Adding a column to rails (Ubuntu) - ruby-on-rails

I’m trying to add a string column to a SQLite 3 database in rails. Use the normal syntax "rails generate migration AddAuthorColumnToPublications author:string". I run the migration, it works without errors.
I change the attributes accessor in the Publications model to include the Author column. I check in the schema, the new column has been included in the schema.
I go to my database and the new column does not appear in the index of the Publications table. I’ve tried including it specifically in the index, but to no avail.
The only thing I can think of here is that because I am using Ubuntu, the syntax may be slightly different (as it has been for certain things).
I have looked in books and on the internet, and the syntax seems correct (can also use underscores as well as camel casing to name the migration), but I can’t find anything specific to Ubuntu on this particular issue.
I would appreciate any and all help on this matter.

Run this command:
rake db:migrate
Migrations are not run automatically. You need to run rake db:migrate in order to run all the migrations and update the database.
Also, review your database.yml file and make sure that you're using the sqlite database that you're opening. The syntax of the command is not different.


Can I manually create migrations for production in Heroku, Ruby on Rails?

I have created an application with Ruby and Rails. The thing is that when I was develpoing it, I had some problems with the migrations, because I created them but with a wrong syntax. What happened is that I deleted some of the files because sold migrations that didn´t work had the same name than the new ones, but in the middle of that I accidentally deleted some of the migrations (obviously after running rails db:migrate) that the project uses actually. So for instance, i have the Service table, which is related to the Reservation table because Service has reservation_id, but i don´t have the migration file that says AddReservationIdToService.
So now I want to use Heroku for production. the thing is that O have to change to postgresql because Heroku doesn't support sqlite. So i have to run the de:migrate again to create the tables and relationships in the new DB, but I need the files that I explained that I deleted. The question is:
Can I create the migrations manually, so when i run db:migrate for postgres the full structure of the database is created without lacking relations?
You don't really need the migrations to recreate the existing DB -- in fact it's not a good idea to try for a couple of reasons (including the missing migration file problem you encountered). You can simply run:
bin/rails db:schema:load
to populate a new database from the existing schema. If for some reason you haven't got a db/schema.rb checked under version control you can run:
bin/rails db:schema:dump
against the sqlite version to re-create a fresh schema file from the database.
You can also keep your migrations list tidy by occasionally zapping really old migrations, since all the cumulative changes are captured in the schema file.
Yes, you might create another couple of migration files.
Certify you have now the tables you wish locally with your sqlite. Draw these table in a piece of paper (or where it be the best fr you), then check this official API documentation of Rails.
Delete all migrations made before and create another according to the tables you drew.
The workflow is gonna be like:
1) "I need to create a table called Reservation, where is it shown on the documentation?"
2) "I need a table called Service, where is it shown on the documentation?
3) "I need to add a column with a foreign key to service named reservaton_id, how does this documentation says it?
For all this steps above, create the correspondent migration file as you normally have done.
The main difference here is not to run the migration locally. Instead, push your new version app to your heroku remote branch and there you run the migration, like:
heroku run rails db:migrate
Remember to not run this same migration locally because you already have these tables locally.
The last two advise is:
1) If your migration doesn't go as you expect, don't delete the migration file. Instead, run rails db:rollback and try again.
2) Keep tracking your migration files on the same branch of your version control.

rake db:migrate doesn't generate table in postgresql

I've been having a problem which doesn't seem uncommon (I've read a lot of stack overflow pages in the last 2 days) but every solution I've read hasn't worked for me.
I've been following this video tutorial
At 6:42 the tutor shows the tables in postgresql and mine don't show up.
When I try rake db:migrate the files migrate no problem. rake doesn't throw up any errors, the relevant .rb files are created in the models folder, my schema.rb looks right. It seems postgresql just isn't reading my schema file.
My problem sounds identical to
rake db:migrate doesn't seem to work in production
However typing rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production doesn't work. (I've tried this a few times after other rake commands like rake db:rollback STEP=3 in the past few days because I was paranoid it was the solution, this person on ruby forum, has the same problem and is offered the same answer).
This is my first attempt at programming anything and I'm loving the tutorial (and the learning curve this problem has turned out to be) Asking here is pretty much my last resort because I've tried everything I can understand online as a possible solution so please help me! Thanks a lot in advance
There is quite a bit of confusion going on here:
Migrations are a convenient way to alter your database schema over
time in a consistent and easy way. They use a Ruby DSL so that you
don't have to write SQL by hand, allowing your schema and changes to
be database independent.
Postgres does not read your schema file or migrations - rather migrations run SQL queries against your database. In this case a CREATE TABLE ... query will be run when the migration is run.
Migrations are basically a more maintainable and sane way of doing what was classically done by opening a DB console and running SQL queries.
config/schema.rb is not actually used by the database or ActiveRecord - rather its created when you run migrations as a snapshot of what the database schema should look like. Its just a developer convenience. ActiveRecord gets its mappings by querying the database schema.
Migrations and generators
Migrations do not create model files either - those are generators such as:
rails g model Dude abides:boolean
Which creates a CreateDudes migration and a model at app/models/dude.rb.
In fact migrations are just concerned about altering the DB schema and don't care if the model file exists or not - the models is not actually used until you query the database for records.
ENV vars
RAILS_ENV=production sets a environmental variable.
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Is the documented way to run a migration in a different environment. Some obscure shells require the ENV var to prefix the command.
However - if you are running a production server you should set the RAILS_ENV env var permanently - not on invocation! This prevents embarrassing misstakes when someone expected you to have configured the server properly and just ran rails s when restarting the server. See the documentation for your server OS on how to set env vars.
If you are still running the migration and do not see the expected results you most likely have not configured config/database.yml properly - the migrations are running. But not against the database you would expect.

Rails - autogenerate migrations from database changes

Is it possible to use Rails to auto-generate a migration based on changes that took place in the database outside of Rails since the last migration?
I know that running db:migrate will change the schema.rb to match what's in the database.... (at least if don't make any migrations but I do change the database in some way manually). What I'm wondering is, if there is a way as part of that same mechanism or process to have it create a migration out of those changes.
Many thanks!
I don't think this is something Rails would do or is trying to solve. Rails wants you to explicitly manage those changes through migrations so that your database is under control (and source control).
See if this gem is what you want. -
It might not work with Rails 3. I think since you edit your DB directly you'd have to run rake db:schema:dump to update the schema.rb file.
If you want to capture the deltas between the different db change points then see this SO answer:
How to generate Rails Migration class automatically from MYSQL database instance? , just repeat his steps along the way.

Rails - Generating migration script from model

I am learning rails, and I came across Migrations. It seems that everytime I want to edit a model, I would need to add a migration script, even though I am not yet in production.
Can you edit your model, add all your attributes you need to it, and before releasing it, have the migration script autogenerated?
If your using rails 3+ you might want to consider DataMapper instead of ActiveRecord. It lets you define the data model in the model instead of multiple migration files. As I understand DataMapper lets you generate migrations from changes.
This is a tried and trusted pattern often used in the wider ORM community.
I agree with the comments so far. The idea of migrations is to make it simple to fluidly adapt your data schema to fit your application as you want to add new fields. It's a simple and beautiful system.
So yes, you can (and should) use rails generate migration... as not only does this generate the proper code in many common cases, it also keeps track of which migrations have been run in different versions of the database. See
A common workflow might be something like this:
create a new model, for example User with fields like first_name, last_name, user_name
this will create an associated migration, which you can run using bundle exec rake db:migrate -- your database schema will be updated
you decide you want additional information, such as birthdate, so run rails generate migration AddBirthdateToUser birthdate:date. For some simple operations like adding a column, index, etc., the full migration code will be generated; in other cases you'll need to write the migration. When done, run the migration.
If you find a problem in development, for example a field type should be float, not integer, or you forgot to add an index, you can roll back the migration (bundle exec rake db:rollback), fix the migration and re-run it.
run your tests (which will run the migrations), and when it all works for you locally, check in the files (including the migrations) and deploy to a QA or staging server, which has its own copy of the database.
run rake db:migrate on the staging server. If you're on a team and other developers have checked in migrations, their will run, too. Now your code and data schema are in sync.
repeat :-)
There's no harm whatsoever running migrations during a production deployment (I respectfully disagree with a comment above) -- you should embrace the idea that change, even changes like this (which can be incredibly difficult in other environments) are a normal part of everyday Rails life!

Getting tables to work is RadRails?

When I manually enter tables into the .rb file in the migrate folder nothing shows up. I have followed a few different "how to's" but I can't get the tables to show up when I preview my work. I can however get one table to show up if I create it in the parameters when generating a scaffold, but that's one table. I have Rails version 2.3.4 and version 1.2.3 installed on my lame Windows Vista. I have tried using both versions multiple times. I am also trying to follow the Ruby on Rails for Dummies book, but it seems a little outdated. Any tips on getting tables to work? Its supposed to be really simple and take "just minutes" to complete this simple app. Maybe something didn't install right? Maybe a better book?
Just want to make sure you're using all the tools available to you:
To generate a migration file:
./script/generate MigrationFileName
Take a look at the Database Migrations Guide from the official Rails Guides for the correct syntax and options for creating a migration file.
Once you've created your migration, you need to run the following:
rake db:migrate
This will populate the database with the information specified in the migration file.
