How can I track referrals with Google Analytics SDK for iOS? - ios

Here I can se how to pass tracking values:
What I don't understand is how to pass referral info through the campaigns' links and how the app retrieves those parameters when I download the app.

As far as I can tell google analytics does not support referral tracking for iOS at this time. The Apple app store is sandboxed and there is no way to pass a url with referral parameters to the app store and then onto a downloaded iOS app. However, there are a couple sdks that do referral tracking via cookie tracking (Apsalar, MDotM, Flurry) and other sdks that do it via device identifiers (Mixpanel, hasOffers).


Firebase Analytics: Install Referrer: iOS app

Is there any way to get the app install referrer information via firebase for an iOS app.
Say there is a iOS app dynamic link with information about the source and campaign. And if the app is not installed, the link takes you to app store for installing the app.
After installing when opening the first time, is it possible to track the campaign source information via firebase.
Any help is appreciated.
Currently, due to Apple dropping the referrer's URL when the user is taken to Apple Store to install the app for the first time, Firebase Analytics can't report campaign event and attribute it to the source/campaign. Firebase Dynamic Links can probably solve that issue.
If users already install the app, and the URL opens the app directly with the link, then yes, Firebase Analytics can link to the source/campaign if the URL has utm_campaign or utm_source in the URL params.
Yes, according to the documentation, APP_FIRST_OPEN is one of the metrics measured in Dynamic Links. If you want to track different campaigns, the documentation says
You use Dynamic Links with your existing Google Analytics custom
campaigns and iTunes Connect App Analytics campaigns by specifying
campaign parameters when you create a Dynamic Link. When a user opens
a Dynamic Link with campaign parameters specified, the campaign
parameters are passed on to Google Analytics or the App Store.

iTunes Connect Does my Hybrid app Contain Encryption (Apple Export Compliance)?

Im about to release a hybrid app that i have built for iOS and want to know if it "contains encryption" from the point of view of apples export compliance.
Im using multiple UIWebView's to open certain URL's (https://linkName) and for authentication as well. The app does not have a REST API, just web views that load a web page based on the URL. I also use flurry and their iOS SDK for analytics.
Does this mean that it falls under the "Contains Encryption" for apple? Or is it ok to check no for this and submit to the app store.

Is it necessary to give Opt-In/Opt-Out UIAlertView for using Google Analytics in ios?

I am using Google Analytics in my ios App so is it necessary to show this(see Image) kind of Alert box to user so that he can opt out for sending data to analytics.
As we are sending data to 3rd party( Google), I just want to make sure we are not violating any Apple policies.
In sample purpose the google analytics show this message. In real time no need of this, in every 30 minutes the session automatically cleared. If you want to close the session in manually use optout for stop the tracking else part no need of this.
If you are use the analytics and submit the app in appstore , the apple does not reject your app. I used google anaytics in my apps. The app also availabe in app store

Registering and posting Facebook achievements from an iOS app

I have an existing iOS app on the App Store that includes Game Center achievements. Since it also has a working Facebook Connect implementation, I'd like to leverage the social channels available through the new Achievements Graph APIs with my apps.
I have created the corresponding achievement pages ready to be registered with Facebook as achievements for my app. From what I have read, since the app auth token has to be used to submit achievements and scores, I'm doing all of this on my server using some PHP scripts so I don't have to ship my secret key with my app binaries. I'm planning to have my iOS app call a script on my server when submitting achievements or scores.
I am using the same FB app that I use for the native iOS app. Obviously I want it to start generating stories and timeline events when the user unlocks achievements or reaches a new high score.
However I am running into a big stumbling block when trying to register the achievements for the FB app. I get the following error with the script that does the registration :
OAuthException: (#15) This method is not supported for native apps
I seem to be doing everything right, sending a POST to the /<appid>/achievements API with the URL for the achievements, etc.
In an effort to work around limitations on these API by Facebook, I have also enabled the existing mobile app to also be a "Website" and "App on Facebook" in the developer settings. To no avail.
So my question is... am I missing something to enable achievements that could be submitted from an iOS app through an intermediary server? I don't mind setting up canvas pages and so on if necessary, but I'd rather not have the users re-authenticate as a wholly separate app just so they can post achievements and scores to their Facebook stream.
What I'm trying to achieve is at most ask the user for additional permissions on the existing app on their devices, if necessary. It should be possible to invoke a script on my server that will push the achievements to Facebook when needed - but how ?
Is the only way to do this to use a separate FB app that is not set as a native mobile app at all, or can it be a combination native/Web app?
It means you've probably configured your application on Facebook's side as 'Native/Desktop' instead of 'web'.
In this configuration your app secret is untrusted because it's assumed you've shipped it with the client code - there's no reason your IOS app won't work in 'web' mode, so use that instead
(I'm assuming you haven't actually shipped your app secret in client code - if you have, it's a huge security problem unless your app is set to 'Native/Desktop')

Retrieve App Store ID in Native iOS Apps

In my apps I want to retrieve/read the App Store ID. is there an api or webservice via which I can get App Store ID given to my app? I am talking about Native iOS applications.
There isn't really an API to do it. But you can get it right off of the ITC website.
