YouTube - how to determine which ads are scheduled to play - youtube

Is there a way to determine which ads (and any information about those ads) are schedule to play, from any particular youtube request or URI?

No, afraid not. Since the ads are targeted (on request) by user as well as content, you wouldn't be able to get anything but targeting data for any channel not under sponsorship if Google gave access to the systems, anyway.


How to know when a user complete viewing a video with youtube api?

I currently working on a project where I send a youtube video id and show it to the user. And I want to know if there are a method to know when the video is completely viewed by the user. In my application's client, I send a response to the server when the view is completed, and I want to prevent receiving falsed data from untrusted user. And that's why I want to know if youtube api make a things like that. I have seen other similar topics, but I haven't found a safe way to secure communication between client and server for this problem.
Thank you.
From this SO post, it was mentioned that you can use onStateChange event to log that a user viewed a video. But the general idea here is about safety which I think is more important, from there I don't think you can do this as per the privacy of a user. You can understand more about YouTube Reporting and Analytics here.

Can I use YouTube API to enable YouTube Live Streaming?

I'm developing a YouTube live streaming related program. I know there're APIs to create/list/delete broadcasts and live streams. But all these are assuming that YouTube Live Streaming is already enabled on your account.
I tried to but failed to find any API with which I can use to enable YouTube live streaming on my account. Is there such an API?
As far as I can tell, there is not. As you can see here:, in order to create live events on youtube an account must be verified and in good standing.
If you are making the API requests using a YouTube account that fulfills these requirements you can use the YouTube Data API to create liveBroadcasts, otherwise you will likely receive an insufficientPermissions error. This error is detailed here:
One potential way you could tell if an account is able to create live events programmatically would be to call the channels.list() method, and return the status. The status of the channels will have status.longUploadStatus. Long uploads also require an account to be verified and in good standing, so if this value returns allowed you likely have the permissions to work with live events. More details of this can be found in the YouTube Data API documentation.
Let me know if you find information to the contrary.

YouTube API - advertisement on video

I've combed the youtube api documentation but still cannot find the answer to my question. I'm wondering whether there's a field/ or method in the youtube api, that will allow me to find out whether a specific video has an advertisement (or what type of advertisement) on it?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
In video resource, there's an item called "contentDetails.licensedContent", where you can find if the video is claimed by content owners (YouTube Partners), and that is one of the condition if ads will show up.
Important thing is that the type of ads would be determined on "runtime" and we can't get them through API beforehand.

Tracking subs referral

Is it possible using the current APIs to track where one's subscribers are subscribing from?
For example perhaps I want to see how many subscribers an annotation on a certain video (that any user uploaded) generated for my channel.
The closest thing to what you're describing is running a YouTube Analytics API report with
This will return the top ten videos that led to subscriptions to your channel. But I don't think that videos uploaded in third-party channels that have annotations prompting people to subscribe to your channel will show up on that list. My understanding is that only videos in your own channel will show up on the list, and it might be that only subscriptions made via the Subscribe link on the web page (not via an annotation) would trigger inclusion on that report.
Sorry that I don't have more specific details.

Downloading Videos from YouTube - Terms & Conditions

I am a bit confused about the YouTube API's term & conditions. If I create an app for users to download only their own videos. Is that against the terms and conditions?
I know downloading other people content is definitely prohibited, but is it the same for your own videos? Since user can go to their video manager and download their own videosm this would be only a short-cut?
Anyone knows can/cannot do this? I was thinking of using this library
Any guidance would be appreciated,
Seems like YouTube already allows you to do that, so I'd say it's legal:
Download your videos
You can’t download other people’s YouTube videos, but ...
You can download MP4 files of videos that you’ve uploaded to YouTube in either 720p or 360p, depending on the video size.
See Download videos that you've uploaded.
I don't think so the Terms of Service of Youtube or the Terms of Service of the API allows you to do so:
Excerpt of Youtube ToS (5. K):
you agree not to access Content or any reason other than your personal, non-commercial use solely as intended through and permitted by the normal functionality of the Service, and solely for Streaming. "Streaming" means a contemporaneous digital transmission of the material by YouTube via the Internet to a user operated Internet enabled device in such a manner that the data is intended for real-time viewing and not intended to be downloaded (either permanently or temporarily), copied, stored, or redistributed by the user.
Excerpt of the API ToS (II. 11):
store copies of YouTube audiovisual content;
Both, state in a very clear way that neither the user nor applications built using the API can "store" content, which is a very direct statement that disallows you from giving such an option in your app. Now, whether Youtube does give its users an interface to download their content or not is an argument out of sequence here as Youtube don't need to follow their own ToS, in other words, it's up to them to give their users such an option, but you can't give it to the users of your app.
I suppose you need a special permission from Youtube to give such an option in your app.
Yes. You can definitely download your own videos from YouTube as it is your own content so you have full rights to it as the creator of the videos.
