
specification evolved, the two-Token
design offers some usability and
security features which made it
worthwhile to stay in the
specification. OAuth operates on two
channels: a front-channel which is
used to engage the User and request
authorization, and a back-channel used
by the Consumer to directly interact
with the Service Provider. By limiting
the Access Token to the back-channel,
the Token itself remains concealed
from the User. This allows the Access
Token to carry special meanings and to
have a larger size than the
front-channel Request Token which is
exposed to the User when requesting
authorization, and in some cases needs
to be manually entered (mobile device
or set-top box).
So, as I understand it, by limiting the Access Token to a channel directly between the consumer (your service) and the provider (the service you're gaining access to), you can obtain a secure Access Token (that is, one the attacker doesn't have) even if the user's machine or the user's network connection to your service is compromised. If the Request Token were simply upgraded, then anyone sniffing the user's network connection could easily obtain the Request/Access Token, which we'd prefer to keep secret since it can be used (with your consumer token, of course), potentially for a very long time, to access the user's data. A server-to-server connection is often more secure.
Also, as is pointed out above, this lets you have a much longer key in cases where the Request Token actually has to be typed out by the user (and so is probably very short).
