Care to be taken when serving static content (JS, CSS, Media) from different domain? - cookieless

Let me try to explain by example. Say website is hosted at (NOT In order to serve static content cookie-free, I've chosen to use a different domain
Now, lets consider that my static content is currently served like this:
** Now I create a CNAME record aliasing to my main domain i.e. so that the static content is served as such:
** Is that all I have to do? Will all browsers execute JavaScript files and load web fonts without any security concerns? OR should I be using some .htaccess rules to modify header information and the like?
PS: It would be great if you can provide what rules should be added, if need be.
EDIT: The reason why I added a bounty to this question is that people I know have advised me against serving JS from a different domain. They aren't able to give me a clear explanation either.

It will work without extra config. However: does it worth the pain? If you use some real content delivery network that's fine, but simply faking one, to be cookie-free? A much better approach would be to minimize cookie size IMHO.

Gergely's answer answers my question. And I've also found an alternative. Since my website is served from, instead of serving static content from a different domain, I am planning to serve the cookies themselves from a different sub-domain
Simple, and should do the job.


Cloudfront/S3: Server different file depending on Request Header

I am hosting a static website generated with Middleman on CloudFront and S3. I want to add multiple language support and middleman allows me to localize the content and have the english version at /index.html and the translated content at /sp/index.html for example.
I would like to be able to detect the "Accept-Language" header in the request and based on that server either /index.html or /sp/index.html .
Based on my research I cannot see a way of doing this with S3 and Cloudfront, but maybe you guys have an idea?
If there is no "proper and good way" of doing this with CloudFront and S3, what would be the next best alternative? Currently I am thinking of detecting the language in JavaScript and then redirecting the user if the language is not english.
Greetings, Kim
As mentioned in the comments you will need some kind of arbitrator that can read request headers and either redirect or serve dynamic content. S3 is the problem there.
CloudFront can forward the Accept-Language header to your origin server, and ensure that content is only cached per-language. So that part isn't a problem.
If S3 is your origin, then you have a problem because your files are static and unable to process the incoming request with the language information. I don't recommend trying to detect language with JavaScript. It's problematic.
Although CloudFront can be configured with multiple origins (one per language, in your case) it cannot forward to these based on request header. Currently "behaviours" can only match the URL path. I suspect they could introduce header rules at some point, but until they do (or unless you can find another CDN that does) I'm afraid my answer is going to be a "you can't" answer.
As your site is all flat HTML, I suspect you're not interested in a convoluted solution that comprises various CloudFront behaviours and dynamic server scripts, etc..
I think your best option by far is a simple, low-tech one --
Offer the visitor a choice of language and allow them to switch language from any page. This also avoids surprises - If I google something in English, but I speak Spanish I should see the English page that I googled and then switch to Spanish if I feel like it.

How do I serve multiple rails apps on one domain (and sub)?

This is kind of weird but I'd like to serve multiple websites on the same domain. If possible, we want to avoid subdomains to keep urls simple for our users - no need for them to know it's two separate apps. This is purely for keeping the code bases separate. Any ideas?
For example:
Rails App 1 (Refinery CMS) serves:
Rails App 2 (our real App) serves:
We use ruby 1.9.2, ruby on rails, refinery cms, apache and passenger.
If you're using Passenger, check out the Deploying to a sub URI portion of the manual - it's quite simple to set up an app on a sub-URI. You may need to set config.action_controller.relative_url_root in your app configuration, as well.
Edit: I misread the question; not one app per URI, but one app serving some (but not all) endpoints. This is actually moderately easy to do with some basic rewrites, as well.
Deploy your Rails app to, let's say, /railsapp (but without setting relative_url_root). Now, in .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^account/(.*)$ railsapp/account/$1 [L]
This will internally remap /account/* to /railsapp/account/*, so as long as you set up a rewrite per path your Rails app handles, it should work fine.
Subdomains make it easier (thus why most sites have, but you could probably use rewrite rules with name based virtual host routing. How exactly to do that I'm not sure. More of a Apache rewrite question for SuperUser.
A word of warning if you are using SSL you might have issues arise.
You could set it up to first hit one app where you expect most URLs would work and if it 404s you could instruct it to try the other app next, though this will be slower than routing per route but it will work without having to hardcode a route for every page that is created on say, Refinery CMS.
Currently I'm also working on a same kind of CMS. In my case also I need multiple sub domains, like
here is what I did
in rails 3 (if you are on rails3) you can get the sub domain by using request object. (If you are on rails 2.x you can use sub domain_fu plugin)
In my case I have used a before filter to get the sub domain, after that I load the site according to the sub domain
For development use the following public domain ""
this was very useful for me
let users have their domains forwarded to your subdomain (with masking)
ex : -->
hope this helps

Should I put .htm at the end of my urls?

The tutorials I'm reading say to do that, but none of the websites I use do it. Why not?
none of the websites I use [put .htm into urls] Why not?
The simple answer would be:
Most sites offer dynamic content instead of static html pages.
Longer answer:
The file extension doesn't matter. It's all about the web server configuration.
Web server checks the extension of the file, then it knows how to handle it (send .html straight to client, run .php through mod_php and generate a html page etc.) This is configurable.
Then web server sends the content (static or generated) to the client, and the http protocol includes telling the client the type of the content in the headers before the web page is sent.
By the way, .htm is no longer needed. We don't use DOS with 8.3 filenames anymore.
To make it even more complicated: :-)
Web server can do url rewriting. For example it could redirect all urls of form :[imagename] to actual script located in[imagename]
The .htm extension is an abomination left over from the days of 8.3 file name length limitations. If you're writing HTML, its more properly stored in a .html file. Bear in mind that a URL that you see in your browser doesn't necessarily correspond directly to some file on the server, which is why you rarely see .html or .htm in anything other than static sites.
I presume you're reading tutorials on creating static html web pages. Most sites are dynamically generated from programs that use the url to determine the content you see. The url is not tied to a file. If no such dynamic programs are present, then files are urls are synonomous.
If you can, leave off the .htm (or any file extension). It adds nothing to the use of the site, and exposes an irrelevant detail in the URL.
There's no need to put .htm in your URL's. Not only does it expose an unnecessary backend detail about your site, it also means that there is less room in your URLs for other characters.
It's true that URL's can be insanely long... but if you email a long link, it will often break. Not everyone uses TinyURL and the like, so it makes sense to keep your URL's short enough so that they don't get truncated in emails. Those four characters (.htm) might make the difference between your emailed url getting truncated or not!

How do you see the client-side URL in ColdFusion?

Let's say, on a ColdFusion site, that the user has navigated to
The server-side code typically used to tell you what URL the user is at, looks like:
however, "cgi.script_name" automatically includes the default cfm file for that folder- eg, that code, when parsed and expanded, is going to show us ""
So, whether the user is visiting sub1/index.cfm or sub1/, the "cgi.script_name" var is going to include that "index.cfm".
The question is, how does one figure out which URL the user actually visited? This question is mostly for SEO-purposes- It's often preferable to 301 redirect "/index.cfm" to "/" to make sure there's only one URL for any piece of content- Since this is mostly for the benefit of spiders, javascript isn't an appropriate solution in this case. Also, assume one does not have access to isapi_rewrite or mod_rewrite- The question is how to achieve this within ColdFusion, specifically.
I suppose this won't be possible.
If the client requests "GET /", it will be translated by the web server to "GET /{whatever-default-file-exists-fist}" before ColdFusion even gets invoked. (This is necessary for the web server to know that ColdFusion has to be invoked in the first place!)
From ColdFusion's (or any application server's) perspective, the client requested "GET /index.cfm", and that's what you see in #CGI#.
As you've pointed out yourself, it would be possible to make a distinction by using a URL-rewriting tool. Since you specifically excluded that path, I can only say that you're out of luck here.
Not sure that it is possible using CF only, but you can make the trick using webserver's URL rewriting -- if you're using them, of course.
For Apache it can look this way. Say, we're using following mod_rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$
index.cfm?page=$1&noindex=yes [L]
Now when we're trying to access URL CGI shows:
QUERY_STRING page=10&noindex=yes
See the idea? Think same thing is possible when using IIS.
Hope this helps.
I do not think this is possible in CF. From my understanding, the webserver (Apache, IIS, etc) determines what default page to show, and requests it from CF. Therefore, CF does not know what the actual called page is.
Sergii is right that you could use URL rewrting to do this. If that is not available to you, you could use the fact that a specific page is given precedence in the list of default pages.
Let's assume that default.htm is the first page in the list of default pages. Write a generic default.htm that automatically forwards to index.cfm (or whatever). If you can adjust the list of defaults, you can have CF do a 301 redirect. If not, you can do a meta-refresh, or JS redirect, or somesuch in an HTML file.
I think this is possible.
Using GetHttpRequestData you will have access to all the HTTP headers.
Then the GET header in that should tell you what file the browser is requesting.
<cfdump var="#GetHttpRequestData()#">
to see exactly what you have available to use.
Note - I don't have Coldfusion to hand to verify this.
Edit: Having done some more research it appears that GetHttpRequestData doesn't include the GET header. So this method probably won't work.
I am sure there is a way however - try dumping the CGI scope and see what you have.
If you are able to install ISAPI_rewrite (Assuming you're on IIS) -
It will insert a variable x-rewrite-url into the GetHttpRequestData() result structure which will either have / or /index.cfm depending on which URL was visited.

What is the point of www in web urls? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been trying to collect analytics for my website and realized that Google analytics was not setup to capture data for visitors to (it was only setup for I noticed that many sites will redirect me to when I type only However, stackoverflow does exactly the opposite (redirects to just
So, I've decided that in order to get accurate analytics, I should have my web server redirect all users to either, or Is there a reason to do one or the other? Is it purely personal preference? What's the deal with www? I never type it in when I type domains in my browser.
History lesson.
There was a time when the Web did not dominate the Internet. An organisation with a domain (e.g. my university, would typically have several hostnames set up for various services: (Gopher is a precursor to the World-wide Web), (for NNTP Usenet), (FTP - including anonymous FTP archives). They were just the obvious names for accessing those services.
When HTTP came along, the convention became to give the web server the hostname "www". The convention was so widespread, that some people came to believe that the "www" part actually told the client what protocol to use.
That convention remains popular today, and it does make some amount of sense. However it's not technically required.
I think Slashdot was one of the first web sites to decide to use a www-less URL. Their head man Rob Malda refers to "TCWWW" - "The Cursed WWW" - when press articles include "www" in his URL. I guess that for a site like Slashdot which is primarily a web site to a strong degree, "www" in the URL is redundant.
You may choose whichever you like as the canonical address. But do be consistent. Redirecting from other forms to the canonical form is good practice.
Also, skipping the “www.” saves you four bytes on each request. :)
It's important to be aware that if you don't use a www (or some other subdomain) then all cookies will be submitted to every subdomain and you won't be able to have a cookie-less subdomain for serving static content thus reducing the amount of data sent back and forth between the browser and the server. Something you might later come to regret.
(On the other hand, authenticating users across subdomains becomes harder.)
It's just a subdomain based on tradition, really. There's no point of it if you don't like it, and it wastes typing time as well. I like more that for my sites.
It's primarily a matter of establishing indirection for hostnames. If you want to be able to change where points without affecting where points, this matters. This was more likely to be useful when the web was younger, and the "www" helped make it clear why the box existed. These days, many, many domains exist largely to serve web content, and the record all but has to point to the HTTP server anyway, since people will blindly omit the www. (Just this week I was horrified when I tried going to a site someone had mentioned, only to find that it didn't work when I omitted the www, or when I accidentally added a trailing dot after the TLD.)
Omitting the "www" is very Web 2.0 Adoptr Gamma... but with good reason. If people only go to your site for the web content, why keep re-adding the www? I general, I'd drop it.
Google Analytics should work just fine with or without a www subdomain, though. Plenty of sites using GA successfully that don't force either/or.
It is the third-level domain (see Domain name. There was a time where it designated a physical server: some sites used URLs like, and so on.
Now, it is more virtual (different 3rd-level domains pointing to same server, same URL handled by different servers), but it is often used to handle sub-domains, and with some trick, you can even handle an infinite number of sub-domains: see, precisely, Wikipedia which uses this level for the language (, and so on) or others site to give friendly URLs to their users (eg. my page
So the www. isn't just here for decoration, it has a purpose, even if the vast majority of sites just stick to this default, and if not provided, supply it automatically. I knew some sites forgetting to redirect, giving an error if you omitted it, while they communicated on the www-less URL: they expected users to supply it automatically!
Let alone the URL already specifies what protocol is to be used so "www." is really of no use.
As far as I remember, in former times services like www and ftp were located on different machines, therefore using the natural DNS features (subdomains) was necessary at this time (more or less).
