Reuse parts of a TFS build process template - tfs

TFS build flow is defined in TFS 2010's build template(which in fact is Windows Workflow Foundation file with *.xaml extension).
It was pretty convenient for dealing with single build definition in simple project, but in the near future we'll have more complicated project where we'll have many very different build definitions, but in the same time some of them will have some significant common parts in logic.
And there is no wish to have common logic replicated in each build template, and on the other hand having one super-smart-parametrizable build is considered as not the best idea.
Long story short, but the questions is:
is there any possibility to put common logic into another build template/or_whatever and reuse it?
If not - do you have some approaches/recommendation regarding such situation?
As K.Hoff mentioned, there is a possibility to create custom activities, but I want to go deeper and reuse not only activities but sequences as well(put simply, similarly to like Ant or NAnt do - include one file into another, call one sequences from another, etc).

I would recommend you to check whether it is possible to write code activity which executes workfow (.xaml file) with common build functionality. As a result such code activity could be put into several "master" build templates so it is possible to reuse common flow.
Here is an example how to dynamically load and execute workflow -

We have a similar situation, but since most of our build scenarios are similar (i.e. get->build->test->deploy) we have mostly solved it with one big definition and custom activities. But we also make use of the ExecuteWorkflow activity available from Community TFS Build Extensions.
This works well for "simple" scenarios, the reason we don't use this more extensively is because it's quite complicated to pass parameters between workflow executions. Here's a link to a problem I had with this (and further down the solution I found).

You can create custom code activities as explained here and reuse them in other build templates.
An other way is to implement good old msbuild scripts and put them in the msbuild execution activities to reuse them in many build process templates.
I can't find a quick way to reuse complete sequences, the only way we found is to write the acitvities as common as possible and inject parameters to get them run.
But I don't think it's a TFS problem it's a Workflow problem.


How to use TFS Build Process: LabelSources?

I'm attempting to modify my build process file for TFS 2010. I have a flag that is set when queuing the build, and when said flag is set, I want to create a Label, and add all the source files in the compiled project to that label.
On sequential builds, with the flag set, I than want to replace older source files in said label with anything new in the changeset being compiled.
I've been attempting to do this with LabelSources with no luck, and there is but vary poor documentation on either LabelSources or LabelWorkspace (whats the difference?).
Here's what I currently have:
Comment="Published to Container"
DisplayName="Create Container Label"
Name="[String.Format("{0}-{1}", LabelName, Version_Container)]"
mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces"
Version="T" />
It definitely hits the action, but no labels can be found after the fact.
Any help would be much appreciated. and Any tangible documentation, other than Class Documentation with sparse definitions would also be greatly appreciated
Edit 1: Tried to clear up my goal.
What you are trying to do is built into the existing template. There should be an option in the process definition that refers to Clean Sources which will be set to True.
This option controls wither the build sources get cleaned, deleted and start afresh. Or if a differential is done.
If you have a lot of source code you can set clean sources to false and save a bunch of time getting the code.
You can also speed the build by placing a TFS Proxy on the build box which will cache the files and make a clean build quicker.
In my experience, Most of the built-in activities are poorly-documented for a reason - their only well-tested use case is their use inside TFS' built-in templates (DefaultTemplate.11.0.xaml, etc.). I'm afraid you're going to have to write some custom code, in the form of a custom activity, powershell script or something, to achieve other goals.
That said, I don't really understand the process you're trying to set up. Do you just want to have a label set as your latest-successfully-built sources? Why not use the one created automatically by the build itself?

Parameterized Build - Multiple "instances" of a single parametrized job (a template) AKA fixed parametrized build

Long story short,
I was wondering if anyone ever felt the need for (and knows of any implementation of) the possibility of "instantiating" (OO terminology) a parametrized build.
What I mean is treating a parametrized build as a template, from which many "instances" can be generated.
Each instance is supposed to define a different combination of values for the parameters.
The final goal is twofold:
DRY (which is given simply by the parametrized build concept)
having separate build histories / test reports for each instance (otherwise it would be a mess)
the instances would be schedulable directly in jenkins UI (while a parametrized build is not)
The template would then be used only for:
manual builds
changing the config for all of the instances at once
Now, time for some context, as I may be missing something in my overall approach.
You are welcome to point me in the right direction :)
I have a maven project with a suite of selenium tests that I want jenkins to run.
The suite is parametrized: browser, OS, test environment.
So, I can run it e.g. with mvn test -Dbrowser=chrome -Dplatform=win [..].
I want a separate test report for each combination of my parameters.
As a newbie, my first solution was "Copy existing job".
Quick and dirty. But effective.
As you will know, problems arise when you need to make a change to the configuration of the job, and you want to keep in sync all of these copy&pasted jobs.
Then I found the parametrized build feature.
It's very cool (code reuse/maintainability++), but the test report and the build history is shared among all of the actual builds, therefore I can not rely on them for a tidy reporting like "this test is always failing on IE; but it isn't on chrome", and so on.
Thank you very much in advance
I think what you are describing is the matrix project
There are also selenium plugins, I put one together to work with matrix jobs
One lack I can see: you can't build a single combination, as the build btn is present only at the "top level".
Have you tried the Matrix Combination plugin

TFS - multiple build controllers for a single collection

Can anyone give me a definitive answer as to whether or not TFS 2012 allows multiple build controllers for a single collection? I can't seem to find anything that says no, but it also isn't well explained as to if it is possible. I understand that the typical solution is to expand by adding more agents, but the purpose for a secondary controller is that I want to roll out a second custom workflow with separate assemblies to run against the same collection without breaking our original workflow (which is also run using custom assemblies). So this is sort of a blue/green or drain/fill approach for testing new build steps on a live system without breaking the existing system. It appears to almost work but we've also seen some TFS connectivity issues (connection terminations) when fetching code for the build workspace which did not exist before we tried this.
Looks like it is definitely possible. Check the MSDN link and look at the topic "Multiple Build Server system". In the picture it show a single collection which is connected to multiple build controllers. Definitely possible.
The video below also give you a step by step process on how to do it.
I know it is definitely possible in TFS 2010, so I can't imagine it wouldn't be in 2012. We haven dozen of build controllers (with a few build agents each), for a variety of reasons - building different products, with different tools, in different geographical locations.

Copy files from one TFS projects collection to another

What would be a reliable way to copy some files from a project within TFS projects collection A to another project within TFS projects collection B regularly. The latest from source is to be taken and check into the destination, overriding conflicts (if any). I have automated Team Foundation Build and can add a script or step within it. I would prefer this to be a part of automated build but it would also be fine if I had to run it nightly at a fixed time. I just need a reliable and automated way to do it.
You may want to investigate the Team Foundation Server Integration Tools, which allow you to set up synchronization between two TFS servers. You can set up either bidirectional synchronization or unidirectional synchronization between two servers - in your case, it sounds like you want unidirectional synchronization between collection A and collection B.
We've been using the bidirectional synchronization for about a month now and have been very pleased with it.
I think that you might want to reconsider that course of action. The boundary between TPCs is meant to be a strong one: they are supposed to be two sandboxes. What would be your reason to port source code (I'm assuming that this what you mean), from one sandbox to another?
If what you really need is the outputs (say you are building a component in one TPC and need to use it in another), then perhaps what you really want to do is to arrange for the project that builds the component to deposit the output (binaries, for example) in an accessible network drop location, and have the consumers (the second TPC's developers and automated builds) copy those and add them as references where needed.
This way you do not risk as many conflicts in the code, and actually promote better reusability.
Hope this helps,

Working with MSBuild and TFS

I'm trying to work with MSBuild and TFS.
I've managed to create my own MSBuild script, that works great from the command-line. The script works with csproj files, and compiles, obfuscate, sign and copies everything that's needed.
However, looking at the documentation of TFS & Team Build, it appears that it expect solutions as the "input" for the script.
Also, I haven't found an easy/intuitive way of performing a "Get Latest Version" from the TFS as part of the script. I'm assuming that the Team Build automatically do a "Get Latest" on the solutions it's suppose to compile, but again - I don't (want to) work with solutions...
Any insights? any pointers? any links?
Team Build defines about 25 targets of its own. When you queue a Team Build, they are automatically run for you in the predefined order listed # MSDN. Don't modify this process. Instead, simply set a couple of these properties that determine how the tasks behave. For example, set <IncrementalGet> to "true" if you want ordinary Get behavior, or "false" if you want something closer to tf get /force.
As far as running your own MSBuild script, again this shouldn't be necessary. Start with the TFSBuild.proj file that's provided for you. It should only require minimal modifications to do everything you describe. Call your obfuscation & signing code by overriding a task like AfterCompile or AfterTest. Put your auto-deploy code in AfterDropBuild. Etc.
Even really complex scenarios are possible if you refactor appropriately. See past answers #1 #2.
As far as the actual compile, you're right that Team Build operates on solutions. I recommend giving it what it wants. I'll be the first to admit that *.sln files are ugly and largely undocumented, but at least you're offloading the work to a well tested & supported product.
If you really wanted to, you could give it a blank/dummy solution and override the CoreCompile task with your custom compiler logic. But this is really asking for trouble. At bare minimum, you lose all of Team Build's flexibility WRT building multiple platforms and flavors. More practically, you're bound to spend a lot of time debugging something that's designed to "just work" -- and there are no good MSBuild debuggers yet (that I know of). Not worth it, IMO.
BTW, the solution files do not affect the Get process. As you can see in the 1st link, the Get is done very early on, long before Team Build even reads the solution file(s). Apart from a few options like <IncrementalGet>, this is not controlled from MSBuild at all -- in particular, the paths to be downloaded are determined by the workspace mappings associated with the build definition. I.e., they are stored in the Team Build SQL database, not the filesystem, and managed with tools (like Team Explorer) that call the TFS webservice API.
