Devise not respecting config.email_regexp - ruby-on-rails

I wanted to change the regex that defines valid emails in my application. I am trying to do this in config/initializers/devise.rb. To check whether the regex was working I tried to start with something easy like
config.email_regexp = /\d+/
when that didn't work, I thought maybe my knowledge of ruby's regex sytax was off and tried what I thought was a super simple regex
config.email_regexp = /a/
While changing the following DOES have an impact on the passwords allowed, the previous two lines seem to have no effect.
config.password_length = 2..128
What else should I do in order to modify the regex validating emails? (after I made each of these modifications I restarted the server to make sure the changes were picked up.)

You realize what those regex's match right?
/\d+/ matches one or more digits, and /a/ matches a single 'a'. This would make just about every email address invalid, no?
Check out this site to test your regexes and see if that helps:

I had a similar issue, this time when setting the email_regexp to a constant defined elsewhere. I reported it at with some failing/passing test case comparisons to try and nail it down.


How do I fix: ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8?

I am getting this type of error in the logs :
Parameters: {"id"=>"4", "step"=>{"documents_attributes"=>{"0"=>
def update
#step = Step.find_by(id: params[:id])
if #step.update(steps_params)
render :json => #step
render :json => { :responseStatus => 402,
:responseMessage => #step.errors.full_messages.first}
During update, it rollbacks without giving any error (not execute else condition)
ArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in UTF-8):
(0.2ms) ROLLBACK
How can I fix or handle this type of request?
Your question is how to handle this type of request or error. So here is my suggestion of a general strategy.
First, do your homework. You could easily find this past question, for example. If you have tried the way already but found it did not work, you should have described what you did and what did not work in your question.
Now, I am assuming you can reproduce the case or at least you can expect you will encounter the same problem in near future (or you can wait till then) so you will have a more chance to pin down the problem next time. If you know what parameters caused the error, I guess you can reproduce the case in your development environment. However, if not, it is more tricky to pin down — it heavily depends how much information about the error and input you have and what development environment you can use, and my answer does not cover the case.
The first objective should be to pin down which command (method) exactly in your code caused an error. Did it happen just inside Rails or did your DB raise an error?
In your specific case, did it occur at Step.find_by or #step.update or else? What is steps_params? It seems like a method you have defined. Are you sure steps_params is working as expected? (You may be sure, but we don't know…)
A convenient way to find it out is simply to insert logger.debug (or logger.error) etc before and after each sentence. In doing it, it is recommended to split a sentence into smaller units in some cases. For example, steps_params and update() should be separated, such as (in the simplest case),
logger.debug 'Before steps_params'
res_steps_params = steps_params
logger.debug 'Before update'
res_update = #step.update(res_steps_params)
logger.debug 'Before if'
if res_update
# ……
Obviously you can (and perhaps should) log more detailed information, such as, res_steps_params.inspect, and you may also enclose a part with a begin-rescue clause so that you can get the detailed infromation about the exception and log it. Also, I can recommend to split update into 2 parts – substitutions and save – to find out exactly what action and parameter cause a problem.
Once you have worked out which of DB or Rails or something before (like HTTP-server or Client-browser) is to blame and which parameter causes a problem, then you can proceed to the next stage. The error message suggests it is a character-encoding issue. Is the character encoding of a string invalid (as a UTF-8), or wrongly recognised by Rails (which might be not a fault of Rails but of the client), or not recognised correctly by the DB?
Wherever the problem lies, it is usually (though not always!) possible to fix or circumvent character-encoding problems with Ruby (Rails). The Ruby methods of String#encode, String#encoding, and String#force_encoding would be useful to diagnose and perhaps fix the problem.
As an added note, it can be useful, if possible in your environment, to browse the logfile of your DB (PostgreSQL?) to find out which query passed from Rails to the DB caused a problem (if a query was indeed passed to them!). Alternatively, Rails Gem SQL Query Tracker might be handy to know what queries your Rails app create (though I have never used it and so can't tell much.)
At the end of the day, when a code misbehaves mysteriously, I am afraid only the sure way to solve is to narrow down the problematic clause or parameter step by step. Good luck!

How to test a random uniq values with rspec

I have this code:
def self.generate_random_uniq_code
code = sprintf("%06d", SecureRandom.random_number(999999))
code = self.generate_random_uniq_code if self.where(code: code).count > 0
The goal is create random codes for a new register, the code can't exist already in the registers
I'm trying test this way, but when I mock the SecureRandom it always return the same value:
it "code is unique" do
old_code =
old_code.code = 111111
new_code =
expect(SecureRandom).to receive(:random_number) {old_code.code}
new_code.code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
expect(new_code.code).to_not eq old_code.code
I was trying to find if there is a way to enable and disable the mock behavior, but I could not find it, I'm not sure I'm doing the test the right way, the code seems no work fine to me.
Any help is welcome, thanks!
Generally, unless you are actually testing a PRNG that you wrote, you're probably testing the wrong behavior. Consider what behavior you're actually trying to test, and examine your alternatives. In addition, a six-digit number doesn't really have enough of a key space to ensure real randomness for most purposes, so you may want to consider something more robust.
Some Alternatives
One should always test behavior, rather than implementation. Here are some alternatives to consider:
Use a UUID instead of a six-digit number. The UUID is statistically less likely to encounter collisions than your current solution.
Enforce uniqueness in your database column by adjusting the schema.
Using a Rails uniqueness validator in your model.
Use FactoryGirl sequences or lambdas to return values for your test.
Fix Your Spec
If you really insist on testing this piece of code, you should at least use the correct expectations. For example:
# This won't do anything useful, if it even runs.
expect(new_code.code).to_not old_code.code
Instead, you should check for equality, with something like this:
old_code = 111111
new_code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
new_code.should_not eq old_code
Your code may be broken in other ways (e.g. the code variable in your method doesn't seem to be an instance or class variable) so I won't guarantee that the above will work, but it should at least point you in the right direction.

Regex retrieved from a MYSQL database to validate email addresses using Ruby on Rails

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and a MYSQL database. I would like to retrieve a regex from the database and then use that value to validate email addresses.
I aim to not put the regex value in line in my RoR application code, but outside so that the value can be recalled for other usages and from other places.
In order to populate the database, I put in my 'RAILS_ROOT/db/seed.rb' the following:
:param_name => 'email_regex',
:param_value => "[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?",
Notice: in the 'seed.rb' file I edited a little bit the original regex from adding two \ just before $. Here it is the difference:
#original from
#edited by me
After run rake db:seed in the Terminal, in MYSQL database I have this value (without \ near $):
Then in my RoR application I use the regex this way:
def validate(string)
email_regex ='email_regex').param_value)
if email_regex.match(string)
return true
return false
The problem using the above regex is that I can successfully validate also email addresses with double '#' or without the final part like these: # Note the double '#'
Of course I would like to refuse those email addresses. So, how can I adjust that? Or, how can I get what I want?
I tried also to seed these regex:
#case 1
#case 2
#case 3
that in the MYSQL database become respectively:
#case 1
#case 2
#case 3
but also them don't work as expected.
Debugging I have
--- !ruby/regexp /[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?/
that means that just before of all / characters Ruby added a \ character. Can be that my problem? In the 'seed.rb' file I tryed to escape all / adding \ statements but the debug output is always the same.
There are so many things wrong on so many levels here…
Storing application configuration in your database isn't recommended; slower performance, potential catch 22s (like how do you configure your database, from your database), etc. Try something like SettingsLogic if you don't want to have to build your own singleton configuration or use an initializer.
Rails has built in validation functionality as a mixin that's automatically part of any models inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base. You should use it, rather than define your own validation routines, especially for basic cases like this.
You can actually have an email address with multiple # signs, provided the first is escaped with a backslash or the local portion of the address is quoted.
Why are you escaping $ characters in a character class where they have no special meaning?
Regular expressions are okay for a very basic validation of an email address to make sure you didn't get complete garbage data to pass off to your mail server, but they aren't the best way to verify an email address.
I suggest you have a good look at the validations guide at
You shouldn't reinvent this wheel. See for a standard way to validate email addresses in Rails 3.
If you do choose to reinvent the wheel, don't use a regular expression. The gory details of why this is a bad idea are explained in, along with a very, very complicated regular expression that almost does it.

validation of special characters

I want to validate login name with special characters !##S%^*()+_-?/<>:"';. space using regular expression in ruby on rails. These special characters should not be acceptable. What is the code for that?
validates_format_of :username, :with => /^[A-Za-z0-9.&]*\z/
will work
You've received regexps in this thread that answer your specific question. You're doing a black-list approach (blocking the characters you don't want) but is this really what's best? I see you didn't cover & or ~, and there are many other special characters that are likely still missing.
If you're trying to block special characters, I'd suggest a white-list approach, as per pablorc's regexp suggestion. It's far more broad and lists only what you want to allow....non-special characters: only words, underscore and numbers.
I've gone ahead and created a method for you that does a white-list approach using this regexp.
def valid_login?(str)
return true if (/^\w*$/.match(str))
return false
This method, valid_login?, returns true only if the string contains letters, numbers, or underscore, so all of your special characters (plus any other you've left out that do not meet these requirements), are safely detected.
> valid_login?("testy")
> valid_login?("a b")
> valid_login?("a'")
Well I don't know rails but this is what the regex would look like in every other language I know:
^[^!##\$%\^\*\(\)\+_\-\?/\<\>:"';\. ]$
The regex /^\w*$/ allows to use only letters, numbers, and a underscore.
Also, you have a cheatsheet and a live ruby regexp editor on
First off, I would recommend using a gem for login, like authlogic.
The gem can be configured to validate the email address. You also get the benefit of not having to worry about authenticating your users, etc.
Very easy gem to work with too.
validates_format_of :username, :with => /^[^!##S%\^\*()\+_-\?\/<>:\"';]+$/

Rails.cache.fetch, Symbols, & Memcached

I have a rails 2.3.4 app and a line that looks like:
temp = Rails.cache.fetch(:temp_id) { User.find_by_name('Temp').id }
and everything worked fine, until I decided to switch the caching layer to memcached by adding the following to my environment.rb:
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
Now the line which used to work fine gives me the following error:
undefined method 'length' for :temp_id:Symbol
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.4/lib/active_support/vendor/memcache-client-1.7.4/memcache.rb:645:in 'get_server_for_key'
I understand the error, but I would imagine this common case would have been quickly discovered by a rails test case, so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. Otherwise, I'm sure I can monkeypatch this issue to convert the symbol to a string.
Just use string keys if you can. All the documentation examples use string keys. Although it's not explicitly mentioned as far as I can see, other keys are not supported.
The key arguments are passed directly to the cache implementation, so the different caching flavours may disagree on whether or not they accept anything other than strings.
Because the caches are external with the exception of in-memory cache, I'm not sure that supporting symbols would be useful apart from preventing cases like yours. The key will actually be written to some output somewhere (it's not just internal to your Ruby app), so conceptually the key should be a string.
Edit in reaction to comment: yes, it is of course possible and perfectly reasonable in this case to create a monkey patch to circumvent having to change all calls. What you're suggesting is this (copied into the answer for readability):
class MemCache
def get_server_for_key_with_symbols(key, options = {})
key = key.to_s if key.is_a? Symbol
get_server_for_key_without_symbols(key, options)
alias_method_chain :get_server_for_key, :symbols
I would also consider just doing a project wide search-and-replace for \.fetch(:\w+) and replace it with \.fetch("$1") (repeat for read and write if necessary). This should probably cover 95% of all cases and a subsequent run of your test suite should catch the rest of the errors.
In general: While the documentation of Rails is pretty good these days, a lot of assumptions are unfortunately still implicit. It's generally a good idea to take a good look at the examples that are given in the documentation, and use the same style. The documented examples are always how the framework was intended to be used.
FWIW, it's canonically and Rails.cache.write.
