Apotomo alternative - ruby-on-rails

The information on the home page of the project I'm working has been piling up that now we are looking for something to create a dashboard-like interface.
That's how I found Apotomo, but I'm wondering what would be some alternatives worth looking into.
So far, I've looked through the Rails Presenters on ruby-toolbox.
Thankful for any suggestions to speed-up the development.

ActiveAdmin has a nice dashboard, might be worth checking out. Here it is on their demo and the commented code


What is the best multilingual library for apphooks in django-cms?

I am looking for the best solution to solve the problem of multilingual webpage with django-cms. Django-cms has build in multilangs and is working cool. Now I prepare my own app. I am going to connect this app with django-cms by apphook. I need some clever idea for puting langs into my app. The best solution is to have the same tabs with langs in my app, like is in django-cms page. I love this cms's solution but I haven't got idea how to do this. Have you got any ideas?
Ok, I see that I have minus one point for my question, I don't understand why. I did a lot of research. I was trying transmeta, is not what I was expected, django-multilingual error:
multilingual/templatetags/multilingual_tags.py in reorder_translation_formset_by_language_id, line 82
multilingual-ng is not supported.
In djangopackages.com I found a lot of libs, I am think about this django-modeltranslation but still I am looking the best solution that is the most similar to django-cms - this tabs looks very cool. If anybody could help me, if you could give me some suggestions I will be glad. Thanks.
Very strong ties to django CMS so it's very likely to work, and continue working.

authentication page in rails?

I have tried few examples in rails and it went wrong in some way. Finally i looked at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise_example.git , which works correctly but i find it difficult to understand how it works or the process of getting it done. So if someone can help me by explaining the steps involved in the same example if possible or the other, i can understand it. Thanks.
You might want to watch the RailsCasts episode on Devise: http://railscasts.com/episodes/209-introducing-devise

Rails plugin to separate markup and logic, like Wicket or Effigy

I need a Rails plugin that gives you the chance to purely separate HTML and any logic in your views. Views should be classes reading the separate markup and replacing it with dynamic content where needed.
Basically Effigy from github does this.
I am looking for something like Wicket, but on the Rails base.
I can remember seeing a plugin from a Rails enterprise that does this. In my memory, it was better and seemed more mature than Effigy. But I forgot its name. It was something like "luxurious" or "delicious"; does anyone know what I am talking about? The plugin was created in a US Rails enterprise.
Any other alternatives would be much appreciated.
I feel that Effigy is almost OK, but it's hard to find tutorials or people using it properly, so I question its the maturity.
Well, if nothing comes up, I will go ahead with Effigy for now.
All right guys, I think I finally found what I was talking about.
The plugin is called "Erector"
The thing that I like about it, is that views are finally plain ruby objects and you can do everything you can usually do in ruby. I found couple of blogposts:
Why I always liked this idea you can easily see in this blogpost
I want to thank the creators for this.

Solution for comments for a Rails application

I'm introducing comments into a Rails application, and, being exceptionally lazy, I'm looking for a plugin to do it for me. I came across acts-as-commentable, but I didn't find much else. Acts-as-commentable seems fine, but it doesn't have support for threading.
Of course, it wouldn't be too hard just to home-brew the entire thing, but I think that surely commenting is such a common feature that there should be a canonical plugin to handle it. Can somebody with perhaps more Google Fu than me point me in the right direction?
This is acts_as_commentable_with_threading plugin which help you for threaded comment.
The most lazy approach would be to use third-party commenting system like DISQUS : just copypaste a couple of javascripts and you're done.
Surely, it can't be used if your app has an authentication system of its own.
If you do not want to integrate a third-party service like Disqus, you have Juvia The Comments and Commontator. Also you can count with opinio as alternative. but only with Rails 3 and at the moment and as notice the development seems stalled.

Designing Web Sites with Ruby on Rails

I'm just learning Ruby on Rails. I've read a few books, I've watched lots of Railscasts, I've looked at some examples.
However, when working on my first serious project with Rails, I've gotten hung up on how to properly implement some very basic web site features that most tutorials I've seen lack.
For instance: Navigation menus. Lots of tutorials on how to make a static one, but what about dynamic? If I want to make a navigation bar that's different across pages, how would I go about doing that?
I think that the best way to learn things like this is by seeing example code. Are there any good open sourced sites in RoR? Any example code that I can check out?
I guess my question really results to using MVC. The basic idea is really basic, and I understand that. But it seems that most applications have each part completely separate from each other... what if I want to, say, combine data from two models to display on the same page? To take the example I posed, if I have a NavModel and a PageModel, can my PageController access both models? I guess I'd assumed that a PageController can only access a PageModel, and none other. All examples I've seen seem to operate this way...is that a faulty assumption?
Or am I totally missing the point, and is that 'doing it wrong?'
Open Source Rails is a repository of sites implemented in rails.
Which books have you read? I think a better understanding of MVC and Rails would help you more in the long run than sample code, which you may be tempted to copy without understanding.
The problem you're describing isn't really different from finding and displaying any kind of data, which I'm sure you've seen covered in snippets on blogs, etc. (using partials and/or layouts is maybe the only difference).
If you haven't read them already, you should try Agile Web Development with Rails and The Rails Way.
There are also several books that take you through building a sample application that include commentary to make sure you understand what you're doing.
This might help: Dynamic navigation menu using Menuitem model
Your controller can access any of your models, so if PageController needs to access your NavModel that's fine. I think typically the Nav controller or helper would contain the methods necessary to prepare the navigation view, but without knowing the details of your project I can't say for sure - if you think it's part of the Page logic, then put it there.
You may also be interested in this "What goes where" question.
Heres a howto on highlighting the current menu item in the page you are on
