Domino 2D board game in XNA - xna

New to XNA. Would love to hear your input in how to set up my clases for my Domino game. So far, I have a "BonesSprite" class which has fields like first value, second value, orientation, position etc. I have code on the LoadContent method which creates a List for each bone as shown in the code below.
Background = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(#"Images\Wood");
//Load several different automated sprites into the list
fichasList.Add(new Ficha(Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(#"Images/46"),
10, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(150, 150), 0, 0, true, true));
This is what i have so far:
I still can't come up with:
How to deal 7 bones to each player (I have an empty Player class that i don't know how to fill yet)
How to place the 7 bonesprites on the board so that only player 1 can see his bones and not the other players'
How to click on one bone to play it on the board on the exact position right next to the other bone and in the correct orientation
How can I highlight a bone when i have the mouse over it
The game seemed so simple to me until I started designing the classes. Appreciate your help.

Just a few ideas for your consideration:
You can deal with (1) and (2) simply. Make a Player and Bone class. Add to the Bone a field "owner" so that you can assign a Player to it. You did not write whether it is going to be turn-based "hot seats" or network game, nevertheless you'll get the correct bones to display just by checking their correcponding "owners" in a loop.
These are basics of the object oriented programming, I suggest you to read more about these concepts before starting a game. It won't take much time but it will make your life easier.
(4) First think how to get a correct bone recognized when clicking.
As others suggested you should also split your questions, (1) and (2) can go together, others not.


How to add "Action Points" to Scenekit Game using Gameplaykit or something similar

This is a very common question, and I am not asking for technical details. What I am looking for is an approach or best practice guidance for the following situation:
Imagine a jump and run game entirely made with SceneKit. The game is played by controlling a character running to the right or left side, climbing up walls and jump over obstacles. (it is a 2½-D style game where the character always runs in one direction or it's opposite. Mainly on the x-Axis)
At certain "locations" (on the scene x-axis) I need to implement some specific actions, that should occur as soon as the main character walks, jumps or runs over that specific point.
What I have done so far, is adding simple invisible SCNPlanes with static physics bodies, with the bitmask configured to detect only the contact (no collision). In the physics handler (physics delegate) I can now fetch contact of the objects the character trespasses. Currently I have a large switch-statement to fetch the names of the "Action-Walls" as I call the planes through which the character walks. So, I can trigger whatever specific action that I want to happen at that location.
It is working this way, even quite good, but I wonder if there is a way to add some better "action points" using i.e. Gameplaykit, but I only find information about agents and behaviors or pathfinding.
What I am looking for is some static point, when trespassing it, an associated action happens.
I have no clue about the possibilities of Gameplaykit. Can anyone tell me an approach using Gameplaykit or whatever Apple has in its magic box of useful tools to make this better than using action walls of SCNPlanes and the physics handler?

Deflod rendering issue

I am going to make simple 2D game in Defold game engine and I am new in this area. My question is, I have 2 game objects every object has sprites in it. A sprite in the first game object must be background for sprites of second object. I have designed it well but when I run (or render, I don't know how to call properly) it sometimes sprites of second game object are invisible and some times everything is OK.
The same issue if I set main backgruon image for the game. Please share your experiences with me. Thanks beforehand.
You posted the same question on the official Defold forum so I'm going to replicate the answer you got there here on SO as well. The solution is to make sure that the depth of two game objects that overlap isn't the same. If two objects have the same depth and overlap you might sometimes see one in front of the other and sometimes vice versa. The default render script allows a z-range of -1 to 1 (you can use fractional z-values to get fine grained control), but you can copy it from builtins and increase the range if you want to. Something like -10 to 10 is usually a good enough value.

How can you make an object disappear in ROBLOX over a certain interval?

I'm making a game in ROBLOX, which has a cutscene in it at the start. At the end of the cutscene, the camera zooms up on the character and you spawn in. However, when I spawn in, I can see the dummy I used for the cutscene, so how after a certain interval can you make that dummy disappear?
Does the dummy just need to become invisible? If so, every physical object in ROBLOX (or more formally Part) has a .Transparency field that spans from 0 (for no transparency) to 1 (for full transparency, or in other words, invisible). I don't know what your "dummy" looks like in the object hierarchy, but let's say your dummy were a Model located at workspace.dummy, and that it has a head, torso, left arm, etc. located at workspace.dummy.Head, workspace.dummy.Torso, workspace.dummy.LeftArm, etc. To make the Parts of the dummy invisible, you would have code that looks like this:
workspace.dummy.Head.Transparency = 1
workspace.dummy.Torso.Transparency = 1
workspace.dummy.LeftArm.Transparency = 1
And so on. This, however, will make the dummy invisible to all players. If you are making a single-player game, this will not matter; however, if it is a multiplayer game, then this could be a problem. Making the dummy non-transparent again to do the cutscene for a new player would make the dummy visible to all players. If this is a problem for you, there are two things you could do that I know of:
The first and easiest way would be to just have the cutscene take place at a location very far away from where your game occurs; for example, you could shift everything in your cutscene 10,000 studs in the X direction. This would ensure the objects in the cutscene would be out of the render distance of the players playing the actual game, so only the players whose cameras are being manipulated to carry out the cutscene would see it.
The second, more complicated, and not future-proof option involves a very useful bug that is frequently taken advantage of but subject to being fixed at any time since it is not an official feature. This bug is the exploitation of a Camera (or less commonly a Message, which is deprecated) to create what are called local parts—Parts only visible to a certain player. How to create local parts and discussion of benefits and consequences of using local parts is a little complicated and beyond the scope of this answer. Go here if you'd like to learn more. Taken directly from the ROBLOX Wiki at the time of writing:
Local parts are in no way supported by Roblox. They exploit unspecified replication behaviour - at any given moment, the development team could release an update that changes how Camera and Message instances behave, preventing you from making local parts.

Split Screen 2 Player Local Multiplayer with SpriteKit

I want to make a 2 player mode, split screen style, like Tiny Wings HD did where each side of an iPad gets a flipped orientation screen of the current Level.
I wanted to also implement it on tvOS (without the flipped orientation) as I feel TV begs for this sort of gameplay as it's pretty classic to have this style of gameplay on TV (e.g. Mario Kart 64 or Goldeneye).
Over on the Apple Developer forum, someone suggested that it could be done as follows, but, there we're no other responses.
"You can have two views attached to the main window (add a subview in your viewcontroller). To both views you can present a copy of the scene. Then you can exchange game data between scenes via singletons."
I was looking for a more in-depth explanation as I don't exactly understand what the answer is saying.
I'd just like to be able to have two cameras both rendering the same scene but one focusing on player 1 and the other player 2.
Obviously this isn't a simple answer, so I don't expect a full in-depth tutorial.
Unfortunately I could find no info on this.
Has anyone tried this?
A sample project would be ideal or some documentation/links that might help.
I'm sure a demonstration of this would be valuable to quite a lot of people.
No Cameras involved or necessary
The players just look like they're moving along the x axis because the backgrounds are scrolling by. You can allow the players to move up & down on the y axis whether jumping, ducking, rolling or following a path like in Tiny Wings, but the player never leaves their x position. You can even have each half of the screen background scrolling at different speeds to represent that one player is moving faster than the other.
In your update method in you scene file you can scroll your backgrounds, and in your touches methods you can jump, duck etc the players
Instead of using an SKView to present an SKScene, you can use SKRenderer and MTKView. SKRenderer renders a scene into a Metal pipeline, which in turn can be presented by an MTView.
Crucially, you can decide if SKRenderer updates the scene, allowing you to render the same scene frame multiple times (possibly using different cameras).
So a pipeline might look like this:
Apple actually talk about this option in Choosing a SpriteKit Scene Renderer. There's also a section about using SKRenderer in Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit from WWDC17 which is quite helpful. This answer also shows how to use SKRenderer (albeit in Objective-C).

powerup in race game

I've got a problem: i need to add a powerup to a racegame, using collision detection.
so i drawed the powerup, but the problem is: It has to be drawn after every 5 rounds and it needs to be placed ramdomly on the track.
Someone with any good advice?
Thats a bit vague. So here is my best shot at an answer.
You would want to use the c# Random class, here are the docs
For a simple game, using rectangular collision should be all you need (I assume thats what you are using) - If you want to randomly generate the power-up position, you will want to create a new Vector2 (the powerups position) with the random generator.
You can use the Next function, to pass in a low, and high variable - which you would need to configure the the bounds you wish the powerup to appear.
My advice as a game designer on the other hand, tells me that randomly located power-ups aren't always the go. It makes it harder to control the games flow and balance, and can very easily result in a flawed final product.
So my advice is a hard coded set of possible weapon spawn points - using a random generator to pick one to place.
