SQL API or Fusion Tables searching - google-fusion-tables

I want to search my table in each column I choose. What am I doing wrong?
this is work
SELECT * FROM TABLE_ID WHERE firstname LIKE '%"+ s +"%' ORDER BY id DESC OFFSET "+ start +" LIMIT "+ localStorage.getItem('delimeter'))
this is not
SELECT * FROM TABLE_ID WHERE firstname LIKE '%"+ s +"%' OR lastname LIKE '%"+ s +"%' ORDER BY id DESC OFFSET "+ start +" LIMIT "+ localStorage.getItem('delimeter'))

The Fusion Table API does not support the 'OR' SQL operator, only 'AND'.
You could run two queries and combine the results in the client.


Create dynamic SQL based on column names passed through a string

I need to find out rows that are present in table A and missing from table B (using LEFT JOIN) wherein table A and table B are two tables with same structure but within different schema.
But the query has to be constructed using Dynamic SQL and the columns that need to be used for performing JOIN are stored in a string. How to extract the column names from string and use them to dynamically construct below query :
Database is Azure SQL Server
eg :
DECLARE #ColNames NVARCHAR(150) = 'col1,col2'
Query to be constructed based on columns defined in ColNames :-
FROM Table A
Left Join
Table B
ON A.col1 = B.col1
AND A.col2 = B.col2
If the number of columns in #ColNames is more then the SELECT statement needs to cater for all the column.
Without knowing the full context, try this:
DECLARE #ColNames NVARCHAR(150) = 'col1,col2'
DECLARE #WhereCondition NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
SELECT #JoinContion += CONCAT('[a].', QUOTENAME(Value), ' = ', '[b].', QUOTENAME(Value), (CASE WHEN LEAD(Value) OVER(ORDER BY Value) IS NOT NULL THEN ' AND ' ELSE '' END))
,#WhereCondition += CONCAT('[a].', QUOTENAME(Value), ' IS NULL', (CASE WHEN LEAD(Value) OVER(ORDER BY Value) IS NOT NULL THEN ' AND ' ELSE '' END))
SELECT #JoinContion, #WhereCondition
String_Split: To split the input string into columns
Lead: to determine if we need the AND keyword when it's not the last row.
Be aware the NOT EXISTS is probably a better solution then LEFT JOIN

Getting incomplete data when running 6 ignite servers

I am running 6 Ignite servers on version 2.7.5. The problem is when I am hitting queries using my client API I am not getting all records. Only some records are coming. I am using partitioned cache. I don't want to use replicated mode. When queried with DBeaver it show all records have been fetched.
The following code is used to fetch the data:
public List<Long> getGroupIdsByUserId(Long createdBy) {
final String query = "select g.groupId from groups g where g.createdBy = ? and g.isActive = 1";
SqlFieldsQuery sql = new SqlFieldsQuery(query);
List<List<?>> rsList = groupsCache.query(sql).getAll();
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<?> l : rsList) {
return ids;
Ignite Version - 2.7.5
Client Query method
And the join Query is :
final String query = "select distinct u.userId from
groupusers gu "
+ "inner join \"GroupsCache\".groups g on gu.groupId = g.groupId
+ "inner join \"OrganizationsCache\".organizations o on
gu.organizationId = o.organizationId "
+ "inner join \"UsersCache\".users u on gu.userId = u.userId
where " + "g.groupId = ? and "
+ "g.isActive = 1 and " + "gu.isActive = 1 and " +
= ? and " + "o.organizationId = ? and "
+ "o.isActive = 1 and " + "u.isActive = 1";
For the join query Actual records in db is 120 but with ignite client only 3-4 records are comming .and they are not consistent. sometime it comes 3 records and some time it is 4 records. And for query
select g.groupId from groups g where g.createdBy = ? and g.isActive = 1
actual records are 27 but comming records are sometimes 20 sometimes 19 and sometimes complete. Please Help me with this and with collocated joins..
Most likely this would mean that your affinity is incorrect.
Apache Ignite assumes that your data has proper affinity, i.e. when joining two tables, rows to join will always be available on the same node. This works when you either join by primary key, or by a part of primary key which is marked as affinity column (e.g. by #AffinityKeyMapped annotation). There's a documentation page about affinity.
You can check that by setting distribtedJoins connection setting to true. If you see all the records after that, it means you need to fix your affinity.

Getting Conditional Count in Join with Laravel Query Builder

I am trying to achieve the following with Laravel Query builder.
I have a table called deals . Below is the basic schema
I also have another table called merchants whose schema is
Currently I am getting deals using the following query
$deals = DB::table('deals')
-> join ('merchants', 'deals.merchant_id', '=', 'merchants.merchant_id')
-> where ('merchant_url_text', $merchant_url_text)
-> get();
Since only 1 merchant is associated with a deal, I am getting deals and related merchant info with the query.
Now I have a 3rd table called tbl_deal_votes. Its schema looks like
vote (1 if voted up, 0 if voted down)
What I want to do is join this 3rd table (on deal_id) to my existing query and be able to also get the upvotes and down votes each deal has received.
To do this in a single query you'll probably need to use SQL subqueries, which doesn't seem to have good fluent query support in Laravel 4/5. Since you're not using Eloquent objects, the raw SQL is probably easiest to read. (Note the below example ignores your deals.deal_id and merchants.merchant_id columns, which can likely be dropped. Instead it just uses your deals.id and merchants.id fields by convention.)
$deals = DB::select(
deals.id AS deal_id,
merchants.id AS merchant_id,
COALESCE(tbl_upvotes.upvotes_count, 0) AS upvotes_count,
COALESCE(tbl_downvotes.downvotes_count, 0) AS downvotes_count
JOIN merchants ON (merchants.id = deals.merchant_id)
SELECT deal_id, count(*) AS upvotes_count
FROM tbl_deal_votes
WHERE vote = 1 && deal_id
GROUP BY deal_id
) tbl_upvotes ON (tbl_upvotes.deal_id = deals.id)
SELECT deal_id, count(*) AS downvotes_count
FROM tbl_deal_votes
WHERE vote = 0
GROUP BY deal_id
) tbl_downvotes ON (tbl_downvotes.deal_id = deals.id)
If you'd prefer to use fluent, this should work:
$upvotes_subquery = '
SELECT deal_id, count(*) AS upvotes_count
FROM tbl_deal_votes
WHERE vote = 1
GROUP BY deal_id';
$downvotes_subquery = '
SELECT deal_id, count(*) AS downvotes_count
FROM tbl_deal_votes
WHERE vote = 0
GROUP BY deal_id';
$deals = DB::table('deals')
DB::raw('deals.id AS deal_id'),
DB::raw('merchants.id AS merchant_id'),
DB::raw('COALESCE(tbl_upvotes.upvotes_count, 0) AS upvotes_count'),
DB::raw('COALESCE(tbl_downvotes.downvotes_count, 0) AS downvotes_count')
->join('merchants', 'merchants.id', '=', 'deals.merchant_id')
->leftJoin(DB::raw('(' . $upvotes_subquery . ') tbl_upvotes'), function($join) {
$join->on('tbl_upvotes.deal_id', '=', 'deals.id');
->leftJoin(DB::raw('(' . $downvotes_subquery . ') tbl_downvotes'), function($join) {
$join->on('tbl_downvotes.deal_id', '=', 'deals.id');
A few notes about the fluent query:
Used the DB::raw() method to rename a few selected columns.
Otherwise, there would have been a conflict between deals.id
and merchants.id in the results.
Used COALESCE to default null votes to 0.
Split the subqueries into separate PHP strings to improve readability.
Used left joins for the subqueries so deals with no upvotes/downvotes still show up.

How do list most linked issues using either Jira advanced query or JQL

I am trying to figure out a query where top 10 linked issues are returned. I know there is linkedIssues(issueKey,linkType) but it works on single issuekey for each call.
Is there a call similar like below, (soory that sql is not error proofed)
select issue.id from issue where linkedIssues(issue.id) order by linkedIssues(issue.id) desc?
Yes, you can do this with SQL. The table issuelink is a relationship table with 'source', 'destination', and 'linktype' columns. The SQL query below would return all issues which have a destination link reference.
SELECT I.id, I.pkey, count(*) AS LinkCount
FROM jiraissue I
JOIN issuelink L on L.DESTINATION = I.ID
JOIN issuelinktype LT on LT.ID = L.LINKTYPE
WHERE LT.LINKNAME in ('Blocks', 'Cloners', 'Duplicate', 'Relates')
GROUP BY I.id, I.pkey

Sql server stored procedure

Some one please explain me how does this query works
wbc.CommentText AS Content,
wb.WBId AS Id,
null AS ToDoListName,
null AS DueDate,
u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName AS ActivityBy,
wbc.[Date] as Date,
u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as PartyName,
comp.CompanyId AS CompanyId,
comp.CompanyName AS CompanyName,
wbc.WBCmtId AS SubId,
p.ProjectStartPageId AS ProjectStartPageId
WriteboardComment AS wbc,
WriteBoardVersions AS wbv,
WriteBoard AS wb,
Project AS p,[user] AS u,
Company AS comp
wbc.wbversionid=wbv.wbversionsid and
wbv.WBId=wb.WBId and
wb.ProjectId=p.ProjectId and
p.ProjectId=#projectid and
wbc.CommentedBy=u.UserId and
What is the advantage of joining the tables like this.I found out this one in one project db code.
There is no advantage, this is an old style join and you can easily shoot yourself in the foot when you mess up/leave out the WHERE clause and then you create a cartesian product/cross join by mistake
This used to be the old style of doing the joins. There is no advantage over the classical join version.
