Rails include module in model trouble - ruby-on-rails

I have module in /lib/models/scopes.rb
module Models
module Scopes
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
I'm trying to include it from model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Models::Scopes
And getting error:
NameError: uninitialized constant User::Models
How to solve this trouble? Maybe it`s wrong to keep this types of files in /lib?
Rails v3.1
Ruby v1.9.3

Rails doesn't require files in the lib directory automatically, but you can add to the autoloaded paths in config/application.rb:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
Restart the server to pick up the new settings.
This will now load the file automatically when the module name is first used. In development mode, you might want to reload the module after every change in order to see the changes without restarting the server. To do that, add it as an eager load path instead:
config.eager_load_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
The scope shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't have a Models class or module within User or anywhere else.

when you define your class, you're "opening" a new scope. So when you do Models::Scopes, ruby is looking for User::Models::Scopes. You can fix this by using ::Models::Scopes, the :: telling ruby to look in the global scope.
FYI: I'm not sure about the terms I used or even if my train of thought if correct; but the solution should be good anyway. I'd think Ruby would try for ::Models::Scope after failing to find User::Models::Scope, but it doesn't.. Maybe there is a User::Models scope defined somewhere? Anyway, as you can see, I'm not yet familiar with those. You might want to dig on the subject if that interests you


Zeitwerk and Modules Nested in Classes

I'm having some trouble switching from the classic autoloader to Zeitwerk with a Rails app that's seen the light of day back in Rails 3 days – so there's some crust there.
Some model code has been extracted to modules and these modules are nested in the model class (which acts as the namespace):
# app/models/donation
class Donation < ApplicationRecord
# app/models/donation/download
class Donation
module Download
def csv
The modules are then used on the fly when needed:
donation = Donation.find(...)
Since the subdirs in app/models are not added by default, it's done explicitly in application.rb:
].then do |paths|
config.autoload_paths += paths
config.eager_load_paths += paths
The eager_load_paths are required by Zeitwerk (as per the Rails guides), however, Zeitwerk doesn't seem to like this constellation:
% rails zeitwerk:check
Hold on, I am eager loading the application.
expected file app/models/donation/download.rb to define constant Download
Strange, because Download is defined there. Any idea what's going on here and how best to refactor things to work with Zeitwerk?
Thanks for your hints!
Hmmm, that should work out of the box, looks like a regular setup to me.
Since app/models is in the autoload paths, Donation and Donation::Download are going to be autoloaded just fine, no custom configuration is needed.
If they do not, the app has to be doing something funky. We could debug it.

How can I extend gem class in Rails 6/Zeitwerk without breaking code reloading?

How do I extend a class that is defined by a gem when I'm using rails 6 / zeitwerk?
I've tried doing it in an initializer using require to load up the class first.
I've tried doing it in an initializer and just referencing the class to let autoloading load it up first.
But both of those approaches break auto-reloading in development mode.
I've tried putting it in lib/ or app/, but that doesn't work because then the class never gets loaded from the gem, since my new file is higher up in the load order.
There is a similar question here, but that one specifically asks how to do this in an initializer. I don't care if it's done in an initializer or not, I just want to figure out how to do it some way.
What is the standard way of doing something like this?
I do have one nasty hack that seems to be working, but I don't like it (update: this doesn't work either. reloading is still broken):
the_gem_root = $LOAD_PATH.grep(/the_gem/).grep(/models/).first
class SomeModel
def my_extension
I know is late, but this was a real pain and someone could find it helpful, in this example I'll be using a modules folder located on app that will contain custom modules and monkey patches for various gems.
# config/application.rb
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
overrides = "#{Rails.root}/app/overrides"
config.to_prepare do
Dir.glob("#{overrides}/**/*_override.rb").each do |override|
load override
Apparently this pattern is called the Override pattern, it will prevent the autoload of your overrides by zeitwerk and each file would be loaded manually at the end of the load.
This pattern is also documented in the Ruby on Rails guide: https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html#overriding-models-and-controllers

Rails unable to autoload constant from file despite being defined in that file

This is a tricky one to explain. I have a module in another module namespace like so:
# app/models/points/calculator.rb
module Points
module Calculator
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, CommonMethods)
base.send(:include, "Points::Calculator::#{base}Methods".constantize)
So then in other classes all I need to do is:
class User
include Points::Calculator
I've specified this directory in application.rb to be autoloadable...(even though i think rails recurses through models...)
config.autoload_paths += Dir[ Rails.root.join('app', 'models', "points") ]
In development env, everything works fine. When running tests(and production env), I get the following error:
Unable to autoload constant Points::Calculator, expected /Users/pete/work/recognize/app/models/points/calculator.rb to define it (LoadError)
I actually followed the advice here to fix the problem: Stop Rails from unloading a module in development mode by explicitly requiring calculator.rb in application.rb.
However, why is this happening??
I stuck some debug output in ActiveSupport's dependencies.rb file and noticed that this file is being required twice. The first time its required I can see that the constant is indeed loaded.
But the 2nd time its required the constant has been unloaded as far as Rails can tell, but when the actual require is called, ruby returns false because ruby knows its already required it. Then Rails throws the "unable to autoload constant" error because the constant still isn't present and ruby didn't "re-require" the file.
Can anyone shed light on why this might be happening?
Rails augments the constant lookup mechanism of ruby.
Constant lookup in Ruby:
Similar to method missing, a Module#constant-missing is invoked when a reference to a constant fails to be resolved. When we refer to a constant in a given lexical scope, that constant is searched for in:
Each entry in Module.nesting
Each entry in Module.nesting.first.ancestors
Each entry in Object.ancestors if Module.nesting.first is nil or a module.
When we refer to a constant, Ruby first attempts to find it according to this built-in lookup rules.
When ruby fails to find... rails kicks in, and using its own lookup convention and its knowledge about which constants have already been loaded (by ruby), Rails overrides Module#const_missing to load missing constants without the need for explicit require calls by the programmer.
Its own lookup convention?
Contrasting Ruby’s autoload (which requires the location of each autoloaded constant to be specified in advance) rails following a convention that maps constants to file names.
Points::Calculator # =>points/calculator.rb
Now for the constant Points::Calculator, rails searches this file path (ie 'points/calculator.rb') within the autoload paths, defined by the autoload_paths configuration.
In this case, rails searched for file path points/calculator in its autoloaded paths, but fails to find file and hence this error/warning is shown.
This answer is an abstract from this Urbanautomation blog.
I wrote a blog about Zeitwerk, the new code reloader in Rails. Check it out at -> https://blog.bigbinary.com/2019/10/08/rails-6-introduces-new-code-loader-called-zeitwerk.html
If someone is having this issue in rails 6 which has zeitwerk autoloader,
Change ruby constant lookup back to classic in your application.rb
# config/application.rb
config.autoloader = :classic
Read more details here Rails Official Guides
Calculator should be a class to be autoloaded correctly
module Points
class Calculator

Rails Module/Folder Naming Convention

I'm having a problem with a module name and the folder structure.
I have a model defined as
module API
module RESTv2
class User
The folder structure looks like
When trying to access the class, I get an uninitialized constant error. However, if I change the module name to REST and the folder to /rest, I don't get the error.
I assume the problem has to do with the naming of the folder, and I've tried all different combos of /rest_v_2, /rest_v2, /restv_2, etc.
Any suggestions?
Rails uses the 'underscore' method on a module or class name to try and figure out what file to load when it comes across a constant it doesn't know yet. When you run your module through this method, it doesn't seem to give the most intuitive result:
# => "res_tv2"
I'm not sure why underscore makes this choice, but I bet renaming your module dir to the above would fix your issue (though I think I'd prefer just renaming it to "RestV2 or RESTV2 so the directory name is sane).
You'll need to configure Rails to autoload in the subdirectories of the app/model directory. Put this in your config/application.rb:
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/app/models/**/"]
Then you should be able to autoload those files.
Also, your likely filename will have to be app/model/api/res_tv2/user.rb, as Rails uses String.underscore to determine the filename. I'd just call it API::V2::User to avoid headaches, unless you have more than one type of API.

Adding lib to 'config.autoload_paths' in Rails 3 does not autoload my module

I place a file name g.rb in side Rails.root/lib folder
The file content is like this:
module Google
Then I add
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib #{Rails.root}/app/delayed_jobs)
to my Rails.root/config/application.rb
However, when I try to invoke Google from rails console, an exception is thrown. The exception goes away only if I execute require 'google'.
Why? Shouldn't my file is autoloaded and shouldn't I access the module without any extra require statement?
Hmm, I discovered an interesting thing. In order for Rails to auto load my class, the class name should be compliant to the file name and the folder structure.
For example, if I want to have Google module autoloaded, I must placed it inside google.rb, directly under /lib (incase I specify autoload from /lib).
If I want to auto load Google::Docs, then I either place it inside google.rb or google/docs.rb
I had a similar problem with getting my module to run on Heroku. In addition to the autoload naming convention stated by Stephen C, I found out that the module code must be require'd due to a threadsafe assumption made by the Rails' production environment on Heroku (even though threadsafe was commented out in my production.rb configuration file.) As soon as I require'd the module file before calling include on the module, everything started to work.
require 'mymodule'
include Mymodule
Please take a look at this excellent article on the subject of getting Modules to load correctly in Heroku (production).
That's because the point of autoload is not to 'require' everything up front (startup penalty). Classes are loaded as they are needed/referenced. In order to do this, you need some way to know where to look for the class. Otherwise, you would have to load every file in the autoload directory in advance to see what classes are declared. It's a tradeoff, but requiring everything in advance (as marbaq suggests) is not autoloading.
You can use the autoload command as provided by Ruby, which takes two arguments, the module to load (symbolized, i.e. :Google in your case), and the second argument is the filename, which would be g.rb if lib is in your load path ($:). See the Ruby docs for autoload.
Change config.autoload_paths to config.eager_load_paths
(based on Rails issue #6850 and Force reload! from lib directory in rails 3.2 console)
I faced the same problem just now, and my "solution" (or rather workaround) was to manually require every needed file from Rails.root/lib in my application.rb.
require 'lib/message'
require 'lib/store'
require 'lib/vault/vault.rb'
require 'lib/custom_loggers'
module MyApplication
class Application < Rails::Application
My next step would be to categorize the files in module folders as you mention.
i found this solution recently
module AppName
class Application < Rails::Application
# Custom directories with classes and modules you want to be autoloadable.
config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'models', '{**}')]
config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'lib', 'extensions')]
the first config call induces rails to auto-load all sub-directories of the app/models directory
so now i can have /app/models/sub_directory/model.rb auto-loaded
(handy for organising an app with a large code base)
the second config call induces rails to autoload the lib/extensions directory
hope this helps
note: i believe this is rails 3 specific
