Using Audio Units to play several short audio files with overlap - ios

I have run through an audio units tutorial for a sine wave generator and done a bit of reading, and I understand basically how it is working. What I would actually like to do for my app, is play a short sound file in response to some external event. These sounds would be about 1-2 seconds in duration and occur at a rate of about about 1-2 per second.
Basically where I am at right now is trying to figure out how to play an actual audio file using my audio unit, rather than generating a sine wave. So basically my question is, how do I get an audio unit to play an audio file?
Do I simply read bytes from the audio file into the buffer in the render callback?
(if so what class do I need to deal with to open / convert / decompress / read the audio file)
or is there some simpler method where I could maybe just hand off the entire buffer and tell it to play?
Any names of specific classes or APIs I will need to look at to accomplish this would be very helpful.

OK, check this:
EDIT: That is a sample project. This page has detailed instructions with inline code to setup common configurations:

If you don't mind being tied to IOS 5+, you should look into AUFilePlayer. It is much easer then using the callbacks and you don't have to worry about setting up your own ring buffer (something that you would need to do if you want to avoid loading all of your audio data into memory on start-up)


Read audio file, perform filters (i.e. reverb), and then write audio file without playback on iOS

I'm working on an app which has a requirement for running some basic audio filters (such as normalisation and reverb) on a file. The idea is to take an existing audio file, add the filters, and then write the data to a new file. Crucially, this must be done without any playback and should be fast (i.e. on a 60 second audio file I should be able to add reverb in under a second).
I've looked at several solutions such as The Amazing Audio Engine and AudioBox but these all seem to rely on you playing back any audio in realtime rather than writing it to a file.
Does anybody have examples, or can point me in the right direction, for simply taking a file and applying a basic audio filter without listening to it. I'm sure I must be missing something simple somewhere but my searches have turned up nothing.
In general,the steps are:
Set up an AUGraph like this - AudioFilePlayer -> Reverb/Limiter/EQ/etc. -> GenericOutput
Open the input file and schedule it on the AudioFilePlayer.
Create an output file and repeatedly call AudioUnitRender on the GenericOutput unit, writing the rendered buffers to the output file.
I'm not sure about the speed of this, but it should be acceptable.
There is a comprehensive example of offline rendering in this thread that covers the setup and rendering process.

iOS: Obtaining raw PCM data from audio file

I'm investigating a straightforward task:
open an audio file from the iPhone's 'iPod audio library'
allows the user to select a chunk by setting two markers: start and end time
time-reverse this chunk
save it as a new file
What are my options?
I will list the results of a couple of hours of research: ( forgive the mess, I will as always tidy pu once I have figured it out ) <-- 'I'm currently trying to create a program that plays back audio using an AUAudioFilePlayer
AudioUnit plugin that streams the audio to an output AudioUnit'
AUFilePlayer <-- this possibly links to code that does it, but it says it is in beta
When reading audio file with ExtAudioFile read, is it possible to read audio floats not consecutively? <-- this leads to an OS X project that reads an audio file from disk into memory; looking through the code leads us to:
as far as I can see the audio Graph project attempts to stream the audio from file in real-time, whereas Stephan's Project just exposes the audio; however it looks like he is using obsolete API calls.
this looks like the right code ( apart from the fact that there seems to be a bug in it ): <-- here is an official Apple sample project that could probably be modified to get what I'm after
I believe you can use IphoneExtAudioFileConvertTest like you said to get what you need, after the user marks what times he wants, first thing you want to do is convert to PCM, next you need to find out which packets are the ones you need, write that to an audio file and then recompress... I wrote an answer here on how to get x amount of seconds from an audio file, ive only tested it with mp3 and m4a, but it can be adapted to PCM (pcm should be easier to do since its linear).

Redirection playback output of avplayer item

What I want to do is to take the output samples of an AVAsset corresponding to an audio file (no video involved) and send them to an audio effect class that takes in a block of samples, and I want to be able to this in real time.
I am currently looking at the AVfoundation class reference and programming guide, but I can't see a way of redirect the output of a player item and send it to my effect class, and from there, send the transformed samples to an Audio output (using AVAssetReaderAudioMixOutput?) and hear it from there. I see that the AVAssetReader class gives me a way to get a block of samples using
[myAVAssetReader addOutput:myAVAssetReaderTrackOutput];
[myAVAssetReaderTrackOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
but Apple documentation specifies that the AVAssetReader class is not made and should not be used for real-time situations. Does anybody have a suggestion on where to look, or if I am having the right approach?
The MTAudioProcessingTap is perfect for this. By leveraging an AVPlayer, you can avoid having to block the samples yourself with the AVAssetReaderOutput and then render them yourself in an Audio Queue or with an Audio Unit.
Instead, attach an MTAudioProcessingTap to the inputParameters of your AVAsset's audioMix, and you'll be given samples in blocks which are easy to then throw into an effect unit.
Another benefit from this is that it will work with AVAssets derived from URLs that can't always be opened by other Apple APIs (like Audio File Services), such as the user's iPod library. Additionally, you get all of the functionality like tolerance of audio interruptions that the AVPlayer provides for free, which you would otherwise have to implement by hand if you went with an AVAssetReader solution.
To set up a tap you have to set up some callbacks that the system invokes as appropriate during playback. Full code for such processing can be found at this tutorial here.
There's a new MTAudioProcessingTap object in iOS 6 and Mac OS 10.8 . Check out the Session 517 video from WWDC 2012 - they've demonstrated exactly what you want to do.
AVAssetReader is not ideal for realtime usage because it handles the decoding for you, and in various cases copyNextSampleBuffer can block for random amounts of time.
That being said, AVAssetReader can be used wonderfully well in a producer thread feeding a circular buffer. It depends on your required usage, but I've had good success using this method to feed a RemoteIO output, and doing my effects/signal processing in the RemoteIO callback.

Skip between multiple files while playing audio in iPhone iOS

For a project I need to handle audio in an iPhone app quite special and hope somebody may point me in the right direction.
Lets say you have a fixed set of up to thirty audio files of the same length (2-3 sec, non-compressed). While a que is playing from one audio file it should be able to update parameters that makes the playing continue from another audio file from the same timestamp the previous audiofile ended playing. If the different audio files is different versions of heavely filtered audio it should be possible to "slide" between them an get the impression that you applied the filter directly. The filtering is at the moment not possible to achive in realtime on an iPhone, therefore the prerendered files.
If A B and C is different audio files I like to be able to:
Play A without interruption:
Or start play A and continue over in B and then C, initiated while playing
Ideally is should be possible to play two er more ques at the same time. Latency is not that important, but the skipping between files should ideally not produce clicks or delays.
I have looked into using Audio Queue Services (which look like hell to dive into) and sniffed on OpenAl. Could anyone give me a ruff overview and a general direction I can spend the next days burried into?
Try using the iOS Audio Unit API, particularly a mixer unit connected to RemoteIO for audio output.
I managed to do this by using FMOD Designer. FMOD ( is a sound design framework for game development, that supports iOS development. I made a multitrack-event in FMOD Designer with different layers for each sound clip. Add a parameter in the horizontal bar that lets you controll which sound clip to play in realtime. The trick is to let each soundclip continue over the whole bar and controll which sound that is beeing heard by using a volume effect (0-100%) like in the attached picture. In that way you are ensured that skipping between files follow the same timecode. I have tried this successfully with up to thirty layers, but experienced some double playing. This seemed to dissapear if I cut the number down to fifteen.
It should be possible to use iOS Audio Unit API if you are comfortable with this, but for those of us that like the most simple sollution FMOD is quite good :) Thanks to Ellen S for the sollution tip!
Screenshot of the multitrack-event in FMOD Designer:

How do you write audio to the first frame with AVAssetWriter while capturing video/audio on iOS?

Long story short, I am trying to implement a naive solution for streaming video from the iOS camera/microphone to a server.
I am using AVCaptureSession with audio and video AVCaptureOutputs, and then using AVAssetWriter/AVAssetWriterInput to capture video and audio in the captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection method and write the resulting video to a file.
To make this a stream, I am using an NSTimer to break the video files into 1 second chunks (by hot-swapping in a different AVAssetWriter that has a different outputURL) and upload these to a server over HTTP.
This is working, but the issue I'm running into is this: the beginning of the .mp4 files appear to always be missing audio in the first frame, so when the video files are concatenated on the server (running ffmpeg) there is a noticeable audio skip at the intersections of these files. The video is just fine - no skipping.
I tried many ways of making sure there were no CMSampleBuffers dropped and checked their timestamps to make sure they were going to the right AVAssetWriter, but to no avail.
Checking the AVCam example with AVCaptureMovieFileOutput and AVCaptureLocation example with AVAssetWriter and it appears the files they generate do the same thing.
Maybe there is something fundamental I am misunderstanding here about the nature of audio/video files, as I'm new to video/audio capture - but thought I'd check before I tried to workaround this by learning to use ffmpeg as some seem to do to fragment the stream (if you have any tips on this, too, let me know!). Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem and solved it by recording audio with a different API, Audio Queue. This seems to solve it, just need to take care of timing in order to avoid sound delay.
