Best hosting for Ruby on Rails (as of 2012) [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was wondering what people think is currently the best host for Ruby on Rails. I found some older posts on here on the subject but I wanted to know what the current agreement is. Shared hosting is ok for now but I would like an option from dedicated hosting later.

Even though some will complain, Heroku is still the best in my mind. Super easy to set up, super easy to scale. You can deploy to Heroku in all of 2 minutes. Best of all, it's free with basic usage.
Another thing I like about Heroku is that it has an unparalleled community using it, which means a lot of support on StackOverflow (
If you need to know what ratio of web/worker dynos you'd need, look here:
Heroku: web dyno vs. worker dyno? How many/what ratio do I need?
Although keep this in mind: it will be a while until you need to scale. As 37signals says, deal with scaling when you have that problem.
If you're looking for more flexibility, Amazon EC2 is always a good option. You pay only for what you use, which is always nice.
Linode is still decent, and fairly cheap too.

I think the best choice is AWS or Heroku

It all depends on what you are building and how you are building it. If you app is pretty straight forward rails app and you are not doing anything special on the system level (lets say working with transcribing video in a way that heroku add-ons would support it) than heroku is probably one of the fastest way to get started an move along. If you are are building something on the system level where you app needs to have access to anything on the system you probably better off going with linode or AWS route, It also depends alot about the level of control/responsibility your are looking for.
THere is also survey being done right now about this very topic, they havent published the 2012 results but 2009 are available:


Is the Rails for Zombies course usefull? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is the Rails for Zombies course on CodeSchool useful?
I am thinking weather it is worth my time, taking it and if it really provides useful resources?
I haven't done any other CodeSchool courses till now. What do you think about the platform? Is it worth paying for other payed courses?
Are there any high quality free online web development courses?
It's meant just to get you excited with the awesome Rails features :)
It will give you the very basics of Ruby and Rails and nothing more.
Actually the framework is much more complicated and time consuming. If you really would like to work with it, that course might be a showcase of some of it's best features.
Anyway it's worth checking it out if you are Ruby or Rails beginner.
The best thing about the current ruby/rails eco-system is there are a multitude of learning resource options out there, and it should't be too hard for anyone to find the ones suited to their needs/aptitude/...
Try out the Rails For Zombies course and a few other CodeSchool courses for free, and decide for yourself if you like them, and want to go for the paid courses.
I am partial to Ruby on Rails Tutorial as the best free resource to learn web development with Rails. The book available for free online. It provides the best introduction to all the concepts & tools involved while working with ruby/rails to build web applications.
RailsCasts - both the free version & the premium version - would be my next recommendation in building up skills.
Take a look at the answers for Best online (free) resources for learning Ruby on Rails? to learn about more alternatives, and pick what works for you.
Quite a few people in the ruby community rave about Why's poignant guide to ruby as one of the best resources to learn ruby, but it didn't work for me. After spending a little time on it, I moved on to Learn to program which turned out to be a perfect fit for my style :-)

Which web development framework is the right one for me? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a college student trying to make a web community with friends. Although we are not experienced developers by any means, we have taken courses on JAVA and some web programming languages (PHP, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, HTML).
At this point, we need to decide on a web framework and begin learning. I have narrowed down my list to Ruby on Rails and Codeigniter, but I am really not sure why I should pick one over the other.
Thanks in advance.
Pick the one you want to learn and go with it.
I will personally recommend Rails because:
it teaches you a lot of best practices if you do things the Rails Way™
Ruby is a fun, easy-to-learn, expressive language
the community is really big, enthusiastic, and very helpful
there's great books and tutorials available all over the internet
There is nothing like the good framework. It highly depends on, in no particular order :
your skills
your tastes (Yes, it does matter a lot)
your willingness to learn
technical constraints. Your hosting company may support only Ruby or only PHP
I personally had the occasion to develop with CodeIgniter and I pretty much enjoyed it. It is light, well documented and leaves you with a lot of freedom.
I also have a good friend for whom Ruby On Rails is the only framework deserving the name of "framework".
If your project is ambitious, a good idea to make your point could be to make a trivial application like a TODO list with both framework and then pick the one that fits your need.
Hope this helps.
If there is no time constraint (as you need to learn both ruby lang and rails framework) and want to know the best practices, i would recommend RubyonRails.
If you have time constraint, then go ahead with Codeigniter. It is easy to learn and well documented.

GWT, RoRails or Grails for a "Social Network" [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Am thinking about building a social networking site,that can function more like an application then a site,thus giving it better performance and user interface.
what am stuck up with here is which would be the best framework to try this out?
GWT-i have some experience(about 2 years) with Java and it looks easy but the forum appears dead.
Ruby on Rails- i visited the website today,went through a few tutorials and it looks easy to learn,but i never programmed on this 1 before.
Grails - i have heard that this is a very god framework and based on java,but i've never personally tried it.
What would you think would be the right choice?
it would be cool if you consider factors like performance,scalability and the widgets already available.I don't really care about the development time...i've got more than 2months!
Especially with a Java background, Grails would be a good choice. Grails is built on top of Spring and Hibernate, but makes using them much easier. No painful editing of XML config files.
Although, I'd make sure you evaluate using Ning and the existing open source projects before you bother building another one from scratch.
I'm not sure what you mean by "more like an application then a site". If what you mean is give the app a desktop application feel, then I think GWT fits more. Though if you want to have something really fast, (half the development time that you'd use to develop it in GWT), then I'd recommend rails. I haven't tried Grails before but it seems neat.
The best for you to use is ruby on rails if it about performance,scalability and the widgets
then you have no problem at all. It also has lots of gems/plugins that can help you so much
Read this book Grails in action.
It shows you how to make a social networking site using grails.
It uses an old version of Grails but you can adapt it.

What are the WordPress alternatives for Ruby on Rails? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are the WordPress alternatives for Ruby on Rails? How do they compare to WordPress?
Refinery looks really simple but I don't have an in depth comparison to WordPress. Looks like it has a lot less features but likely easier to maintain and extend upon. It's pretty standard to write really crappy code in the WordPress community.
I've been using WordPress more or less against my will for about two four years now (since I started using other frameworks (I've started to really love WP again)). I think there is no "good Rails alternative". Of course there are a lot of blog engines but none have as many plugins available or are as well known with clients. Let's be honest, WP has a fantastic front-end, clients seem to like that. The reason "we developers" look for Rails alternatives is obviously because Rails developer aren't comfortable with WP. But there's no platform out there that has the same out-of-the-box completeness and user friendliness as WP. For blog-like purposes that is of course.
Publify can be a answer, but I'm not able to compare with WordPress.
You may want to look into Wordscript ; it includes API's written in Ruby and PHP that connects to existing WordPress databases and returns json structures (made from generated SQL).
Useful if you want to keep full administrative features of WordPress, and have a somewhat simple WordPress site. Neither version requires WordPress to be installed locally, but you can't really do anything administrative with the api or comments/custom fields (yet). Also the API is much faster and consumes a fraction of the resources WordPress would.

Ruby on Rails 3 best practices example open source application [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Please advice me some really great Ruby on Rails 3 application which i can use like example of best practices in Rails 3. The idea is i want to have the app on my hdd which i can use like reference when i have any questions how to implement some feature. It could be any blog engine, or app like Redmine does not matter but it should have almost all elements/functionality which is used to have any web application. And it should be done by using best practices from Ruby and Rails 3 point of view.
There are definitely many apps on github to learn from. However a lot of solutions are very unique for particular contexts and everyone is always at some stage in their learning. Even in the best apps you should be able to find plenty to disagree with.
Here's a list of a few notable ones.
This is, strong community effort, has a lot of neat practices:
This project isn't necessarily best practices, but it's so loud and has so many people involved in working out all kinds of initially-written crap, that it may shape into something interesting:
This is a popular e-commerce rails app for you to build upon. Haven't read the code, but again, it's pretty popular, which means, well supported by community:
For more check out awesome github's explore page:
P.S. Bucketwise is a Rails2 app created by Jamis Buck (of 37signals and Rails core). It's still worth watching even if you're looking for Rails 3 insights.
I like the Getting Started with Rails guides. They're not really a complete app, but they are good examples of how things should be done and should be current.
You can also search on Github for Rails apps. The source code should be viewable, and if you have an account you can watch the various projects and see what's new.
Opinions of "best practices" vary widely. I would just read a ton of rails 3 code on github, and then read a ton more! By reading code, you will learn what is common in the rails world and develop your own best practices.
rails3-devise-mongoid is a good one
as is ror_ecommerce
