Currently I'm success fully make server and client using TIdTCPServer and TIdTCPClient Indy components, but I got a trouble when two client connect to the server at the same time. I have two networks and localhost, when client connect using localhost it's fine and the second client try connect to there still waiting for first client disconnect.
can anyone please give me advice how to handle multiple client using Indy10.
This my code:
void __fastcall TfrmServer::TCPServerConnect(TIdContext *AContext)
TList *list = TCPServer->Contexts->LockList();
for (int j=0; j < list->Count; j++)
TIdContext *myContext = static_cast<TIdContext*>(list->Items[j]);
br->ClientIP = myContext->Binding()->IP;
br->ClientPort = myContext->Binding()->Port;
br->peerIp = myContext->Binding()->PeerIP;
br->peerPort = myContext->Binding()->PeerPort;
if (myContext->Connection->Connected())
for (int i=0; i < list->Count; i++)
ListIt = ListClient->Items->Add();
ListIt->Caption = String(i+1); // number
ListIt->SubItems->Add(br->UserName); // Name
ListIt->SubItems->Add(br->ClientIP); // Ip
ListIt->SubItems->Add(br->peerIp); // Peer Ip
ListIt->SubItems->Add(br->ClientPort); // port
ListIt->SubItems->Add(br->peerPort); // port
ListIt->SubItems->Add("Connected"); // Status
Did this code have supports for multiple client ?
TIdTCPServer supports multiple simultaneous connections on multiple networks and that works just fine. If your clients are serializing with each other, then the problem has to be in your own code or networking setup. Indy does not prevent multiple clients from connecting to the same server at the same time.
Update: try this:
class TAddToListSync : public TIdSync
TIdContext *FContext;
void __fastcall DoSynchronize()
TListItem *ListIt = frmServer->ListClient->Items->Add();
ListIt->Caption = String(ListIt->Index+1); // number
ListIt->SubItems->Add(...); // Name
ListIt->SubItems->Add(FContext->Binding()->IP); // Ip
ListIt->SubItems->Add(FContext->Binding()->PeerIP); // Peer Ip
ListIt->SubItems->Add(FContext->Binding()->Port); // port
ListIt->SubItems->Add(FContext->Binding()->PeerPort); // port
ListIt->SubItems->Add("Connected"); // Status
__fastcall TAddToListSync(TIdContext *AContext)
: TIdSync(), FContext(AContext)
static void Add(TIdContext *AContext)
TAddToListSync *sync = new TAddToListSync(AContext);
delete sync;
void __fastcall TfrmServer::TCPServerConnect(TIdContext *AContext) {
I've looked and followed documentation from LwIP 2.0.2. My project contains the MQTT library supplied in the LwIP 2.0.2. I also found some help at I'm unable to get a connection, I've used free public MQTT broker but no hope in connection. I can ping my device. Am I doing something wrong?
static void mqtt_test(mqtt_client_t *mqtt_client)
if (mqtt_client_is_connected(&mqtt_client) == 1)
example_subscribe(&mqtt_client, NULL);
} else {
when I call this method it always enters mqtt_do_connect() never connecting. Here is mqtt_do_connect
static void mqtt_do_connect(mqtt_client_t *mqtt_client)
ip4_addr_t broker_ipaddr;
struct mqtt_connect_client_info_t ci;
err_t err;
if (ipaddr_aton("", &broker_ipaddr))
err = ERR_OK;
/* Setup an empty client info structure */
memset( & ci, 0, sizeof(ci));
/* Minimal amount of information required is client identifier, so set it here */
ci.client_id = "test";
/* Initiate client and connect to server, if this fails immediately an error code is returned
otherwise mqtt_connection_cb will be called with connection result after attempting
to establish a connection with the server.
For now MQTT version 3.1.1 is always used */
err = mqtt_client_connect(mqtt_client, & broker_ipaddr, 1883, mqtt_connection_cb, 0, & ci);
/* For now just print the result code if something goes wrong */
if (err != ERR_OK) {
printf("mqtt_connect return %d\n", err);
I've also noticed in the method mqtt_client_connect in mqtt.c that this exists:
/* Any local address, pick random local port number */
err = tcp_bind(client->conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, 0);
why is this needed? If I replace IP_ADDR_ANY to my local address of the static IP of the device it runs through without throwing a error but no callback mqtt_connection_cb is then called.
I've also initialized the TCP/IP stack as mentioned with static IP. I'm using NO_SYS as 1 but will move it over to FreeRTOS but baby steps first.
I haven't found much support on MQTT in LwIP implementation, am I missing something obvious, any help will be appreciated.
I've used MQTTfx to run a test or two on the broker with good response but nothing from my embedded device (Atmel SAME54).
I've found the solution. I ran my TCP setup in a FreeRTOS thread and opened a socket
static void mqtt_start(void *p)
struct sockaddr_in address;
int s_create, new_socket;
int addrlen = sizeof(address);
int opt = 1;
int socket_check;
sys_sem_t sem;
err_t err_sem;
err_sem = sys_sem_new(&sem, 0); /* Create a new semaphore. */
tcpip_init(tcpip_init_done, &sem);
sys_sem_wait(&sem); /* Block until the lwIP stack is initialized. */
sys_sem_free(&sem); /* Free the semaphore. */
/*Create a socket*/
s_create = socket(AF_INET, 1, 0);
setsockopt(s_create, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR | SO_REUSEPORT, &opt, sizeof(opt));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(IPADDR_ANY);
address.sin_port = htons(HTTP_PORT);
/* bind the connection to port */
socket_check = bind(s_create, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address));
if (socket_check < 0) {
LWIP_DEBUGF(LWIP_DBG_ON, ("Bind error=%d\n", socket_check));
goto socket_close;
/* tell the connection to listen for incoming connection requests */
listen(s_create, 3);
for (;;) {
new_socket = accept(s_create, (struct sockaddr *)&address, (socklen_t *)&addrlen);
I also had a problem with my initialization of my mqtt client, placed a watch on it and saw the struct wasn't initializing. I initialized it globally
mqtt_client_t mqtt_client;
Then use it later in mqtt_start.
I know how to send a string from TIdTCPServer but i'm stuck on how to send TBitmap continuously to the TIdTCPClient, i use this code to send TStream:
void __fastcall TSystemMain::IdServerSendStream(TIdTCPServer *IdTCPServer, TStream *AStream)
// Send To Client
TIdContextList *Clients = IdTCPServer->Contexts->LockList();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < Clients->Count; i++) {
} __finally
It simple doesn't work for me.
I want to post data to web server from my Arduino setup, and I want to post it via Post Method to server side, running Ruby on Rails.
Already test my backend using postman, and it works like a charm.
Now I have a problem when I want to post it from arduino setup, it doesn't work. Server side never get the connection from arduino.
For Arduino setup I use ethernet.h Library.
// Park Sensor Prototype
// Only insert if there is car parked
#include <Ethernet.h>
char server[] = "";
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
EthernetClient client;
String data;
bool flagstatus = false;
void setup() {
// Connect to Ethernet
void loop() {
int sensorvalue = analogRead(A0); // LightValue, read from sensor pin A0
// String templ= "sensorvalue=";
// data = templ + String(sensorvalue);
String parkspot_id= "{parkspot_id:""'""SP001""'"",";
String sensor_in="sensor_in:""'""";
String user_id=",user_id:""'""U001""'""}";
String valueinput = String(sensorvalue);
//data = parkspot_id + sensor_in + "'"valueinput"'"+","+user_id;
data = parkspot_id +sensor_in+valueinput+"'"+user_id;
{ park_spot_id: “SP001” , sensor_in: “100”, user_id:”U001”}
//there is a car parked
if(sensorvalue >=1000){
if(flagstatus == false){
Serial.println("Insert to DB, there is a car just parked");
if (client.connect(server, 80)){
Serial.println("Connected to server");
client.println("POST /api/v1/parks HTTP/1.1");
client.print("Host: ");
client.println("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
client.print("Content-Length: ");
flagstatus = true;
} else {
Serial.println("There is still a car parked");
} else{
Serial.println("There is no car parked");
flagstatus = false;
delay(10000); // delay ten seconds
I really need your advice :D Thank you in advance. Please correct me or teach me how to solve it :)
i think you POST json like data with wrong header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, change it to application/json please.
I am a newbie working with Indy. This is my first time posting a question here.
My project has to send data to all clients at 60Hz. I am using TIdTCPServer for this, and to monitor keep-alives. My tool is very old, running on WinXP, using C++Builder 6 and Indy 8. There is a potential timeout issue, does anyone have a good thought how to handle it?
Here is my code:
Server Side
typedef struct
AnsiString PeerIP; //{ Cleint IP address }
AnsiString HostName; //{ Hostname }
int Id; // {Cleint ID}
} TClient;
// This is Multimedia timer callback function, on 60Hz
void CALLBACK mmTimerProc(UINT wTimerID, UINT msg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2)
TfmMain *pMain = (TfmMain *)dwUser;
int Index;
double dT;
TClient *pClient;
if (pMain->IsClosing) return;
if (pMain->Shutdown)
TList *pList = pMain->IdTCPServer1->Threads->LockList();
for(int X = 0; X < pList->Count; X++)
if (!pMain->IsClosing)
TIdPeerThread *AThread = (TIdPeerThread *)pList->Items[X];
if(AThread != NULL)
pClient = (TClient *)AThread->Data;
// Send data to ALL Clients
AThread->Connection->WriteBuffer(&pMain->Data2Client, sizeof(pMain->Data2Client), true);
catch(Exception &E)
// Shutdown computer or close application
if(pMain->SimIos.Status.iSimStatus == 11)
pMain->Shutdown = true;
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Connect(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient = NULL;
AnsiString ABuffer, text;
AnsiString PeerIP = AThread->Connection->Binding->PeerIP;
TDateTime TimeConnected = Now();
ABuffer = AThread->Connection->ReadLn();
if((ABuffer.Pos("TT") == 0) && (ABuffer.Pos("IG") == 0) && (ABuffer.Pos("RR") == 0))
text = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>> Unknown(%s) on %s connected illegal!...",
PeerIP, DateTimeToStr(TimeConnected));
if(ABuffer.Pos("IG") != 0)
pClient = new TClient;
pClient->PeerIP = PeerIP;
pClient->HostName = Clients[eIG];
pClient->Id = eIG;
AThread->Data = (TObject *)pClient;
AThread->FreeOnTerminate = true;
// Report client is on line
text = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>>%s(%s) on %s on line!...",
pClient->HostName, PeerIP, DateTimeToStr(TimeConnected));
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Disconnect(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient = NULL;
AnsiString Msg;
if (IsClosing) return;
pClient = (TClient *)AThread->Data;
if(pClient->Id == 1)
// Report client is off line
Msg = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>>%s(%s) on %s off line...",
pClient->HostName, pClient->PeerIP, DateTimeToStr(Now()));
delete pClient;
AThread->Data = NULL;
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Execute(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient;
if (!AThread->Terminated && !IsClosing)
pClient = (TClient *)AThread->Data;
if((pClient != NULL) && (pClient->Id != 0))
if(pClient->Id == 1)
// Report client still alive
catch(Exception &E)
if (!IsClosing)
Client side
void __fastcall TSocketThread::Execute()
unsigned long ulCheckSum;
int Counter;
memset(&DataFromSvr, 0, sizeof(DataFromSvr));
memset(&Ack2Svr, 0, sizeof(Ack2Svr));
Counter = 0;
// fetch and process commands until the connection or thread is terminated
while (!this->Terminated && FSocket->Connected())
// recieve data from server
FSocket->ReadBuffer(&DataFromSvr, sizeof(DataFromSvr));
// check CRC
ulCheckSum = CRC_32((unsigned char*)&DataFromSvr.SimData, sizeof(DataFromSvr.SimData));
if (ulCheckSum == DataFromSvr.uiCheckSum)
FSmIpcUtil->Writeto(&DataFromSvr.SimData, DATA_OFFSET, sizeof(DataFromSvr.SimData));
// counter to record error
// read return from local SM
FSmIpcUtil->Readfrom(&Ack2Svr, ACK_OFFSET, sizeof(Ack2Svr));
FSocket->WriteBuffer(&Ack2Svr, sizeof(Ack2Svr));
if (DataFromSvr.SimData.SimIgTgt.Acdata.iSimStatus == 11)
PostMessage(Application->Handle, WM_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0);
catch (EIdException& E)
There are several issues with your code.
A multimedia timer callback is very restricted in what it is allowed to do:
Applications should not call any system-defined functions from inside a callback function, except for PostMessage, timeGetSystemTime, timeGetTime, timeSetEvent, timeKillEvent, midiOutShortMsg, midiOutLongMsg, and OutputDebugString.
If transmission speed is important, don't have the timer callback do the broadcasting at all. Save the data somewhere safe, and then have each TIdTCPServer thread grab the latest data on its own time. This also keeps each connection thread isolated so one connection cannot affect any other connection if problems occur.
DO NOT set the TIdPeerThread::FreeOnTerminate to true, DO NOT call TIdPeerThread::Stop(), DO NOT manually remove threads from the TIdTCPServer::Threads property. You do not own the threads, TIdTCPServer does, and it will manage them for you. If you want to stop a given thread, closing the thread's socket is all you need to do. But by moving all of the sending logic into OnExecute where it belongs, you can let TIdTCPServer handle any errors and close the socket for you.
Your OnConnect event handler is setting AThread->Data only if an IG client connects, but your OnConnect and OnDisconnect handlers are not checking for that condition before attempting to access the TClient object.
Your OnDisconnect event handler is leaking memory if IsClosing is true. And it is calling Threads->UnlockList() without calling Threads->LockList() first. Attempting to unlock the list when it is not locked by the calling thread will cause errors and deadlocks.
Try something more like this:
struct TClient
AnsiString PeerIP; //{ Client IP address }
AnsiString HostName; //{ Hostname }
int Id; //{ Client ID }
void CALLBACK mmTimerProc(UINT wTimerID, UINT msg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2)
TfmMain *pMain = (TfmMain *)dwUser;
if (pMain->IsClosing || pMain->Shutdown) return;
// make sure pMain->Data2Client is thread-safe...
// set a signal that Data2Client has been updated...
// Shutdown computer or close application
if (pMain->SimIos.Status.iSimStatus == 11)
pMain->Shutdown = true;
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Connect(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient;
AnsiString ABuffer, text;
AnsiString PeerIP = AThread->Connection->Binding->PeerIP;
TDateTime TimeConnected = Now();
ABuffer = AThread->Connection->ReadLn();
if ((ABuffer.Pos("TT") == 0) && (ABuffer.Pos("IG") == 0) && (ABuffer.Pos("RR") == 0))
text = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>> Unknown(%s) on %s connected illegal!...", PeerIP.c_str(), DateTimeToStr(TimeConnected).c_str());
pClient = new TClient;
pClient->PeerIP = PeerIP;
if (ABuffer.Pos("IG") != 0)
pClient->HostName = Clients[eIG];
pClient->Id = eIG;
pClient->Id = 0;
AThread->Data = (TObject *)pClient;
// Report client is on line
text = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>>%s(%s) on %s on line!...", pClient->HostName.c_str(), PeerIP.c_str(), DateTimeToStr(TimeConnected).c_str());
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Disconnect(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient = (TClient *)AThread->Data;
AnsiString Msg;
AThread->Data = NULL;
if (pClient)
// Report client is off line
Msg = AnsiString().sprintf("1>>>%s(%s) on %s off line...",
pClient->HostName.c_str(), pClient->PeerIP.c_str(), DateTimeToStr(Now()).c_str());
delete pClient;
void __fastcall TfmMain::IdTCPServer1Execute(TIdPeerThread *AThread)
TClient *pClient;
if (IsClosing) return;
// make sure pMain->Data2Client is thread-safe...
if (Data2Client has been updated since last event)
AThread->Connection->WriteBuffer(&pMain->Data2Client, sizeof(pMain->Data2Client), true);
pClient = (TClient *)AThread->Data;
// Report client still alive
I'm using c++builderXE with Indy 10.5.7 and I'm trying to receive trap from another agent snmp.
I have no info describing how to do the program to receive trap.
Below you can find the snippet of code which I'm trying to use now.
The ReceiveTrap() method always return 0, which means non data received.
I tested the PC configuration with another program I made several years ago using spare API and the trap is received so I don't this it should be a configuration problem.
Have you some suggestions of hat I'm wrong in the routine below?
void __fastcall TForm1::LabelReceiveTrapClick(TObject * Sender)
static bool status = false;
int ists;
String Fun = "[SimpleReceiveTrap] ";
TSNMPInfo * infoSnmp = 0;
status = !status;
if (status)
std::auto_ptr< TIdSNMP >clientSnmp(new TIdSNMP(NULL));
clientSnmp->Community = "public";
clientSnmp->ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
clientSnmp->Binding->Port = 162;
while (status)
ists = clientSnmp->ReceiveTrap();
Mylog(L"%s ReceiveTrap status = [%d]", Fun.c_str(), ists);
if (ists > 0)
infoSnmp = clientSnmp->Trap;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());
That is not the correct way to set the listening Port for receiving traps. Reading the Binding property allocates and binds a socket to a local IP/Port using the TIdSNMP::BoundIP and TIdSNMP::BoundPort properties. You can't change that socket's local Port after it has already been bound, so your assignment of the Binding->Port property is effectively a no-op.
For that matter, you are trying to manipulate the wrong socket anyway. The Binding socket is used for sending queries to the remote SNMP system. TIdSNMP uses a separate socket for receiving traps. TIdSNMP has a separate TrapPort property for specifying the listening Port of that socket. When the Binding is accessed, the trap socket is allocated and bound to Binding->IP and TIdSNMP::TrapPort. The TrapPort property defaults to 162.
std::auto_ptr< TIdSNMP >clientSnmp(new TIdSNMP(NULL));
clientSnmp->Community = "public";
clientSnmp->ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
clientSnmp->TrapPort = 162; // <--
ists = clientSnmp->ReceiveTrap();
Looking at Indy's changelog, there have been some trap-related changes to the listening socket since 10.5.7 was released, so you may need to upgrade to a newer Indy version to get bug fixes. Or you could download the latest version and then just add IdSNMP.pas to your project directly, at least.
Using only the Indi component I can't read the trap rev 2c
But I found a solution using TWSocket and TSNMPInfo which seems to works well
Belowe the code I used:
To get the data I use a TWSocket fro FPiette components suite:
void __fastcall TForm1::LabelStartServerTracSnmpClick(TObject * Sender)
String Fun = "[LabelStartServerTracSnmp] ";
if (WSocket1->State == wsClosed)
WSocket1->Proto = "udp";
WSocket1->Addr = "";
WSocket1->Port = 162;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR: [%s]", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());
To analyze the data received I use the Indy
void __fastcall TForm1::WSocket1DataAvailable(TObject * Sender, WORD ErrCode)
char buffer[1024];
int len, cnt, srcLen;
TSockAddrIn srcSocket;
String rcvmsg, remHost, s1, s2, Fun = "[WSocket1DataAvailable] ";
TIdSNMP * clientSnmp = NULL;
TSNMPInfo * infoSnmp = NULL;
srcLen = sizeof(srcSocket);
len = WSocket1->ReceiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), srcSocket, srcLen);
if (len >= 0)
buffer[len] = 0;
rcvmsg = String(buffer, len);
clientSnmp = new TIdSNMP(NULL);
infoSnmp = new TSNMPInfo(clientSnmp);
cnt = infoSnmp->ValueCount;
if (cnt > 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; ++idx)
s1 = infoSnmp->ValueOID[idx];
s2 = infoSnmp->Value[idx];
Mylog(L"[%s] Trap : [%s] => [%s]", s1.c_str(), s2.c_str());
if (infoSnmp)
delete infoSnmp;
infoSnmp = 0;
if (clientSnmp)
delete clientSnmp;
clientSnmp = 0;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());