How to remove many core data objects at once? - ios

I'm writing an iOS app and I'm using Core Data to store a series of Event objects (think birthdays, or christmas or meeting...etc). Each Event object has a date attribute associated with it of type NSDate.
Throughout the course of my program I gather an NSArray of NSDate objects and I was wondering how do I delete the core data objects associated with these dates? For example, if I have an array consisting of the dates 11/7 and 12/9 how do I delete any Event objects that have a date attribute of 11/7 or 12/9?
One possibility that I've thought of is to fetch all of the corresponding Event objects using predicates and fetch requests and then turn around and delete them all; however, this seems kinda inefficient. What if one of my Event objects is really, really large...then won't it take forever to fetch it, just so that I can turn around and delete it?
I'm just wondering if there is a more elegant way to handle this...Thanks

You can handle this with a single fetch - use the IN operator to construct a predicate using your NSArray of dates as the collection, execute the fetch request (which, as Mike said above, will still be relatively quick), then delete the objects. See Aggregate Operators in the Predicate Programming Guide for more info.


Sorting Realm records that are inserted quickly

Sometimes my app will add many Realm records at once.I need to be able to consistently keep them in the same order.
The documentation recommends that I use NSDate:
Another common motivation for auto-incrementing properties is to preserve order of insertion. In some situations, this can be accomplished by appending objects to a List or by using a createdAt property with a default value of NSDate().
However, since records are added so quickly sometimes, the dates are not always unique, especially considering Realm stores NSDate only to the second accuracy.
Is there something I'm missing about the suggestion in the documentation?Maybe the documentation wasn't considering records added in quick succession? If so, would it be recommended to keep an Int position property and to always query for the last record at the moment when adding a new record, so as to ensure sequential positions?However, querying for the last record in such a case won't return the previous record unless you've also added and finalized a write, which is wasteful if you need to add a lot of records.Then, it would require batch create logic, which is unfortunate.
However, since records are added so quickly sometimes, the dates are not always unique, especially considering Realm stores NSDate only to the second accuracy.
The limitation on date precision was addressed back in Realm v0.101. Realm can now represent dates with greater precision than NSDate.
However, querying for the last record in such a case won't return the previous record unless you've also added and finalized a write, which is wasteful if you need to add a lot of records.
It's not necessary to commit a write transaction for queries on the same thread to see data that you've added during the write transaction.
Is there something I'm missing about the suggestion in the documentation?
You skipped over the first suggestion: appending objects to a List. Lists in Realm are inherently ordered, so you do not need to find a way to create unique, ordered values. Simply append the new object to the list, and rely on the list's order to determine the order in which the objects were added. This also has the advantage of being safe when using Realm Mobile Platform's synchronization features, as incrementing fields can generate duplicates on different devices and timestamps may not be reliable.

Filter NSFetchedResultsController request with predicate using computed attribute? [duplicate]

Is there a way to use a 'transient' field or something like that and in some way sort accordingly with a NSFetchedResultsController. I want to do the following:
I have location of places in a database. When a person opens the list, I want to show the nearest place on top, an then sort accordingly to distance. But clearly,this depends on the users location, so I cannot use a static field. I was hoping to use a transient field, as you can use for the section headers.
Is there anybody who can give a solution or workaround for this situation?
You cannot use a transient property in a fetch request for a SQlite base Core Data store.
See Fetching Managed Objects in the "Core Data Programming Guide":
You cannot fetch using a predicate based on transient properties
(although you can use transient properties to filter in memory
yourself). ... To summarize, though, if you execute a fetch directly, you should
typically not add Objective-C-based predicates or sort descriptors to
the fetch request. Instead you should apply these to the results of
the fetch.
You can use a transient property for sectionNameKeyPath, but even then you need a first sort descriptor for the sections that is based on a persistent attribute.
So the only workaround is probably to fetch all objects and then sort the fetched array. But then of course you don't have the advantages of a fetched results controller anymore.

Correct way to accessing attributes of a class modeled in core data

Let's say a Recipe object has an NSSet of one or more Ingredients, and that the same relationship is modeled in core data.
Given a recipe, what id the correct way to access its ingredients?
In this example it seems natural to use recipe.ingredients, but I could equally use an NSFetchRequest for Ingredient entities with an NSPredicate to match by recipe.
Now let's say I want only the ingredients that are 'collected'. This is less clear cut to me - should I use a fetch request for ingredients with a predicate restricting by recipe and collected state? Or loop through recipe.ingredients?
At the other end of the scale, perhaps I need only ingredients from this recipe that also appear in other recipes. Now, the fetch request seems more appealing.
What is the correct general approach? Or is it a case by case scenario? I am interested in the impact on:
Robustness (for example, it is easy to make an error in a fetch request that the compiler cannot catch).
Let's go through these in order.
Getting the ingredients for a specific Recipe, when you already have a reference: Use recipe.ingredients every time.
Getting the ingredients for a specific Recipe that have a specific value (e.g. a Boolean flag value): Easiest is probably to start with recipe.ingredients as above and then use something like NSSet's objectsPassingTest to filter them. Most elegant is to set up a fetched property on Recipe that just returns these ingredients with no extra code (the syntax may not be immediately obvious, see a previous answer I wrote for details). These two probably perform about equally. Least appealing is a fetch request.
Getting ingredients that appear in multiple recipe instances: Probably a fetch request for the Ingredient entity where the predicate is something like recipe in %#, and the %# is replaced by a list of Recipe instances.
Some basic info:
*memory operations are ~100-1000 times faster then disk operations.
*A fetch request execution is always a trip to the store (disk), and so, degrade performance.
In your case, you have a "small" set of objects that need to be queried for information.
simply iterating over them using the recipe.ingredients set would fault them one by one, each access will be a trip to the store (fault resolution).
In this case, use prefetching (either in the request, set the setRelationshipKeyPathsForPrefetching: to prefetch the ingredients relationship or execute a fetch request that fetch the set with the appropriate predicate).
If you need specific data only, then use the fetch request approach to retrieve only the data you need.
if you intend to repeatedly access the relationship for queries and info, just fetch the entire set by using prefetching, and query in-memory.
My point is:
Think of the approach that minimize your disk access (in any case you need at least 1 access).
If your data is too large to fit in memory, or to be queried in memory, perform a fetch to get only the data you need.
1.Consistency - Pick a method you find comfortable and stick with it (i use prefetching)
2.Readability - Using a property is much more readable then executing a query, however it is less efficient if not using prefetching.
3.Performance - Disk access degrade performance, but is unavoidable in some situations
4.Robustness - A fetch request show that you know what is best for your data usage. use it wisely.
To make sure you are minimising disk access, turn SQLite debug on
Faulting behaviour
In this example it seems natural to use recipe.ingredients, but I
could equally use an NSFetchRequest for Ingredient entities with an
NSPredicate to match by recipe.
Why would you do the latter when you can do the former? You already have the recipe, and it already has a set of ingredients, so there's no need to look at all the ingredients and filter out just those that are related to the recipe that you already have.
Now let's say I want only the ingredients that are 'collected'. This
is less clear cut to me - should I use a fetch request for ingredients
with a predicate restricting by recipe and collected state? Or loop
through recipe.ingredients?
Apply the predicate to the recipe's ingredients:
NSPredicate *isCollected = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"collected == YES"];
NSSet *collectedIngredients = [recipe.ingredients filteredSetUsingPredicate:isCollected];
At the other end of the scale, perhaps I need only ingredients from
this recipe that also appear in other recipes. Now, the fetch request
seems more appealing.
Again, using a fetch request here seems wasteful because you already have easy access to the set of ingredients that could be in the final result, and that's potentially a much smaller set than the set of all ingredients. Use the same approach as above, but change the predicate to test the recipes associated with each ingredient. Something like:
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"recipes > 1"];
NSSet *i = [recipe.ingredients filteredSetUsingPredicate:p];
What is the correct general approach?
Fetch requests are a good way to search through all instances of a given entity. You're always going to start with a fetch request to get some objects to work with. But when the objects you want are somehow related to an object that you already have you can (and should) use those relationships to get what you want.

CoreData sort by expression or select a column as an expression

I've got a coreData with sqlite backend of a table with two NSDate columns: eventStart and eventEnd. I would like to perform quite a complicated select and sort on it.
For one of the main displays in the application i'd like to retrieve two things:
10 events who's duration (eventEnd - eventStart) was smaller than specified value
10 events who's duration was larger than the specified value
The events have to be sorted correctly based on how far from the specified value they are
Two problems i've hit straight away is I can't find a way select a column from an expression (the date calculation). The second was NSSortDescriptor only seems to work on columns, not expressions. This is contrary to how SQLite works, and i'm wondering if it would be easier to just break out the raw SQL.
I should mention that the data i'm going to be working with will be too large to fit into memory for things like sorting, especially since because the sort is on an expression the query would have to return all data for sorting.
If you fetch the objects first, you should then be able to sort the result in memory using any key you want, including a method that returns the interval you mentioned. So, you'd create an NSSortDescriptor using the method name that returns this time interval, create a new array with it, then simply call
[originalFetchedArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
which will return a new sorted array. If you're starting with an NSMutableArray, you can sort that in place using a similar method.
When I had a very similar problem, I just created a new column for the calculated value (in your case it will be duration). After that, the retrieval becomes trivial.

CoreData sorted entities - performance

I would like to have my CoreData entities stored in a sorted array/set, so that I don't have to sort it every time in a fetch using NSSortDescriptor. In iOS 4 and below, I believe this is my only option, but sorting the entire data set (not just the fetched results) every time - that sounds terribly inefficient, even for a relatively small data set of ~10k.
In iOS 5 there are sorted sets; I wonder if the performance gain is enough to warrant dropping iOS 4 support? Any experiences to be shared?
You don't need to sort the results - you can do your fetch and pass sortOrderings to the fetch. If you need to traverse a relationship, you can add a method of your own on the parent that does a raw fetch on the child, has a predicate added where the parent relationship is self, add your own sort orderings and returns a nice NSArray :)
I mean hey, if you can force iOS5, great, but if you need to keep iOS 4 around, letting the database do the sorting is very performant.
