Rails button_to with multiple line text - ruby-on-rails

I'm writing a Rails application and I have button that I create as follows:
<%= button_to t('.upload_html'), ... %>
where the ... stand for the other options. So the button should have the text pointed to by .upload_html and it does. Now I want that text to have two lines. In the YAML file I had
upload_html: "turn off"
and now I want
upload_html: "turn<br>off"
with a line break inside the button label text. But this does not work. It displays the string literally including the HTML tag without linebreaking. What can I do to force the line break?
Thank you!!
Best, Patrick

did you try "turn<br>off".html_safe ?


How do I automatically direct the cursor in keyboard shortcuts for sublime text?

I work a lot with ruby on rails so naturally I code a lot in erb. Typing <%= %> is always a pain so I wrote a keyboard shortcut script for in Key Bindings. Here is my code:
{"keys": ["ctrl+shift+e"], "command": "insert_snippet","args": {"contents": "<%= %>"}}
This is okay however this simply creates <%= %> and the cursor ends up after the > sign. How do I make it so that it creates <%= %> and the cursor ends up in between <%= and %> so I can start typing right away?
Thank you guys in advance!
{"keys": ["ctrl+shift+e"], "command": "insert_snippet","args": {"contents": "<%="$0"%>"}}
As per the documentation provided here placing the $0 would make the cursor move to that position. I also suggest you create an autocomplete mentioned here in this page.

unwanted formatting / line breaks in emacs

I'm experiencing problems in Emacs when I edit web template code, i.e mixed php/html code or mixed ruby/html code. Emacs makes line breaks when it should not. The line breaks occurs when I enter a space somewhere on the line, very annoying...
How can I disable this behaviour?
Below is the kind of code I'm working with. If I would enter a space after one of the commas there, then Emacs will make a line break, sometimes multiple line breaks.
<% if #item.id %>
<b>Congratulations!The item was saved!
<%= button_to 'Preview the ad',#item,:method=>:get,:class => "btn add" %>
<% end %>
It looks like for some reason auto-fill-mode is active (which you can check by looking for "Fill" in your modeline). If this is the case, you should turn it off:
To save this process for further sessions, you can put in your .emacs (after where it loads the mode specific stuff):
(auto-fill-mode nil)
Another thing is that you could embrace this feature; it is often good to have a limit on the amount of code you want to have in your screen.
Use M-x set-fill-column RET to set the amount of characters allowed on a line before it automatically breaks the line.

How to get the same view output of text that i should enter in my text box?

i am typing some text in my textbox like below format....:-
(hi i am xyz.
i work in a company which is product based.
and i work as a software engineer.)
after typing above text however i am pressing submit i am getting the below result in my view:-
(hi i am xyz.i work in a company which is product based.and i work as a software engineer.)
I am not getting how to get the display same as i have written in the textbox.
I will be highly thankful if someone help me.
Try putting it inside a pre tag.
<pre><%= #variable_name %></pre>
Or try simple_format
<%= simple_format(#variable_name) %>
Look into the simple_format helper:
my_text = "Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break."
# => "<p>Here is some basic text...\n<br />...with a line break.</p>"
You can also add the option to warp it with specific tags or perform sanitization.

sublime text 2 ruby

I've been watching some Railscast episodes and it looks like he's using Sublime Text as his editor. How does he create new <% %> tags? I can tell he's using a shortcut but can't figure out what it is. Any help would be appreciated.
I really don't know what the "<% %> tags" are, but I imagine the presenter is using the ERB Insert and Toggle Commands add-on. The animated GIF on the project's description page shows such things being used.

Flexible image buttons in HAML

I'm working on a Rails application and using HAML for the views. I would like to use the "sliding doors" technique to create pretty buttons, which means I need to get HAML to generate something similar to the following HTML:
<span class="button">Button text</span>
I haven't been able to figure out how to do that from the HAML reference or Google. Could you help please? Many thanks in advance.
EDIT: To clarify, I need to use the link_to helper because I'm linking to a resource. When I try to pass a block into the method, I get an error: undefined method 'stringify keys'
= link_to invitation_path(invitation), :method=>:put, :class=>"button" do
This should be as simple as:
%a(href="#" class="button")
%span(class="button") Button text
Or if you especially want it on one line without any whitespace you can do:
%a(href="#" class="button")<
%span(class="button") Button text
