Grails spring security grant authorization based on login method - grails

I have an application where a user should get access to different parts of the site based on 2 alternative login methods, one being the basic daoAuthentication and the other being a custom login method.
Both methods are there an works perfectly but im not sure how to go by to identfy how the user logged in.
ideally i would like to be able to create something that resembles the build in rules(IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY,IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED,IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY)
it would be great if i could just add in a IS_AUTHENTICATED_CUSTOM_AUTH somewhere.


spring security role-based needed for full stack app?

I am implementing a basic login app. here are the features:
Upon successful login, there should be a welcome page that shows the name, username and role (manager/user).
If the user has a manager role, the welcome page will have a link to access a restricted webpage.
This restricted webpage can only be accessed by a manager role and not by other user roles.
implement logout functionality.
If the userid or password is not valid, I should remain at the login page with an error message "Invalid userid or password".
All data should be stored in a database.
The application should demonstrate MVC pattern...
my schema:
enter image description here
i am using react js for the front end. i build the backend using spring security with the role-based authorization where certain url can be accessed by certain role. i already do a testing on backend end using postman where i try to access /restricted and it responded with 401 if i use ROLE-USER instead of ROLE-MANAGER by using the mvcMatchers(). now the confusing part is the frontend
i noticed i can do all the necessary validation on the front end. i dont even need to do mvcMatcher() on the backend as i can just load the userdetails and roles and ask react to validate for me! hell, i dont even need to use role-based authorisation. i just need to add extra field in user table named "role" and use that to check for item 3 and display the role on item 1. i just need 1 table, not 3. i can even ask react to redirect to /login if user is trying to access /welcome without login, or disable /unauthorised if user role is USER.
but i dont feel right about this way. i'm confused.
a. whats the best approach?
b. is role-based only applicable to rest-api services, not full stack app? from what i see front end can do ALL validation
back end repo
front end repo
a. The Best approach is to have authorization at the back-end level because your React front-end is not the only way to access the back-end. If the back-end doesn't have authorization implemented, then even if you have validation on the front-end, a malicious user can use any other HTTP client to access the back-end without authorization.
b. Role-based authorization is applicable in all scenarios in which you want to allow access to resources based on user roles, no matter which stack is used.

IdentityServer3: Can it be used "side by side" with existing users/authentication?

I'm new to SSO, so hopefully what I'm asking makes sense. So my current setup is a .NET MVC website using OWIN/cookies (app.UseCookieAuthentication()) and a custom user table (not ASP.NET Identity users).
So I'm wondering if I could add IdentityServer3 only for external providers, but leave all my existing user/authentication stuff as is for "local users". So I see that you can implement a custom IUserService to lookup users against your local database, and I think I got that working, but I'd like to even avoid that. And I'd like to avoid themeing the IdentityServer login screen. So something like this:
User hits up page with [Authorize] attribute.
User is redirected to my existing login page (not IdentityServer stuff)
Then my login page would have the external provider button(s) to login with external providers.
Is that possible? Or do you have to run your local users through IdentityServer3 also? I noticed I get an error if you don't provide a IUserService and don't use UseInMemoryUsers() either.
So from following various guides, I have this in my Startup.cs: app.UseIdentityServer(), app.UseCookieAuthentication(), and app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication() with Authority set to my IdentityServer endpoint.
Hopefully that made sense, Thanks!
Gonna answer my own question if it helps anyone else. The important piece here is AuthenticationMode in OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions. AuthenticationMode.Active is what will redirect the user to your OIDC provider anytime they hit an action with [Authorize].AuthenticationMode.Passive will allow you to use your OIDC provider as an additional authentication method. You want to follow the examples with ExternalLogin() and ExternalLoginCallback() controller actions that issue challenges to the provider and then match the authenticate user with your local user.

How to add additional custom criteria for authorization or token creation in Spring Oauth?

We have implemented Spring Oauth authorization+resource server that can be used for external applications.
Now we would like to add custom checks before some oauth calls returns in the authorization server, most importantly for the authorization code but also before allowing returning a token sometimes.
An example use case might be that which users that are allowed to login for a specific client_id might vary and if not allowed this should generate a redirect back with an error.
So for example a user might trigger a login from a third-party app, redirected to our authorization server and shown a login page, however after login it is discovered (through our business logic) that this specific user is not allowed to authorize access to that specific app/client id.
What is the best way to achive this result in a way that is consistent error handling in Spring oauth?
Also, a related question is also how to resolve the client details before the login screen shown so more specific client details can be shown when logging in?
We could parse the client_id parameter manually but maybe there is a more elegant way to hook into Spring oauth to solve this?
(sorry for dual question but its sort of related and the first question is the most important one)

Using Google Authenticator with Symfony Security

I'm looking to add 2 factor login to my Silex app.
However, I'm having some road blocks on how to get this working correctly.
my biggest sticking point is having the firewall not fully log the user in and instead direct them to a page to confirm their identity.
I've thought about using Symfony Guard, but looking at the documentation, I didn't see anything that would let me prevent the user from being logged in.
I don't have any code yet, at this point, I'm just tying to design the flow and after I have a concrete execution plan, I was going to then begin writing code.
I remember reading a blog post about doing this in Sf2, but I cannot find it now. Here's the gist:
the login part is the usual one
create a listener for the controller event, and redirect to the 2FA controller unless the user has a role (ROLE_GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATED or similar) and unless the user is requesting that route
on that url render a form and check if it's a post, and if the code verifies add that role to the user
I'm sure you can adapt it for silex. You can also check the bundles that exist for Sf2 on how they work exactly.

Zfcuser Example - Integrating in real application

I've been unable to find any example of how actually to use zfcuser to authenticate users and prevent access to a website or routes.
My website successfully works when I access /user/login, but this is useless in a real application.
What I really need is:
1) If user is not logged in to the website, it needs to be forwarded to the login page
2) Attempting to access pages on any route will display the login page
How do I do this in my modules?
Take a look in the wiki. It tells you how to check if the user is authenticated, both in view and controller.
Also for access control, take a look at the following modules: BjyAuthorize, ZfcRbac, Eye4webAbac
