Connection pool issue with ActiveRecord objects in rufus-scheduler - ruby-on-rails

I'm using rufus-scheduler to run a number of frequent jobs that do some various tasks with ActiveRecord objects. If there is any sort of network or postgresql hiccup, even after recovery, all the threads will throw the following error until the process is restarted:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError (could not obtain a database connection within 5 seconds (waited 5.000122687 seconds). The max pool size is currently 5; consider increasing it.
The error can easily be reproduced by restarting postgres. I've tried playing (up to 15) with the pool size, but no luck there.
That leads me to believe the connections are just in a stale state, which I thought would be fixed with the call to clear_stale_cached_connections!.
Is there a more reliable pattern to do this?
The block that is passed is a simple select and update active record call, and happens to matter what the AR object is.
The rufus job:
scheduler.every '5s' do
db do
DataFeed.update #standard AR select/update
def db(&block)
#ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection # this didn't help either way
yield block
rescue Exception => e
raise e
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close if ActiveRecord::Base.connection

Rufus scheduler starts a new thread for every job.
ActiveRecord on the other hand cannot share connections between threads, so it needs to assign a connection to a specific thread.
When your thread doesn't have a connection yet, it will get one from the pool.
(If all connections in the pool are in use, it will wait untill one is returned from another thread. Eventually timing out and throwing ConnectionTimeoutError)
It is your responsibility to return it back to the pool when you are done with it, in a Rails app, this is done automatically. But if you are managing your own threads (as rufus does), you have to do this yourself.
Lucklily, there is an api for this:
If you put your code inside a with_connection block, it will get a connection form the pool, and release it when it is done
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
#your code here
In your case:
def db
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
Should do the trick....

The reason can be that you have many threads which are using all connections, if DataFeed.update method takes more than 5 seconds, than your block can be overlapped.
scheduler.every("5s", :allow_overlapping => false) do
Also try release connection instead of closing it.

I don't really know about rufus-scheduler, but I got some ideas.
The first problem could be a bug on rufus-scheduler that does not checkout database connection properly. If it's the case the only solution is to clear stale connections manually as you already do and to inform the author of rufus-scheduler about your issue.
Another problem that could happen is that your DataFeed operation takes a really long time and because it is performed every 5 secondes Rails is running out of database connections, but it's rather unlikely.


Rails DB Connection Pool Hydration

I'm working on a Rails 7 app with some pretty tight response time SLAs. I am well within SLA during normal runtime. Where I fall painfully short is first request. I've added an initializer that will load up ActiveRecord and make sure all of my DB models are loaded. It hydrates some various memory caches, etc. This took me pretty far. My first response time was reduced about 60%. However, I've been trying to figure out a couple things are are still slowing down first response time.
First API request does a check to see if I need to do a rails migration. I've not figured out how to move this check to init.
First API request appears to be be using a fresh DB Pool.. not the one that was used in init phase. I've tried fully hydrating the pool to spare the API from creating them when Rails kicks on, but I've not figured it out.
In an initializer I can do something like this:
connections = []
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.size.times do
connections << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.checkout
connections.each { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.checkin(_1) }
According to my PG logs, this opens up the connections and Rails does all of this typing queries, setting session properties, etc. However, when I go to fire off my first API call, my pool is empty.
In the end what ended up being the general issue was I needed to be hydrating the pool with the correct connections. on_worker_boot is because this is running behind puma.
on_worker_boot do
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do
# spin up db connections
connections = []
(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.size - 1).times do
connections << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.checkout
connections.each { |x| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.checkin(x) }

Rails 4 - threading error

I am trying to perform some calculations to populate some historic data in the database.
The database is SQL Server. The server is tomcat (using JRuby).
I am running the script file in a rails console pointed to the uat environment.
I am trying to use threads to speed up the execution. The idea being that each thread would take an object and run the calculations for it, and save the calculated values back to the database.
Problem: I keep getting this error:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError (could not obtain a database connection within 5.000 seconds (waited 5.000 seconds))
require 'thread'
threads = []
items_to_calculate = Item.where("id < 11").to_a #testing only 10 items for now
for item in items_to_calculate
threads << { |myitem|
my_calculator =
to_save = my_calculator.calculate_details
to_save.each do |dt|!
threads.each { |aThread| aThread.join }
You're probably spawning more threads than ActiveRecord's DB connection pool has connections. Ekkehard's answer is an excellent general description; so here's a simple example of how to limit your workers using Ruby's thread-safe Queue.
require 'thread'
queue =
items.each { |i| queue << i } # Fill the queue do # Only 5 concurrent workers do
until queue.empty?
item = queue.pop
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
# Work
I chose 5 because that's the ConnectionPool's default, but you can certainly tune that to the max that still works, or populate another queue with the result to save later and run an arbitrary number of threads for the calculation.
The with_connection method grabs a connection, runs your block, then ensures the connection is released. It's necessary because of a bug in ActiveRecord where the connection doesn't always get released otherwise. Check out this blog post for some details.
You are potentially starting a huge amount of threads at the same time if you leave the testing stage.
Each of these threads will need a DB connection. Either Rails is going to create a new one for every thread (possible creating a huge amount of DB connections at the same time), or it does not, in which case you'll run into trouble because several threads are trying to use the same connection in parallel. The first case would explain the error message because there will probably be a hard limit of open DB connections in your DB server.
Creating threads like this is usually not advisable. You're usually better off to create a handful (controlled/limited) amount of worker threads and using a queue to distribute work between them.
In your case, you could have a set of worker threads to do the calculations, and a second set of worker threads to write to the DB. I do not know enough about the details of your code to decide for you which is better. If the calculation is expensive and the DB-work is not, then you will probably have only one worker for writing to the DB in a serial fashion. If your DB is a beast and highly optimized for parallel writing and you need to write a lot of data, then you will maybe want a (small) amount of DB workers.

Rails 4 Multithreaded App - ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError

I have a simple rails app that scrapes JSON from a remote URL for each instance of a model (let's call it A). The app then creates a new data-point under an associated model of the 1st. Let's call this middle model B and the data point model C. There's also a front end that let's users browse this data graphically/visually.
Thus the hierarchy is A has many -> B which has many -> C. I scrape a URL for each A which returns a few instances of B with new Cs that have data for the respective B.
While attempting to test/scale this app I have encountered a problem where rails will stop processing, hang for a while, and finally throw a "ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError could not obtain a database connection within 5.000 seconds" Obviously the 5 is just the default.
I can't understand why this is happening when 1) there are no DB calls being made explicitly, 2) the log doesn't show any under the hood DB calls happening when it does work 3) it works sometimes and not others.
What's going on with rails 4 AR and the connection pool?!
A couple of notes:
The general algorithm is to spawn a thread for each model A, scrape the data, create in memory new instances of model C, save all the C's in one transaction at the end.
Sometimes this works, other times it doesn't, i can't figure out what causes it to fail. However, once it fails it seems to fail more and more.
I eager load all the model A's and B's to begin with.
I use a transaction at the end to insert all the newly created C instances.
I currently use resque and resque scheduler to do this work but I highly doubt they are the source of the problem as it persists even if I just do "rails runner Class.do_work"
Any suggestions and or thoughts greatly appreciated!
I believe I have found the cause of this problem. When you loop through an association via
model.association.each do |a|
#work here
Rails does some behind the scenes work that "uses" a DB connection. I put uses in quotes because in my case I think the result is actually returned from memory. I eager loaded the association and thus the DB is never actually hit.
Preliminary testing of wrapping my block in a
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
#something me doing?
seems to have resolved the issue.
I uncovered this by adding a backtrace to my thread's error message that was printing out.
-----For those using resque----
I also had to add a bit in my resque.rake file to get this fully working as intended.
task 'resque:setup' => :environment do
Resque.after_fork do |job|
If you are you using
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
... code
to accomplish faster transactions in a thread, note that this locks the database. I had an app that did this for a hugely expensive process, in a thread, and it would lock the DB for over 5 seconds. It is faster, though it will lock your database

Threads, ActiveRecord and "PG::Error: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections"

TL;DR How do you close the ActiveRecord connection to the database server after you've joined a thread?
I have a rake task that runs a maintenance task over and over again, but needs to enforce a time limit on the tasks (and report an error, etc.). I accomplish this by using and #join(timeout), then #kill if it takes too long. Unfortunately after a few iterations, I receive:
PG::Error: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
It appears that Rails is automatically creating a new ActiveRecord connection every time the thread starts.
The problem goes away when I run ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close within the thread, but unfortunately I can not do that because of the #join.
Here's the simplified code:
while true
thr = {
unless thr.join(10)
sleep 1
Sticking this after the join block seems to work:

Rails: Thread won't affect database unless joined to main Thread

I have a background operation I would like to occur every 20 seconds in Rails given that some condition is true. It kicked off when a certain controller route is hit, and it looks like this
def startProcess
argId =
t = do
while (Argument.isRunning(argId)) do
puts "Thread ran"
sleep 20
However, this code does absolutely nothing to my database unless I call "t.join" in which case my whole server is blocked for a long time (but it works).
Why can't the read commit ActiveRecords without being joined to the main thread?
The thread calls methods that look something like
def sample
model =
but the models are not saved to the DB unless the thread is joined to the main thread. Why is this? I have been banging my head about this for hours.
The answer marked correct is technically correct, however this edit is to outline the solution I eventually used. The issues is that Ruby does not have true threading, so even once I got my DB connection working the Thread couldn't get processor time unless there was little traffic to the server.
Solution: start a new Heroku worker instance, point it at the same database, and make it execute a rake task that has the same functionality as the thread. Now everything works great.
You need to re-establish the database connection:
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection Rails.env
