.PNG not copying to device bundle - ios

I've been stuck with a huge problem for a few days now and it is very frustrating. Everything was working perfectly until I messed around with target settings/provisioning a few days ago. Essentially no images are being copied from the project to be included in the app bundle.
I have:
Double checked their case consistency
Made sure they are all included in copy resource bundle section of
build phases
Performed multiple cleans and manual clean outs of the derived
data folder
And the images appear fine in the simulator.
I really don't know where else to turn or what else to try. Any help in solving this would be HUGELY appreciate as I am trying to release an update for an app but am unable to do so before getting this fixed.
ALso it is worth mentioning ever since this problem started occuring it happens in all of my xcode projects.

Check the build log. It's in the "Log Navigator" tab (press command-7). The build log graphically shows the results of the build steps.
Check the path of the individual "CopyPNGFile" steps. You can also open the textual log by clicking the far right button in each build step.


Xcode 8.3.2 keeps on building after every keystroke

Whenever I try to change anything in my source files, the Xcode builds the entire project.
And since, I am in between writing the code, its obvious that there are errors (like "NSLog(#"ABC")") will throw an error if written halfway like this "NSL").
If I leave it idle, it fails for 5 to 10 times more and finally I see build succeeded. And again, when I try to change anything, it rebuilds on every keystroke and fails.
I have tried unchecking, "show live issues", "continue building after errors". Even a deep clean (command+shift+alt+k). After cleaning, its ok, but when I rebuild again, the same nut job building process continues.
This issue is not related to IBDesignables also. I have tried to uncheck "Automatically refresh views" in the storyboard and it did not work.
Any help?
Looks like, I can't open my storyboard as a different window, not even in a new tab. I used to have one of my windows for the source code and one for storyboard only. This made the switch between storyboard and source code much faster. But may be because of IBDesignables, its not possible anymore.
The problem is partially solved. Even if I open my storyboard now, it shows the same behavior of rebuilding again and again. But atleast, I can write my code in peace now with only source code files open in different tabs/windows.

xcode duplicates files in project

I'm at a complete loss as to what I did to cause this:
For the second time since I started using XCode about a month ago (my first time seriously using it after taking one class several years ago) I try to run my project and the next thing I know I have errors because I have duplicate references. I looked at the project and it appeared that most of the files in my project had duplicated themselves, however I discovered that they are not duplicate files just duplicate references. This happened to me today when I tried to build on an actual iphone for the first time but it also happened to me a few weeks ago while using the simulator. Neither time do I recall doing anything unusual. I have built and tested the project probably 100+ times and normally all goes ok. I was able to fix it the first time but I think I have made it worse this time and am probably going to add the files back into a new project. My co-worker also mentioned this happening to him (he has about as much experience with xcode as I do). He told me he ended up with files nested in folders (groups?) nested in other folders about 20 deep.
My question is this: Does anyone know what I may have done to cause this. I would really like to avoid this problem in the future since it is proving to be quite a headache. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
E.T.A. xcode version 4.6.2 (possibly an earlier version the first time it happened)
Try this instead:
Highlight all the duplicate files
Right click on one of the files and press "Delete"
When prompted for which delete option, click "Remove Reference"
Also you asked for "any advice".
If you aren't already using git source control in your Xcode projects, start now.
You can spot many mistakes like this earlier and fix them more easily using git.
When you add files as a copy, the Xcode project navigator shows added files with an A and modified files with an M.
If the file is inside a closed group folder, the folder shows an A.
If you add a reference without a copy the project navigator won't show an A but MyApp.xcodeproj will show M.
In Xcode you can discard a change before committing it.
In the case below, you would discard changes to all added or modified files.
Typically you review and commit changes frequently.
Using a gui tool such as SourceTree, you have a good chance of spotting an accidental change before you commit. For example, you can see changes to the project file.
If you accidentally commit an unintended change, you can go back later and reverse a commit.
By committing frequently, you have more control over which changes you undo and which ones you keep.
http://git-scm.com/doc (scroll down to see videos)
I had the same 20 deep nesting of my main folder of images. If its not a bug its very strange behaviour. I just backed it all up !! Then I opened the folder in finder, found the point at which it was starting to nest and deleted it.
I did a rebuild, but I don't think Xcode even noticed. It made no difference to the size of my app so Xcode was not putting unnecessary files in the binary.
This happened to me when I imported a file. Suddenly I had two nested directories containing what looked like copies of all my files. The compiler complained about duplicate classes.
I found a solution, but it's a ball-ache and a time sink.
1: Click on your project in the navigator to open up the project settings in the main view.
2: Open the 'Compile Sources' accordion entry.
(This allows you to see which files are being used in the compilation process.)
3: Find any duplicates in here and delete them.
(At this stage your project should compile again.)
4: In your navigator view, slow-double-click one of the files that's duplicated there. This should allow you to rename it. Change the name (not the extension) slightly.
5: You should notice that the copy becomes red. Select it and hit delete.
(This avoids the delete operation removing the file from the 'Compile Sources')
6: Rename the original file back to its original name again.
7: Repeat from 4 until done, or until bored.
8: Explain to your boss why a simple copy change took half a day.
This process can be optimised up by first renaming all duplicated files, then deleting the duplicates all at once. However this means that you can't test for successful compilation between steps, which allows you to narrow the culprit down to a single file. And takes even more time.
If compilation fails, ensure all the files you need are still in the 'Compile Sources' section, as this process can cause them to be lost from there. The compiler will normally give some reasonable errors about missing classes and variables, but a missing AppDelegate will produce a more confusing error.

Xcode repeatedly copying bundle resources

I have a question regarding Xcode and bundle resource copy.
I'm currently working on a project with a large asset library. So, a clean install, or a change in a bundle resource warrants a copy of the "new" bundle resource(s).
However, the problem that I'm currently facing is that Xcode is copying a part of my entire asset library every single time that the application is built. This behavior is super weird, since on all the projects that I've worked, Xcode only copied resources if they had changed, or if it were a clean install, or if there was something new that had not been copied before.
In this case however, it copied all the resources on a clean install (expected). However, on every consecutive build, it is still copying some of the files over. Now this is super strange, since none of the files have changed, and it is not copying all the files, only a small portion of them. One more thing - if I run the same app, with the same configuration on the simulator, the copy DOES NOT happen (moar strangeness).
Is there some setting that I can change, or maybe a flag that I can include that might prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance for the help!
It's been a month since this question's been asked, and I've managed to find a "sort of workaround" solution.
Now, the reason I'm putting this in as the accepted answer is primarily because no other answer/solution has been posted as of writing this. If anything better is posted (or if I have an update), I'll be sure to mark a better answer as the accepted one.
Either ways, this "workaround" will work if you have a super large set of assets that don't change over consecutive builds.
The project I'm working on has a lot of audio and video files that have already been prepared, and aren't going to change (other than the occasional re-recording or something along those lines).
So, as my question states, Xcode was copying a subset of the resources. Ideally, once a resource has been copied (and there are no changes to it), it is not re-copied (at least not supposed to be re-copied) over consecutive builds. In my case, it was getting copied during every consecutive run, causing my total build to start time to be around 15 ~ 20 mins. I'd also like to point out that regardless of whether we used "run script" in the build phases or whether we had the media in our Xcode project, we were facing the same issue.
What I did was I cleaned my project, deleted the app, and did a fresh install. So, the first time, it copies ALL the files over with the app. Also, the assets directory is NOT in my Xcode project. We've added a "run-script" phase, wherein we run rsync to copy the media from the media folder, over to the app, during every build.
Now, once the App has finished doing a fresh build; it would have copied over all the required media files.
Then, REMOVE/DISABLE the script, perform a Clean in Xcode (command + shift + K) and run the project again. This time, since there is no script being run, and since Xcode has performed a clean, wherein now it thinks that all it needs to do is re-compile the binaries, it builds super fast. Since I've NOT deleted the App, the media folder is still in my app, and my build to start times are now around 30 seconds ~ 1 minute (this includes sandboxing and code-signing). Code-sign and "sandboxing" the application still takes time, but this is waaaay better than having to wait 15 ~ 20 minutes every time I hit run. :)
Hope this helps!
I've got very similar situation. Also, I have 6 000 resources in my app, and even listing some of them (not copying) was a bit slow. I've found another workaround (very similar to yours, but a bit easy to perform). It was inspired by your one, so thank you very much!
I copied the target of the project, set its bundle id as the original one (it was automatically set with ${PRODUCT_NAME} from build settings) and removed all the resources from Copy Bundle Resources section. First time (after removed from device app) I need to launch the original target with its resources, but then I can build the copied target while resources are still on device.
Some advantages:
it's very easy to switch between both targets
no need two write any scripts (that was purpose I did not use your solution)
Fun with numbers:
58 seconds from "Cmd+R" to loading screen appearing with bundle resource.
20 seconds for the same interval with empty "Copy Bundle Resources" section. Not so good as yours improvement, but still makes difference.
Hope this helps too :)

Xcode Won't Parse Files to Find Errors

I have a strange issue that I haven't seen or read about anywhere else. My Xcode no longer parses all of my files to find issues/errors. It will display any issues or errors in a file I am currently viewing, and these will persist thereafter, but with 400+ files I can't reasonably visit each one to make it compile. Xcode can build successfully if the code is valid, however I can never know when that is, since I see no errors. Indexing occurs, but no compiling takes place.
Also, when building, the status bar states that Xcode is compiling x out of however many total compile sources but the total number is usually not even close to the actual total number. For example it may say compiling x out of 40 files when there are actually 400 compile sources.
I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary from my usual tasks when this issue began. New projects will compile, then randomly stop compiling after a period of time.
Things I have tried:
nuking derived data
quitting Xcode/restarting computer
Recloning the project from a known working repository. It will build but won't find errors/issues when they do exist. There should be at least a handful of minor issues but none appear.
Reinstalling Xcode (4.5.2)
tried both GCC 4.2 and LLVM 4.1 compilers
Has anyone experienced this issue before and found a solution? This problem has made my job extremely difficult and any help would be much appreciated.
It does sound like corruption of DerivedData. Try this:
Clean your target: cmd+shift+K or Product->Clean
Quit xcode
Delete the contents of /Users/your_user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Restart xcode
(It's safe to delete this folder's contents. But if you're nervous about that, back it up first).
You should be good to go.

PNG-images turn blank/corrupted after build and archive

I ran into a strange problem today, after renaming a couple of images in my app and making sure they work on a device as well as the simulator, I used Build and Archive as I always do to build my app to distribute to the testers.
However, this time I got strange reports from the testers saying the images were gone, so I installed the build on my phone and to my surprise they were gone as they said. Tried to do a clean and build again but no change.
When I open the .app archive I can clearly see that many, but not all, of the images have turned blank, they appear to be the same physical size on the disk and they also seem to have the correct height and with when I press space to preview them, I can't however open them with photoshop for example (the file-format module cannot parse the file).
This is very confusing and as I have to get the build ready for testing very soon I would very much appreciate some help in this matter.
Your source PNGs seem to be slightly off-standard or at least incompatible with Apple's pngcrush. Make sure you use a commonly well functioning tool for creating the PNGs - when in doubt reconvert/resave them.
